The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

AFM, I am doing okay, just feeling a little impatient in the 2WW, the progesterone makes me feel dizzy,drowsy, and kind of a spaced out drunk feeling, it isnt fun to take, but I am going to suck it up this cycle to see if it will help me get my BFP in combination with the 50 mg clomid this cycle days 3-7, I am hoping I could maybe get lucky since the HSG might of unblocked my one for sure open tube. :thumbup:

I still need to do the Saline Sonohysterography to find out what that bump was on the inside of my uterus that showed up on the HSG X-ray, but I was pretty busy this month because my mom came down to visit, so I put it off, I am kind of nervous about it after how hard the HSG was on me, ugghhh, so part of me wants to put it off as long as possible, but if I can grow some balls I might do it in December at the beginning of that cycle if AF shows up at the end of this month.... Depending on what the bump is on my uterus it could require surgical removal, which has me pretty nervous...ugghhh... :wacko:

I am feeling kind of sad because it is open enrollment for my husband's health insurance through his job and I thought we could enroll in a more expensive health insurance plan and get infertility benefit coverage for next year, but after I researched it almost all of the plans have no infertility treatment coverage and the only plan that does have coverage but only for IUI and not for IVF was soooooo expensive, it was like about $1,500.00 a month U.S. dollars monthly premium through Aetna, and that is just crazy, Me and DH would be better off just paying for the IUI procedure out of pocket at $350.00 for one attempt which includes the sperm washing and the insemination. This Aetna plan didnt even cover IVF, and all I could think was if someone is willing to pay that much money for health insurance than it better have excellent infertility benefit coverage, and the coverage sucked....:growlmad: Long story short looks like I wont have any infertility coverage next year either and hopefully DH and me can use our tax return $$ to pay for a few rounds of IUI early next year. If the IUI doesnt work and we have to do IVF than I am going to have to save up for that for many years because after researching the cost is about 10 to 14k.....:dohh:

Another long shot is since i am not working right now, that I might be lucky enough to find a job with good health insurance benefits that have infertility benefits, but i am not going to hold my breath on this one, alot of the jobs I am seeing are temporary jobs with no health insurance benefits....

@Cjones, I think you are overseas and not in the states like I am and I saw that you said your DR wouldnt let your DH get a second SA done. Can you go private and pay for an SA yourself to get it done?? In the states an SA isnt that expensive, it was about $140 dollars U.S. when I paid for it myself the first time my DH had his SA done. :shrug:
:hugs: Clare. I'm so sorry hun :hugs:

Wow Brookelynne, sorry to hear the story about your sister. It will be interesting to see if she is actually pregnant.

FX for a successful 2WW wannabe :dust: Hopefully you won't need to look into further fertility treatment. I hope the bump in your uterus is harmless too :hugs:
Ahh wannabe my DH has private medical cover at his job as well but it definitely does not cover any fertility treatment. I can't believe anyone would pay $1500 a month for shit cover, that's insane! We are so lucky in the UK to have the NHS... clearly it does not fund most couples for IVF or anything like that anyway. I have everything crossed for you in this 2ww. Like sapphire said, it would be wonderful if further treatment was not needed :dust:

CJ that's crappy that your Dr. wouldn't allow another S.A. - we were told to just go back for a repeat every 2-4 months - that's on the NHS, not private, so no cost to us. Could your DH go straight to the lab/hospital he went to last time rather than through the GP?
We did our first SA through his DR as it was to far for us to go back to the hospital where he had his VR done, but it was all sorted our through thr dr that did the VR when we went back to do another SA the dr just said not without a referal, but saying that after what has happened to clare im not so sure i want another one done now :-( think i would rather just go on as we are for a little longer, if its going to happen for us it will. Im not holding out much hope for a :bfp: this month, i havent even ovulated yet but my phn is playing up again this month im in so much pain and feeling sick because of it so :sex: is really the last thing on my mind at the moment, but hopefully the pain will calm down in the next day or so, due to ovulate friday so might be ok. No change in my saliva yet so hopefully thats a good sign that we havent missed it.

:dust: to everyone
hi girls thank you for all your messages, ive beeen feeling very numb today. I cant believe after only 5 months this has happened.. i dont know what to do now, surgeon wants us to go for another sa after new year.. and see where we go from there.. it takes 2 months for fresh sperm to come in, however there wasnt any sperm apart from 2 which were dying.. im heartbroken..

when we did the sample this morning i was looking at it through the tub and it didnt look like it did before.. now i know why. he did mention re-doing the op on one side, dont know how much it costs..
#1- I'm late by two days for my .pd and I'm usually 24-25 days, like clockwork, today is day 26. This is our first cycle after VR. It's statistically impossible that we'd be pregnant. Not having my .pd and having 2 inconclusive tests (among 9 negs) is confusing. My rational side says: B- you're not pg. My heart says: please? please? can it be?

#2- took a test monday night. The control showed up as a faint purple line, and the test line showed up as a faint purple cloud. (2 lines = pg, 1 line = not), had a flutter of hope because it was so ambiguous. Took a test last night, BFN.

#3- Get on the horn with my sister last night. We don't talk much because well, her life's a mess. She's 32, in and out of rehab, 2 kids (who I have tried to get custody of) and an on again/off again meth addict husband who is currently in rehab and so manic that he's convinced he's seeing prophesies in the bible... (my poor little niece and nephew). 3 years ago she told everyone in the family she had ovarian cancer and that she was having chemo and a total hysterectomy (sounds awful but most of us didn't believe her or weren't sure what to believe due to her history of being dishonest and stealing). Flash forward to last night----- she tells me she's pg. With twins.

FML. And talk about statistically impossible miracle pregnancies..... :growlmad:

Because she's so manipulative she even hints at giving the twins to me and DH..... She wouldn't, nor will she let me take the kids she has, even though that would be the best thing and I would take her two. Or if she is indeed pg, all four, in a heart beat.

Don't know how to feel but have to wonder why the universe makes it so easy for some people to have babies. And why is it that those people are often the last people who should be having them?

((thoughts and prayers to my niece and nephew))

aw hun so sorry to hear about your bfn's n your sister..
there is a lot of basd news going on amongst us vr wags, i hope someone has some really good news bfp's soon.
sending :hugs::hugs: to you all..
I agree, we need some good news! Come on girls :D :dust:

Sorry you're feeling poorly CJ, hope you feel better in time for O day :hugs:

Where do you live Clare, are you in the UK? My surgeon does a lot of redos if that's the route you decide to go down :hugs:
I agree, we need some good news! Come on girls :D :dust:

Sorry you're feeling poorly CJ, hope you feel better in time for O day :hugs:

Where do you live Clare, are you in the UK? My surgeon does a lot of redos if that's the route you decide to go down :hugs:

I Live in the north east england. My surgeon was dr Dawson. Not sure if you heard about him. Do you have any idea of cost?
He was our surgeon too! I'm not sure if a redo costs more than an original VR, he'll probably tell you. My DH only had one side done, as the vas was too damaged to reconnect on one side. It wasn't cheaper to do one side though. I guess it's best to talk it through and decide if a redo or ICSI would be a better option :hugs:
Hello ladies,

Clare I am so sorry hun! Big :hugs: to you! Back in May we had sperm but none of them were moving. The nurse said if I was doing ICSI then they use a dye that gives the sperm a shock and wakes them up and then they take the sperm and inject it into the egg. There is also TESA and PESA which is a way to obtain the sperm from the testicles. Our Dr gave us this option before the VR but the cost was $7,500 so we went with the VR which was only $5,000 and at the end DH’s insurance ended up paying for the procedure so we got our money back. I’ll keep you in my prayers.

Brookelynne:hi: Welcome! I’m sorry to hear about your sister. I know it’s so unfair to hear of people who pop babies like crazy and look at us! You hear on the news of parents who killed their kids and you wonder why? Why would they be allowed to have babies? When the time is right you will have yours and it will be more special than anyone else because of all the hurdles. I’m sorry about your BFN’s but a lot of ladies get them before turning into positive. I know the odds of being prego on the first round is slim but not impossible!

Wannabeprego I’m glad to see you back! I know how dreadful the 2WW can be. Isn’t it awful how the insurances can be so expensive? I don’t have fertility coverage so we pay everything out of pocket. That’s $350 every IUI and $100 for medicine and that’s only using clomid and trigger shot. If we did injectibles then we are looking at $1,000 in medicine alone. GL I hope you find a job soon that has good health benefits.

Good luck CJ :dust: I hope this is your month.

Hello Tally and Sapphire! I hope everything is well!

AFM, ladies I don’t have very good news either. I am going on a field trip with my step-daughter and I had to be tested for TB (Tuberculosis) and it came back positive.:dohh: The Dr sent me to get some chest Xrays and they came back clear so I don’t have the virus but I came in contact with someone who has it. As a precaution they put me on Isoniazid (INH) well they told I cannot be on infertility treatment and that I needed to check with my infertility dr. So I called last week and now the dr wants to see me and talk to me because they told me the antibiotic causes fetus defects. So devastated! The worst part is the antibiotics are for 9 MONTHS!:saywhat: That’s right I’m losing 9 months of trying to get pregnant! My period is due next Monday and they won’t let me continue the treatment until I speak with the Dr. My appt is for the 29th of November which means I’m losing my chance in December. I feel like I just ran into the wall…..](*,)
He was our surgeon too! I'm not sure if a redo costs more than an original VR, he'll probably tell you. My DH only had one side done, as the vas was too damaged to reconnect on one side. It wasn't cheaper to do one side though. I guess it's best to talk it through and decide if a redo or ICSI would be a better option :hugs:

he is very nice. how long after original v did your dh get it done?? when?? we had ours done on 9th june.
Hello ladies,

Clare I am so sorry hun! Big :hugs: to you! Back in May we had sperm but none of them were moving. The nurse said if I was doing ICSI then they use a dye that gives the sperm a shock and wakes them up and then they take the sperm and inject it into the egg. There is also TESA and PESA which is a way to obtain the sperm from the testicles. Our Dr gave us this option before the VR but the cost was $7,500 so we went with the VR which was only $5,000 and at the end DH’s insurance ended up paying for the procedure so we got our money back. I’ll keep you in my prayers.

Brookelynne:hi: Welcome! I’m sorry to hear about your sister. I know it’s so unfair to hear of people who pop babies like crazy and look at us! You hear on the news of parents who killed their kids and you wonder why? Why would they be allowed to have babies? When the time is right you will have yours and it will be more special than anyone else because of all the hurdles. I’m sorry about your BFN’s but a lot of ladies get them before turning into positive. I know the odds of being prego on the first round is slim but not impossible!

Wannabeprego I’m glad to see you back! I know how dreadful the 2WW can be. Isn’t it awful how the insurances can be so expensive? I don’t have fertility coverage so we pay everything out of pocket. That’s $350 every IUI and $100 for medicine and that’s only using clomid and trigger shot. If we did injectibles then we are looking at $1,000 in medicine alone. GL I hope you find a job soon that has good health benefits.

Good luck CJ :dust: I hope this is your month.

Hello Tally and Sapphire! I hope everything is well!

AFM, ladies I don’t have very good news either. I am going on a field trip with my step-daughter and I had to be tested for TB (Tuberculosis) and it came back positive.:dohh: The Dr sent me to get some chest Xrays and they came back clear so I don’t have the virus but I came in contact with someone who has it. As a precaution they put me on Isoniazid (INH) well they told I cannot be on infertility treatment and that I needed to check with my infertility dr. So I called last week and now the dr wants to see me and talk to me because they told me the antibiotic causes fetus defects. So devastated! The worst part is the antibiotics are for 9 MONTHS!:saywhat: That’s right I’m losing 9 months of trying to get pregnant! My period is due next Monday and they won’t let me continue the treatment until I speak with the Dr. My appt is for the 29th of November which means I’m losing my chance in December. I feel like I just ran into the wall…..](*,)

im going to just carry on :sex:til after xmas and keep my fingers tightly crossed i do get a bfp (surgeon said its highly unlikely but i can hope) and then we got to do another sa.. havent spoke to dh yet as he had to go straight to work but im thinking we get a re-do.

aw hunni so sorry to hear about your positive tb, when is it you go and see dr? are you on antibiotics now or do you have to wait to see if af arrives??
sending you lots of :hugs::hugs: to you
Oh no HappyBunny, that's terrible news :hugs: I hope you're ok.

Yes Clare, he is very nice (and a bit odd at times :haha:) DH had his VR about 6 years after his V. It was in Dec 2009, so almost 2 years ago. Dr D told us DH had a high risk of scarring, and obviously because he only has 1 tube, that would be it for us if it did scar over. That's why we started TTC #2 when Holly was only 5 months old. I feel like it could be a race against time, especially after losing LO :nope:
@ clare.... sorry to hear your bad new's, i dont post in here much anyore but i just wanted to say i know how you DF had his VR in feb this year and it failed, so heart breaking isn't it. The others are right there is ICSI where they take sperm out the testes only problem is its soo expensive :cry: we were thinking of doing a re-do but if it were to fail again we would've wasted a huge chunk of money that could go towards ICSI, we haven't actually even saved a penny towards it yet, just not visable at the moment. Hope you can work out a a way best for you and keep will happen one day :flower:
@Happybunny, I am so very sorry about the positive TB results and it putting a hault to your TTC plans. My heart goes out to you hun...I am sending huge hugs your way ...:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Hi all,

HappyBunny, so sorry about the TB, that must be so frustrating :hugs:

You girls are right, we well need some good news in our group - some must be due to come our way very soon!

Sapphire I hadn't thought about why it wouldn't be cheaper to only have one side re-connected, DH could only get one done as well! Dammit I want half our money back :rofl:

Massive :hug: and lots of :dust: to everyone.
:hugs: Happybunny I'm so sorry about the TB :(. Is it worth asking them to re-do the test, just to rule out a false positive?? Are there any alternative antibiotics you could take and continue to TTC?

I'm so disappointed for you huni :(
When I was researching VR, some places in the US charge per side. I do feel a bit ripped off :haha:

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