The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

That's it isn't it, even if a man has say 95% that's still a 5% chance that they have.

However I did screen shot something for you today that gave me some hope! Will try attach x


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evening ladies xx :wave: xx
I really dont know elmo about the reduction in count and whether its a sign of scarring, but rachy is right, it does vary from sa to sa. I just wish we had had another sa a year post op but we didnt see the point. I also wish i had a print out of our 12 week post op sa as all we had was count and i never knew what antibodies sean had if any. :shrug: and he had had previous trauma down there before the vr and as a kickboxer had sufffered frequent kicks to the groin area so id have expected him to have a number of antibodies.....?? I dont know, i really dont know....:nope:
I hope he is ok with us, it would mean more money coming his way if it were the case .... The doctor phoned today about the sample he sent to hosp yesterday, the results are back! So will hopefully go tues to get them....hes going on his own though, i sharnt too upset last least id be prepared.

Rachy, talking of varying sa results, have you heard of people getting zero then getting more in another sa after? Xx

Live I would Imagine they should always do a repeat in a case like that where there is zero sperm just to make sure no mistakes have take place?

reading that one post that I posted the screen shot of above has given me new perspective, yes we are most likely going to need the icsi and yes it's going to take a year to save but it COULD maybe just maybe happen along the way xx
Ive seen it before, i too browsed every forum looking for positive outcomes in the hope we may be the lucky ones. Yes we have gotten a bfp with AsAb's but ended in early loss. Our fertility specialist (nhs) did say its possible but with 100% our chances are more like 1%. Ejaculation 2-3 times a day will certainly reduce antibodies temporarily, but it would be difficult to maintain a sufficient sperm count for pregnancy as supply needs time to replenish. You could give it a go, but you'd need to pin point ovulation and only start a day or 2 beforehand. I wish i had the stamina to try it :) x
Live have you thought about going straight to sperm retrieval and ivf rather than the re do Hun? I'm just wondering if it might make it a longer road and one where you later wish you had gone straight to it? The cost now is cheaper for the icsi with egg sharing that it is for the reversal - unless of course he can do it for a reduced rate xx
Rache I don't think we have it in Us anymore and now that his count has reduced I doubt we would have the count either! x
Honestly vickie hun, not at the point you and sean are. Ive heard of a first negative sa post vr turning positive but not the other way round. If he's abstained for a long period prior to the analysis then the sample (assuming his count is still low) may only show dead sperm, if thats the case then regular ejaculation maybe what he needs. I hope you get good news on Tuesday, those results were really quick x
So has he done another SA since the one a couple of weeks back? Oh I really hope somehow something has changed for the better x
thanks rachy, yes elmo,nhe did another thursday and results are already back. The hospital said as it was provided after 7 days abstinanence then they wanted a retest just to be not hopeful...hes going on his own to get results, i couldnt handle it again :nope: and the doctor last time, god what a heartless cow.....we sit down, she asks why we are here, we tell her...she looks at her screen and goes 'well theres nothing there, all zero's' ......nothing like a blunt delivery....dont beat around the bush love or give it to us gently. She may as well have stood us, put on a pair of steel capped boots and kicked us straight in the groins! I may have felt better! :nope:
I guess the only reason we are thinking another vr 1st is because we were so lucky last tine and the whole process went smootly.....i know that doesnt mean it will happen again for us but if it did, then we could try again and again while the window is open...(not that we are planning too, but the opption is there and we can decide when enough is enough, not have it taken away from us again....although i do understand that scarring could happen again)...... For us, icsi/ivf with egg sharing is more of a gamble...but i will defintiely look into it if we have to....xx
Hello ladies, I haven't posted for a while as some of you know we got a zero count a month ago, 3 months post VR with only 3 years between v and VR. I didn't want to post or read anything to do with it as I've been so gutted. Just bought a microscope and we tried a sample on weds but I couldn't see anything, lots of particles but nothing moving. I don't know if I was doing it right or had it on the right magnification, when I tried it on the highest mag I couldn't see anything. Anyway we are going to wait until the six month mark then scope again and if I see anything hubby's going to do a repeat SA.. But looks like we are going to have a consultation with CARE in Southampton for sperm aspiration and IVF, I'm just very nervous about the birth defect rate with someone selecting a sperm instead of the strongest one winning.. Plus the financial aspect as we are yet to pay off the reversal..

I mentioned a repeat to dr Harriss and one where he joins it further up which would have meant further money for him but he said he was happy with the surgery and wouldn't suggest wasting money on a redo and IVF is our best bet :(

So anyway sorry for the lack of posts and I promise to be more active from now on! Feel very lonely at the moment so should make the most of the board!
Hi Charlie don't think we have spoken before, please do make the most of the board, although mine and rachys hubby's do have sperm, I think in a sense the 4 of us who are active on here at the moment are essentially in the same boat, as with our hubby's having 100% antibodies, they basically have no fertile sperm either. It's a bloody heartbreaking situation to be in. We thought we had been so succesful and had kind of expected to be too with only a year or so between his vas and the reversal, so the antibodies where a shock especially given that Dr harris said they didn't matter one bit. We are also looking at using care but we too are still paying for the reversal and have a good year to save.

Liv I can't imagine how that felt and simply can't understand why some individual go into the medical profession without an ounce of compassion.

Rachy I read about a couple where they struggled to separate any sperm for the Icsi bevause the agglutination was so bad from the antibodies, do you know anything about that? It's given me yet something else to worry about xx
I think thats where sperm washing comes in, it helps separate the sperms loosely attached. Also, regular Ejaculation helps in a reduction of agglutination so nearer the time, dh will "clean his pipes" every 2nd day in the run up to egg retrieval and will be taking a good daily dose of vitamin C. You dont need to worry about that so much tho as your dh's sa said no agglutination ;) x
Yea this one did but the last one there was agglutination otherwise we wouldn't have been tested for the antibodies. I have said we need to get him on 2000mg a day of vitamin c. Unfortunately the vitamins at the shop today where only 200mg each where as the dissolvable tabs where 1000mg each but he says he can't stomach them x
1000mg should be sufficient enough, wilko do a 500mg vit c so he could take one am & pm. Its a good idea to add zinc in there too, its supposedly good for normal morphology and dna fragmentation x
I think I read somewhere that although zinc improves morphology it can lower sperm count? Any truth in that as far as your aware? X
Well dh takes it and it hasn't lowered his count. Vit c supposedly increases count too so maybe they cancel each other out, in that case it wont affect count at all x
hey ladies! So dr harris was back in the office today and i got a reply.....really pleased actually as he would have had to get hubbys info out from storage so im oleased he took the time to got through it all as he made reference to hubbys testicular op he had 5years before the vr after an accident.....anyway, heres what he said.....

Dear Vickie and Sean

I am sorry to learn that having initially had a positive sperm count and two pregnancies that your latest sperm count is negative. I think the most likely explanation for this is some scar tissue developing at the site of rejoin and it would be possible to consider a redo vasectomy reversal. I am sure there will be no problem doing this on the left side. I do have some concerns about the right side because of your previous orchidopexy for a testicular torsion, which did cause me considerable difficulty at the time of vasectomy reversal in September 2010. It would be better if I was able to achieve a redo on both sides as this would improve your chances of it being successful for a second time. The results of semen analysis after redo surgery are not as good as the primary operation with approximately 50% of patients achieving a positive result. The alternative for you both would be to consider IVF treatment with sperm extraction. If you wanted to do this you would need to attend a fertility clinic. If on the other hand you think a redo operation is something that you would like to have performed then I would be very happy for you to book in for this directly via my secretary on the above number. Alternatively if you would like to arrange a consultation to discuss things further then please contact Bev in any event.

Best wishes.

Yours sincerely

So what do you think? We have already decided a redo is our best option....weighing it up its cheaper, we are familiar with the procedure, it worked for us before even when figures were very low....
What would you do if you were us?......

Yeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy go for it girl! U have nothing to loose and everything to gain.xxxx
hehe thank you xxxx part of me thinks ive had all the luck i could possibly have, that we have our miracle baby and i should be grateful.....i really am, i love our emily more than anything but we made a decision to try again and to have that taken away is just heartbreeaking....emily isnt a consolidation prize, she is and will always be our miracle baby......we just want another :cry::cry: im waiting to hear back from dr harriss regarding cost (its alot more than what we paid 5years ago) and availability. Its going to skint us but we want to do it xxx

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