The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

Good luck with L & D Chatty!!!! :flower:
Hi girls, I am 33, OH is 40. I have 2 kids from previous marriage and my OH has 3! They range from 4 yrs to 12 yrs. We want one between us now to join us all together as a proper family. OH had vasectomy about 7 yrs ago. We went for consultation at BMI Droitwich Spa and were told that we have around 75% chance of getting pregnant. It is a lot of money but we have decided to go for the op at the end of Jan and then just let fate decide..
I'll keep you posted on any news and will keep an eye on here for success stories to keep my spirits high..
...if its meant to be, it will be..:shrug:
@Foxy, Good luck with the VR. I hope it is a success and that your OH gets lots of healthy :spermy:!!! :dust::dust::dust:

MY DH's vasectomy was 14 years old and when we reversed it it was successful and he had :spermy: even though his count was low. :thumbup:
Wow! Where has the past month gone??

I'd meant to pop back on and update you sooner but life has been manic!

Thomas James arrived on the 14th January at 13.31 weighing in at 8lb 2oz. His birth was everything I'd hoped for and planned - he was born in the birthing pool in my living room after a very easy 5hr labour. I used my homeopathy, aromatherapy, tens and had a whiff of entonox through transition - I can't recall being in pain at anytime (thanks to the natal hypnotherapy!) and just feelings of intense pressure.

I'm so in love :)
Wow! Where has the past month gone??

I'd meant to pop back on and update you sooner but life has been manic!

Thomas James arrived on the 14th January at 13.31 weighing in at 8lb 2oz. His birth was everything I'd hoped for and planned - he was born in the birthing pool in my living room after a very easy 5hr labour. I used my homeopathy, aromatherapy, tens and had a whiff of entonox through transition - I can't recall being in pain at anytime (thanks to the natal hypnotherapy!) and just feelings of intense pressure.

I'm so in love :)

Congrats on the birth of your son Chatty!!! :happydance::happydance:
Hi, ladies, hope all is well! It's been a long time since I've posted, but need to update and give anyone dealing with a tough surgery some hope!

Recap: DH had a hernia repair and undescendent testicle surgery at a very early age (newborn hernia and about 2 or 3 yrs old for the other one). Due to these surgeries, his left testicle never formed, and his right testicle only partially formed. He had a TON of scarring down there, and thus, had zero sperm in ejaculate.

September 28th, 2012, DH had a surgery to by-pass the blockage (the most complicated vasectomy reversal surgery, the Vasoepididymostomy). The surgeon at that time found all the scarring and we learned about his poor testicles. The surgeon said the surgery was VERY difficult, and that it was a 50/50 shot on whether the surgery would be successful. He did find live sperm at surgery time.

Early December 2012, 2 months post-op, SA results = zero sperm.

Yesterday, we had an appointment with our fertility clinic to say "let's do IVF". The Dr. informed us that we would have to travel to Toronto (we live in Alberta) to do IVF, as no one in Alberta does the surgery my DH needs to extract sperm (I think it's a tough surgery for DH as he's already had two surgeries in 2012 down there). So that was kind of a blow, the added travel costs. But you do what you have to, right? Anyways, the Dr. said, "we should do another SA b/c it's been 3 months since your last one, and even if we find only 10 sperm, we'll freeze them, and elimate the TESE so that you guys can do IVF here locally!" We totally agreed, so hubby did an SA this morning at the fertility clinic, AND OMG he had 600,000 sperm show up!!! 30% motility! We COULD NOT believe it!

We are EXACTLY 5 months post-op, and we are hoping that over the next few months, with some follow-up SA's, that we see some progression! (The surgeon emailed me back after I told him our good news, and said it is possible to see progression on count and motility up to a year post-op.)

At the very least, IVF costs will be lower, but MAYBE we could do IUI's if we get the sperm count up!

So ladies, there is TOTALLY hope; we had the most difficult surgery with the most difficult outcome, and we now have sperm in ejaculate!!!!

Please PM me if you have any questions!
@rdleela, Congrats on your DH's increase in his :spermy: count and motility!!! Good luck with any upcoming fertility treatments that you decide to do!!! :dust::dust: I hope you have a lovely weekend. :flower:
Ive been lurking for quite some time now and thought it was time to start sharing our journey.
My dh had a vasectomy in 2009 on advice from my cardiologist (i have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, icd), after he had the V we looked further into my condition and discovered this 'advice' should have never been given. At first we just shrugged it of as we already have 2 gorgeous children but last August, dh got very broody and told me he wanted a vr. And so the saving began! We had our consult a few days ago and booked his vr in for the 19th April!

He told us our chances of success are 85-90% which is great. So in approx 10 weeks we can finally start TTC the final addition to our family. I will keep u updated!

Hi guys, I am new to this site. Well when I say new I have actually been stalking this thread since my partner had his VR in July 2012!

I am 30 & my partner is 45 he has 2 teenage children from previous relationship. About 12/13 years ago he has his V! We were full of disappointment to be told our chances are very slim but we had to go ahead with it anyway, as if u dont try u will never know!! I am please to say I have had 2 faint BFP in the last 2 days. 12DPO & 13DPO! I honestly can't believe it so keep wanting to POAS just to check!

I had hangover symptoms since 9DPO & yesterday I was so poorly I knew something was up so I did a test & it was BFP! My partner is still convinced I just have a virus but that's 2 test & 2 BFP!
Hi I'm new and would love to join you girls, I'm 32 hubby is 32 and we have been together 17 years, we have 4 beautiful children together.
When I was pregnant with my last hubby had a vasectomy, but soon after we regretted it.
We always said we would get it reversed if we had the money.
Anyway that time came and hubby had a VR Wednesday just gone, by Duncan Harris at BMI Nottingham.
The op went ok and Dr Harris was happy with how it went and said after 2 weeks "to just get on it" :winkwink:lol.
Hubby is still swollen and bruised but it is reducing day by day.
Hi ladies Some may remember my journey others may be new.. Just wanted to give all you lovely ladies hope and say my DH had the vas rev 3/4 yrs after original snip (just before we met) i had 2 children from previous and he had 3 from previous but i longed for us to have a child together,
Any way Oct 2010 he had his op at the Spire in worcester uk and 9 weeks later i was pregnant with Our Son Ashton who is now 17mth (almost 18mths)

Never give up hope!!

One day it will happen. :flower:


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I was wondering what the recovery was like after VR?
My hubby is at 9 days after VR, he still has a little pain (not much mostly when getting up from sitting) and most of the brusing has gone, but his right side is still swollen and quite high up, his left is back to normol.
Just wondering what other hubby's/partners experience if recovery was?
Hello ladies,
It has been a while since I posted and thought I would give any update. For those of you that don't know my story, here is a brief summary. Hubby had 2 kids with ex and decided he would have a V. 4 years later, I came in the picture, never being a Mommy before, I wanted to have that experience. So, 6 years post V... he had the reversal.. without anesthesia at a cheap doc in the box in Oklahoma for $1500... who was INCREDIBLE (Dr. WIlson)! That was March 7th of 2011. Sept 2012 I was diagnosed with Non-hodgkins lymphoma. dec 2011 began treatments. Jan 2013 BFP, miscarried at 6 weeks. Told in March I needed different cancer treatments that would be harmful to my fertility. oncologist set up an appt for IVF consult the following week. that Thursday morning, I took a test at about 4 am, (gotta have that first morning urine! :p) and it was negative. well, so I thought... I looked really hard at that test a couple of hours later and saw what almost looked like a line, with one eye squinted in the sunlight. stared at that test, all the way to to the infertility specialists office. made arrangements to begin IVF that month. got home, took another test, just to see if anything would show up. IT DID! March 2013, another BFP!!! i took tests everyday for 19 days straight to watch that line get darker and darker. (thanks to for the cheap tests that worked great) I waited for treatments. Had my baby girl 4 weeks early (she was absolutely PERFECT), to test for growth of cancer, and luckily my immune system suppressed growth during my entire pregnancy. I got to breast fed for 4 months, stored up as much milk as I could, and started treatments last Monday. Kizely Eleizabeth Jo is my little inspiration and such a miracle baby. God is so good! I will have treatments through June and we will start trying again for another baby at the beginning of next year!


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Hello everyone! I am new to this board but happy to have found you all. I am 32 and DH is 41. He has two children from a previous marriage, and we have two children together. We've been together for 11 yrs, married for 7 1/2. He had a V after our daughter was born in August 2009 but we decided we were not done with our family yet and he had it reversed February 25. His doctor asked us to wait 3 wks to BD but we waited 2 wks and 2 days since I knew I was about to ovulate (I get mittelschmiertz pain both before and after I ovulate and lots of EWCM and confirmed with OPKs). I'm only 1 DPO but wondering if it's possible to get a BFP on the first cycle of trying. I would love to read others' stories and get more insight into the TTC after VR adventure!! BTW the doctor said after the surgery that he saw a lot of sperm on the left side but fewer on the right, and that the fluid was mostly clear but slightly cloudy.
Abby. It is absolutely possible... if I we're you (if you live in usa) visit and order a crap ton of cheap pregnancy tests. It is worth it! You can start testing at 9 dpo and not feel guilty cuz u are spending a ton of money (they are only like $.20 a test if I remember right) THEN after you get your bfp you can test daily and watch line get darker with remaining tests! I did this with all of my remaining tests (19 days worth!) You can also order a home semen analysis kit here. Took some convincing for my husband... but it is one of the best memories we have... focusing that tiny microscope it comes with and seeing all of that life and that the VR worked!) His lab semen analysis were spot on with my home results a month later! We were too anxious to wait and it was more than worth the cost! Also, buy hpt's in bulk! If you end up not needing them all... a ttc friend will crap herself with a gift like that... everyone loves my ttc kits with cheap opt and hpts!!!! :) hang in there. Try not to get discouraged! (We could only wait 2 weeks too!) ;)
Ttcpostvr, I can't believe you had your baby she's beautiful. It feels like it was just yesterday when you got pregnant. Congratulations!

I wish you the best ladies. I found a lot of support from this thread.
Congrats on the birth of your baby girl TTC!! She is gorgeous!! :flower: I am so glad to hear that you and your baby girl are doing so well!! :thumbup:
Hello lovely ladies!! :wave:

How are you all doing? :thumbup:

For those who dont know me, i started this group a few years ago when I was TTC my 1st. my hubby had his vasectomy reversal 8 years after his original vasectomy. the. Went well but the 3m SA test wasn't good news. He only had 1million/per ml and only 4% of that 1million were swimming. I refused to let it get us down and kelt telling myself that 4% of 1million was LOADS considering that it only takes one...what I didn't know was that I was already pregnant when i got those results :happydance: so it had taken us less than 3months!

My beautiful Emily is 18months now (where has that gone!?) and i am off my pill. We are NTNP but because I got so tuned into my body with knowing what Ov signs to look for etc, i know exactly when im ovulating etc so there'll be no surprise if i was to fall pregnant again. So this is officially my 1st month trying and i am somewhere in the 2WW, about 5dpo but cant be too sure as i didnt temp, went solely off my CM and Ov pains.

Im so pleased to see so many of you still using this thread, im so pleased its continued to provide help and support to many others! :flowers: xxxxxx

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