The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

I GOT MY :bfp: !!!!

16 weeks and 5 days after Vasectomy Reversal!!!!!!

I've just stopped shaking enough to post!! After that cheapo one I did this morning, i thought I'd seen a faint line, but thought it was my mind playing tricks on me.....

So I used one of my FRER which I didnt want to do until I was officially late, but thought well, I'll give it a go.......

So it wasnt first morning urine and I'm only 11dpo and I peed on it and walked from the bathroom to bedroom where DH was and there was already a line there, staring straight back up at me!! It was amazing. I cried and started shaking like a mad person!!

As some of you know, my sister is living with us at the min and I only told her about the VR because I'd left fertilty friend up on the computer! :dohh: and because she is so self-centreed, she's not once asked me how I am or anything since I told (which was late november!) so we dont want to tell her about me getting my bfp so It'll be hard to keep ourselves contained, but if we can keep our VR plans a secret for 4 years, we can keep this quiet for a couple of weeks......FX!!

I'm so happy for you live_in_hope :hugs:

This certainly is a lucky thread! Maybe we should put up the percentage success rate??

Thank you!!! :happydance::happydance:

If you go to the first page, there is a list of links. If you click on the first link there is a thread I created a few months ago about the time it takes to conceive after VR. Have a look, I've just voted on my own poll!! :thumbup::happydance:
Thank you!!! Yes its a super lucky thread!! I never gave up hope, even after being told DH only had 4% of swimmers!! I knew it'd happen!!!! Yay!! Well the boobs have already been a pain! I had to make an emergency trip into town last week and get a new bra coz they were so sre and swollen! I've gone up a cup :thumbup:

I think I'll have to start another thread in another section before we get chucked off lol, but I love it here and dont want to leave :cry:

Have you noticed we've already been moved to a different section already??? :shrug: xxx

I noticed after someone had pointed it out but I cant really understand why you cant have people ttc and 1tri ect in the same thread/ section :wacko:
Thank you!!! Yes its a super lucky thread!! I never gave up hope, even after being told DH only had 4% of swimmers!! I knew it'd happen!!!! Yay!! Well the boobs have already been a pain! I had to make an emergency trip into town last week and get a new bra coz they were so sre and swollen! I've gone up a cup :thumbup:

I think I'll have to start another thread in another section before we get chucked off lol, but I love it here and dont want to leave :cry:

Have you noticed we've already been moved to a different section already??? :shrug: xxx

Thats great news youve given me hope!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! SOOOOOOOO happy for you!!!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Thank you!!! Yes its a super lucky thread!! I never gave up hope, even after being told DH only had 4% of swimmers!! I knew it'd happen!!!! Yay!! Well the boobs have already been a pain! I had to make an emergency trip into town last week and get a new bra coz they were so sre and swollen! I've gone up a cup :thumbup:

I think I'll have to start another thread in another section before we get chucked off lol, but I love it here and dont want to leave :cry:

Have you noticed we've already been moved to a different section already??? :shrug: xxx

I noticed after someone had pointed it out but I cant really understand why you cant have people ttc and 1tri ect in the same thread/ section :wacko:

I know... it's really pants. I'd love us to all stick together! They say it's to make it so that those who aren't getting prego don't get upset by constant bfp announcements/bump talk.. but surely we can have our thread that people can avoid if they don't want that lol.
I GOT MY :bfp: !!!!

16 weeks and 5 days after Vasectomy Reversal!!!!!!

I've just stopped shaking enough to post!! After that cheapo one I did this morning, i thought I'd seen a faint line, but thought it was my mind playing tricks on me.....

So I used one of my FRER which I didnt want to do until I was officially late, but thought well, I'll give it a go.......

So it wasnt first morning urine and I'm only 11dpo and I peed on it and walked from the bathroom to bedroom where DH was and there was already a line there, staring straight back up at me!! It was amazing. I cried and started shaking like a mad person!!

As some of you know, my sister is living with us at the min and I only told her about the VR because I'd left fertilty friend up on the computer! :dohh: and because she is so self-centreed, she's not once asked me how I am or anything since I told (which was late november!) so we dont want to tell her about me getting my bfp so It'll be hard to keep ourselves contained, but if we can keep our VR plans a secret for 4 years, we can keep this quiet for a couple of weeks......FX!!

:happydance::happydance::happydance: Congratulations!

I wouldn't be able to contain myself from telling people lol!

That is such great news, yes we are a lucky thread :thumbup:

I GOT MY :bfp: !!!!

16 weeks and 5 days after Vasectomy Reversal!!!!!!

I've just stopped shaking enough to post!! After that cheapo one I did this morning, i thought I'd seen a faint line, but thought it was my mind playing tricks on me.....

So I used one of my FRER which I didnt want to do until I was officially late, but thought well, I'll give it a go.......

So it wasnt first morning urine and I'm only 11dpo and I peed on it and walked from the bathroom to bedroom where DH was and there was already a line there, staring straight back up at me!! It was amazing. I cried and started shaking like a mad person!!

As some of you know, my sister is living with us at the min and I only told her about the VR because I'd left fertilty friend up on the computer! :dohh: and because she is so self-centreed, she's not once asked me how I am or anything since I told (which was late november!) so we dont want to tell her about me getting my bfp so It'll be hard to keep ourselves contained, but if we can keep our VR plans a secret for 4 years, we can keep this quiet for a couple of weeks......FX!!

OMG, CONGRATS hun!!!!! I am so excited and happy for you!!!!! WOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Are you going to post a picture of your BFP for us to see?? What was your DH's SA results again hun??? Did you do anything special this cycle with TTC? I am feeling hopeful again since another one of our VR Wags got a :bfp:!!!!!:winkwink: I think this thread is lucky because there have been so many :bfp:'s!!!! :thumbup:

I dont think i would be able to keep it a secret if i was pregnant either, i would be so excited that I would want to yell it from the roof tops!!! LOL!!!:haha:
Right ive caught up now girls :haha: i slept all evening yesterday:dohh: but had a busy day taking down the tree, shopping, getting kids from school Dr's etc i was shattered, didnt really sit down all day!

Have been so worried since my Dr's appt yesterday I asked her about the Swine Flu jab as i am such a worry pot!!!! (i do my own head in sometimes:haha:) She said yes it is important you have it! (mind you i mentioned it NOT her???:dohh:) and then she said i'll go and get it for you.... After she'd scared me with the facts etc!! She come back and said oh we HAVENT got any left:growlmad::growlmad:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they'll have some in in a couple of weeks!!! Not a happy bunny:cry:

So ive been sat stewing over it in my head, upsetting myself (hormones).
Good old mummy bear (who has to have it aswell due to low immune) rang our surgery and they put our names on the list for a new batch being sent out by goverment and it should be a fw days..

Mum just rang me and said the surgery have rang her back already as they have swine flu jabs and she booked Herself, my brother & me in today at 4pm :happydance::happydance:

Had to tell someone x

Hey :wave:

Sorry to hear you've been emotional and worrying yourself :hugs::hugs: but glad to hear things are sorted and you can relax, how did you get on with your jab?

It's weird isnt it, with the xmas tree and dex all gone, everywhere looks so big!!! lolxx

yes our lounge echo'd LOL... Got on fine with my jab, nurse was lovely and ressured me it was 100% the right thing to do, my arm hurts abit today:dohh:
Thanks 4 asking!
Right ive caught up now girls :haha: i slept all evening yesterday:dohh: but had a busy day taking down the tree, shopping, getting kids from school Dr's etc i was shattered, didnt really sit down all day!

Have been so worried since my Dr's appt yesterday I asked her about the Swine Flu jab as i am such a worry pot!!!! (i do my own head in sometimes:haha:) She said yes it is important you have it! (mind you i mentioned it NOT her???:dohh:) and then she said i'll go and get it for you.... After she'd scared me with the facts etc!! She come back and said oh we HAVENT got any left:growlmad::growlmad:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they'll have some in in a couple of weeks!!! Not a happy bunny:cry:

So ive been sat stewing over it in my head, upsetting myself (hormones).
Good old mummy bear (who has to have it aswell due to low immune) rang our surgery and they put our names on the list for a new batch being sent out by goverment and it should be a fw days..

Mum just rang me and said the surgery have rang her back already as they have swine flu jabs and she booked Herself, my brother & me in today at 4pm :happydance::happydance:

Had to tell someone x

How annoying about the doctor! You'd think if it's that important SHE would have mentioned it... then worrying you then they have none :dohh:

Great news about you getting it after all!

I'm like you a worrier, pregnancy just magnifies it doesn't it... but at least with worry comes the ability to sort problems! Rather than just leaving things and ending up worse off! I have to keep telling myself that anyway, lol.


Yes i wont be having her as my antenatal DR. thats for sure!!
Your right about pregnancy turning u into a worry monster lol :haha:

I GOT MY :bfp: !!!!

16 weeks and 5 days after Vasectomy Reversal!!!!!!

I've just stopped shaking enough to post!! After that cheapo one I did this morning, i thought I'd seen a faint line, but thought it was my mind playing tricks on me.....

So I used one of my FRER which I didnt want to do until I was officially late, but thought well, I'll give it a go.......

So it wasnt first morning urine and I'm only 11dpo and I peed on it and walked from the bathroom to bedroom where DH was and there was already a line there, staring straight back up at me!! It was amazing. I cried and started shaking like a mad person!!

As some of you know, my sister is living with us at the min and I only told her about the VR because I'd left fertilty friend up on the computer! :dohh: and because she is so self-centreed, she's not once asked me how I am or anything since I told (which was late november!) so we dont want to tell her about me getting my bfp so It'll be hard to keep ourselves contained, but if we can keep our VR plans a secret for 4 years, we can keep this quiet for a couple of weeks......FX!!

ourselves contained, but if we can keep our VR plans a secret for 4 years, we can keep this quiet for a couple of weeks......FX!! [/COLOR][/QUOTE]

My TTC & Bump Buddy V.... I'm so pleased for you! You really deserved your :bfp: Mummy!
Told you your chart was a preggy chart! Well done Mr. V now offically a member of my Husbands Sperminator Club :haha::haha:
Have you worked out your due date yet V? xx
VR Bump WAGS Pregnancy club just incase we get a ticking off as there are a few of us pregnant wags now x
Thank you so much everybody for your congrats!!! It does mean alot!! :hugs:

@wannabe- No I didnt do anything different this cycle. I had flu on the day my period started on the 6th of dec and spent that week feeling really shitty, but that was it. I did decide to try and relax and eat and drink whatever I wanted over xmas as we had alot of family do's etc so just went for it without worrying. I still temped though! I brought DH 3months supply of wellman conception which he started taking new years eve.....but I would already have been pregnant by then! :dohh:
His results were really low, he had 1million p/ml (they like to see 20million) and only 4% of those 1million were swimming. But I was pleased that there was 4% as it meant there was still a chance.... :) xx
My TTC & Bump Buddy V.... I'm so pleased for you! You really deserved your :bfp: Mummy!
Told you your chart was a preggy chart! Well done Mr. V now offically a member of my Husbands Sperminator Club :haha::haha:
Have you worked out your due date yet V? xx

Thanks TTC n Bump Buddy!! :happydance::happydance:I still cant believe it!! DH is walking around with his chest puffed out!! He is officially a member of the SPERMINATOR CLUB!! :thumbup::thumbup:

Fertilty Friend says I'm due Sept 20th, but am going to the dox on Tues, he will say earlier.

We knew my chart looked different this month didnt we?? We;re so clever!!! :happydance::happydance:
ooh, better show you the evidence!! lol xx


11dpo and it wasnt even first morning urine!!! :thumbup:
Hello Ladies,

I hope you don't mind if I join. My dh had his reversal two weeks ago. Poor thing, I felt so bad for him. He has a set of twins from a previous marriage. A boy and a girl and even though they are our world we've always wanted to have one. So last year we decided to have his reversal. Well after a year of waiting he finally did it. That was my Christmas present and I was so excited. His vasectomy was about 8 years ago. During his surgery the dr was very excited he found sperm on both testicles.

There's just one small problem. I was diagnosed with PCOS last March. I've been on medication since and yesterday for the first time I ovulated! It was exciting! We can't have any bd time because we have to wait 3 weeks. But now that I know I o'd I'm super excited and I'm waiting for the next cycle. My cycles are not normal they are usually 42 days. I'm glad I found this thread. You have given me hope! Good luck to all of us and hope we get our bfp soon!

Welcome :flower:

I hope you find this thread helpful :) We are all in the same boat here xxx

How is your dh feeling? Hope he's recovering well fom the op. That's great news about you ovulating!

Here's to future bumps!

Hi Tallybee,

He was in a lot of pain the first 3 days. Poor thing I didn't know how to help him feel better. I helped him with everything and I felt so bad for him. Now we are playing the waiting game and hope to get our :bfp: soon.

To the future bumps! :dust:
I GOT MY :bfp: !!!!

16 weeks and 5 days after Vasectomy Reversal!!!!!!

I've just stopped shaking enough to post!! After that cheapo one I did this morning, i thought I'd seen a faint line, but thought it was my mind playing tricks on me.....

So I used one of my FRER which I didnt want to do until I was officially late, but thought well, I'll give it a go.......

So it wasnt first morning urine and I'm only 11dpo and I peed on it and walked from the bathroom to bedroom where DH was and there was already a line there, staring straight back up at me!! It was amazing. I cried and started shaking like a mad person!!

As some of you know, my sister is living with us at the min and I only told her about the VR because I'd left fertilty friend up on the computer! :dohh: and because she is so self-centreed, she's not once asked me how I am or anything since I told (which was late november!) so we dont want to tell her about me getting my bfp so It'll be hard to keep ourselves contained, but if we can keep our VR plans a secret for 4 years, we can keep this quiet for a couple of weeks......FX!!

Congratulations!! You give us all hope...... :happydance::happydance:
Thank you so much everybody for your congrats!!! It does mean alot!! :hugs:

@wannabe- No I didnt do anything different this cycle. I had flu on the day my period started on the 6th of dec and spent that week feeling really shitty, but that was it. I did decide to try and relax and eat and drink whatever I wanted over xmas as we had alot of family do's etc so just went for it without worrying. I still temped though! I brought DH 3months supply of wellman conception which he started taking new years eve.....but I would already have been pregnant by then! :dohh:
His results were really low, he had 1million p/ml (they like to see 20million) and only 4% of those 1million were swimming. But I was pleased that there was 4% as it meant there was still a chance.... :) xx

Wow, hun with those SA numbers it is really amazing and such a blessing that you got pregnant!!! That is so wonderful hun...:happydance::happydance:

My DH's numbers were:

-5 million total count
-36% motility

So you have given me alot of hope hun!!!!!:winkwink:
Hello Ladies,

I hope you don't mind if I join. My dh had his reversal two weeks ago. Poor thing, I felt so bad for him. He has a set of twins from a previous marriage. A boy and a girl and even though they are our world we've always wanted to have one. So last year we decided to have his reversal. Well after a year of waiting he finally did it. That was my Christmas present and I was so excited. His vasectomy was about 8 years ago. During his surgery the dr was very excited he found sperm on both testicles.

There's just one small problem. I was diagnosed with PCOS last March. I've been on medication since and yesterday for the first time I ovulated! It was exciting! We can't have any bd time because we have to wait 3 weeks. But now that I know I o'd I'm super excited and I'm waiting for the next cycle. My cycles are not normal they are usually 42 days. I'm glad I found this thread. You have given me hope! Good luck to all of us and hope we get our bfp soon!

Welcome to the thread hun!!! Good luck with TTC!!!!!! Baby dust to you too!!!:winkwink:
:dust: :dust: :dust:
V those are lovely lines!! and not even fmu :thumbup: I got poas syndrome when i got mine :haha:

I swear the up down up down temp's mea something on our charts as we both had them... We should go into proffesional chart reading :haha:

Have u told Leah? xx
V those are lovely lines!! and not even fmu :thumbup: I got poas syndrome when i got mine :haha:

I swear the up down up down temp's mea something on our charts as we both had them... We should go into proffesional chart reading :haha:

Have u told Leah? xx

Yer we should! lol xx Your up down bit was your implantation dip I think, but with mine, I cant say when I implanted as it dipped afew times, but never the less, we're both still pregnant, so all's good!! :thumbup::thumbup: I'm going to change my signature I think now!! :happydance: xx

Yes, I sent her a text this morning after I'd text, she was pleased to hear the news!! xx
Yes you need a lil baby ticker now!:happydance:
You can implant up to 16days after Ov so that why it might not show on your chart yet :)
Yes you need a lil baby ticker now!:happydance:
You can implant up to 16days after Ov so that why it might not show on your chart yet :)

oh really? I didnt know that! I thought you only started releasing the preg hormone once you had implanted and then it tookd 5-7 days to get into your urine? So as I got a + I'm assuming I implanted about a week ago, early like you did! I may have misread though :shrug: Yer I want a ticker!! I think I'll do it tues after going to the doctors! I'll cry I know I will lol xx

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