The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

Semen volume 2.5 ml (2 to 5):thumbup: this is good
Semen ph 7.7 (7.2 to 10) :thumbup: this is good
semen liquification within 2 hrs
rapid progressive motility 14 % (25 to 100)
non progressive motility 24 %
sperm normal forms 6 (15 to 100)
spermatozoa 6 million/m (20 to 200)

the numbers in ( ) mean what they's like to see i think ... From reading this i think your DH has a sperm count of 6million per ml they say 20million per ml is a "normal" count..

Hope this helps you x

What they say is "normal"​
Volume (mL) 2.0
Sperm Concentration (million/mL) 20
Motility (%) 50
Forward Progression (0-4) 3
Normal Morphology (%) (WHO) 30
Normal Morphology (%) (Strict) 14
Total Sperm Count (million) 40
Total Motile Sperm (million) 20
Total Functional Sperm (million) 6
Semen volume 2.5 ml (2 to 5):thumbup: this is good
Semen ph 7.7 (7.2 to 10) :thumbup: this is good
semen liquification within 2 hrs
rapid progressive motility 14 % (25 to 100) non progressive motility 24 %
sperm normal forms 6 (15 to 100)
spermatozoa 6 million/m (20 to 200)

the numbers in ( ) mean what they's like to see i think ... From reading this i think your DH has a sperm count of 6million per ml they say 20million per ml is a "normal" count..

Hope this helps you x

What they say is "normal"​
Volume (mL) 2.0
Sperm Concentration (million/mL) 20
Motility (%) 50
Forward Progression (0-4) 3
Normal Morphology (%) (WHO) 30
Normal Morphology (%) (Strict) 14
Total Sperm Count (million) 40
Total Motile Sperm (million) 20
Total Functional Sperm (million) 6

would they of improved since straight after the op in 2008 do you know? :cry: these results ar eonly 4 weeks after??
Semen volume 2.5 ml (2 to 5):thumbup: this is good
Semen ph 7.7 (7.2 to 10) :thumbup: this is good
semen liquification within 2 hrs
rapid progressive motility 14 % (25 to 100) non progressive motility 24 %
sperm normal forms 6 (15 to 100)
spermatozoa 6 million/m (20 to 200)

the numbers in ( ) mean what they's like to see i think ... From reading this i think your DH has a sperm count of 6million per ml they say 20million per ml is a "normal" count..

Hope this helps you x

What they say is "normal"​
Volume (mL) 2.0
Sperm Concentration (million/mL) 20
Motility (%) 50
Forward Progression (0-4) 3
Normal Morphology (%) (WHO) 30
Normal Morphology (%) (Strict) 14
Total Sperm Count (million) 40
Total Motile Sperm (million) 20
Total Functional Sperm (million) 6

would they of improved since straight after the op in 2008 do you know? :cry: these results ar eonly 4 weeks after??

Oh Yes i would of thought so! they are supposed to be at their best 12mths after the op:thumbup:

I havent had our SA done yet but i got my :bfp: in Dec

Live in hope & Reversal have had their SA results and might understand it a lil better than me x
Semen volume 2.5 ml (2 to 5):thumbup: this is good
Semen ph 7.7 (7.2 to 10) :thumbup: this is good
semen liquification within 2 hrs
rapid progressive motility 14 % (25 to 100) non progressive motility 24 %
sperm normal forms 6 (15 to 100)
spermatozoa 6 million/m (20 to 200)

the numbers in ( ) mean what they's like to see i think ... From reading this i think your DH has a sperm count of 6million per ml they say 20million per ml is a "normal" count..

Hope this helps you x

What they say is "normal"​
Volume (mL) 2.0
Sperm Concentration (million/mL) 20
Motility (%) 50
Forward Progression (0-4) 3
Normal Morphology (%) (WHO) 30
Normal Morphology (%) (Strict) 14
Total Sperm Count (million) 40
Total Motile Sperm (million) 20
Total Functional Sperm (million) 6

would they of improved since straight after the op in 2008 do you know? :cry: these results ar eonly 4 weeks after??

Oh Yes i would of thought so! they are supposed to be at their best 12mths after the op:thumbup:

I havent had our SA done yet but i got my :bfp: in Dec

Live in hope & Reversal have had their SA results and might understand it a lil better than me x

Thank you for your reply and CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :happydance:
Semen volume 2.5 ml (2 to 5):thumbup: this is good
Semen ph 7.7 (7.2 to 10) :thumbup: this is good
semen liquification within 2 hrs
rapid progressive motility 14 % (25 to 100) non progressive motility 24 %
sperm normal forms 6 (15 to 100)
spermatozoa 6 million/m (20 to 200)

the numbers in ( ) mean what they's like to see i think ... From reading this i think your DH has a sperm count of 6million per ml they say 20million per ml is a "normal" count..

Hope this helps you x

What they say is "normal"​
Volume (mL) 2.0
Sperm Concentration (million/mL) 20
Motility (%) 50
Forward Progression (0-4) 3
Normal Morphology (%) (WHO) 30
Normal Morphology (%) (Strict) 14
Total Sperm Count (million) 40
Total Motile Sperm (million) 20
Total Functional Sperm (million) 6

would they of improved since straight after the op in 2008 do you know? :cry: these results ar eonly 4 weeks after??

Oh Yes i would of thought so! they are supposed to be at their best 12mths after the op:thumbup:

I havent had our SA done yet but i got my :bfp: in Dec

Live in hope & Reversal have had their SA results and might understand it a lil better than me x

Thank you for your reply and CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :happydance:

my dh results went up from june to november, he had a high count but I think over 50% werent good quality and he had a high level of anti sperm so not good however I did get a bfp on 6th july (ended in mc) then again on the 8th of august. I hope its not long till you get yours (my dh was taking wellman concieve) :kiss:
Hi all :) Since when did we get moved to discussion rather than the normal TTC bit?

Well sorry to be a moan but I should have come on yesterday or today (usually 26, sometimes 27 day cycles if all's normal)... I woke up both days convinced I'd be on but wasn't! Been cramping like heck for 3 days. Normally I get the cramping for about a day before AF shows! :bfn: with an IC this morning. Yuck. Just in that stage where I need :witch: to just get on with it so we can start trying again!
oh yeah i hadn't noticed!! thought i couldnt find it earlier:dohh::dohh:

Tally, thats what i was like before i got my bfp.... :dust: to you hun x

whats a IC?:blush:
Hello Ladies,

I hope you don't mind if I join. My dh had his reversal two weeks ago. Poor thing, I felt so bad for him. He has a set of twins from a previous marriage. A boy and a girl and even though they are our world we've always wanted to have one. So last year we decided to have his reversal. Well after a year of waiting he finally did it. That was my Christmas present and I was so excited. His vasectomy was about 8 years ago. During his surgery the dr was very excited he found sperm on both testicles.

There's just one small problem. I was diagnosed with PCOS last March. I've been on medication since and yesterday for the first time I ovulated! It was exciting! We can't have any bd time because we have to wait 3 weeks. But now that I know I o'd I'm super excited and I'm waiting for the next cycle. My cycles are not normal they are usually 42 days. I'm glad I found this thread. You have given me hope! Good luck to all of us and hope we get our bfp soon!
Good luck and baby dust to you hun!!! :dust: :dust: It sounds like you have some really strong possible pregnancy symptoms...:winkwink: I really hope this is your month and that you get your :bfp:!!!!

Thank you soooo much, I really hope so too, it'll be just amazing! Thank you xx

Thats what mine said when I got my bfp as we didnt :sex: on 0 day I hope this is your month it will be great if you get your :bfp:

:happydance::happydance::happydance: Well my PMA has shot right up now!!! wooo!! thank you, god I hope i do get my bfp you know! I really do!! xx

Hi V... thats a great score heres min from FF

O-3 O-2 O-1 O O+1 Score

So you have exactly the same chances i had:happydance::happydance: Come Mr. Live in hope Spermy!!!:happydance: i need a bump buddy:kiss:

:happydance::happydance: I really really really really want this!!!! pwwweeeeeasee!!xx
Right ive caught up now girls :haha: i slept all evening yesterday:dohh: but had a busy day taking down the tree, shopping, getting kids from school Dr's etc i was shattered, didnt really sit down all day!

Have been so worried since my Dr's appt yesterday I asked her about the Swine Flu jab as i am such a worry pot!!!! (i do my own head in sometimes:haha:) She said yes it is important you have it! (mind you i mentioned it NOT her???:dohh:) and then she said i'll go and get it for you.... After she'd scared me with the facts etc!! She come back and said oh we HAVENT got any left:growlmad::growlmad:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they'll have some in in a couple of weeks!!! Not a happy bunny:cry:

So ive been sat stewing over it in my head, upsetting myself (hormones).
Good old mummy bear (who has to have it aswell due to low immune) rang our surgery and they put our names on the list for a new batch being sent out by goverment and it should be a fw days..

Mum just rang me and said the surgery have rang her back already as they have swine flu jabs and she booked Herself, my brother & me in today at 4pm :happydance::happydance:

Had to tell someone x

Hey :wave:

Sorry to hear you've been emotional and worrying yourself :hugs::hugs: but glad to hear things are sorted and you can relax, how did you get on with your jab?

It's weird isnt it, with the xmas tree and dex all gone, everywhere looks so big!!! lolxx
Hello Ladies,

I hope you don't mind if I join. My dh had his reversal two weeks ago. Poor thing, I felt so bad for him. He has a set of twins from a previous marriage. A boy and a girl and even though they are our world we've always wanted to have one. So last year we decided to have his reversal. Well after a year of waiting he finally did it. That was my Christmas present and I was so excited. His vasectomy was about 8 years ago. During his surgery the dr was very excited he found sperm on both testicles.

There's just one small problem. I was diagnosed with PCOS last March. I've been on medication since and yesterday for the first time I ovulated! It was exciting! We can't have any bd time because we have to wait 3 weeks. But now that I know I o'd I'm super excited and I'm waiting for the next cycle. My cycles are not normal they are usually 42 days. I'm glad I found this thread. You have given me hope! Good luck to all of us and hope we get our bfp soon!

Hi there!! :wave:

Welcome to the VR Wags! I'm glad you found your way here, there is so much info here and so many people that can help you with any query or question.

Congrats for you and you DH for having the VR and great news about sperm being present. My DH had his reversed 8years after his original vasectomy too but the surgeon didnt mention whether he saw sperm present. We had our 12week Sperm analysis just before xmas, the results were low but I'm very hopeful that it wont be a problem as there are women on here who are now pregnant with results similar and lower to my DH's. :thumbup::thumbup:

Keep us all posted on your DHs recovery and your journey! xx :hugs:
:wave: Morning ladies!! :wave:​

Well.... just to update you all on me.....

I'm 11dpo today! Woo! and have had some unusual temps all cycle but it started rising to the next level and so looks like I'm headinng for a triphastic chart like my dear friend MRSRICH who had one and is now pregnant :hugs::hugs: so I'm over-filled with PMA and hope that this will be it for me too!! Eveb though I got a bfn yesterday on an cheapo test strip. I woke up at 7am to take my temp (as I do every morning) and it shot right up!!! It's normally decending in prep for AF by this stage!! So I was so excited I went and did another cheapo test...... I put my finger over the test line, so it wouldnt create and illusion that there was another line next to it...if you know what I mean and I could see the faintest line ever..... so I;ll either take another one later or use one if my FRER if it doesnt have to be 1st morning pee-pee.

I really hope this is it for me too, I've got my self far too excited now!! lol xx
oh yeah i hadn't noticed!! thought i couldnt find it earlier:dohh::dohh:

Tally, thats what i was like before i got my bfp.... :dust: to you hun x

whats a IC?:blush:

Thanks hon! IC is an Internet Cheapy test lol
:wave: Morning ladies!! :wave:​

Well.... just to update you all on me.....

I'm 11dpo today! Woo! and have had some unusual temps all cycle but it started rising to the next level and so looks like I'm headinng for a triphastic chart like my dear friend MRSRICH who had one and is now pregnant :hugs::hugs: so I'm over-filled with PMA and hope that this will be it for me too!! Eveb though I got a bfn yesterday on an cheapo test strip. I woke up at 7am to take my temp (as I do every morning) and it shot right up!!! It's normally decending in prep for AF by this stage!! So I was so excited I went and did another cheapo test...... I put my finger over the test line, so it wouldnt create and illusion that there was another line next to it...if you know what I mean and I could see the faintest line ever..... so I;ll either take another one later or use one if my FRER if it doesnt have to be 1st morning pee-pee.

I really hope this is it for me too, I've got my self far too excited now!! lol xx

Well that does sound good! :dust: I hope this is it for you too!!
Hello Ladies,

I hope you don't mind if I join. My dh had his reversal two weeks ago. Poor thing, I felt so bad for him. He has a set of twins from a previous marriage. A boy and a girl and even though they are our world we've always wanted to have one. So last year we decided to have his reversal. Well after a year of waiting he finally did it. That was my Christmas present and I was so excited. His vasectomy was about 8 years ago. During his surgery the dr was very excited he found sperm on both testicles.

There's just one small problem. I was diagnosed with PCOS last March. I've been on medication since and yesterday for the first time I ovulated! It was exciting! We can't have any bd time because we have to wait 3 weeks. But now that I know I o'd I'm super excited and I'm waiting for the next cycle. My cycles are not normal they are usually 42 days. I'm glad I found this thread. You have given me hope! Good luck to all of us and hope we get our bfp soon!

Welcome :flower:

I hope you find this thread helpful :) We are all in the same boat here xxx

How is your dh feeling? Hope he's recovering well fom the op. That's great news about you ovulating!

Here's to future bumps!
Right ive caught up now girls :haha: i slept all evening yesterday:dohh: but had a busy day taking down the tree, shopping, getting kids from school Dr's etc i was shattered, didnt really sit down all day!

Have been so worried since my Dr's appt yesterday I asked her about the Swine Flu jab as i am such a worry pot!!!! (i do my own head in sometimes:haha:) She said yes it is important you have it! (mind you i mentioned it NOT her???:dohh:) and then she said i'll go and get it for you.... After she'd scared me with the facts etc!! She come back and said oh we HAVENT got any left:growlmad::growlmad:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they'll have some in in a couple of weeks!!! Not a happy bunny:cry:

So ive been sat stewing over it in my head, upsetting myself (hormones).
Good old mummy bear (who has to have it aswell due to low immune) rang our surgery and they put our names on the list for a new batch being sent out by goverment and it should be a fw days..

Mum just rang me and said the surgery have rang her back already as they have swine flu jabs and she booked Herself, my brother & me in today at 4pm :happydance::happydance:

Had to tell someone x

How annoying about the doctor! You'd think if it's that important SHE would have mentioned it... then worrying you then they have none :dohh:

Great news about you getting it after all!

I'm like you a worrier, pregnancy just magnifies it doesn't it... but at least with worry comes the ability to sort problems! Rather than just leaving things and ending up worse off! I have to keep telling myself that anyway, lol.

I GOT MY :bfp: !!!!

16 weeks and 5 days after Vasectomy Reversal!!!!!!

I've just stopped shaking enough to post!! After that cheapo one I did this morning, i thought I'd seen a faint line, but thought it was my mind playing tricks on me.....

So I used one of my FRER which I didnt want to do until I was officially late, but thought well, I'll give it a go.......

So it wasnt first morning urine and I'm only 11dpo and I peed on it and walked from the bathroom to bedroom where DH was and there was already a line there, staring straight back up at me!! It was amazing. I cried and started shaking like a mad person!!

As some of you know, my sister is living with us at the min and I only told her about the VR because I'd left fertilty friend up on the computer! :dohh: and because she is so self-centreed, she's not once asked me how I am or anything since I told (which was late november!) so we dont want to tell her about me getting my bfp so It'll be hard to keep ourselves contained, but if we can keep our VR plans a secret for 4 years, we can keep this quiet for a couple of weeks......FX!!
great news congratulations to both of you I think this thread is turning out to be a lucky one :hugs:
welcome to the world of morning sickness and swollew boobs :kiss:
Thank you!!! Yes its a super lucky thread!! I never gave up hope, even after being told DH only had 4% of swimmers!! I knew it'd happen!!!! Yay!! Well the boobs have already been a pain! I had to make an emergency trip into town last week and get a new bra coz they were so sre and swollen! I've gone up a cup :thumbup:

I think I'll have to start another thread in another section before we get chucked off lol, but I love it here and dont want to leave :cry:

Have you noticed we've already been moved to a different section already??? :shrug: xxx
I GOT MY :bfp: !!!!

16 weeks and 5 days after Vasectomy Reversal!!!!!!

I've just stopped shaking enough to post!! After that cheapo one I did this morning, i thought I'd seen a faint line, but thought it was my mind playing tricks on me.....

So I used one of my FRER which I didnt want to do until I was officially late, but thought well, I'll give it a go.......

So it wasnt first morning urine and I'm only 11dpo and I peed on it and walked from the bathroom to bedroom where DH was and there was already a line there, staring straight back up at me!! It was amazing. I cried and started shaking like a mad person!!

As some of you know, my sister is living with us at the min and I only told her about the VR because I'd left fertilty friend up on the computer! :dohh: and because she is so self-centreed, she's not once asked me how I am or anything since I told (which was late november!) so we dont want to tell her about me getting my bfp so It'll be hard to keep ourselves contained, but if we can keep our VR plans a secret for 4 years, we can keep this quiet for a couple of weeks......FX!!

I'm so happy for you live_in_hope :hugs:

This certainly is a lucky thread! Maybe we should put up the percentage success rate??

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