The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

Whats a tri-what ya call it chart mean>? (i know NOTHING about temps!)

Ohhh the films :haha: well lets hope it means something!

Ohh you have tests :D yes deffo hold out as long as you can Sarah!!!! Its for the best

I am sending :dust: your way!!! you need to be pregnant for the thread :haha: we need a preggy wag on here!

Well ya body can certainly trick you into thinking you are preg, i know this too well now!!! my boobs are still looking like a preggy womans boobs :dohh: i dunno why at all. Weird.

So you'll know by Saturday! x

Yes hopefully if :af: stays away for 9mths thank u for :dust::hugs:

Hello all I hope you all had a lovely Xmas I am due af tomorrow so really nervous. Had lots of potemtial symptoms backache, bad cold, bigger boobs tired, vvv hungry but it could all be in my head again! :wacko:
Tested witha cheapie 10mui stick (my last one in pack) yesterday and BFN not convinced with these sticks as my stepsons girlfirend tested with them 2 weeks late and had BFN we teste her with FRER test and it was definite BFP... Maybe I am clutching at straws... feel really rough today tho :cry:

hoping one of us gets lucky :flower:

Go and get some FRERs from tesco 2pk for £7.19 i think they were, good luck to you and :dust: your way too x

Thankyou :D

Im actually glad i dont do the temp thing, would be something else for me to stress about :haha:

You are so right! There's enough obsession involved without temping!!

i find the opks stressful, so i just temp, its not to bad really as FF does it al for you, i just enter my temps and it tells me whats what.. when my temp normally starts to drop i know :af: is not far away:thumbup:
But each to there own on methods. dont thnk i could do it 100% accurate as in Ov day without Temping..
Morning Ladies!!

Well im 10DPO today YAYYY!!!:happydance::happydance:

so im chuffed:thumbup: Still at the toilet every 5 mins checking... how did you do it for 2 weeks MrsEssex:haha: driving me bonkers...

Well girlies my temp rose again today, and FF has recongised a Possible Triphasic on Day 22 never had that before:happydance::happydance::happydance:

quoting FF: "A triphasic chart, however, is not a definite sign that you are or are not pregnant. It is just increasing your probability if you also have well-timed intercourse."
Its looking good for me but keeping my fingers crossed

:dust: :dust:

Wow, that sounds really promising, Good luck and baby dust hun!!! :winkwink:I hope you get your :bfp: soon!!:dust::dust::dust:

Thank you so much...:hugs:

All this talk about exercise makes me feel ashamed I hate it, I dont mind dieting but I get really bored with exercise I've tried loads, my bike is in my mams shed I have an ab machine on top of the kids wardrobes and the we fit is tucked away in the draw :haha:.
great news about the 10dpo sarah and the temp rise its looking good so fingers crossed for you, do you get points on fertility friend as mine was at 72points when I got my bfp (but i still dont know what it meant) :dust:

Yes it has points, but i dont really do the Specific Situations bits apart from cramps ov pain and tender boobs as i dont know whether i am wanting the symptoms but with the few i have done my points are 48:shrug:

i think you get 1 point for each symptom you put:shrug: but ive never really symptom spotted on it:thumbup:
Mrs Rich, I am close to you with my cycle this month, I am 9DPO!!! Lets hope this is our lucky month!!! :winkwink:
Mrs Rich, I am close to you with my cycle this month, I am 9DPO!!! Lets hope this is our lucky month!!! :winkwink:

:dust: for you too! Hope you have a lucky December! Fx

Sarah let's hope you won't need the SA ;) xx

i was thinking tht earlier... if i am, we'll still take his special pot over as we have sort of paid for it and i'd like to know % etc xx
Ohhh would you? Yeah I suppose it would be good to have an idea what's going on in the sacks :haha:

Never asked you Sarah..... Do you want one with your hubby or two?
Hello all I hope you all had a lovely Xmas I am due af tomorrow so really nervous. Had lots of potemtial symptoms backache, bad cold, bigger boobs tired, vvv hungry but it could all be in my head again! :wacko:
Tested witha cheapie 10mui stick (my last one in pack) yesterday and BFN not convinced with these sticks as my stepsons girlfirend tested with them 2 weeks late and had BFN we teste her with FRER test and it was definite BFP... Maybe I am clutching at straws... feel really rough today tho :cry:

hoping one of us gets lucky :flower:

Hey :wave:

I shall keep my fingers crossed for you, sounds promising!! :thumbup: keep us all posted!! xx
Mrs Rich, I am close to you with my cycle this month, I am 9DPO!!! Lets hope this is our lucky month!!! :winkwink:

:dust: for you too! Hope you have a lucky December! Fx

Sarah let's hope you won't need the SA ;) xx

i was thinking tht earlier... if i am, we'll still take his special pot over as we have sort of paid for it and i'd like to know % etc xx

Yeah I reckon it'd still be better to know the exact numbers etc! Although if we'd already gotten preg before my man's sample was handed in he'd never have seen the point taking it!
If we were lucky enough to have got our BFP before the SA, we still would have done it, just to know really. I mean a bfp would be great, no doubt about it, but if you got your bfp,then had the SA and found your chances were really slim, to me that would make my bfp even more miraculous....if you know what I mean? :shrug: lol.

I'm so excited, we could be looking at 2 pregnant VR WAGS!! :dance: :dust: to you both!!

Me and DH have just made up for yesterday :winkwink: lol, but all afternoon I've had cramping, killer boobs, had a headache and felt icky. It's mad coz I felt nothing last month and now I'm 1dpo and feel these things? lol. :wacko: i'm not going to see them as preg symptoms though as normally between ov and af, I get all the cramping, sore boobs etc (although not the feeling icky or headache) :shrug: it could be a chocolate withdrawal symptom as I haven't eaten any today!! :shock: lol best go and fix that!! xx
Ohhh would you? Yeah I suppose it would be good to have an idea what's going on in the sacks :haha:

Never asked you Sarah..... Do you want one with your hubby or two?

Just the one.. i think:haha: he says one anyway:thumbup:

out of curiosity i'd like to know:thumbup:

If we were lucky enough to have got our BFP before the SA, we still would have done it, just to know really. I mean a bfp would be great, no doubt about it, but if you got your bfp,then had the SA and found your chances were really slim, to me that would make my bfp even more miraculous....if you know what I mean? :shrug: lol.

Totally get you V.. thts what i meant:thumbup:

Go get some choccy hun, fed that fix:thumbup::happydance:

Will keep you al updated.. Good or Bad news x

:hugs: i'd love to see MRSRICHRSK bfp 2mths after reversal on that list
on the xmas list i was surrounded by "6"bfp's

on the new Jan 1st list already "2" bfp's by my name

come on stalky:yellow:!!!

the christmas list
"Dear Santa, can we please have the best xmas pressie we could ever wish for baby no 3 x "

:hugs:janeybaby TTC No.4:hugs:
"Dear Santa all we want for Christmas is to complete our family xxx"

jah07-Jennifer TTC No.1
"wanting a positive test and a sticky bean for christmas!"

:bfp::happydance:Waiting4astork TTC No.1 :happydance::bfp:
"Please can I have a BFP for Christmas, Santa. It's all I want, and I promise not to ask for anything else"
:bfp: 21/11/10 :bfp:

:bfp: :happydance:Tegans Mama TTC No.2 :happydance: :bfp:
"Our little lady would love to be a big sister" :)
:bfp: 24/11/10 :bfp:

:bfp::happydance:Addie25 TTC No.1:happydance::bfp:
"Dear Santa, Christmas is my favorite holiday and would love to get a BFP be4 this Christmas. We are going on a family reunion in December and it would be nice to share the great news with family who lives far away in person!"
:bfp: 13/12/10 :bfp:

kittenly TTC No.1
"Dear Santa... I have had a wonderful year, marrying my DH after losing touch with each other for 5 years and finally finding each other again, a baby would be the icing on our splendid cake! And my DH is a big kid when it comes to Christmas and a BFP would be the best present i could ever give him!! Thank you Santa

:bfp: :happydance:Stickyplum TTC No.1:happydance: :bfp:
"Please Santa can i have a baby for xmas x i dont want any presents for me anymore just want a new addition for the family to spoil x x Please Please Please"
:bfp: 9/12/10 :bfp:

:hugs:Cherrylicious TTC No.1:hugs:
"Dear Santa, I would love a BFP and a sticky bean for christmas" :)

:bfp::happydance:SarahJane TTC No.1:happydance::bfp:
"look Santa let's do a deal... BFP for me and I won't break it to all these other ladies that your are not real"
:bfp: 23/11/10 :bfp:

Killeen_TTC TTC No.1
"Dear Santa, My husband and I have been really good this year and would love a BFP for Christmas this year. We don't care if it is a boy or a girl, both or more, we will love it or them with all our heart, We even have a room all ready for the baby/babies so Please Santa. XOXO
PS. I will leave you some milk and homemade gingerbread cookies for you"

:bfp::happydance:SMFirst TTC No.1:happydance::bfp:
"Dear Santa, We are currently trying for our first baby. This has been a year of big events for us: bought a house (with a room just right for a baby!), got married, DH turned the big 4-0 and now to round it out, a BFP by Christmas would be wonderful! Santa, it could just be a secret between you and us (well and likely all the ladies on BnB hehe!). We've been really good all year and promise to be good unto others as well
Thanks, S+M.


January 1st
Little G,
mummystheword :bfp:
I'd actually like this thread closed down this time next year

and another re-opened with our new bumps/babies in mummy section of the forum...obviously not this one! (ttc)
Hello all I hope you all had a lovely Xmas I am due af tomorrow so really nervous. Had lots of potemtial symptoms backache, bad cold, bigger boobs tired, vvv hungry but it could all be in my head again! :wacko:
Tested witha cheapie 10mui stick (my last one in pack) yesterday and BFN not convinced with these sticks as my stepsons girlfirend tested with them 2 weeks late and had BFN we teste her with FRER test and it was definite BFP... Maybe I am clutching at straws... feel really rough today tho :cry:

hoping one of us gets lucky :flower:

Hey :wave:

I shall keep my fingers crossed for you, sounds promising!! :thumbup: keep us all posted!! xx

If its BFN this cycle I need to go and get checked by doctor and get hubby for another SA I need to know everything is ok! I was so jealous my stepsons girlfriend announced on boxing day (after being with stepson only a matter of weeks!) she was pregnant it was heart wrenching. My hubby has kids from a previous relationship so I feel he's not as bothered as me, he made a comment today about me not understanding something as I didnt have a child of my own, I know I dont understand but no-one seems to care, they just keep asking when am i having a baby.... starting to think its something wrong with me. :growlmad: I was so angry I am so ready to be a mummy:cry:
Of course you're ready to be a Mummy :hugs: we so understand this xxxxx

You can vent off here any time x
Agreed hon this is the place to be for venting purposes. That's what we're here for :hugs:
Hello all I hope you all had a lovely Xmas I am due af tomorrow so really nervous. Had lots of potemtial symptoms backache, bad cold, bigger boobs tired, vvv hungry but it could all be in my head again! :wacko:
Tested witha cheapie 10mui stick (my last one in pack) yesterday and BFN not convinced with these sticks as my stepsons girlfirend tested with them 2 weeks late and had BFN we teste her with FRER test and it was definite BFP... Maybe I am clutching at straws... feel really rough today tho :cry:

hoping one of us gets lucky :flower:

Hey :wave:

I shall keep my fingers crossed for you, sounds promising!! :thumbup: keep us all posted!! xx

If its BFN this cycle I need to go and get checked by doctor and get hubby for another SA I need to know everything is ok! I was so jealous my stepsons girlfriend announced on boxing day (after being with stepson only a matter of weeks!) she was pregnant it was heart wrenching. My hubby has kids from a previous relationship so I feel he's not as bothered as me, he made a comment today about me not understanding something as I didnt have a child of my own, I know I dont understand but no-one seems to care, they just keep asking when am i having a baby.... starting to think its something wrong with me. :growlmad: I was so angry I am so ready to be a mummy:cry:

Tally, I totally understand where you are coming from hun. My DH is ten years older than me and has 2 kids from a previous marriage as well. I also often feel like at times he is not as heart broken as I am every month when AF shows, and like he doesnt feel the same sense of urgency that I do about TTC. Ugghhhh, it drives me bananas, and he has said the same things to me about how I dont understand because I dont have any kids yet and so on and so forth:growlmad:!!!! And it is because of that I get on these message boards so I can talk to other ladies about TTC, it keeps me sane. I have gotten so upset with my DH because i felt like he wasnt willing to put in the work to make a baby, since we already have a challenge with his low :spermy: count and all of that... ugghhhhhhhh.... hang in there hun.

I ended up talking to my DH and expalining to him many times what it means to me to be able to have a baby of my own, and how I was upset how I felt like he didnt care, and he has gotten better about playing his role in this whole TTC thing... it took me talking to him about it several times though, and i cried, screamed and yelled at him about it as well....:wacko::wacko::wacko: My advice is to be honest with him and up front about how you feel and be straight forward about telling him what you need from him... Men are simple and cant figure out what is wrong with us unless we just tell them... LOL

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