The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

Thank you so much girls for all of your kind words and support, It really means alot to me!!! :hugs: You girls are all so wonderful!! :flower:

I will be sure to do an update once I can schedule the procedure and will let you girls know of I decided to do both of them together or not. I need to research the cost and do some more research about the procedures as well first. I also have a few questions for my DR as well. wish me luck!!
:hugs: I am so sorry wannabe. I had a laparoscopy when I was 17, as I had a few gynae problems. It was exploratory rather than to treat a problem, so I don't know if that makes a difference to recovery time. Although it was a long time ago now, I do remember that the only reason I felt bleurgh afterwards is because general anaesthetic makes me feel really sicky. I remember resting up for a few days and I soon recovered. The insicions they make are very small - one sort of in your bellybutton, and another a lot lower down. It's keyhole surgery really. My tummy was a bit puffy afterwards, as they pump it full of air to be able to do the procedure. I hope the info helps to set your mind at ease if you do choose to have one.

Lots of :hugs: to you my lovely. x x

Thanks for your kind words and support hun, and for sharing your experience with me. :hugs:

I am glad that your experience went well and that it wasnt that painful with a quick healing time. That makes me feel better about doing the lap with the hysteroscopy. Part of me realizes that since DH already has a low sperm count me only having one open tube decreases our chances of me being able to get pregnant, so I am sure that if i had 2 open tubes than my fertility would improve greatly. I got alot to think about, not sure how i am going to decide this one....:wacko:
Sorry Wannabe for what you are going through

Just to keep faith in everything my best friend was told at the age of 16 that she would NEVER have any children, she had less than 1% of ever getting pregnant, had alot of intrusive checks, ops etc and am pleased to say that at the age of 37 she is pregnant with her first child, there is hope for all of us, 21 years later, yes thats a longgg time and some of us dont have that amount of time, but just goes to show it is possible
Sorry Wannabe for what you are going through

Just to keep faith in everything my best friend was told at the age of 16 that she would NEVER have any children, she had less than 1% of ever getting pregnant, had alot of intrusive checks, ops etc and am pleased to say that at the age of 37 she is pregnant with her first child, there is hope for all of us, 21 years later, yes thats a longgg time and some of us dont have that amount of time, but just goes to show it is possible

Thanks hun....:hugs: A huge Congrats to your friend on her pregnancy!!! H&H 9 months to her!!! That is wonderful news!!:happydance:

AFM, As you girls know I was worried about the out of pocket cost and coverage for the surgeries. Well, I just got off the phone with the DR's billing office and they said that my health insurance should cover both of the surgeries that I need. These surgeries are considered medically necessary because I have the polyp and fibroid in my uterus and that is a medical problem, it isnt considered the treatment of infertility, so I am relived to know that!!! Of course it is more expensive to do both procedures and the DR's office was only giving me the costs for their surgeon and not for the facility charges for where I would have to have the surgery or the cost of the anethesiologist either. So once i schedule the procedure i would have to follow up with the facility and the anathesiologist to verify those additional fees. So my health insurance has a 350 dollar deductible and than plan pays 85% so my out of pocket costs for just the surgeon would be about $450.00 but adding in the deductible would be about 800.00, but that is the max dollar amount, it could be less than that. Now I just need to have DH do our tax return to make sure we will be getting enough $$ back to cover the costs of the surgery and once I know that I can move forward. My health insurance only pays a maximum of 3k per person per calender year for the diagnosis of infertility, but I am not sure if the surgeries would fall under this category or not, because the costs of the hysteroscopy ranges from 1,000 to 3,000, and the lap ranges from 1,500 to 3,000, but this is without any insurance coverage and it depends on how much work the DR has to do once they can get in there. So i will keep you girls posted once I take the next step about what happens....:thumbup:
:hugs: I'm glad your insurance should cover both surgeries. I will keep everything crossed for you. x x
Girls, I am STRESSING OUT! Its Sunday now and dh is having his vr on wednesday ... so we're 3 days away! I am so anxious about it all.. I don't want him to be in pain and I am worried that the surgeon will have bad news after the op when he comes to tell us how it has all gone.. I almost feel like not getting it done as I am so anxious about it all! If anyone has anything they can tell me to make me feel marginally better, I would really appreciate it as I have no one else to talk to about this!!!
Don't be fearful!! Be excited!!! Is is a little nerve wrecking but it is so worth it! My dh had the reversal with only local anesthesia and the doctor was 3 hours late!!! We were waiting in the office... for hours.... i was so anxious and felt bad for dh!! Anyway the op went great and it was a success! I do however suggest that your dh take real vitamin e oil ( can be found at a vitamin or health food store) don't get the vitamin e from a drug store or grocery store since those are typically synthetic and dangerous. The vitamin e will promote healing and reduce scar tissue. Scar tissue you want to avoid!!!
Don't worry :) just get it done and go from there:)
Don't be fearful!! Be excited!!! Is is a little nerve wrecking but it is so worth it! My dh had the reversal with only local anesthesia and the doctor was 3 hours late!!! We were waiting in the office... for hours.... i was so anxious and felt bad for dh!! Anyway the op went great and it was a success! I do however suggest that your dh take real vitamin e oil ( can be found at a vitamin or health food store) don't get the vitamin e from a drug store or grocery store since those are typically synthetic and dangerous. The vitamin e will promote healing and reduce scar tissue. Scar tissue you want to avoid!!!
Don't worry :) just get it done and go from there:)

thankyou NOODLES ;) lol (oodles hehe) I will go and look for vitamin e oil.. thanks heaps! xxxxx
@Waiting, Good luck to you hun!! :dust: :dust: I hope the procedure is a success and that your DH has a quick and pain free recovery. :hugs: :hugs:

I still remember when my DH had his surgery over 2 years ago now, and I was nervous about whether or not it would be a success or not too. But please stay positive because there is hope for success because my DH's vasectomy was 14 years old and it was a success. I must admit I did feel guilty after the surgery seeing DH in so much pain from the surgery but he realized how much it meant to me to be able to have a baby of my own one day. Plus he had strong pain meds that helped alot in the first few days where he was the most soar and I waited on him on hand and foot until he felt better. Overall I am glad we did it, and I wouldnt take it back. My only regret is that we didnt do it sooner, now that I know that I also have infertility problems of my own that require surgery before I can get pregnant. But hopefully I will be able to take care of that soon.
@Waiting, Good luck to you hun!! :dust: :dust: I hope the procedure is a success and that your DH has a quick and pain free recovery. :hugs: :hugs:

I still remember when my DH had his surgery over 2 years ago now, and I was nervous about whether or not it would be a success or not too. But please stay positive because there is hope for success because my DH's vasectomy was 14 years old and it was a success. I must admit I did feel guilty after the surgery seeing DH in so much pain from the surgery but he realized how much it meant to me to be able to have a baby of my own one day. Plus he had strong pain meds that helped alot in the first few days where he was the most soar and I waited on him on hand and foot until he felt better. Overall I am glad we did it, and I wouldnt take it back. My only regret is that we didnt do it sooner, now that I know that I also have infertility problems of my own that require surgery before I can get pregnant. But hopefully I will be able to take care of that soon.

Thankyou wanna :hugs: and i hope you can take care of it soon too :) xxx
Can you get hold of some arnica tablets (homeopathy)? They sell them in Boots. My hubby swears by them now!

:hugs: please try not to be so anxious, I'm sure your hubby will be fine! Take a good book tho .... The operation itself seems to drag on and on (and make you even more anxious!). If you can, take a packed lunch for yourself and hubby, he won't be able to eat until after the op and if, like we were, your hubby is the last to be operated on, the hospital cafe will most likely be closed. Stock up on 2" or 3" gauze squares for the wound care. (also from boots).

Your hubby will be quite sore the day after and then the bruising starts ... Don't be too alarmed - my hubby assured me that it looked worse than it felt!

I'll be thinking of you both on Wednesday hun!
Thanks Chatty., we don't have boots here, we're in australia.. lol .. but i know what that store is as i am english background, my parents migrated to the united states (where i was born) and then onto australia where i am now ;)
i went out today and bought dh some jocks as he usually wears boxers and i wanted him to have something tight fitting.. i also bought an icepack, some vitamin e oil capsules, an icepack and some non stick dressings.. it so helps hearing other people's advice when they've gone through it all before.. noone else understands! my friend found out she was pregnant today, i hope it will be me soon but don't want to get my hopes up as i know these things dont always work.
i will look for the arnica and will definitely take some food to the hospital. my dh is so fussy when it comes to food, he probably won't eat the hospital canteen food anyway!
i am scared i will faint if i see his bruised balls especially if there's drainage and i have to change it! :|
i am all psyched up to do it but actually doing it is another story! i hope i can be strong for him .. lol
i hope everyone's having a good weekend.. thanks for putting up with me!
@Waiting, I think DH's surgery was like 3 or 4 hours total, and I have to agree it did seem to take a very long time. I remember DH saying that he had to go pee and was holding it for the longest time ever because the OP took forever. After the surgery was done, he was so doped up he slept most of the car ride home and pretty much the entire day when we got home. I remember DH had hot packs for the first few days after his surgery and than once he was feeling better we switched to ice packs after. the hot packs felt better to him at first when he was so soar. Also remember no heavy lifting for DH for about 2 weeks. I remember my DH was trying to help out with the groceries first thing after the surgery and I had to yell at him to go sit down and relax!!

I will be thinking of you and your DH hoping for the best outcome for his reversal!!! Good luck hun!!! :hugs:
Hi Waiting4vr,

my DH had his VR in is time consuming so defo take some books/magazines and things to munch. I took our laptop and watched a film!!
Everything was absolutely fine but makesure he gets plenty of rest and to listen to the docs. My DH was in bed for the best part of a week but i was a very good wife and waited on him 24/7 so he soon got better. We dont know if its worked yet, just got some info from the hospital on how to get the SA done so fingers crossed it will be very soon.
Good luck with it xxx
:hugs: waiting4vr, try not to stress too much. My DH rested up for a week and was quite tender for a while. I echo what Chatty says about the bruising. It looks really awful, even poor DH's willy was like a fat purple slug :haha: Try and be positive about it, VRs can work - I've got proof (who's currently dancing away to the tv).

All the best for Wednesday, I will keep everything crossed that it goes smoothly and is a success. x x
I'm ovulating today like clock work CD 14, did an OPK to confirm... Although I am not sure why I bothered since I now know I need the surgery and our chances are pretty much zero at this point until than. sigh... :cry: I do feel better knowing that I at least ovulate on my own every month, so I guess checking it reassures me that I at least got that gooing for me...

here is my OPK...


Although, I am still feeling sad and having a hard time dealing with the fact that I have to have surgery. Yesterday me and DH were having sex and I just couldnt get into it. All I could think about was the surgery and random people's voices in my head "You got to clean it out" mind going 100 miles a minute.... It is hard to feel sexy when you find out you cant get pregnant... makes me feel like less of a women....Men are lucky that they can get off every time... Women's bodies are way to dam complicated...

Maybe once I have the surgery I will be one of those lucky girls that gets pregnant in just one month, a fertile mertile who gets pregnant when a guy just looks at me the wrong way.. and me and DH will end up with 10 kids... LOL..... :haha:
Hello Wonderful Beautiful ladies. I hope you are all doing well. I am hoping to be joining you all here very soon.

To make my story short ill just say I have two girls age 15 months and 3 months. Hubby decided he was done after our second and got a vasectomy 2 months ago even though I wasnt ready for it. Now he is regretting getting it done but to scared or the pain and the cost to get it reversed. We are going to have a big talk about it tonight and i am looking for any info on the cost, effectiveness, pain, and procedure to help reassure him it will all be ok and worth it. If any of you have any advice, stories, info to share I would really appreciate it. i will read through the thread too. Im in Canada so I know that most cost info will vary.

If its easier to PM me info that would be great too. I don't want to take up space here yet as we still arent sur ho to even start looking into getting it done.

Thank you all so much in advance.
@yourstruly, Good luck with whatever decision you and your DH decide to make!!!

I am not sure how far you are willing to travel from Canada but my VR DR was in the states and he was excellent, and was priced very reasonably in compariosn to some of the other VR DR's i saw. My husband had a 14 year old vasectmoy reversed and it was a success with this DR. Plus he is very experienced and has done many reversals. He also has the latest technology needed for more difficult reversals like my DH's...

Here is a link to my Dr my DH went to in North Carolina. i think in total we paid about $5,000.00 to $6,000.00, but that was over 2 years ago... And if the original procedure isnt a success he will redo the surgery at little to no cost as well from the gurantees the Dr gives. Reversal.htm

Welcome to the group!!! :flower:
My dh's reversal took only 45 minutes and was done in the doctors office...

Oh and my dh took arnica Montana 200c after surgery too he said it helped. Also made a solution of it by putting 5 pellets in a cup of distilled water waited until dissolved then stir and used a napkin on top of the testicles and spooned it onto the napkin until nice and wet he liked this a lot since it helped ease some pain and pressure.
My dh reversal doctor was Dennis Streeter in northern Indiana he does his services to glorify God so that being said he only charges 2300 total and gives you the pain meds and antibiotics no extra charge. He is very kind and has years of experience he was telling us he had had guys come to him for second reversals!!! Making they got the v then they got the vr then a v then vr!!!! Crazy huh!!! Anyway you can find his website by giggling........ GOOGLING his name and Indiana.

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