The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

I had that job interview this afternoon, and i think it went really good!! I
have a pretty good feeling that I probably got the job... :thumbup: I will find out in about one to two weeks if i got the job or not. It isnt my first pic in a job, but at least it is closer to home, so I will have a shorter commute time, save on gas $$, and it is a direct hire permanent job. My temp job will be ending anytime now, so it would be great if I had something else in time before it ends and that I can stay at long term!!!

Tomorrow morning I am going to break down and test since I will be 10 DPO... Yes i know I am crazy, but I just cant help myself.... :wacko:
Hello all I hope you all had a lovely Xmas I am due af tomorrow so really nervous. Had lots of potemtial symptoms backache, bad cold, bigger boobs tired, vvv hungry but it could all be in my head again! :wacko:
Tested witha cheapie 10mui stick (my last one in pack) yesterday and BFN not convinced with these sticks as my stepsons girlfirend tested with them 2 weeks late and had BFN we teste her with FRER test and it was definite BFP... Maybe I am clutching at straws... feel really rough today tho :cry:

hoping one of us gets lucky :flower:

Hey :wave:

I shall keep my fingers crossed for you, sounds promising!! :thumbup: keep us all posted!! xx

If its BFN this cycle I need to go and get checked by doctor and get hubby for another SA I need to know everything is ok! I was so jealous my stepsons girlfriend announced on boxing day (after being with stepson only a matter of weeks!) she was pregnant it was heart wrenching. My hubby has kids from a previous relationship so I feel he's not as bothered as me, he made a comment today about me not understanding something as I didnt have a child of my own, I know I dont understand but no-one seems to care, they just keep asking when am i having a baby.... starting to think its something wrong with me. :growlmad: I was so angry I am so ready to be a mummy:cry:

Tally, I totally understand where you are coming from hun. My DH is ten years older than me and has 2 kids from a previous marriage as well. I also often feel like at times he is not as heart broken as I am every month when AF shows, and like he doesnt feel the same sense of urgency that I do about TTC. Ugghhhh, it drives me bananas, and he has said the same things to me about how I dont understand because I dont have any kids yet and so on and so forth:growlmad:!!!! And it is because of that I get on these message boards so I can talk to other ladies about TTC, it keeps me sane. I have gotten so upset with my DH because i felt like he wasnt willing to put in the work to make a baby, since we already have a challenge with his low :spermy: count and all of that... ugghhhhhhhh.... hang in there hun.

I ended up talking to my DH and expalining to him many times what it means to me to be able to have a baby of my own, and how I was upset how I felt like he didnt care, and he has gotten better about playing his role in this whole TTC thing... it took me talking to him about it several times though, and i cried, screamed and yelled at him about it as well....:wacko::wacko::wacko: My advice is to be honest with him and up front about how you feel and be straight forward about telling him what you need from him... Men are simple and cant figure out what is wrong with us unless we just tell them... LOL

I just wanted to let you know the reason why I feel a sense of urgency about TTC is because I can hear my biological clock ticking away, and my window of fertility getting to be less and less.. ugghhhh... since I am in my early 30's......:wacko:
I had that job interview this afternoon, and i think it went really good!! I
have a pretty good feeling that I probably got the job... :thumbup: I will find out in about one to two weeks if i got the job or not. It isnt my first pic in a job, but at least it is closer to home, so I will have a shorter commute time, save on gas $$, and it is a direct hire permanent job. My temp job will be ending anytime now, so it would be great if I had something else in time before it ends and that I can stay at long term!!!

Tomorrow morning I am going to break down and test since I will be 10 DPO... Yes i know I am crazy, but I just cant help myself.... :wacko:

Hey that's great news about the interview! Fingers crossed for you, Do keep us posted :)

I know what you mean testing early is so tempting. I have been trying to avoid it these past few cycles but those cheapie test strips are there in the cupboard!!! :wacko:
I had that job interview this afternoon, and i think it went really good!! I
have a pretty good feeling that I probably got the job... :thumbup: I will find out in about one to two weeks if i got the job or not. It isnt my first pic in a job, but at least it is closer to home, so I will have a shorter commute time, save on gas $$, and it is a direct hire permanent job. My temp job will be ending anytime now, so it would be great if I had something else in time before it ends and that I can stay at long term!!!

Tomorrow morning I am going to break down and test since I will be 10 DPO... Yes i know I am crazy, but I just cant help myself.... :wacko:

good luck with your interview:hugs:
i'm 11 dpo today:happydance::happydance::happydance:
And guess what......................................................

My Temp rose again this morning check out my chart:thumbup:

my points went up to 56 this morning

Its all looking good... Really hope its not:af: playing tricks on me:cry:
so very true, they need to be told, they just dont seem to have the capability of picking up on things like women do, men are such funny creatures! :wacko: lol
As you know my DH is 18years older and has 4 children from his first marriage and although he hasnt said things about me not understanding, I have had it at work.... I work with children and am a qualified nursery nurse, but now work in a school, studying for my teaching degree and as much as I dont pretend to know everything about children (i'm just not like that) parents seem to clutch on to that I dont have children and use it as a way to say I dont know what I'm talking about. I had an awful Child Protection issue on the last day of term and one thing the parent said was 'you haven't got children, who are you to tell me how to look after my children,' (that wasnt the case at all, i hadnt told her how to look after her children, I just reported a concern about her child, as any staff would have done, children or no children).

I just want to be a mummy too, people are amazed I haven't children of my own, as they can all see how much I enjoy my job and just love the children......i'd take them all home with me if i could, give them a scrub, some grub and some TLC, bless 'em xx

sorry, did i go off abit there!! lol :dohh:
i'm 11 dpo today:happydance::happydance::happydance:
And guess what......................................................

My Temp rose again this morning check out my chart:thumbup:

my points went up to 56 this morning

Its all looking good... Really hope its not:af: playing tricks on me:cry:

Hey!! :thumbup: :thumbup:

I was thinking about you and your temp this morning!!! :happydance: :happydance:
Thats amazing that its still going up, personally i think it can only mean one thing!! :blush: :happydance:

I mean wow, you got your 10dpo+ and they're still on the up!!! Normally they start decending before af (well mine do). I think there is more chance you are pregnant than that you will have a longer than 11 day+ LP, what dya reckon??? :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

How are you feeling? I did the points thing too, I got into the low 60's last month, but everything i put down was for af aswell :shrug: so i think the higher the score, the higher your chances. I know, was it reversal, said she got into the 70's and she got her bfp?

What does your DH say about it all? :happydance::happydance:

i'm 11 dpo today:happydance::happydance::happydance:
And guess what......................................................

My Temp rose again this morning check out my chart:thumbup:

my points went up to 56 this morning

Its all looking good... Really hope its not:af: playing tricks on me:cry:

Hey!! :thumbup: :thumbup:

I was thinking about you and your temp this morning!!! :happydance: :happydance:
Thats amazing that its still going up, personally i think it can only mean one thing!! :blush: :happydance:

I mean wow, you got your 10dpo+ and they're still on the up!!! Normally they start decending before af (well mine do). I think there is more chance you are pregnant than that you will have a longer than 11 day+ LP, what dya reckon??? :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

How are you feeling? I did the points thing too, I got into the low 60's last month, but everything i put down was for af aswell :shrug: so i think the higher the score, the higher your chances. I know, was it reversal, said she got into the 70's and she got her bfp?

What does your DH say about it all? :happydance::happydance:


im getting more hopeful by the day:thumbup: still worried bought :af: appearing in the back of my head:cry: have niggly cramps have done all week, but like i said i had these with Kian x

im feeling ok.. keep falling asleep early on the sofa watching tv :haha:, feel waves of nausea:shrug:

DH says "Whos the sperminator":haha: :haha:
i checked my temp last night before bed.. and i said to him do you wanna know... he said no, its a surprise i wanna wait till morning... then when he saw this mornings he said you going to pop soon if it keeps going up lol lol x
I just want to be a mummy too, people are amazed I haven't children of my own, as they can all see how much I enjoy my job and just love the children......i'd take them all home with me if i could, give them a scrub, some grub and some TLC, bless 'em xx

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: thats so sweet V.

Its a stupid assumption, because you've not had children you have no common bond with a child or cant feel what a Mother would feel its bollocks and really winds me up actually. We all know unconditional love....our own parents our siblings....its no different. The love i feel for my children is the same as for my parents & brother..its slightly different....but the same none the less.


Sarah.... 11dpo! :dance: :dance: is this the longest you've gone without a period then??? thats mental!!!! but looking really good!! temp going up from what i gather reading here is good right?? Good bloody luck to ya!
lol,Sarah, I have visions of you, in the darkness of your bedroom, when you have just awoken, quitely getting your BBT and carefully taking your temp, then looking at it and jumping up and down and wavig it in front of DH !!!! lol :dance: i would!! My sh actually asked me this morning what my temp was...I said, aww see you are interested in all this temp stuff!!' and he kissed me, the soppy thing!! lol xx i def ovd tues. So I'm 2dpo now! xx
AF got me:cry:
Had a little cry this morning xxxx
BD'ing all the right days got my hopes up silly me yet again, really thought it was:cry: our month
AF got me:cry:
Had a little cry this morning xxxx
BD'ing all the right days got my hopes up silly me yet again, really thought it was:cry: our month
:hugs: :hugs: im sorry :hugs: :hugs: It got me on Tuesday too :dohh:

Here's to the next month hunny xxxxx We're all in the same boat we understand x
Hello all I hope you all had a lovely Xmas I am due af tomorrow so really nervous. Had lots of potemtial symptoms backache, bad cold, bigger boobs tired, vvv hungry but it could all be in my head again! :wacko:
Tested witha cheapie 10mui stick (my last one in pack) yesterday and BFN not convinced with these sticks as my stepsons girlfirend tested with them 2 weeks late and had BFN we teste her with FRER test and it was definite BFP... Maybe I am clutching at straws... feel really rough today tho :cry:

hoping one of us gets lucky :flower:

Hey :wave:

I shall keep my fingers crossed for you, sounds promising!! :thumbup: keep us all posted!! xx

If its BFN this cycle I need to go and get checked by doctor and get hubby for another SA I need to know everything is ok! I was so jealous my stepsons girlfriend announced on boxing day (after being with stepson only a matter of weeks!) she was pregnant it was heart wrenching. My hubby has kids from a previous relationship so I feel he's not as bothered as me, he made a comment today about me not understanding something as I didnt have a child of my own, I know I dont understand but no-one seems to care, they just keep asking when am i having a baby.... starting to think its something wrong with me. :growlmad: I was so angry I am so ready to be a mummy:cry:

Tally, I totally understand where you are coming from hun. My DH is ten years older than me and has 2 kids from a previous marriage as well. I also often feel like at times he is not as heart broken as I am every month when AF shows, and like he doesnt feel the same sense of urgency that I do about TTC. Ugghhhh, it drives me bananas, and he has said the same things to me about how I dont understand because I dont have any kids yet and so on and so forth:growlmad:!!!! And it is because of that I get on these message boards so I can talk to other ladies about TTC, it keeps me sane. I have gotten so upset with my DH because i felt like he wasnt willing to put in the work to make a baby, since we already have a challenge with his low :spermy: count and all of that... ugghhhhhhhh.... hang in there hun.

I ended up talking to my DH and expalining to him many times what it means to me to be able to have a baby of my own, and how I was upset how I felt like he didnt care, and he has gotten better about playing his role in this whole TTC thing... it took me talking to him about it several times though, and i cried, screamed and yelled at him about it as well....:wacko::wacko::wacko: My advice is to be honest with him and up front about how you feel and be straight forward about telling him what you need from him... Men are simple and cant figure out what is wrong with us unless we just tell them... LOL

I just wanted to let you know the reason why I feel a sense of urgency about TTC is because I can hear my biological clock ticking away, and my window of fertility getting to be less and less.. ugghhhh... since I am in my early 30's......:wacko:

I am 24 and thought this whole baby making thing might be easy, been off the pill since March 2009, nothing! Does anyone know the first stages of getting my fertility checked?:cry:
Silly OH!

In the mail today was a letter for him from the GP so I phoned him and read it out to him, it was saying to make a routine appointment or telephone appointment to discuss his results! I thought YAY we can find out his SA results sooner! Maybe even today!!!!
I know he has booked an appt for the 12th but I'm impatient lol... I know sometimes they can get the dr to call you back same day! But I was explaining this to him on the phone and he was being odd and not understanding what I meant, I had to explain again and again... it turned out he thought a telephone appointment means when you phone up and make an appointment :dohh: No sweetie it means when you speak to the dr on the phone rather than going in... a regular appointment is when you go in... regardless of how you contacted the surgery to make the appt!! lol I love him so much silly boy that he is :)

Oh and they hadn't any slots for a phone appointment so he's still happy to just wait till the 12th :wacko:

Oh well back to the old waiting game!!
I had my first scan today, abdominal one 1st but they couldnt see much so they did an internal scan, it was great so clear, I have a cyst on my left ovary but there not concerned.:cloud9:
Oh wow!! Thats your little bean in there!! woo! :dance: xx congrats again!! Thanks for sharing xx

Sorry to hear about your cyst, but its good they're not concerned, does that mean they arent going to do anything about it? xx
I had my first scan today, abdominal one 1st but they couldnt see much so they did an internal scan, it was great so clear, I have a cyst on my left ovary but there not concerned.:cloud9:

I LOVE it!!!!! you can see its legs & arms :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

So happy for you xxxxxx
Thanks ladies we are so pleased.
No they wont do anything about the cyst as it was only 1-2 cm so only small

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