The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

Early tomorrow morning is my ultrasound to look at the number and size of my follicles and my blood work to check my E2 and LH levels. Wish me luck because if everything looks good than I will do my trigger shot tomorrow and the insemination should be Friday!!!:thumbup:

I am a little nervous about the appointment tomorrow and I have been doing OPK's to make sure I don't ovulate too early so I don't waste my money!!:wacko:

I am trying to guess what the number of :spermy: DH is going to have for the insemination. I am going to guess that he is going to have about 6 million sperm.

Anybody else want to guess and throw out a number??:haha:

I just hope he has over 5 million still because that is the minimum required to be eligible for the IUI. Although if his numbers are really low than at least I won't have to wonder if we should do another IUI or not and we can just go straight to IVF & ICSI. I wont have to make up my mind what to do next because his SA will decide for me. :shrug:
Hey everyone. I think i have just lost my baby :( I started spotting yesterday and when i got up this morning, it was heavier and i passed a clot. It's now gone back to spotting. I'm so devasted and spent the day crying :( Dr won't even do my Beta levels and have basically told me to sit and wait. I went to the walk in centre yesterday and they have said the same. I feel so alone and no one wants to help me :((
Hey everyone. I think i have just lost my baby :( I started spotting yesterday and when i got up this morning, it was heavier and i passed a clot. It's now gone back to spotting. I'm so devasted and spent the day crying :( Dr won't even do my Beta levels and have basically told me to sit and wait. I went to the walk in centre yesterday and they have said the same. I feel so alone and no one wants to help me :((

I am so very sorry for your loss!! Big hugs to you!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Welll... Todays appointment was shit... and I was holding back tears as I was leaving and cried on my drive home well on the phone with DH telling him what happened. :cry:

The day started out crappy because I was supposed to arrive between 7:15 to 8:30, but the traffic was so bad that my hour drive turned into an hour and a half, and I arrived a half an hour late. :wacko:

So I paid my $230 dollars when I got there, (which ended up being a waste of $$) They drew my blood to look at my LH & E2 levels. My normal DR wasn't in the office to do the ultrasound so I had this other male DR which made it awkward for me, and he was just reading and catching up on all of my history.

So the Dr. saw one big follicle that looked good, anda couple of smaller ones that were about 13 mm, But the problem is on that side where my ovary is I have problems with the fallpian tube on that side and even though the DR showed the dye flowed through my tube during my Lap, the DR wasn't sure of what kind of condition my tube was in on that side of my body. My good ovary with the good tube only had one tiny follice. So the DR didn't recommend us moving forward with the IUI and spending the 350.00 for the IUI. :cry: So out the window goes my $230 bucks, what a friggen waste of $$ that was...

The Dr. also saw some new fibroids. I know that I had one fibroid in the muscle wall of my uterus already, but the DR said there were a couple more small fibroids there as well now. :cry: Even though he said they dont need surgery and shouldn't affect my fertility I was still surprised to learn I had more fibroids.. where the hell did they come from!!! I don't think they were there before... Lordy... :growlmad:

So the DR said I should come back at the end of the month to see how my body is handling the clomid for blood work and they may want to step up the clomid dose to 100 mg's instead of the 50 and then I would do the IUI again. The Dr. said that women ovulate on the different sides of the ovaries and that it switchs back and forth from side to side....

So DH & me will just have timed :sex: and I will use my OPK's for the rest of my October cycle... not sure what I should do with the trigger shot though since we aren't doing anymore IUI's, I dont know if it would help me with this cycle doing the trigger or not...:shrug:

Well long story short, I am not willing to go through this all over again and spend another $230 in hopes that I am ovulating on my good side next month...:nope::growlmad:

So I have decided that IVF & ICSI is our next step for November. Even though this appointment was upsetting and I lost $$... this appointment just made me even more sure that IVF & ICSI is the right step for DH & me next.

Our success rates are already so low at 15% for each IUI cycle and now with my crappy one tube and only ovulating good on one side I am even more sure it is a waste of time. :wacko:

I know that during my HSG the dye didn't flow through my one tube, but I thought that since the DR got the dye to come out on that side that might of been blocked it would at least be good enough for IUI, I wish the DR had mentioned that this problem could occur, it caught me off gaurd today when the DR told me the tube isn't worthy of attempting the IUI. I think I misunderstood the real deal with my one tube after the surgery, or the covering DR interpreted my health history differently.. Either way it sucks...

I have my phone consult for the IVF & ICSI back in my hometown on Friday morning early morning so I am going to have a list of questions for the DR.

I have the live music concert tonight with Nneka and I am feeling like shit, and not in the mood to go out, but I am going to try to enjoy the show anyways, and I am so tired with a raging head ache.. What a shit day this ended up being.. SIGH....:growlmad::cry:
Mickellwife - I'm so sorry hun :(. Spotting in early pregnancy is extremely common - don't give up hope just yet. I have everything crossed for a good outcome, have you tried testing again?

Wannabe - what a nightmare! i'm sorry today didn't go well :(. Maybe you should trust your instincts on this? If you feel IVF/ICSI is the way forward then stick to your guns and focus on that. I know its hard just now BUT, you are much further forward in your TTC journey than you were when you first had the VR .... stay positive, you will get your BFP!!

Thinking of you both :hugs:
Hi Ladies,
I am 30 and my husband is 35. He had a vasectomy about 7 years ago. We got it reversed in September 2011. Wehave been trying for a good year still no pregnancy. He has three boys from his previous marriage. So now that it has been a little over a year I am going in to get worked up. I have a pretty regular cycle and can sort of tell when I am ovulating. I was excited to find this forum to gain knowledge and keep hope! Thank you for all the stories, experiences, emotions, and information that I have already taken form this group.
i have tested and its still positive but the dr said it takes a while for HCG to leave the body and the only way to see if i've miscarried is to take another test a week after bleeding has stopped. no one is giving me any support or helping me :(
Just stopping by to see how everyone is doing...

Welcome to the new ladies and ladies returning :)

Mickellwife, I am sorry you are going through this and feel so alone. I can only imagine how traumatic this is for you. Like Chatty said, don't give up hope yet, I really hope everything works out for you and I'm sure your OH, friends and family are there for you to help you through this.

Wannabe, I know it's such a step back when you think you are getting somewhere and then things don't work out how you planned! Something I think we have all experienced.. I am sorry the day didn't go the way you wanted it to. I think its great that you are thinking of the IVF/ICSI route and that you feel positive about it.

Chatty, hope everything with your pregnancy is still going well.

Just a quick update on me...I have now started on the IVF/ICSI journey and feeling very nervous but trying to keep positive! AF just turned up so now taking the pill for the start of all this...then onto the serious stuff! Eeek! Feeling excited, hopeful and scared all at the same time...I just hope the next month flies by...

Thinking of you all and sending positive vibes.

:hugs: Mickellwife, I'm sorry you're going through this. I know how awful it is. Chatty is right, don't give up hope yet. I bled with both of my pregnancies - only one of them ended in MC. All you can do is wait it out with fingers crossed :hugs:

:hugs: Wannabe, I'm sorry the appointment went badly. I will keep everything crossed that the next step will make your dreams come true.

Welcome want2bepreggo. I hope this thread will be helpful to you.

Wishing you all the best on your IVF journey Babyhopes! Sending lots and lots of :dust:

Hope you're well Chatty, time sure is flying!
Hi Ladies,
I am 30 and my husband is 35. He had a vasectomy about 7 years ago. We got it reversed in September 2011. Wehave been trying for a good year still no pregnancy. He has three boys from his previous marriage. So now that it has been a little over a year I am going in to get worked up. I have a pretty regular cycle and can sort of tell when I am ovulating. I was excited to find this forum to gain knowledge and keep hope! Thank you for all the stories, experiences, emotions, and information that I have already taken form this group.
i have tested and its still positive but the dr said it takes a while for HCG to leave the body and the only way to see if i've miscarried is to take another test a week after bleeding has stopped. no one is giving me any support or helping me :(

Just stopping by to see how everyone is doing...

Welcome to the new ladies and ladies returning :)

Mickellwife, I am sorry you are going through this and feel so alone. I can only imagine how traumatic this is for you. Like Chatty said, don't give up hope yet, I really hope everything works out for you and I'm sure your OH, friends and family are there for you to help you through this.

Wannabe, I know it's such a step back when you think you are getting somewhere and then things don't work out how you planned! Something I think we have all experienced.. I am sorry the day didn't go the way you wanted it to. I think its great that you are thinking of the IVF/ICSI route and that you feel positive about it.

Chatty, hope everything with your pregnancy is still going well.

Just a quick update on me...I have now started on the IVF/ICSI journey and feeling very nervous but trying to keep positive! AF just turned up so now taking the pill for the start of all this...then onto the serious stuff! Eeek! Feeling excited, hopeful and scared all at the same time...I just hope the next month flies by...

Thinking of you all and sending positive vibes.


Thanks for the kind words!!:hugs::hugs:

Good luck with your IVF cycle!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust:

I have a phone consultation tomorrow for my IVF & ICSI cycle, which I am hoping to start in November. It looks like we are both going to be starting the same journey. Fingers crossed we both get our BFP's!! :thumbup:
:hugs: Mickellwife, I'm sorry you're going through this. I know how awful it is. Chatty is right, don't give up hope yet. I bled with both of my pregnancies - only one of them ended in MC. All you can do is wait it out with fingers crossed :hugs:

:hugs: Wannabe, I'm sorry the appointment went badly. I will keep everything crossed that the next step will make your dreams come true.

Welcome want2bepreggo. I hope this thread will be helpful to you.

Wishing you all the best on your IVF journey Babyhopes! Sending lots and lots of :dust:

Hope you're well Chatty, time sure is flying!

Thanks for the kind words hun!!!:hugs::hugs: I responded to your post on my journal, so take a look at that when you get a chance!! I hope you have a good weekend!!:flower:
I had my IVF & ICSI phone cosultation early this morning and it went well. The Dr was running a little late but he was polite and called me back, He apologized for being late. He got stuck with a patient.

So the DR gave me a 40% chance of success for the IVF & ICSI cycle and confirmed that I would be able to start my IVF & ICSI cycle for the month of November, so I am happy about that!!:thumbup: I have to start on 300 units of Gonadotropins on CD 21 of my current October cycle.

I also spoke to billing and the girl was very nice and she is sending me a break down of the costs for the IVF & ICSI cycle and she is sending me detailed info about the medications I have to take with pricing information. I should be able to get a 15% military discount because my husband is army.

I need to have all of my medications ordered by next Friday 10/26 so I have time to get everything ready for my November cycle!!! We are only paying for one IVF & ICSI cycle so I am praying it works the first time. But if it that doesn't work than hopefully I will have alot of embryos to freeze and we can move on to do a frozen embryo transfer which doesn't cost anything as long as we do it within one year of the IVF ICSI cycle. All I have to pay for is the monitoring fee and medications which the billing office lady said range about 200 to 300 dollars for a FET cycle, so it isn't to bad!! So please keep your fingers crossed that either the first IVF cycle is a success or that I have alot of eggs and healthy embryos to freeze so we get additional attempts without needing to start over from scratch again. DH & me can only afford to pay for one full cycle up front right now.

The DR said that for a women my age and based on my medical background I should make on average about 6 to 20 eggs for this first cycle!!! I really hope it is more on the higher side!!! :thumbup: The DR said they will normally transfer about 2 to 3 embryos but it will all depend on how healthy the embryos are. I am super excited but also terrified it won't work all at the same time because of the huge cost!! I think the odds are on my side for success though, or at least alot of frozen embryos for us to try another time or two if we need to!!! Please keep your fingers crossed and send me lots of good luck that this is ging to work for me and DH!!!:thumbup:
mickellwife, I'm so sorry no one seems to be supporting you! That's what these forums are for, right?! Hope you are doing ok...

wannabe, you are so excited! Happy for you!

Best wishes out to everyone else!

AFM, we are 23 days post surgery! DH convinced me to do the deed yesterday, lol, I was so adamant he wait the full 4 weeks but we made it 3. The only comfort he gave me was that he said no pain at all, felt great, so I guess, ok, what can we do now? lol

We have our own scope so we'll probably scope soon, but I am not holding up any hope! Better to plan for NOTHING! And I love that I have my plan of IVF for July already in place. Makes it ok for their to be no sperm going forward, at least we tried!

I did lose my baby. I had a heavy bleed on thursday. Went to A&E as i was in agony just to be told i was never pregnant and im just Having a period. He came to that conclusion because the test was negative!!!

I told him i had 14 positives and he just said our tests are very sensitive. I know i was pregnant. I did a digi when i got home from A&E and it said not pregnant.

My IC tests still have a faint line and i just wish they would go. I've been so up and down.

The bleed after losing it was very strange as it was heavy for 1 day and then i had 2 days of a very light red discharge just when i wiped.

I stopped bleeding today but in the last half hour, I've been getting a really sharp ov type pain really low down on the right :(

Wish i knew what that was
:hugs: I'm so sorry Mickellwife :hugs: :hugs: I can't offer advice as my MC was medically induced and not natural, but there is sure to be ladies in the MC forum who have been in the same situation. I'm sorry nobody is supporting you :hugs:

Rdleela, sending lots of :dust:

Super good luck with the IVF wannabe. I will scoot by your journal - there is normally so much written in it I have trouble keeping up :lol:
Wannabe thats fantastic news that you can start IVF/ICSI in November! I have everything crossed for you that your BFP is just around the corner!

rdleela it sounds like you have everything covered and its just a case of seeing what happens! How is so difficult to wait the 4 weeks and I know lots of us haven't managed to abstain! (myself included!) Hoping the scoping goes well and your journey to that BFP is short and sweet :)

mickellwife I am so sorry that you are going through this. I was really hoping that it wasn't a MC :( I am thinking of you and I hope you can get some support to help you through this. :hugs:
wannabe, I think it is fun that we have similar names :winkwink: ...means we have similar dreams! Sounds like you have been through a lot. Thank you for sharing. Our last count was 8 million with 65% motility. I am going to have my first appt with the GYN on 11/9. I have a history of a swollen right tube that had scar tissue and adhesions found on a laparoscopic surgery. I have a feeling that I will most likely have to have a dye test to see if that side is open. Keep the faith! I appreciate your stories/experiences, you are an inspiration!

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