The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

Thanks for the welcome guys! We are phoning the clinic tomorrow to see what we do about sample...DH seems to think the lady on the phone last time said they had no facilities to 'do it there'!! Well how else are we supposed to do it? Car park by the sounds of it. It is so frustrating tho. I hadnt even heard of all this preseed and soft cups things before i came on here....i havnt lived!! x
Thanks for the welcome guys! We are phoning the clinic tomorrow to see what we do about sample...DH seems to think the lady on the phone last time said they had no facilities to 'do it there'!! Well how else are we supposed to do it? Car park by the sounds of it. It is so frustrating tho. I hadnt even heard of all this preseed and soft cups things before i came on here....i havnt lived!! x

My clinic didn't have the facilities either, DH did it in the toilets! The clinic shared premises with a doctors surgery too, so there were loads of people in the waiting room while he was *ahem* 'knocking one out' :rofl:
*sniggers like a schoolgirl* Knocking one out hahahahahaha
:haha: waiting4vr, sorry that was quite funny!

These are softcups. They're actually for use during your period but they're useful for TTC too. You insert the cup into your vagina, so it stops the semen leaking out and increases the likelihood of sperm reaching it's destination.
:haha: waiting4vr, sorry that was quite funny!

These are softcups. They're actually for use during your period but they're useful for TTC too. You insert the cup into your vagina, so it stops the semen leaking out and increases the likelihood of sperm reaching it's destination.

meanie! :blush: i have had a look at the softcups.. thanks for that info :) do you put it in after you do the deed?
the hospital just called to confirm our details for the op.. can't believe its only 6 days away now!
:haha: waiting4vr, sorry that was quite funny!

These are softcups. They're actually for use during your period but they're useful for TTC too. You insert the cup into your vagina, so it stops the semen leaking out and increases the likelihood of sperm reaching it's destination.

meanie! :blush: i have had a look at the softcups.. thanks for that info :) do you put it in after you do the deed?
the hospital just called to confirm our details for the op.. can't believe its only 6 days away now!

:D Yep, put it in after DTD. I haven't used them so not sure how easy they are to get the hang of.

Only 6 days away - exciting!!

Lovely avatar pic btw :cloud9:
hi ladies, its been a long time since i last posted on here.. i just needed to stop for a while as it was doing my head in over the sa test and the fact we had to wait 2 months for another test..
hope you all hsd a good xmas and 2012 is our year for all of bfp's..
welcome to the new vr ladies on here and good luck to you...
sapphire im so sorry for your loss hun, sending big :hugs::hugs: your way....
my update: going to see surgeon and have another sa done and see where we go from there, we have decided to get a re-do if we need to which i think after last sa is a very strong possibility.. after that ive found a clinic which offers free ivf if you donate your eggs, which is what we will do.
my sister-in-law has just found out she is pregnant with her first baby following her 1st round of ivf, she suffers from poly-cystic ovaries. im relly pleased for them and wish them the very best..
sending lots of :dust::dust: to all of you

Hi Clare, happy new year and hope you are well! You mentioned a clinic which offers free IVF if you donate eggs, are you in the UK? Where does this, it's an interesting consideration which I would probably consider myself in a year or two if things don't happen the natural way. Thank you! And :dust: to all xxx

hi, yes im in uk, im in the northeast, where about are you?
the clinic is called the londons women clinic and they have 4 in uk. darlington, wales london and i cant remember the other one but i will look and post later.. just type in google londons womens clinic asnd it will give you them..

Hi Clare, yes I wont be far from you, I'm in Yorkshire :thumbup:

I've found the website, it's

Will start some research! Thank you :flower: xxxx
Im currently waiitng back on blood tests to become an egg sharer for reduced IVF costs. Hoping I can start soon. I would love to help another woman and I have considered this long and hard.

ICSI (where they inject sperm directly into the eggs) is more expensive than traditional IVF but Im paying £700 overall for treatment for ICSI at CRGW clinic in Cardiff.

Im trying naturally until I can start that but Im fed up of waiting naturally now too many BFN's for me :cry:

I thought vasectomy reversal had failed with the rubbish SA's VR was 3 years ago and they could only atatch one side but his recent very good results mean we can TTC naturally up until I start ICSI. I could just decide to TTC naturally but its too mentally stressful for me and poor DH

Thank you for sharing, we had the VR in August, so not many cycles have passed, and so the pressure would be off we haven't had a SA yet so no idea whether the VR was even a success or not.

It just gives a little piece of mind that there might be ways we could get pregnant cheaply with specialist help in the future.

I wish you lots of :dust: and good luck with the ICSI if you dont get your BFP before that time comes :hugs: xxxx
I really wish the dreams we had whilst sleeping were real life!!

I've been having some really cool, realistic (at the time) dreams lately ... I'm not reading anything into it as its more likely the result of too much merriment and "happy juice" over the festive period - but last nights dream was the best yet!

I had a dream that I gave birth to a beautiful little girl with a mop full of dark hair. I remember having "contractions", I was 10 days overdue and planning on having the baby at home. Hubby went out as my "contractions" were so weak, I didn't believe anything was happening. The labour was quick and easy and I felt great, casually texting my hubby telling him we had a daughter. He arrived home with his mum and sister and I got busy playing hostess, serving coffee and cakes with the baby strapped to me in a baby carrier lol.

It's not real of course but I woke up smiling *sigh* and a damn sight better than the dream the night before where I was hurtling down the motorway, out of control, driving a PINK juggernaut with a dirty windscreen, just missing countless other juggernauts and not knowing how to stop or turn on the screen washers lol. I crashed (the lorry fell over!) but I was fine.

Give me baby dreams any day (night) of the week!!

Hope everyone's having a fab day!!!!
Welcome to the group Ruby, hopefully you will get a BFP soon

Waiting, good luck for you and your DH op, I hope that it all goes well

Nothing to report with me, just waiting to Ovulate, thankfully its in 3-4 days as DH has been ill and you know what men are like when they are ill, he was that ill, he wasnt even interested in DTD, lol

Anyway 4 month of TTC...which I know is not a long time, I have gone from September when the swimmers were swimming as we had no chance before as he didnt have any swimmers, so I cant really say it has been a year, lol

But still seems a lifetime of trying

Extra babydust to the ones that have been trying ALOT longer than me, lets hope 2012 brings us all our little bundles of joy :)
:haha: Chatty! I hope your dream is a premonition (the baby one not the juggernaut one!)

Lots of :dust: to you ababytogether. It does seem like a lifetime when you're TTC.

I ordered 30 ICs today, glutton for punishment I know! :dohh:
Okay, so just got home from the fertility DR's and had the saline sonohysterography. It wasnt to bad, DH was able to be in the room with me. They also had a student nurse observing the process along with the DR and nurse that was assisting, so it was like 3 people looking at my junk and DH in the room as well. I asked DH after if he felt awkward and of course he did, LOL, but I was thankful he was there to support me and take away some ofmy fears. The worst part was when the DR was trying to find the right size speculum and had to change it to a smaller one and than had to switch the size catherter to a smaller one that was used to fill up my uterus with the saline solution. It was like a dull unpleasant cramping well they were doing this part and than i felt like I needed to pee. The cramps were like long unpleasant AF type cramps that just went on for a while and I did say ouch a few times, but it was alot less painful than the HSG was. Once she had the saline solution in and was done filling the uterus with saline the pain almost all went away. They used the dildo cam wand thing to do an ultrasound once my uterus was filled with saline.

So the DR saw the bump on the side of my uterus that showed up on the HSG X-ray and confirmed that it was a fibroid and she didnt seem to think it was going to be a problem, But she discovered a new problem, a polyp which is causing blockage and is definatly of concern on the inside of my uterus as well. She showed me on the computer screen and on a printed up picture of the sonogram as well. I am having some light spotting with pink and light brown blood after the procedure with some like chunky pieces of tissue type discharge as well, and I have on a pad on now. I have a little bit of cramping after the procedure but it isnt anything that I am not used to and is minimal.

So after the procedure was done DH and me met with the DR in an office to discuss our options. The DR wants me to have a hysteroscopy to have the polyp surgically removed and offered me the option to do a laparoscopy at the same time to try to reopen the one tube of mine that might possibly be blocked, which we discovered previously during my HSG. I will have to be sedated and under anethesia for both procedures.

The hysteroscopy is less invasive and has a quicker recovery time though, they can just go in through the cervix and into the uterus to cut away the polyp. If I do the laparascopy than I have to have incisions cut into my belly and it will be a longer recovery time, but it could unblock my other tube. I am undecided if I want to do the laparascopy at this time because I know it will be a more painful recovery, and I also know that i can still do the IUI with only one open tube, so it is not a necessary thing, But at the same time I know if I have 2 open tubes it will increase my chances of getting pregnant. So, I have a couple of things to think about, like how much will our out of pocket cost be after my insurance pays so I have to figure out how and when we would be able to afford one of the procedures or both of them.

I also am not thrilled with going through with the laparascopy since I dont know for sure if my one tube is blocked or not, or if it just spasmed during the HSG and that was why the dye didnt go through. I am not sure if there is a less invasive way to verify if the one tube is blocked for sure or not before I go and cut into my belly for this procedure or not??

So long story short, I am upset with the results because the thought of surgery is pretty scary. I am also shocked to know that all of this time me and DH have been TTC month after month to find out that our efforts were pointless because this polyp is causing a blockage in my uterus, so all of my tears and heart ache month after month were in vain. :cry: Than trying to be able to afford the surgery will push back our ability to have the IUI because the $$ we would of used to pay for that will most likely get eaten up by the costs of my surgery so now I am going to have to wait even longer.... sigh.. this is not the news I was hoping for girls....:cry:

Well at least I know what we need to do next, but I am trying to rap my head around the news that i just got still and psych myself up for surgery...ugghhhhhh....Blah....:wacko: I am not even gooing to worry about TTC now until I can do the surgery because it is pretty much pointless until than. So I guess I will be on a break from TTC for a while.... sigh....:nope:
Im so sorry to hear that wannabeprego :( It must be so hard to go through something like that. I hope everything gets sorted for you and its not too expensive or painful :hugs:
:hugs: I am so sorry wannabe. I had a laparoscopy when I was 17, as I had a few gynae problems. It was exploratory rather than to treat a problem, so I don't know if that makes a difference to recovery time. Although it was a long time ago now, I do remember that the only reason I felt bleurgh afterwards is because general anaesthetic makes me feel really sicky. I remember resting up for a few days and I soon recovered. The insicions they make are very small - one sort of in your bellybutton, and another a lot lower down. It's keyhole surgery really. My tummy was a bit puffy afterwards, as they pump it full of air to be able to do the procedure. I hope the info helps to set your mind at ease if you do choose to have one.

Lots of :hugs: to you my lovely. x x
:hugs: wannabe

I'm sorry you're having to go though this :(. I'll be thinking of you huni :hugs:
I am sorry to hear of that news :-(
I know its not the same but i had 2 c- sections and those are painful but it is much more invasive i believe. But if the only way i was able to have kids was by sections i would go for it. In the end it is up to you but don't let fear keep you from your dreams. :) there will be pain yes but once that beautiful baby is in your arms you will be ecstatic you made that choice.

I hope the best for you during this trial just keep faith and keep your chin up. Do what you can to make your dreams come true :)

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