The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

Hi Ladies
Guess I need some hope / inspiration really.
My story is I am 39, DH 43 we have two children together, 12 and 10 and regretted having the V when our youngest was a baby. Had a VR four years ago which was a complete failure, poor DR had a second reversal April 2010 which in August the results were positive, albeit low sperm at 7million but everything else was good such as motility / progression. We felt quite uplifted by the results as it was better than no sperm. Since then we have been trying to conceive. I have to say it is incredibly tough and draining as this has been on our minds for 4 years now, and the disappointment each month is heartbreaking. I worry that as its nearly 18 months since the last VR that it is never going to happen and maybe we just have to accept that. Also has anyone had any success with any fertility supplements for both partners? Any advice, support would be most appreciated. Good luck to you all xx

Hello :flower: I've heard the fertility supplements are quite good so worth giving them a try! Excuse me for asking but did your hubby have his 2nd VR done by the same surgeon who did it originally? My DF had his VR in feb this yr and he has no sperm so it has failed :cry: we are in 2 minds to have a re-do as its a lot of money for it to fail again. I hope you dont mind me asking but where did you have the op done? Ihope you get your BFP soon hun x x

Thanks for the response. No the second surgeon was completely different and done by Spire at Gatwick, we had to think long and hard about the re-do but felt, for us, it was the right thing to do. First time around we did little or no research and went with a GP recommendation which looking back was stupid. Second time around we found a surgeon who did a lot of VR and we were pleased with the care and of course the fact that we had sperm present, have you had two sperm tests done littlelou6? Hoping that it all goes well for you
Hi Ladies
Guess I need some hope / inspiration really.
My story is I am 39, DH 43 we have two children together, 12 and 10 and regretted having the V when our youngest was a baby. Had a VR four years ago which was a complete failure, poor DR had a second reversal April 2010 which in August the results were positive, albeit low sperm at 7million but everything else was good such as motility / progression. We felt quite uplifted by the results as it was better than no sperm. Since then we have been trying to conceive. I have to say it is incredibly tough and draining as this has been on our minds for 4 years now, and the disappointment each month is heartbreaking. I worry that as its nearly 18 months since the last VR that it is never going to happen and maybe we just have to accept that. Also has anyone had any success with any fertility supplements for both partners? Any advice, support would be most appreciated. Good luck to you all xx

Hello :flower: I've heard the fertility supplements are quite good so worth giving them a try! Excuse me for asking but did your hubby have his 2nd VR done by the same surgeon who did it originally? My DF had his VR in feb this yr and he has no sperm so it has failed :cry: we are in 2 minds to have a re-do as its a lot of money for it to fail again. I hope you dont mind me asking but where did you have the op done? Ihope you get your BFP soon hun x x

Thanks for the response. No the second surgeon was completely different and done by Spire at Gatwick, we had to think long and hard about the re-do but felt, for us, it was the right thing to do. First time around we did little or no research and went with a GP recommendation which looking back was stupid. Second time around we found a surgeon who did a lot of VR and we were pleased with the care and of course the fact that we had sperm present, have you had two sperm tests done littlelou6? Hoping that it all goes well for you
Evening everyone

Just popped on to say hubbie has done his 2nd Sperm test last week so we are awaiting on the results

His 1st results 10 weeks after VR were 17million sperm but no motility so fingers crossed for some movers, without that I have no chance at all

Am praying, I really do not know what I will do if it comes back with 0% again
Dear Sapphire1
Thank you, for the link, I am going to look into them - willing to give anything a try, thank you so much, we are using preseed already, I also chart and use ovulation sticks to help us that little bit more, not sure what else we can do! Best wishes to you all x
Evening everyone

Just popped on to say hubbie has done his 2nd Sperm test last week so we are awaiting on the results

His 1st results 10 weeks after VR were 17million sperm but no motility so fingers crossed for some movers, without that I have no chance at all

Am praying, I really do not know what I will do if it comes back with 0% again

FX for good results hun x x :flower:

We are stopping all the rubbish caffeine free coffee, no mobile phone hes on wellman conception and has been since the VR and on some vitamin tablets Pycnogenol, so fingers crossed that the results come back improved, even if it is 1% I will be ecstatic
Hopefully it will have all made a difference. Do you know when you'll get the results? x x
Good luck ababytogether! I have everything crossed for some movers!!
FX for you Chatty, you never know!

Hello MissViolet. My DH was taking supplements after his VR, and we did conceive. Here is a link to our surgeon's page, with the recommended supps. It's under the section 'Lifestyle and dietary advice for the reversal patient'.

I took prenatal multivits and maca. We also used preseed lubricant. I'm not sure what worked, as we've been TTC #2 for 5 months with no luck, and all we've tried is preseed. :dust: to you...

Littlelou, our surgeon is quite famous for doing redos in the UK - not sure where you are.

Hi, we are near bournemouth we dont mind travelling but dont want to travel too far as its not comfortable for DF. Where did you have your's done? x
FX for you Chatty, you never know!

Hello MissViolet. My DH was taking supplements after his VR, and we did conceive. Here is a link to our surgeon's page, with the recommended supps. It's under the section 'Lifestyle and dietary advice for the reversal patient'.

I took prenatal multivits and maca. We also used preseed lubricant. I'm not sure what worked, as we've been TTC #2 for 5 months with no luck, and all we've tried is preseed. :dust: to you...

Littlelou, our surgeon is quite famous for doing redos in the UK - not sure where you are.

Hi, we are near bournemouth we dont mind travelling but dont want to travel too far as its not comfortable for DF. Where did you have your's done? x

It was Dr Dawson in Hartlepool, so it might be a bit far for you. When DH had his done, we stayed in Hartlepool overnight and we incorporated a mini holiday at nearby Saltburn so he could recover. We live a lot nearer than you, but the op was a secret so he needed to recover in private. x x
Hi Ladies
Guess I need some hope / inspiration really.
My story is I am 39, DH 43 we have two children together, 12 and 10 and regretted having the V when our youngest was a baby. Had a VR four years ago which was a complete failure, poor DR had a second reversal April 2010 which in August the results were positive, albeit low sperm at 7million but everything else was good such as motility / progression. We felt quite uplifted by the results as it was better than no sperm. Since then we have been trying to conceive. I have to say it is incredibly tough and draining as this has been on our minds for 4 years now, and the disappointment each month is heartbreaking. I worry that as its nearly 18 months since the last VR that it is never going to happen and maybe we just have to accept that. Also has anyone had any success with any fertility supplements for both partners? Any advice, support would be most appreciated. Good luck to you all xx

Hello :flower: I've heard the fertility supplements are quite good so worth giving them a try! Excuse me for asking but did your hubby have his 2nd VR done by the same surgeon who did it originally? My DF had his VR in feb this yr and he has no sperm so it has failed :cry: we are in 2 minds to have a re-do as its a lot of money for it to fail again. I hope you dont mind me asking but where did you have the op done? Ihope you get your BFP soon hun x x

Thanks for the response. No the second surgeon was completely different and done by Spire at Gatwick, we had to think long and hard about the re-do but felt, for us, it was the right thing to do. First time around we did little or no research and went with a GP recommendation which looking back was stupid. Second time around we found a surgeon who did a lot of VR and we were pleased with the care and of course the fact that we had sperm present, have you had two sperm tests done littlelou6? Hoping that it all goes well for you

Thanks for your reply, yep we had 2 sperm test both with no sperm present :cry: very gutting isn't it! Glad to hear it worked second time for me a bit of hope! Do you mind if i ask how much it cost? Gatwick isn't too far for us to travel x
:witch: got me this morning - on to cycle 6. I know in the scheme of things it hasn't been that long, but I'm getting a bit paranoid now that DH's tube has scarred over. He only had one side done, and the surgeon warned us he's at high risk of scarring. It's a bit tricky to get an SA done at the moment, as he's away working every other week. Hopefully, that's the reason we've had no luck, and it's just timing rather than anything else :wacko:

:dust: to all!
:witch: got me this morning - on to cycle 6. I know in the scheme of things it hasn't been that long, but I'm getting a bit paranoid now that DH's tube has scarred over. He only had one side done, and the surgeon warned us he's at high risk of scarring. It's a bit tricky to get an SA done at the moment, as he's away working every other week. Hopefully, that's the reason we've had no luck, and it's just timing rather than anything else :wacko:

:dust: to all!

I am so sorry that the :witch: got you....:hugs::hugs:
Sapphire :hugs: I'm sorry the witch got you :(. Try not to worry yet tho huni, there are plenty of couples who take months, sometimes years, to conceive that don't have the problems associated with VR. Maybe think about getting another SA done to put your mind at rest (spoken by a true hypocrite - see below!)

Wannabe - how are you huni? Any more news? You've been on my mind alot over these last few days and I'm praying for your sticky bean!

I'm now 8dpo - this has been the longest ever TWW, partly as I know I've Ov'd this month (haven't detected LH surge in previous months) and I've started charting. I thought charting would give me something to do to make the TWW hurry up - instead it's just made me more obsessive and tuned in to every little niggle, plotting it on my chart :). I'm in a muddle as we speak .... This mornings bbt showed a huge drop in temperature, right through the coverline - of course, my brain is now buzzing, thing OMG! This MUST be an implantation dip right?? It's more likely to be signalling the start of AF but still, the obsessive hope has been sparked and I know it's all I'm going to think about today lol.

It's been 4 months (this week!) since VR .... and DH and I are unsure about having a SA :(. On one hand, I'm desperate to know what the numbers would be, on the other hand, I dread finding out that they're far too low. We know the VR has worked as we do our own SA style tests on a microscope at home - there are lots of live spermies, happily swimming away in all directions, but we're not scientists and have no idea how to actually count them, or to see if they're "normal". I know that SA results are only a snapshot of what's happening at that particular time, and that even with shockingly low numbers, couples can still conceive .... I suppose I'm happy for now to live with the hope that everything is fine rather than to be told that we're wasting our time.

I suppose I'll know either one way or another in a few days time if all my obsessing during this TWW is in vain!

Good luck ladies!
Thanks girls :hugs:

Ooh Chatty, hope this is it! Do you have a proper microscope? We bought a toy one as we were told that would be enough, suffice to say it wasn't :haha:

I've been thinking of you too wannabe :dust:
DH bought it online (eBay I think). Pretty sure he paid about £80 for it with postage - I think it came from India? He didn't tell me about it til it had arrived haha. You can make out spermies at around 600x - they look like teeny tiny ants, or dots wriggling around - you can see the heads and tails at 1200x and they're really really clear ... At this setting, they look to be about 2mm long lol.

I'm all doubtful now! Did I take the temp wrong (I double checked tho ... Twice!), maybe I slept with my mouth open? Did I drink last night? Did I go to bed too late? Have the clocks changed and screwed up my chart? I swear I'm losing it!!

I'm not sure how to link my chart on this but basically, my coverline is 36.3 degrees, yesterday's temp was 36.7 and today's was 36.2. A whole 0.5 degrees difference.

I've everything crossed that its not the start of an early AF!
Oh, I'd love a fab miscroscope, sounds like lots of fun :haha:

Sounds promising Chatty, that's a big difference. I used to drive myself mad with temping. I carried on after I got my BFP, and my temp started to drop. I freaked out until DH banned me from using my thermometer any more :haha:

BTW, I got my BFP 4 months after VR...
I've seriously got butterfies in my tummy after temping this morning haha. I also woke up with lower backache and cramps ... Another promising sign BUT I've put that down to the lamb korma I had last night and the way I've been sleeping lol. We'll see - if it drops again tomorrow, it's probably the witch firing up her broom, if it rises then I'll think about testing on Tuesday (10dpo) or wait til Weds (AF due day).

I've had 5 psychics tell me that I'll conceive in December '11 so I'm a little sceptical about this cycle. Double edged sword tho ... If I do get my BFP this cycle, i'm gonna be stressing out that it'll go wrong. I know it's only meant to be a bit of fun, but when 5 totally unconnected psychics predict the same month, the same year and 4 of them have said "girl" .... It does make you wonder.

I'm off to sit and rock in the corner with my nervous breakdown. :D
Aw, you sound just like me - worrying about everything! You'll have to do a poll post in the tri forums to see if people's psychic predictions were correct. How much do the predictions cost? I keep seeing people having them on the TTC boards. Mind you, it would give me something extra to stress about :dohh:

I wish I could be asleep for the whole TTC and 2ww process, it's so stressful it's driving me mad :wacko: I didn't think I'd be like this considering I've already got 1 VR LO, but I am...
Tbh, the TWW is stressful for everyone, whether or not they already have children.

I got 3 readings on eBay - they're about £5 ish - the other two were from visiting mediums at the spiritualist church/local psychic event. I did it out of curiosity ... But now, because they've all said the same thing, I'm convinced that December is the month lol. It's a great way to maintain hope BUT I know that if January comes and still no BFP, I'll be devastated :(.

Best to be taken with a pinch of salt!!

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