The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

That sounds like a good theory Chatty, the body does some strange things sometimes :wacko:

Well done for not suffering too much during the 2ww. We only DTD once, while I was still on AF (which was 12 days long!) I started poas 2 days ago :dohh: I think I'm a freaking mentalist.
Hi guys, wondering if anyone can help....i got a positve on a FRER 2 days ago it was about 7pm and the line wasnt hugely dark but defo visible, then i did another with FMU and got another line but fainter than the evening before. Today i did a CB digital and it told me not pregnant :(. I cant really afford to go out and buy more tests right now but im worried. xx
Just to let everyone know the witch arrived

9 days late

Gutted because I got a positive OPK so dont know why it took so long to arrive, but most importantly if I ever do get pregnant I will always wonder whether I am jsut late now

The body plays such tricks on us, 22 years and the only time I have ever been late without getting pregnant, think I am more mad about that then anything, lol

Am surprisingly ok actually, I thought I would have been devastated but I just had this gut feeling that I wasnt, especially with only having the one positive test

Oh well onwards and upwards as they say...

How much do you pay for the fertiliaid (sorry cant remember who posted it)

My hubbie is only on Wellman at the mo

Thanks everyone for the good luck wishes

Babydust to you all

:hugs: sorry to hear she got you hon. The body does do odd things... fertilaid is supposed to be really good :thumbup: quite pricey though if I remember.

:hugs: ababytogether, so sorry the witch got you. I don't want to upset you, but there is a small possibility it could have been a chemical pregnancy, especially as you've never been late before. Most women don't even realise when they have suffered one. The only upside of that is that you are meant to be more fertile afterwards. Our bodies do strange things sometimes, I sure don't understand mine :wacko: With regards to taking the supplements together - check the labels as they could well have similar ingredients and I'm not sure if it would be safe to take big doses. x x

I agree about checking labels to see if a lot of ingredients are the same as other supplements. Too much of some can be bad too :/

I'm sorry the witch got you huni :(

I'm thinking that it your body failed to Ov after the first set of OPKs and then went on to try again (and Ov) the following week. There have been a few scientific studies done (if I can find the links, I'll post them) regarding delayed ovulations and also multiple Ovs.

AFM - 10dpo today, no symptoms that I've noticed, not gonna bother testing. AF will be here by Saturday/Sunday. I've had a strange cycle this month ... I knew last weekend that any pregnancy was HIGHLY unlikely (only manage to DTD 3/4 days before Ov). I can honestly say that this 2ww has been the quickest yet! No obsessing, no symptom spotting, no temping or stick peeing .... Its made me realise how TTC was completely consuming me. I have got SO much done (Uni, house etc etc). I've decided to leave my monitor alone for a few cycles - I know I Ov regularly around cd12/13 so I'll maybe POAS around cd10, take my temp the same day, take it again around cd15 to confirm Ov and stay living in my little no obsessing, carefree, bubble lol.

Hope we have some good news on VRWags very soon!


I am sorry you've been feeling so drained, TTC is nuts...

Hi guys, wondering if anyone can help....i got a positve on a FRER 2 days ago it was about 7pm and the line wasnt hugely dark but defo visible, then i did another with FMU and got another line but fainter than the evening before. Today i did a CB digital and it told me not pregnant :(. I cant really afford to go out and buy more tests right now but im worried. xx

Ooooh I think congrats are in order! :happydance:

Digital tests are not very sensitive, so the hCG needs to be higher for them to go positive.....

I got a bfn today on another FRER which i did just to double check things were ok. So much for the bfp. All i can think is that it was a chemical?? How can one day be positive and the next negative with the same brand? I give up :(
I got a bfn today on another FRER which i did just to double check things were ok. So much for the bfp. All i can think is that it was a chemical?? How can one day be positive and the next negative with the same brand? I give up :(

I am so sorry about the confusing HPT results!!! I really hope it wasnt a chemical and that the :witch: stays away... :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I think you should wait at least 2 days and retest with FMU... I am going to keep everything crossed for you and send you lots of baby dust in hopes that your urine was diluted or that it is still to early. Good luck to you hun!! And I agree with tally that digitals are not as sensitive, they are 50 miu and FRER is 25 miu... :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :af: :af::af:
:hugs: Ruby, how confusing. If the witch stays away there's a chance you're preggo but really early. Depends how diluted your pee is, even with the same brand. I hope AF stays away for you x x
:hugs: I'm sorry the HPTs are giving you the run around Ruby :(. From what I've been reading, some FRERs have been producing pink evap lines (I fell victim to the curse of the pink evap a few months back too!).

Retest in 3-4 days as HCG should double every other day and be high enough to show a definite BFP/BFN

GL Hun
Who's next to test? I've been poas for days now, I don't even know when I OVd :haha: All bfns of course!
Sorry about the confusing tests Ruby. As wannabe and sapphire said, hopefully it's just the pee being too diluted to show a positive and it'll be lovely :bfp: in a couple of days! Stay gone, :witch:! :dust:

Sapphire I'm not POAS at all these days... my ticker is based on what my cycle was doing when I was actually doing OPKs and everything else, it's a bit pointless really :blush: I hope you don't keep on getting :bfn:s! :dust:

In fact c'mon we're overdue for a batch of :bfp:s now surely?

:dust: to all!
Af this morning :( really horrible pains all night i knew sumin was happening. Still getting them but at least we know hubbys op worked which im pleased about. I also think the opk worked so will use them again. Oh well.....calendar day 1 xx
:hugs: Ruby, I'm so sorry hun. If it was a chemical pregnancy you'll likely be more fertile this cycle. FX for next month x x
Af this morning :( really horrible pains all night i knew sumin was happening. Still getting them but at least we know hubbys op worked which im pleased about. I also think the opk worked so will use them again. Oh well.....calendar day 1 xx

Af this morning :( really horrible pains all night i knew sumin was happening. Still getting them but at least we know hubbys op worked which im pleased about. I also think the opk worked so will use them again. Oh well.....calendar day 1 xx

:hugs: sorry to hear that hon. :hugs:
I got a bfn today on another FRER which i did just to double check things were ok. So much for the bfp. All i can think is that it was a chemical?? How can one day be positive and the next negative with the same brand? I give up :(

I got the exact same as you with an FRER, I got a positive very faint and a negative on a digi then the witch turned up 9 days late!!!

Hugs hun

Have ordered the Fertilaid, Hubbie is stopping taking Wellman and going to try them they are expensive £30 for 30 days but be worth every penny if I get pregnant

Thanks to all

Babydust xxxxxxx
Hello ladies,

I hope everyone is doing well!! i have been MIA. I have had some stomach issues.. then that big fat :witch: Showed up today... So I had my pity party of crying and wondering why I am still not pregnant. Then dried my eyes and letting myself still be a bit depressed. But anywho... I am going to try fertility monitor/testing this time, not doing the soy. Continuing the soft cups and preseed. Anything else you gals can think of? Also has anyone used sperm meets egg system? Just curious. anywho... I am kinds like..lets try something else. Anywho... I hope everyone has a great weekend
:hugs: Carlise, sorry the witch got you. How long ago was your DH's VR? x x
My name is V and I am 26, my DH is 44.
DH had his Vasectomy reversed in Sept this year after 8yrs (just before we got together) :dohh: lol
He has 4 children from his first marriage and we can't wait to have our own baby :yellow:

We had our Reversal done at the BMI Park Hospital in Nottingham by Duncan Harriss and were were really pleased with the staff and care that he received on the day.

We are due to have our SA in December. Fingers crossed :dust: to us all!!

Hi!! Congratulations to your baby!!
I'm 36 and my DH is 43 and just had his VR at Duncan Harriss at the BMI, Nottingham.
Very pleased as you said with the staff and with Dr. Harriss.

DH had his vasectomy done 8 or 9 years ago, so it's a bit on the long time ago side.. As he is so stubborn and take ages to think about things it took him 2½ years to actually go through with it! :dohh: Even though he wanted it he thought "it's not the right time" as we're living in two separate countries. But that has now resulted in me getting older and having a high FSH level instead :growlmad:
That pushed it to the operation - FINALLY.

Now, I hope you can shed some light upon a few questions for me as you used Dr. Harriss as well?

1. On the document we got after the operation it says "spermcount 3/12". What on earth does that mean? Do you know?

2. He said no sex for 14 days, then we "need to be very busy in bedroom". I've read about other couples that have recommendations to wait 3-4 weeks, sometimes even longer. 2 weeks after we of course took his word for it as DH was here with me, and first ejaculation caused a few seconds of dull ache in his left testicle. 2nd time it was just 3 spots of bright pink (not red at all) in it. But no pain.
So now I'm a bit nervous about this.

Did you get any other advise when you were there or did you use anything to help you get pregnant too?

Thank you in advance and congrats again :happydance:

My name is V and I am 26, my DH is 44.
DH had his Vasectomy reversed in Sept this year after 8yrs (just before we got together) :dohh: lol
He has 4 children from his first marriage and we can't wait to have our own baby :yellow:

We had our Reversal done at the BMI Park Hospital in Nottingham by Duncan Harriss and were were really pleased with the staff and care that he received on the day.

We are due to have our SA in December. Fingers crossed :dust: to us all!!

Hi!! Congratulations to your baby!!
I'm 36 and my DH is 43 and just had his VR at Duncan Harriss at the BMI, Nottingham.
Very pleased as you said with the staff and with Dr. Harriss.

DH had his vasectomy done 8 or 9 years ago, so it's a bit on the long time ago side.. As he is so stubborn and take ages to think about things it took him 2½ years to actually go through with it! :dohh: Even though he wanted it he thought "it's not the right time" as we're living in two separate countries. But that has now resulted in me getting older and having a high FSH level instead :growlmad:
That pushed it to the operation - FINALLY.

Now, I hope you can shed some light upon a few questions for me as you used Dr. Harriss as well?

1. On the document we got after the operation it says "spermcount 3/12". What on earth does that mean? Do you know?

2. He said no sex for 14 days, then we "need to be very busy in bedroom". I've read about other couples that have recommendations to wait 3-4 weeks, sometimes even longer. 2 weeks after we of course took his word for it as DH was here with me, and first ejaculation caused a few seconds of dull ache in his left testicle. 2nd time it was just 3 spots of bright pink (not red at all) in it. But no pain.
So now I'm a bit nervous about this.

Did you get any other advise when you were there or did you use anything to help you get pregnant too?

Thank you in advance and congrats again :happydance:


Hi there! :wave:
congrats on your VR!! :thumbup: I dont get on here much anymore, but glad I popped in today. I'm glad you too had a good experience with the team in Nottingham. Your situation sounded very similar to mine. Hubby had his VR after 8years from his vasectomy and it took us a good few years to do it after first menioning it! lol.

I'm sorry but I dont know what those numbers mean, but I phoned up and got my results. The receptionist was able to tell me them over the phone, the day after we gave in the sample, then we got a more detailed letter in the post. If you're still unsure, just phone and ask them, I#m sure they'd be happy to help.

As for the sex afterwards. yes we were told we could try after 2weeks, so at 2weeks post VR i got hubby to 'do it himself' if you know what I mean to see how it felt then if it felt ok then we'd do it. He said it felt ok and we just took it easy. If there's no pain then I'd say it'd be ok. There is alot if info on Dr.Harriss' website too.

The only other thing we really did was temping. I took my temperature in the mornings to work out when I was ovulating, then after we 'did it' I lay in bed with pillows under my hips :thumbup:

Hope that was of some help.Good luck on your TTC after VR journey! Hang around this thread, the ladies on here are lovely and so supportive. They have maintained a good support network and like me are more than happy to help where poss. PM me at any time if you have any questions xxxxxxxxxx
So nice to hear! And thank you for your reply!

DH is not going to have his SA until mid/late April as it was in the mid January (3 weeks ago) he went through with VR. So I'm guessing we'll have to wait until then, but it was a good advice to call them as they obviously maybe did a quick sample during operation.
I'm having AF now and my DH is coming over on Valentine's for 5 days, maybe I'm ovulating then :happydance:

How long do you have to lay with pillows under your hips? :winkwink:

Big :hugs:
:wave: Ahh I see. We weren't told anything of any tests taken before/during the op, although it is common for people to have been told by the surgeon that 'sperm was present' after reconnecting the tubes, although that wasnt the case for us. So maybe that was what they were referring to in your case? :shrug:

I hope you are lucky in your next cycle! :dance: wish you all the luck in the world! :dust: xxxx

Oh yer, afterwards, I laid for about 10mins with my hips up (about the time it took hubby to sort himself out and make me a nice cup of tea)lol :thumbup: xx

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