The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

Welcome MissMandy :D :wave:

Wannabepreggo..... hey :D Happy New Year :hugs: ..ive looked at your preggy test therad...but my eyes aint fit for the junk so cant see any lines :rofl: then i never can on anyones test unless its very not gonna comment on it!! but i HOPE its your bfp!!!!!!! :dance:

V-- Happy New Year to you :hugs:

Glad you are happy with your letter :hugs: its nice to have in writing hey :) Im sure you have nothing to worry about and the conception pills will only help things move along im sure... :thumbup: Cant do any harm :)

Ive started a healthy eating plan today and already feel better. Must lose some weight its no good. My hubbies :spermy: might then not have to fight through all my fat in my tubes :rofl: plus the eggs on a wheel chair...gotta give meself some help :haha:

Happy New Year Everyone!!!!


we've got 6 weeks till our op well OH haha. I just hope it goes quickly
Sorry girls, for posting about the letter then deserting you all day!! :dohh: I had to go out yesterday then spent most of the day going back and forth, here, there and everywhere!! lol

The letter didn't tell us anything we didnt already know really, but it was nice to have. This is what it said...

Dear Mr D,

I am pleased to tell you that you know have a positive sperm count following your vasectomy reversal and this means that the tubes are now open following the rejoin. I am particularly pleased about this because of the difficulty I had on the right side with your previous operation. At this stage your sperm count is actually quite low at 1 million per ml (20 million normal) with 4% motility (50% normal). This means that most of the sperm that are being released are dead sperm lying within the epididymis and I would very much encourage you to continue ejaculating as much as possible to try and improve this sperm count. As long as there are motile sperm present then it would be perfectly possible for Vickie to become pregnant.

If you do have any happy news then please do let me know. At this stage I can tell you the operation has been successful in joining the tubes. However, the sperm quantity and quality being released from the testicles are not as good as I would like and hope this will improve over time.

Best wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Duncan Harriss

So I'm quite pleased with that really. I did learn something though and that is that normal motility is only 50%, so my 4% doesnt seem as bad as it did before. lol but the tubes are open, there is sperm there and 4% is better than 0% :dance: DH started his wellman conception yesterday so :thumbup: that those will help his lil :spermy: xx

Congrats hun!!!:thumbup: I am so glad that they found :spermy: in his SA!!! The good news is that his number can increase over the next one to two years naturally, and hopefully the fertility vitamins will help him as well. :flower: Remember all it takes is one to reach the egg!!!!! Good luck!!!!:winkwink:
we've got 6 weeks till our op well OH haha. I just hope it goes quickly
we've got 6 weeks till our op well OH haha. I just hope it goes quickly

Hey littlelou6, welcome to the VR WAGS :hugs:

6weeks will fly by for sure, I cant believe we are already 3months post VR!! 4 years ago we decided to have it done (just had to save....which we wernt so good at)lol but even that amount of time flew by!! :thumbup:

good luck and keep us all posted yer? How long will it be since your OHs original vasectomy? xx
Happy New Year!!!

I hope everybody has had a great day!!! :hugs: xxx
I hope everyone had a great New Years eve lastnight!!

Ok, so I took a FRER this morning and the latest test is on page 2 of my HPT thread in the picture gallery....

What do you ladies think... I think there may be a faint second line starting..:blush:. Ohhhh, I really hope so....:thumbup:

:wave: oooh possibly another BFP!! yay!! Oh I really hope so, i'll keep everything crossed!! I've had a look but I didnt vote coz I didnt know, I dont know whether my eyes are playing tricks on me lol! You gonna test again 2moro? Fingers crossed and loads :dust: to you xxxxx
I hope everyone had a great New Years eve lastnight!!

Ok, so I took a FRER this morning and the latest test is on page 2 of my HPT thread in the picture gallery....

What do you ladies think... I think there may be a faint second line starting..:blush:. Ohhhh, I really hope so....:thumbup:

:wave: oooh possibly another BFP!! yay!! Oh I really hope so, i'll keep everything crossed!! I've had a look but I didnt vote coz I didnt know, I dont know whether my eyes are playing tricks on me lol! You gonna test again 2moro? Fingers crossed and loads :dust: to you xxxxx

Thanks for looking at my HPT thread hun:winkwink:!!! I am trying to decide if I want to test tomorrow morning or if I should wait a couple of days. I will definatly do an update if I find anything else out for sure though.

I keep staring at the test as well, trying to decide if i am really see a second line or not, or if it is like an optical illusion, or my camera playing a nasty trick on me....:wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko: I have been fooled by HPT's before so i am trying not to get too excited yet...But, on the other hand there are so many other ladies on the boards that see a second line on my latest test (and my DH sees it too) it gives me some hope that I am not totally losing my mind... LOL....:wacko::wacko:

My AF is due on 01/07 but technically could come at any time now since my AF cycles range from 25 days up to 33 at the longest... so only time will tell, i just need to learn to be patient and let things play out.. sigh... easier said than done though....:wacko::wacko:
I hope everyone had a great New Years eve lastnight!!

Ok, so I took a FRER this morning and the latest test is on page 2 of my HPT thread in the picture gallery....

What do you ladies think... I think there may be a faint second line starting..:blush:. Ohhhh, I really hope so....:thumbup:

:wave: oooh possibly another BFP!! yay!! Oh I really hope so, i'll keep everything crossed!! I've had a look but I didnt vote coz I didnt know, I dont know whether my eyes are playing tricks on me lol! You gonna test again 2moro? Fingers crossed and loads :dust: to you xxxxx

Thanks for looking at my HPT thread hun:winkwink:!!! I am trying to decide if I want to test tomorrow morning or if I should wait a couple of days. I will definatly do an update if I find anything else out for sure though.

I keep staring at the test as well, trying to decide if i am really see a second line or not, or if it is like an optical illusion, or my camera playing a nasty trick on me....:wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko: I have been fooled by HPT's before so i am trying not to get too excited yet...But, on the other hand there are so many other ladies on the boards that see a second line on my latest test (and my DH sees it too) it gives me some hope that I am not totally losing my mind... LOL....:wacko::wacko:

My AF is due on 01/07 but technically could come at any time now since my AF cycles range from 25 days up to 33 at the longest... so only time will tell, i just need to learn to be patient and let things play out.. sigh... easier said than done though....:wacko::wacko:

aww dont be too hard on yourself hunny, i know this waiting lark feels like forever doesnt it? But you should definitly test again today....I would for sure!! :thumbup: I will keep my fingers crossed for you and also that the :)growlmad: i wont say her name :growlmad:) stays well away!! :hugs: xx

I've just put in my temp for today and it's takena way my cross-hairs on my graph where it shows I ovd, so I should be 5dpo but according to my graph I haven't even ovd yet? :nope: (i definitly have though as I got +opks etc, its just not recognising it as ovulation because of my temps) :cry:
I hope everyone had a great New Years eve lastnight!!

Ok, so I took a FRER this morning and the latest test is on page 2 of my HPT thread in the picture gallery....

What do you ladies think... I think there may be a faint second line starting..:blush:. Ohhhh, I really hope so....:thumbup:

:wave: oooh possibly another BFP!! yay!! Oh I really hope so, i'll keep everything crossed!! I've had a look but I didnt vote coz I didnt know, I dont know whether my eyes are playing tricks on me lol! You gonna test again 2moro? Fingers crossed and loads :dust: to you xxxxx

Thanks for looking at my HPT thread hun:winkwink:!!! I am trying to decide if I want to test tomorrow morning or if I should wait a couple of days. I will definatly do an update if I find anything else out for sure though.

I keep staring at the test as well, trying to decide if i am really see a second line or not, or if it is like an optical illusion, or my camera playing a nasty trick on me....:wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko: I have been fooled by HPT's before so i am trying not to get too excited yet...But, on the other hand there are so many other ladies on the boards that see a second line on my latest test (and my DH sees it too) it gives me some hope that I am not totally losing my mind... LOL....:wacko::wacko:

My AF is due on 01/07 but technically could come at any time now since my AF cycles range from 25 days up to 33 at the longest... so only time will tell, i just need to learn to be patient and let things play out.. sigh... easier said than done though....:wacko::wacko:

aww dont be too hard on yourself hunny, i know this waiting lark feels like forever doesnt it? But you should definitly test again today....I would for sure!! :thumbup: I will keep my fingers crossed for you and also that the :)growlmad: i wont say her name :growlmad:) stays well away!! :hugs: xx

I've just put in my temp for today and it's takena way my cross-hairs on my graph where it shows I ovd, so I should be 5dpo but according to my graph I haven't even ovd yet? :nope: (i definitly have though as I got +opks etc, its just not recognising it as ovulation because of my temps) :cry:

V what setting do you have it on?
Look for the Ovulation Detector box
mine said :

Ovulation: Cycle Day 15
Coverline: 36.60
Method: Research

make sure its on either Research or OPK's as mine didnt say i'd Ov'd on normal:dohh:

press the override button below x
I hope everyone had a great New Years eve lastnight!!

Ok, so I took a FRER this morning and the latest test is on page 2 of my HPT thread in the picture gallery....

What do you ladies think... I think there may be a faint second line starting..:blush:. Ohhhh, I really hope so....:thumbup:

:wave: oooh possibly another BFP!! yay!! Oh I really hope so, i'll keep everything crossed!! I've had a look but I didnt vote coz I didnt know, I dont know whether my eyes are playing tricks on me lol! You gonna test again 2moro? Fingers crossed and loads :dust: to you xxxxx

Thanks for looking at my HPT thread hun:winkwink:!!! I am trying to decide if I want to test tomorrow morning or if I should wait a couple of days. I will definatly do an update if I find anything else out for sure though.

I keep staring at the test as well, trying to decide if i am really see a second line or not, or if it is like an optical illusion, or my camera playing a nasty trick on me....:wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko: I have been fooled by HPT's before so i am trying not to get too excited yet...But, on the other hand there are so many other ladies on the boards that see a second line on my latest test (and my DH sees it too) it gives me some hope that I am not totally losing my mind... LOL....:wacko::wacko:

My AF is due on 01/07 but technically could come at any time now since my AF cycles range from 25 days up to 33 at the longest... so only time will tell, i just need to learn to be patient and let things play out.. sigh... easier said than done though....:wacko::wacko:

aww dont be too hard on yourself hunny, i know this waiting lark feels like forever doesnt it? But you should definitly test again today....I would for sure!! :thumbup: I will keep my fingers crossed for you and also that the :)growlmad: i wont say her name :growlmad:) stays well away!! :hugs: xx

I've just put in my temp for today and it's takena way my cross-hairs on my graph where it shows I ovd, so I should be 5dpo but according to my graph I haven't even ovd yet? :nope: (i definitly have though as I got +opks etc, its just not recognising it as ovulation because of my temps) :cry:

V what setting do you have it on?
Look for the Ovulation Detector box
mine said :

Ovulation: Cycle Day 15
Coverline: 36.60
Method: Research

make sure its on either Research or OPK's as mine didnt say i'd Ov'd on normal:dohh:

press the override button below x

oh right thanks!! :thumbup: I didnt know i could change it! Think its on advanced, i'll change it now!! xx
I;ve just tried to change it and the other choices put my Ov back??? I originally ovd on CD23, what would you say, it fits in with my cm and opk :shrug: xx
Hello how is everyone today?? hope you're all well. Will be phoning docs tomorrow to hopefully get some testing. C'mon VR WAGS we all deserve to be a mum xxxxxxx:happydance:
Hello how is everyone today?? hope you're all well. Will be phoning docs tomorrow to hopefully get some testing. C'mon VR WAGS we all deserve to be a mum xxxxxxx:happydance:

Hi justone, I am doing good,but I am stuck in the 2WW with faint second lines on my FRER's which is making me loopy!!!! :loopy: I am not sure what it all means but hopefully it will lead to my :bfp: soon!!!!:thumbup:

Good luck with the testing, I hope you get great results hun!! :hugs: :hugs:
@live in hope, Good luck hun, I hope you can figure out your OV date soon.. :hugs: I am so sorry but i dont do the charting on FF, so I have no idea what you ladies are talking about when it comes to that kind of stuff......
we've got 6 weeks till our op well OH haha. I just hope it goes quickly

Hey littlelou6, welcome to the VR WAGS :hugs:

6weeks will fly by for sure, I cant believe we are already 3months post VR!! 4 years ago we decided to have it done (just had to save....which we wernt so good at)lol but even that amount of time flew by!! :thumbup:

good luck and keep us all posted yer? How long will it be since your OHs original vasectomy? xx

It will be 6 years! So dont really know the chances of us actually getting pregnant but at least there will be a possibility x x
I;ve just tried to change it and the other choices put my Ov back??? I originally ovd on CD23, what would you say, it fits in with my cm and opk :shrug: xx

From looking at your chart and mine, i'd say your Ov day was cd23 the dip before the rise:thumbup:
Hello how is everyone today?? hope you're all well. Will be phoning docs tomorrow to hopefully get some testing. C'mon VR WAGS we all deserve to be a mum xxxxxxx:happydance:

Hi justone, I am doing good,but I am stuck in the 2WW with faint second lines on my FRER's which is making me loopy!!!! :loopy: I am not sure what it all means but hopefully it will lead to my :bfp: soon!!!!:thumbup:

Good luck with the testing, I hope you get great results hun!! :hugs: :hugs:

c'mon!!!! BFP!!!!!!! I'm crossing my fingers for you xxxxxxxxxxx:happydance:
It's still early for the tests so hopefully they'll get darker!!!! I hope so xxx

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