The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

Girls, Question for you...It has been a year since DH's first SA, and we are hoping that his :spermy: numbers have improved since the first one we did so we can get the go ahead to do IUI. We are scheduling his next SA very soon. Does anyone have any positive stories to share that had improved SA results over time that they would like to share....I am trying to stay positive and hopeful for the next SA....This October marks the 2 year anniversary since DH had his original VR.
Hi girls,

I hope everyone is doing well. Good luck and baby dust to all of you ladies in the 2WW!!! :dust: :dust:

AFM, I am saving up to do IUI hopefully soon. My October cycle is going to be testing to prepare and evaluate our ability to be able to do IUI. I had my initial consultation for the IUI yesterday afternoon....The DR was very nice and wants DH to get another SA done to start out to see if his :spermy: numbers have improved since the first one since it has already been an entire year since the first one. I am hoping and praying his numbers have improved since the first one. I did have DH on the Fertilaid vitamins for a little while and the VR DR told us that his :spermy: numbers could improve on their own for up to 2 years after the VR, so I am praying and hoping they have!! The DR said she would hope for him to have at least 10 million :spermy: for the IUI in the best case scenario.... But our first SA was only 5 million, so I am feeling very nervous about how the next SA will be... If the numbers are too low than she may suggest IVF, which we cant afford without insurance and would have to look into changing insurance plans for next year to one that has infertility treatment coverage. The problem with that is some health insurance plans have it written in that they wont cover infertility treatments when someone has had a sterilzation procedure done, so I am worried that DH's vasectomy could make us unable to use the fertility benefits on health insurance plans. The DR, thought that possibly because DH had a reversal that it would null out him being steralized and we would be covered, but I am not so sure.

The other option is me using donor sperm and still doing IUI, DH says he is okay with using donor sperm if we have no other options available to us, but I am not sure if I can come to terms with it or not, I keep going over it in my head trying to figure out if I could be comfortable with using a strangers sperm or not, and not even knowing what the person looks like IRL, They just give you stats about the donors and if you are lucky they may share a baby picture, I have been looking into it online, I dont know if I could do it or not girls..:shrug:.I really would need to take the time to think about it, But at the same time I cant see myself at age 50 and never having a baby of my own either...Well hopefully DH's SA results will be good and I wont even have to consider this decision.

So as for me my testing will start as soon as my period starts next cycle, which will be in the beginning of Octoboer most likely. Between CD 2-4 I need to schedule a day for blood work to check my FSH levels, and than somewhere between CD 3-8 I have to have an ultrasound to check my ovarian reserve and see how many follicles I have, than sometime during CD 5-13 I have to have an HSG done where they put the dye into your follopian tubes and do X-rays to see if I have any blockages in my tubes...So I need to verify and double check with my health insurance but it should cover all of the pretesting since my insurance covers the diagnosis of infertility and not the treatment of it.... I am a little nervous about the iodine dye solution they use to do the HSG because my sister had a test done with iodine and after the test she became allergic to seafood and could no longer eat it. I think because seafood has iodine in it. My sister and I do have different fathers though so her allergies may of been inherited on her fathers side of the family, some of my other brothers and sisters have allergies to different things as well, although I dont, so who knows, but I am still nervous about the HSG, I also have to take antibiotics before I do the HSG...

So long story short My October cycle will at least get me some answers and an idea of what we will have to do next.... For some reason I am feeling down about all of this, i guess I am just worried that DH's SA is going to be too low and than I am going to have to consider the other options, IVF is pretty intense and costly and i am not sure if I am ready to take all of that on now, and the sperm donor thing, well as I previously stated would take me a long time to wrap my head around it and make a decision....

Wow, you've got a lot on your plate just now!

I'm no expert in fertility but I know exactly what it's like to be so overwhelmed by decisions that you don't know where to start! First of all ...

1). Go ahead with your tests! I haven't heard of any problems with the iodine in the tests personally, but it might be worth asking the girls who have already been through the process (long term TTC board?)

2). Get hubby's SA done - there's no point worrying and being anxious about the possibility of using a donor at this stage! Wait for the results and then review. I have everything crossed that his SA has improved over the past year. I'm pretty sure I read on this board that if there aren't enough of hubby's swimmers available in one sample for IUI, there's a way they can extract and store the swimmers from several samples so the end result is a brilliant sample, enough for a go at IUI. I'm sure one of the other girls here could clarify?

Take one step at a time Hun .... and remember: If worrying helps, worry. (my all time favourite saying!)

Good luck and babydust!
:hugs: wannabe. You've sure got a lot of stuff going on. I can't help with SA as DH has only had one done. We're thinking of getting another soon if we don't get a BFP. I agree with Chatty - get all the tests done and worry about the outcomes if it comes to it. I was guilty of thinking too far ahead and getting myself into a tizzy. Easier said than done, but take each step at a time. If it comes to it, you can have serious discussions about what to do if IUI isn't an option. I hope everything goes well x x :dust:
Thanks for the advice girls....:hugs: I really appreciate it!!!

I have 2 threads going asking for girls to share their experiences with the HSG and most of them had a good experience with only minor cramping. One girl had alot of pain but it was because her tubes were blocked. Overall it doesnt sound as bad as I am probably making it out to be in my head. I think there is always the fear of the unknown and finding a problem when I do the HSG. I am definatly going to take a pain medication in advance and maybe a volume to keep me calm and relaxed as well.

I agree with both of you girls though and think that I should just take this all one step at a time. Hopefully after October's tests DH and me can decide what we want to do next.. My mom and DH also gave me the same advice that you girls are as well.:thumbup: And you know what they say "Great minds think alike!" Hopefully I can try to relax and not freak myself out so much anymore...:wacko: After all what will be will be, worrying wont change what the outcome is going to be!!!
Just a quick Q here - have any of you ladies tried Soy Iso? Did it make any difference to your Ov?

My cycles have become a little "wacky" lately, they used to be bang on 24 days but now, are anything between 22 and 28 days. I'm not convinced I'm actually ovulating due to no peaks on the monitor and pretty much no premenstrual symptoms (combined with erratic cycles). I decided to try Soy Iso this month on days 2-6. I took 138mg on days 2&3, 161mg days 4&5 and 184mg on day 6. I took them before bed and had no side effects other than being a little emotional during the day (crying at tv!) - I'm CD8 today and got a "high" on the monitor this morning! That's at least 3 days earlier than previous months (where it went to "high" and stayed there til next AF). I'm hoping that this is a good sign and the monitor will detect Ov this month!.

I'm really hoping Soy works well enough to produce a strong, detectable ovulation .... at least then, I'll be in the running for a BFP instead of just being frustrated with the whole "did I or didn't I Ovulate???". I'm temping this month too for the first time!
Sorry Chatty, never tried soy iso so can't help. I did chart when I was TTC Holly though. I found it useful because I've never had a positive opk, and although it doesn't tell you when you're about to OV, at least you can tell if you have or not. I can't do it now, because you have to have a decent run of sleep to get accurate temps. I don't do sleep anymore, I have a 9 month old who thinks she's a newborn :haha: Hope it works for you :dust: :dust:
I was about to reply "oh no! Poor you!" ..... But at the moment, I'd give anything to be a sleep deprived new mum lol. It's really encouraging to know that negative OPKs don't mean that you're not ovulating - it's been stressing me out quite a bit over the past few months. I've bought some IC OPKs to use this month also, I'm planning on using them in the afternoon when they arrive, hopefully they'll at least show SOMETHING. Maybe it's just that I have a short LH surge in the afternoon that's disappeared by the time I test with the monitor the following morning? I'm using a full box of tests on the monitor every month so it's not cheap! It asks to continue testing until it detects a peak, or until AF begins - if the IC OPK detect the LH surge, I'll carry on testing on the CBFM but use an old test stick until AF/BFP (it'll save me about £10 per month!)

Babydust!! I hope you get news of a brother or sister for Holly very soon!
I've given up using opks now, they're so expensive and I never get a positive anyway. I do think that for some people, the surge is so short it can be hard to catch it. The charting should definitely help you see if you've OVed or not. I really recommend the 'Take Charge of Your Fertility' book by Toni Weschler, it's got some great info that might help you to understand your body better.

At the moment we're just BDing when we can. DH works away every other week, so I've got no idea if we're doing it at the right time lol. Our doc told us to BD every other day after AF has finished, and not to try and time it. It worked for us last time, but this time's a bit trickier as DH is away so much.
I know that feeling!! DH works away too - I'm hoping I manage to Ov this week as he's away next week :( I'm sure we'll get there eventually! PMA and all that!
Hi Wannabeprego,

My goodness you do have a lot on your plate. I feel like I’m reading my story through you. Let’s see, DH started FB in April to improve his counts and we did one SA in July and we had 3 million 60% motility and 20% morphology. We were really excited about it and so we waited another two months and did another one and the numbers were lower. 4 million 50% motility and 10% morphology. Now our dr said we needed 5-10 million to do IUI but they were recommending IVF. Our insurance doesn’t cover any infertility treatments but it does cover being diagnosed with infertility. All of my blood work was done two years ago and that’s when I was diagnosed with PCOS. Now I got myself on a diet and started to eat healthier and I went from severe to mild. I did have an HSG April 2010 which actually didn’t hurt and my tubes were clear. I’ve been on Metformin since and prenatal vitamins. I asked the dr if we could attempt an IUI even though we didn’t have enough sperm and they said it was up to me. DH and I have talked about using donor sperm but I don’t want to. My point is why even do a VR if we were going to end up using a donor! Anyways, I really hope you have enough sperm for IUI and I really hope you get your :bfp: because you deserve it! Maybe we are both going to get it next month. I am waiting for the :witch: so I can have clomid and start the process.

Hi ChattyB,

I read that PCOS girls cannot use soy but I tried it anyways. It did help me ovulate but it was a late ovulation. I used it days 4-8 and at night so avoid the heat flashes. I’ve also read that some girls get an earlier ovulation. Good luck! I hope you are able to detect a strong ovulation.

Hi Sapphire1,

Ever since I’ve been trying to have a baby only once did I get a positive opk. It was the month I used soy. I know how you feel, you spend all that money and to throw it away.

Good luck ladies!! I hope we all get our :bfp: soon!
Hi Wannabeprego,

My goodness you do have a lot on your plate. I feel like I’m reading my story through you. Let’s see, DH started FB in April to improve his counts and we did one SA in July and we had 3 million 60% motility and 20% morphology. We were really excited about it and so we waited another two months and did another one and the numbers were lower. 4 million 50% motility and 10% morphology. Now our dr said we needed 5-10 million to do IUI but they were recommending IVF. Our insurance doesn’t cover any infertility treatments but it does cover being diagnosed with infertility. All of my blood work was done two years ago and that’s when I was diagnosed with PCOS. Now I got myself on a diet and started to eat healthier and I went from severe to mild. I did have an HSG April 2010 which actually didn’t hurt and my tubes were clear. I’ve been on Metformin since and prenatal vitamins. I asked the dr if we could attempt an IUI even though we didn’t have enough sperm and they said it was up to me. DH and I have talked about using donor sperm but I don’t want to. My point is why even do a VR if we were going to end up using a donor! Anyways, I really hope you have enough sperm for IUI and I really hope you get your :bfp: because you deserve it! Maybe we are both going to get it next month. I am waiting for the :witch: so I can have clomid and start the process.

Good luck ladies!! I hope we all get our :bfp: soon!

Thanks for sharing your story with me and for the good luck and for the Birthday wishes... I am glad that you can relate and understand my situation, it makes me feel better knowing you can understand where I am coming from.....:hugs:

Hopefully we will both see better SA numbers and can both get pregnant from the IUI and get our BFP's soon!!!! Good luck and baby dust to you hun!!! :dust: :dust:
Hello HappyBunny. I am good thanks. I've completely lost track of my cycle, so I don't know if I'm in the 2 week wait or not. I reckon that's a good thing :haha:

How are you?
Hi ladies, how is everyone?? long time no speak. Have only just got my internet back on after the move,(nearly a month) but we are kind of settled in our new house now, just in time for my fertile few days :happydance: we did use pre seed last month but with the move we didnt get chance to :sex: much so i was shocked when the :witch: was late i was so excited but alas it must just have been the stress of moving :-( she showed up 2 days late.
:hugs: Sorry the witch got you cj. Glad the move went well and you're settling in.

:dust: for everyone x x
Hi Ladies
May I join you? My hubby had his vasectomy May 09 and we have been ttc no 4 since Nov 09 with no luck-although I think I've had a few chemicals. My hubby's sperm count is fine but he doesn't have many swimmers and 98% antibodies. I'm going to be 40 in November so we're trying to decide whether to see a fertility specialist, we had a terrible experience with a fertility specialist last year which did upset us both greatly. she said I was too old + fat to get pregnant and why were we even bothering to try when we have 2 children with us! I was a bit upset because most of my bloods have been fine (progesterone a bit low) the only know problem is our low sperm motility. She also said we were selfish to try because if i got pregnant I might die and leave my kids motherless-I'm a size 16 with no health problems (normal blood pressure).
Anyway I'm not ready to give up, having acupuncture + hoping that helps.
FX we all get our :bfp: soon
Hi Sukisam, of course you can join us. I can't believe the fertility specialist had the cheek to say that to you - it's awful! 40 isn't too old, and you're definitely not too fat - I was a size 18 when I got pregnant with Holly. I hope you can find a better specialist. Good luck with the acupuncture, I've heard it can work wonders. Will your DH have it too?

Hi Sapphire,
thanks for your response, she was horrid took me ages to get over it, of course I know it would be better to be slim but unfortunately I've had a really tough couple of years and controlling my eating hasn't happened yet :blush:
Yes, OH has acupunture too just before I Ovulate but he sometimes works out of Bristol so he's a bit harder to co-ordinate.
Hi Sapphire, do you temp? Let’s hope you are in the 2WW and :dust: to you hoping you get your :bfp: I’m doing good. I used to temp but I haven’t done it in a few weeks. I think I need to get back to it.

Hi CJ, sorry babe the :witch: got you. I hate it when things like this happen. You are super excited that you are late and then you wake up to her ugly face!:hugs: I’m glad you are settled into your home. We use preseed too. We’ve been using it for a while.

Hello Sukisam- welcome! I cannot believe the dr would say those awful things to you! :growlmad: No manners! I would have told him/her something. Is there another dr you can request? You are never too old. People now a day are getting prego at 45 or older. Good luck babe! I hope you get prego soon.

AFM, I finished my last provera pill last Friday and I’m still waiting for :witch: to show her face. Usually she comes three days after and so far nothing. If she doesn’t come in ten days then I’m supposed to called the dr again. The only time I’m actually waiting for her is the time she won’t show her face.

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