The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

@MrsRich, I hope you feel better soon hun...:hugs::hugs:

@Tallybee, sorry about the :bfn:'s hun...:hugs: Good luck and baby dust to you hun, i got my fingers crossed 4 u....:thumbup:
Hi new to the site, so not sure if this is the right bit to post on ? :hugs:

I have been with my OH for nearly 4 yrs, we have our op last July in Nottingham, Dr Harris and have been TTC since then :happydance:
My OH have 2 children from previous relationship, and we both want a family together :pink::blue: am desperate to be a mum, It all I have ever wanted most in life :flower:
I had hoped we would have fell preg right away as I very hopefully, though not happened yet........
I am :juggle: alot at the moment, uni/ work/ life so think this maybe why not happened yet as I do get a bit stressed at time, so that does not help.

Well thanks for reading :hugs:


Welcome to the group hun... good luck and baby dust to you hun.. :dust: :dust:
Hi new to the site, so not sure if this is the right bit to post on ? :hugs:

I have been with my OH for nearly 4 yrs, we have our op last July in Nottingham, Dr Harris and have been TTC since then :happydance:
My OH have 2 children from previous relationship, and we both want a family together :pink::blue: am desperate to be a mum, It all I have ever wanted most in life :flower:
I had hoped we would have fell preg right away as I very hopefully, though not happened yet........
I am :juggle: alot at the moment, uni/ work/ life so think this maybe why not happened yet as I do get a bit stressed at time, so that does not help.

Well thanks for reading :hugs:


Hi hon, welcome to the group :) You are in the right place! It's tough trying to juggle everything hey... We've been ttc since OH's op last May... like you I had really hoped it'd be quick but :nope:

What you doing at Uni? I'm just over half way through my Bsc (Hons) Open with the OU.

Best of luck - I know you'll find lots of support on here :)
Sorry to hear about all the nausea and things ladies, I hope it passes soon!

Well :witch: finally got me last night. A WEEK LATE...We are both gutted - we'd got ourselves convinced, and fantasising about having a wee baba around my birthday. :cry:

At least we can start trying again but it's just so crushing... y'all know how it is. We both had a cry together last night :(

Will post SA results on this afternoon x
Hi new to the site, so not sure if this is the right bit to post on ? :hugs:

I have been with my OH for nearly 4 yrs, we have our op last July in Nottingham, Dr Harris and have been TTC since then :happydance:
My OH have 2 children from previous relationship, and we both want a family together :pink::blue: am desperate to be a mum, It all I have ever wanted most in life :flower:
I had hoped we would have fell preg right away as I very hopefully, though not happened yet........
I am :juggle: alot at the moment, uni/ work/ life so think this maybe why not happened yet as I do get a bit stressed at time, so that does not help.

Well thanks for reading :hugs:


welcome and I hope you get your bfp soon :hugs:
Well here they are...

Not sure what to think really.

Thats wondeful news about your dates!! Especially how September is so important to you both how lovely :)

Oh V you really dont want any MS its horrid... i'd rather feel tired and sore bobs than MS but oh no i have to have them ALL :haha:
I know its completey normal to feel up one min and down the next, and crying at the drop of the hat... but it is DH b'day today and i feel so bad because:
i am not myself,
i've cried on him today already :haha:
And he cant even have any b'day action :sex: because of the SA on Thursday :haha:

He told me he loved me loads today and i was carrying his baby which once again brought a tear to my eye... WHAT AM I LIKE!!!
I even get upset when the kids go to school, i feel like i need them with me :shrug: think its my mothering instincts kicking in BIG TIME!!

Feeling a bit more myself this evening.. got backache and sat with my water bottle behind my back AWWWWWWWWWWW lovely x

Awww poor you!! Big hugs for you!! :hugs: It wont always be like this I'm sure! I need to say that coz I'm only 6days behind you, and I know whats coming! Wonder if I'll feel like you are now, this time next week! My boobs are getting sorer by the minute but I feel fine in far. lol

Aww bless you for crying, :hugs: I've had afew tears today, but will explain later.

Happy Birthday Mr Sperminator!!! :happydance::happydance: But sorry he cant have any action tonight!! It could be worse, he could be like my DH and spend his birthday in hospital having his balls cut open with a scalpal!!!! :haha: hehe.

Ooh not long until Thursday!! Are you going to tell them that you are already pregnant when you go in? I can't wait to hear what the results are, it's going to be really interesting isnt it?


V i love your baby Ticker xxx

Thanks!! Thought I'd treat myself, I have an appleseed! Isnt it cute!! hehe xx
Hi new to the site, so not sure if this is the right bit to post on ? :hugs:

I have been with my OH for nearly 4 yrs, we have our op last July in Nottingham, Dr Harris and have been TTC since then :happydance:
My OH have 2 children from previous relationship, and we both want a family together :pink::blue: am desperate to be a mum, It all I have ever wanted most in life :flower:
I had hoped we would have fell preg right away as I very hopefully, though not happened yet........
I am :juggle: alot at the moment, uni/ work/ life so think this maybe why not happened yet as I do get a bit stressed at time, so that does not help.

Well thanks for reading :hugs:


Hey! :wave:

Thanks for dropping in, you are definitly in the right place!! If you need any info on TTC after VR, then this is definitly the place to come!! :thumbup: Your in very good hands here!! :hugs:

TTC is very hard to fit in when you are already juggling so much and stress doesnt help for sure, so although its easier said then done, try and relax as much as poss. I too am juggling a degree and a full-time job and christmas was extremely difficult fitting everything in, I'm just grateful I had the girls on here to get me through it all, they really are a lovely bunch! :hugs:

Good luck on your TTC and I shall keep everything crossed that you get your :bfp: very soon!! xx
Ooh ooh!! Look look!! I phoned the clinic today where we had the VR done and gave her the good news! The receptionist was so pleased and asked if she could put it on the website to give hope to others who have low SA results or the same situation as DH.

Have a look! :thumbup:

I'm the first one, the one with the unfortunate initials 'V.D.' :dohh:
Ooh ooh!! Look look!! I phoned the clinic today where we had the VR done and gave her the good news! The receptionist was so pleased and asked if she could put it on the website to give hope to others who have low SA results or the same situation as DH.

Have a look! :thumbup:

I'm the first one, the one with the unfortunate initials 'V.D.' :dohh:

Thats excellent! :happydance:
how good is that! congrats again hun :hugs:
Ooh ooh!! Look look!! I phoned the clinic today where we had the VR done and gave her the good news! The receptionist was so pleased and asked if she could put it on the website to give hope to others who have low SA results or the same situation as DH.

Have a look! :thumbup:

I'm the first one, the one with the unfortunate initials 'V.D.' :dohh:

Thats great I didnt even think to let the dr know that we had gotten pregnant after the op :dohh:
Thats wondeful news about your dates!! Especially how September is so important to you both how lovely :)

Oh V you really dont want any MS its horrid... i'd rather feel tired and sore bobs than MS but oh no i have to have them ALL :haha:
I know its completey normal to feel up one min and down the next, and crying at the drop of the hat... but it is DH b'day today and i feel so bad because:
i am not myself,
i've cried on him today already :haha:
And he cant even have any b'day action :sex: because of the SA on Thursday :haha:

He told me he loved me loads today and i was carrying his baby which once again brought a tear to my eye... WHAT AM I LIKE!!!
I even get upset when the kids go to school, i feel like i need them with me :shrug: think its my mothering instincts kicking in BIG TIME!!

Feeling a bit more myself this evening.. got backache and sat with my water bottle behind my back AWWWWWWWWWWW lovely x

Awww poor you!! Big hugs for you!! :hugs: It wont always be like this I'm sure! I need to say that coz I'm only 6days behind you, and I know whats coming! Wonder if I'll feel like you are now, this time next week! My boobs are getting sorer by the minute but I feel fine in far. lol

Aww bless you for crying, :hugs: I've had afew tears today, but will explain later.

Happy Birthday Mr Sperminator!!! :happydance::happydance: But sorry he cant have any action tonight!! It could be worse, he could be like my DH and spend his birthday in hospital having his balls cut open with a scalpal!!!! :haha: hehe.

Ooh not long until Thursday!! Are you going to tell them that you are already pregnant when you go in? I can't wait to hear what the results are, it's going to be really interesting isnt it?

Hey Girls :hugs:

Felt a bit better today, but now feel as sick as a pig!! :dohh: Sure it will pass in a few weeks (pleassssssssse)

Yes its the big SA day tomorrow... Ive made him abstain for 3 days is that enough?? i cant remember now and have baby brain already :haha:
I dont know whether to tell him or not... he scares me :haha::haha: he is very head teacher type of person if you know what i mean... i may tell him after we have our results:happydance: Especially if they are low-ish:happydance:
Hope your ok too V as you said you had a lil :cry:



V i love your baby Ticker xxx

Thanks!! Thought I'd treat myself, I have an appleseed! Isnt it cute!! hehe xx

Awwww i love seeing them change,, i read today my bubba is the size of a grape! thats quite big... im impressed with his/her growing speed:happydance:

Ooh ooh!! Look look!! I phoned the clinic today where we had the VR done and gave her the good news! The receptionist was so pleased and asked if she could put it on the website to give hope to others who have low SA results or the same situation as DH.

Have a look! :thumbup:

I'm the first one, the one with the unfortunate initials 'V.D.' :dohh:

That is so lovely V, Print it out and stick it in your pregnancy/baby memory box :thumbup:

Ooh ooh!! Look look!! I phoned the clinic today where we had the VR done and gave her the good news! The receptionist was so pleased and asked if she could put it on the website to give hope to others who have low SA results or the same situation as DH.

Have a look! :thumbup:

I'm the first one, the one with the unfortunate initials 'V.D.' :dohh:

Thats great I didnt even think to let the dr know that we had gotten pregnant after the op :dohh:

You should send him a Email:thumbup: Your scan is coming up soon isnt it ? Good luck hope baby likes having their photo taken for you x :thumbup:
Well adies we took the "MAGIC POT OF GOLD" into the histopathology lab today!
DH was rather embarrassed bless him... the women said "Was it done within the hour??" :blush:

DH said to me, now she knows what we were doing a hour ago :haha: Bless him

So appointment is all booked for 26th Jan for those all important results!

Place your bets on how many Million per ml below :haha:

I think about 18mill per ml :shrug:
hi ladies I had a scan today at baby bond (I cant praise them enough) it was great the lady explained everything and did meassurements and pictures of everything baby at all angles, both my ovaries and even the cyst on my left ovary, she put this thermal image thing on the screen and showed us the stuff going from me through the cord and in to baby it was fab. Baby had good strong heartbeat, he/she was moving and meassured 22.92mm

we were given 5 pictures of baby 2 pics of ovaries and 1 pic of all meassurment aswell as a print out for my maternity records all in a little gift bag
hi ladies I had a scan today at baby bond (I cant praise them enough) it was great the lady explained everything and did meassurements and pictures of everything baby at all angles, both my ovaries and even the cyst on my left ovary, she put this thermal image thing on the screen and showed us the stuff going from me through the cord and in to baby it was fab. Baby had good strong heartbeat, he/she was moving and meassured 22.92mm

we were given 5 pictures of baby 2 pics of ovaries and 1 pic of all meassurment aswell as a print out for my maternity records all in a little gift bag

Wow that's fab! I bet you're well pleased :D
hi ladies I had a scan today at baby bond (I cant praise them enough) it was great the lady explained everything and did meassurements and pictures of everything baby at all angles, both my ovaries and even the cyst on my left ovary, she put this thermal image thing on the screen and showed us the stuff going from me through the cord and in to baby it was fab. Baby had good strong heartbeat, he/she was moving and meassured 22.92mm

we were given 5 pictures of baby 2 pics of ovaries and 1 pic of all meassurment aswell as a print out for my maternity records all in a little gift bag

Wow that's fab! I bet you're well pleased :D

we are really pleased I just hope we can relax a little now :hugs:
hi ladies I had a scan today at baby bond (I cant praise them enough) it was great the lady explained everything and did meassurements and pictures of everything baby at all angles, both my ovaries and even the cyst on my left ovary, she put this thermal image thing on the screen and showed us the stuff going from me through the cord and in to baby it was fab. Baby had good strong heartbeat, he/she was moving and meassured 22.92mm

we were given 5 pictures of baby 2 pics of ovaries and 1 pic of all meassurment aswell as a print out for my maternity records all in a little gift bag

Wow that's fab! I bet you're well pleased :D

we are really pleased I just hope we can relax a little now :hugs:

wow thats really great!! So pleased for you :hugs: How amazing!! Bet youu're up on :cloud9: !! awwww, if you dont mind me asking, how much did you have to pay? Sorry if you've already said :dohh: xx
Well adies we took the "MAGIC POT OF GOLD" into the histopathology lab today!
DH was rather embarrassed bless him... the women said "Was it done within the hour??" :blush:

DH said to me, now she knows what we were doing a hour ago :haha: Bless him

So appointment is all booked for 26th Jan for those all important results!

Place your bets on how many Million per ml below :haha:

I think about 18mill per ml :shrug:

Ooooh, anythings possible!! I am going to say somewhere between 5-15 million p/ml, but he could be like my DH and have a super low count but the swimmers he has got are blooming olympic swimmers!!! :rofl: lol How shocked would you be if it was really low? xx
hi ladies I had a scan today at baby bond (I cant praise them enough) it was great the lady explained everything and did meassurements and pictures of everything baby at all angles, both my ovaries and even the cyst on my left ovary, she put this thermal image thing on the screen and showed us the stuff going from me through the cord and in to baby it was fab. Baby had good strong heartbeat, he/she was moving and meassured 22.92mm

we were given 5 pictures of baby 2 pics of ovaries and 1 pic of all meassurment aswell as a print out for my maternity records all in a little gift bag

Wow that's fab! I bet you're well pleased :D

we are really pleased I just hope we can relax a little now :hugs:

wow thats really great!! So pleased for you :hugs: How amazing!! Bet youu're up on :cloud9: !! awwww, if you dont mind me asking, how much did you have to pay? Sorry if you've already said :dohh: xx

It was £99, I wish there were more money in the nhs pot so every pregnant lady could have the same as what we had today as it was magical.
my new craving is baby bond scans we are going to have a gender scan and maybe a 4d scan there (dh doesnt seem to mind as he loved it)
hi ladies I had a scan today at baby bond (I cant praise them enough) it was great the lady explained everything and did meassurements and pictures of everything baby at all angles, both my ovaries and even the cyst on my left ovary, she put this thermal image thing on the screen and showed us the stuff going from me through the cord and in to baby it was fab. Baby had good strong heartbeat, he/she was moving and meassured 22.92mm

we were given 5 pictures of baby 2 pics of ovaries and 1 pic of all meassurment aswell as a print out for my maternity records all in a little gift bag

Wow that's fab! I bet you're well pleased :D

we are really pleased I just hope we can relax a little now :hugs:

wow thats really great!! So pleased for you :hugs: How amazing!! Bet you're up on :cloud9: !! awwww, if you dont mind me asking, how much did you have to pay? Sorry if you've already said :dohh: xx

It was £99, I wish there were more money in the nhs pot so every pregnant lady could have the same as what we had today as it was magical.
my new craving is baby bond scans we are going to have a gender scan and maybe a 4d scan there (dh doesnt seem to mind as he loved it)

Aww thats great! and £99 thats really good!! awww, I'll sweet talk DH!! lol xx

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