The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

Thanks sapphire we figured nothing ventured nothing gained!

Tally so glad your sa has improved. We should really have another one done as we've only had one done 12 weeks after op but I really couldn't face the disappointment again. It took the wind right out my sails last time x
Thanks for all the updates girls. Much easier then reading back through all the pages :)

Sorry the witch got you chatty. Hopefully your cycle will be back to normal this month and hopefully your get your BFP.

Good to hear the SA has improved a bit for you Tallybee - at least it's moving in the right direction. Fingers crossed for you.

We ahh......cleared the pipes for the first time last night. Two weeks after hubby's op. He said he didn't feel any different. Should he feel different? I have ready people saying their hubby did which has me worried! Oh well.....shall just have to wait and see. First SA will be in 8 weeks for us.

I can't rememeber if I posted my details before or not. I am 30, hubby 42 and his orginal vasectomy was 9.5 years ago, probably close to 10. I am a step mum to his four children ranging from 9 to 18 and I love them to bits. Would you believe in the 5 years we have been together I have never met their mother. She refuses to acknowledge I exist! We did one round of IVF in Nov and then two more transfers (one in Jan and one in Feb) which didn't work. so hubby had the VR so we could try that way instead. I have never been pregnant before so here's hoping I can actually fall pregnant!!

Happy Friday everyone!!
Don't worry Katiebird, my DH didn't feel any different after VR either, and ours worked :) I really hope the VR works for you too.

Ex wives are a funny breed. My SD lives with me, but her mum barely acknowledges my existence. I have met her a few times though, usually with stony silence on her part :haha:
@Tally, I am so glad that your SA numbers have improved !!! :thumbup:

@Chatty, i am so sorry that the evil :witch: got you hun.. big hugs to you.. :hugs: :hugs:
Wannabepreggo - oh it's been soooooo hard waiting!! haha. I am suprised we lasted this long, well we wouldn't have if it was just up to my hubby but I wanted to make sure we at least waited the two weeks everyone else gets told.

How is your journey to get your BFP going? I have been trying to read back in the thread to catch up on everyone and who is who and how long etc but it's such a long thread!! haha

My DH had a 14 year old vasectomy reversed back in October 2009. I didnt get pregnant after 2 plus years so i went through every infertility test under the sun and DH has had 2 SA's done. My signature explains the tests that I have done and the second SA results, we did have some small improvement with the 2cnd SA and I think it was because DH was on vitamins to help with his numbers. Fast forward to where I am today and I need to have a hysteroscopy done to remove a polyp in my uterus and I decided to go ahead with a lap at the same time to see if my second tube could get unblock, because it might be blocked. I have postponed the surgery for now though because I am woking at a new job and I didnt want to take any time off just yet. I have to do the surgery before i can move forward with IUI which will be me and DH's next choice. So for now I am just going to work and save up some $$ to help pay for the surgery and for the IUI...
Good news that the SA results have improved Tally. Had you been doing anything different since the last SA? I think we will get another SA done if I haven't conceived after a year, just to see what it's looking like. When they only have one tube you can't help but be a bit paranoid!

Thanks :) Nope, nothing different since before... I know what you mean about the one tube thing, I worry about it too!

Thanks sapphire we figured nothing ventured nothing gained!

Tally so glad your sa has improved. We should really have another one done as we've only had one done 12 weeks after op but I really couldn't face the disappointment again. It took the wind right out my sails last time x

Thanks... and :hugs:

Thanks for all the updates girls. Much easier then reading back through all the pages :)

Sorry the witch got you chatty. Hopefully your cycle will be back to normal this month and hopefully your get your BFP.

Good to hear the SA has improved a bit for you Tallybee - at least it's moving in the right direction. Fingers crossed for you.

We ahh......cleared the pipes for the first time last night. Two weeks after hubby's op. He said he didn't feel any different. Should he feel different? I have ready people saying their hubby did which has me worried! Oh well.....shall just have to wait and see. First SA will be in 8 weeks for us.

I can't rememeber if I posted my details before or not. I am 30, hubby 42 and his orginal vasectomy was 9.5 years ago, probably close to 10. I am a step mum to his four children ranging from 9 to 18 and I love them to bits. Would you believe in the 5 years we have been together I have never met their mother. She refuses to acknowledge I exist! We did one round of IVF in Nov and then two more transfers (one in Jan and one in Feb) which didn't work. so hubby had the VR so we could try that way instead. I have never been pregnant before so here's hoping I can actually fall pregnant!!

Happy Friday everyone!!

I can believe it... exes are completely bonkers. 3 years I've been with DH and it's the same - his ex won't meet me. She's an incredibly bitter woman...

DH has finally stood up and said he wants the boys to come over the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month, and stay over till the Saturday afternoon. They also came last weekend. Unfortunately S doesn't want to come this time...who knows why, but maybe we'll find something out from J later. J is old enough to make his own mind up, but S is still young enough to be affected by the bullcrap their mum spouts (J told DH last weekend that she says all sorts of things in front of them :nope: slagging their dad off in front of them... nice, classy... :dohh:)

Oh and to answer your Q, I don't think it's necessary for it to feel different after the op!


Hi everyone! I haven't been on for weeks, I have had nothing new to report at all, but I have read over everything and seems like there's been a lot of activity on the thread lately!
Welcome to the two new girls :) Katie, I am also in Australia, I think we are the only two from Oz on here :) Whereabouts are you located? I'm in Melbourne:)
I am currently cd21 (7dpo) .. We are going to go for a sa when/if af shows up next week, I am curious to know if there's anything there!
Exes are nut jobs, I agree .. lol .. I have a 19 year old step daughter who I am very close to and I always tried to be nice to her mother .. not sure why they always hate us even when we're nice to them! lol
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

I must be going mad, as the improvement in DH's SA is making me want to pee on sticks again...... :blush:

Hello everyone,

I haven't posted here in a while. So here is our story:

I am 35 DH is 36 and he had a 7 year old vasectomy. The VR was Dec 2011 and we had couple of IUI but were told the only way to get prego was invitro with ICSI. I also have PCOS. We are saving our money for the procedure since our insurance doesn't cover it. We are going for another SA next week and hoping the numbers are much better. Yes ex's are awful. DH has a set of twins (boy and girl) and she is a witch. The kids play sports so we get to see her all the time, she is still bitter since DH has moved on.
Good luck to all of us!! Hoping 2012 is our year!!
I'm 36 and OH is 43 and had his reversal January 16th, 2012 done by Duncan Harriss in Nottingham, so this is ttc cycle #2 coming up :)

Well my OH's ex forced him into a vasectomy even though she was 40 at the time and pretty much not that many fertile years left and she's got 2 kids already. He was 34 (I think) at the time... Her way of controlling him not wanting to run away with a younger woman who would like to have children :growlmad:

I must be going mad, as the improvement in DH's SA is making me want to pee on sticks again......
Hey ladies hope your all well.

I'm feeling very positive today, not about baby making but I'm taking control of my life or my body again! New gym and weight watchers membership purchased today. It's actually disgusting how much weight I've put on since I got married in sept! Time to get back some control! Need to get the body back into shape so I'm in tip top form for when the time comes to be a yummy mummy! Wish me luck lol
Thanks for all the updates ladies :flower: Let's hope we all get some BFPs soon.

CMo - oh I'm the same. I have decided this week I really need to get back into the exercise and eating well. I have put on 10 kg in the last year. Through a combination of grieving (I lost someone close to me), wedded bliss and IVF medication and being too scared to exercise during parts of the IVF cycle. Now that I am not doing IVF for the moment and just TTC naturally I have no excuse. I am just going to watch what i'm eating, cut back on the carbs a little bit and portion sizes (I eat really well just HUGE amounts because I LOVE food) and up the exercise. Here's hoping we can both get back on track. Good luck with the WW, I did that years ago and it was brilliant.

I found another site that had LOADS of VR threads and stories and LOADS of BFPs so I have been stalking that site too (But have yet to post). Its nice to know it does work for some people though. Gives me hope.
Hi everyone

Sorry haven't posted for a while

Welcome to the group newbies

I am 34, dh 35 had a vr in jan 2011 after 4 years since original op, SA test in may resulted in 16.9 million sperm present so op was a success but no motility...SA in sept revealed a drop in count with 11% motility :) but he didn't ejaculate for 2 weeks as we thought it was better not doing so only to be told it isn' we are just waiting for his next appointment for his next SA test which will be some time this month

I am either 9dpo or 6dpo depending what my body decides to do this month, last month I came on at 23 days :(

Not doing any testing at all for ovulation just making sure we dtd every 2 days over 3 weeks which will cover us I hope

Good luck to you all xxxxxx
Good luck with the weight loss girls! I really ought to lose weight, but I'm too lazy lol.

Aw Tally :hugs:

The witch got me a week early :nope: I've had enough of TTC now! Bloody miscarriage has made my cycles all crazy.

:dust: to all!
:hugs: sapphire

Well tested this morning and :bfn: of course! :dohh:

Well I haven't a clue what's going on with me just now! I'm cd8 today and have really sore bbs - I don't get sore bbs til the day after Ov and this tends to last til the day or two before AF starts. Cd7 would be insanely early for me to Ov- I only finished AF on cd4 and usually Ov on cd12/13. Time will tell, AF will start 5/6 days earlier than expected if I have Ovd yesterday. I'll do a few OPKs from cd10/11 to see if I'm just going bonkers and haven't Ovd yet.

Nowt as strange as the female body eh?
Well I haven't a clue what's going on with me just now! I'm cd8 today and have really sore bbs - I don't get sore bbs til the day after Ov and this tends to last til the day or two before AF starts. Cd7 would be insanely early for me to Ov- I only finished AF on cd4 and usually Ov on cd12/13. Time will tell, AF will start 5/6 days earlier than expected if I have Ovd yesterday. I'll do a few OPKs from cd10/11 to see if I'm just going bonkers and haven't Ovd yet.

Nowt as strange as the female body eh?

:hugs: You are not wrong!

I'm still not sure if my body really did go haywire when we started TTC, due to stressing etc, or if it was just me noticing it so much more.

I hope it all settles for you!

Hi, I'm very new here!!

I'm looking for advice as there seems to be a lot more people in the same boat as me which I really didn't imagine!!
My partner and I have been together for a year. We are both divorced and I have two boys. I am 26 and he is 35. He was married for 16years and had a son in 2004 who was born with cerebal palsy. Shortly afterwards his wife fell pregnant with another son who was born in 2006. It was decided very quickly that as their first child had very high needs and needed constant care that he would have a vasectomy to prevent any further children as the pregnancy had been accidental. This was given while their second son was just months old, they were both exhausted and their were no questions asked or counselling given, once the circumstances were explained, the op was performed within weeks. Very sadly, their first child passed away shortly before his 4th birthday. My partner has deeply regretted having the vasectomy, he was only 29 at the time and his situation was terribly stressful. He did not even think about the possibility of losing a child and we are now hoping it will be possible for us to start a family together.
I would be grateful to here of others experiences and any advice on whether this would be available on the NHS? We visited the GP recently who has referred my partner but we don't think the procedure if offered in our area....
Hi, I'm very new here!!

I'm looking for advice as there seems to be a lot more people in the same boat as me which I really didn't imagine!!
My partner and I have been together for a year. We are both divorced and I have two boys. I am 26 and he is 35. He was married for 16years and had a son in 2004 who was born with cerebal palsy. Shortly afterwards his wife fell pregnant with another son who was born in 2006. It was decided very quickly that as their first child had very high needs and needed constant care that he would have a vasectomy to prevent any further children as the pregnancy had been accidental. This was given while their second son was just months old, they were both exhausted and their were no questions asked or counselling given, once the circumstances were explained, the op was performed within weeks. Very sadly, their first child passed away shortly before his 4th birthday. My partner has deeply regretted having the vasectomy, he was only 29 at the time and his situation was terribly stressful. He did not even think about the possibility of losing a child and we are now hoping it will be possible for us to start a family together.
I would be grateful to here of others experiences and any advice on whether this would be available on the NHS? We visited the GP recently who has referred my partner but we don't think the procedure if offered in our area....

Hi and welcome!

I am sorry your partner had such a stressful situation. IMO it's so wrong that permanent procedures are given to people particularly in such circumstances, so quickly and without any counselling at all ... unfortunately it seems to be too often :flower:

Sorry hun but I've not heard of anyone getting a reversal on the NHS. Costs privately seem to be £2000-£3000 depending on the hospital/surgeon (we paid roughly £2000 at a place in Glasgow). The ladies on here have highly recommended a Dr. Harriss (in Nottingham if I remember right). It's worth doing research before committing! Success rates vary with time since the original vasectomy, the man's age and such as well as the surgeon's expertise and technique. (Reading your post, your man is still relatively young and it's been 6 years since his vasectomy? Sounds good to me, there've been successes at far longer timescales and older men :flower:)

All the best :hugs:
So happy to have found you all! You can call me Cat, I am 31, dh is 35. We have 3 children together- 11, 10, & 4. Dh got the V in 2008 but started discussing another baby in 2010. He got his VR 9 days ago! He has a follow up 9 April.
Congrats to those with their post-VR bfps and blessings to the rest of us!


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