The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

Evening ladies!! :wave:

Ooh wannabe, congrats on the job front!! :thumbup: great news! Your right, if it doesnt rain, it pours! and good luck keeping DH going that little bit longer, just until you've finished Oving, I shall keep my fingers crossed that in afew weeks, they'll be another VR WaG who is expecting!!! :winkwink: :hugs:

Hope everybody else is alright!! :thumbup:

I'm having a quite day on the 'feeling pregnant' front, in fact, most days are quite quiet, I'm sure I wont be saying that in a few more weeks :haha: MRSRICH how have you been feeling these past few days??

I've e-mailed my uni tutor and asked for an extension on my upcoming deadline, due to the little distraction I had of erm, being pregnant!! lol :haha: I have to keep seeing it coz we still cant talk about it openly int he house so it still seems like one big dream, I've known for a week now already!! But, we have booked a table and we are taking my mum and dad out for a meal...... let the tear fest begin!! Who wants to take take bets on who will cry first??? doesnt take much, i'm so sensative at the best of times.
DH... he's as hard as nails.
My mum...We have a close relationship.
My Dad... I'm his eldest child and he wants grandkids and doesnt think he will ever get any.

So whats it to be?

I'm going to say ME :dohh:
DH says- my Dad.
Wanabeprego says- Me

I say you V as your elling your parents then your mum:cry:... Bet you cant wait to tell them:thumbup:
im feeling really low and crap again today had a good day Friday & Saturday but today "BANG" it hit me again:cry: just been on sofa all day,, my lil babies looking after me bless them.. they keep saying "baby, stop making mummy feel sick!!" :hugs:

2 days until my hubbie has his VR am very nervous

Going on your DH experience how long was it before he could walk without feeling too uncomfortable, also when could they get up and start moving? and how long before they went back to work?

Also hubbie has eldest son who needs to be taken to footie match, told him not to go as I am going but he said he will be ok sitting in a chair!! Its Saturday so 4 days after the op, will he be in any state to or not!!?

Hey:thumbup: dont be to nervous, its all worth it just remember that:thumbup: Dh wasn't to bad at all really, he could walk fine but not for too long as it was a pulling feeling!! He rested completely for about 4 days then slowly back to normality:thumbup: I made sure there was no heavy lifting etc..

I'd say if he's feeling up to going to the footie match as long as he is sitting then he shouldnt be to bad, just stock up on painkillers my dh took nurofen express and they kept the pain away..

Good luck there are a few of us pregnant vas rev wags now so they can be very successful! mine was after 9 weeks!:winkwink: xx

hope your feeling better soon :hugs:

We own our own business, so he can take whatever time he needs however, he will only be sat in a chair if he goes back to work so it isnt energetic work

I will keep you informed

Im not too keen on looking at it, lol, am not very good with seeing yucky things, lol, so if I have to dress it, well not quite sure how I will do it without wanting to puke!! lol

Fingers crossed it works.... worth a try anyway

Also how long was it before you had to give a test for analysis?? Is it first one after 6 weeks??

Thankyou all again, been a great help

Yeah my OH sits in a chair at work too, he looks after computer systems so it's not strenuous or anything for him. He had the op on a Thursday and was back at work on the Monday. He was pretty sore and needed the pain pills they gave him though, and was tender for some time after that too. That said, we managed to resume 'action' after about a week although we had to be super careful!

It wasn't that gross after though. He just had to wear this special support 'garment' with a sort of dressing pad against the wound which he was able to change himself :)

12 weeks post op he had to send in a pot, but it was a case of 'sperm are present', nothing more. Pretty useless... but every hospital seems to be different. We've had a detailed analysis done on the NHS! #208

So there's a higher chance than there was before, at least!

Good luck x
Hey girls,

sorry i havent been online or in touch for a few days, i've been feeling so rough, Couldnt even get up of the sofa :(
Had some spotting again yesterday a little bit red so i rang my gp and got through to a nurse who was so vile and told me 1 in 4 end in mc and to prepare myself for one!!! i was so upset when Rich got home...

So i popped to my mums today and told her about the vile nurse, and bless my mum she rang the hospital and got throught to a Early Pregnancy Midwife who was brill and sorted me a scan out for today aswell, so me and DH went today at 2pm and saw our lil bean (actually looked just like a bean lol) and such a stong heartbeat :) but no signs of a bleed or cysts etc.. so all brill!!
DH looked so chuffed, you know men they dont say or show much lol..

Saw the midwife after and she said sometimes you can just get these little bleeds, it could still be implanting or as my period would be due around know it could be that too, but if i have anymore im to ring her direct and have another scan...

Its nice to know there is actually a Early Pregnancy Midwife now as there was nothing when i was having my other 2.

Have my midwife booking in tomorrow and another scan in about 6weeks time :thumbup:

How is everyone else doing??
Hey girls,

sorry i havent been online or in touch for a few days, i've been feeling so rough, Couldnt even get up of the sofa :(
Had some spotting again yesterday a little bit red so i rang my gp and got through to a nurse who was so vile and told me 1 in 4 end in mc and to prepare myself for one!!! i was so upset when Rich got home...

So i popped to my mums today and told her about the vile nurse, and bless my mum she rang the hospital and got throught to a Early Pregnancy Midwife who was brill and sorted me a scan out for today aswell, so me and DH went today at 2pm and saw our lil bean (actually looked just like a bean lol) and such a stong heartbeat :) but no signs of a bleed or cysts etc.. so all brill!!
DH looked so chuffed, you know men they dont say or show much lol..

Saw the midwife after and she said sometimes you can just get these little bleeds, it could still be implanting or as my period would be due around know it could be that too, but if i have anymore im to ring her direct and have another scan...

Its nice to know there is actually a Early Pregnancy Midwife now as there was nothing when i was having my other 2.

Have my midwife booking in tomorrow and another scan in about 6weeks time :thumbup:

How is everyone else doing??

ah sorry your feeling rough but :happydance: that you seen your healthy blue berry, some midwifes are so frank (horrible) and yes everyone knows the facts but there's ways to tell people. I had spotting last week but it would of been time for my period. hope you feel better soon :hugs:
Hey girls,

sorry i havent been online or in touch for a few days, i've been feeling so rough, Couldnt even get up of the sofa :(
Had some spotting again yesterday a little bit red so i rang my gp and got through to a nurse who was so vile and told me 1 in 4 end in mc and to prepare myself for one!!! i was so upset when Rich got home...

So i popped to my mums today and told her about the vile nurse, and bless my mum she rang the hospital and got throught to a Early Pregnancy Midwife who was brill and sorted me a scan out for today aswell, so me and DH went today at 2pm and saw our lil bean (actually looked just like a bean lol) and such a stong heartbeat :) but no signs of a bleed or cysts etc.. so all brill!!
DH looked so chuffed, you know men they dont say or show much lol..

Saw the midwife after and she said sometimes you can just get these little bleeds, it could still be implanting or as my period would be due around know it could be that too, but if i have anymore im to ring her direct and have another scan...

Its nice to know there is actually a Early Pregnancy Midwife now as there was nothing when i was having my other 2.

Have my midwife booking in tomorrow and another scan in about 6weeks time :thumbup:

How is everyone else doing??

ah sorry your feeling rough but :happydance: that you seen your healthy blue berry, some midwifes are so frank (horrible) and yes everyone knows the facts but there's ways to tell people. I had spotting last week but it would of been time for my period. hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Your right there she wasnt even a midwife though just a tri-age nurse:growlmad:
She was so rude to me really! she didnt say well it could be this, this or this but it is quite common etc... nasty moo! :haha:
Yes im feeling ok today thank you.. it was lovely seeing my Blueberry on the screen.

I thought it may of been my period breakthough... thank you Reversal xx
Hi All

My hubbie has had his op

However the Dr could only attach one tube, does this mean anything and does this reduce our changes, he said that there was loads of sperm in this tube, but he didnt elaborate as I think he wanted to go home, lol

HUbbie is home now so we have to speak to Dtr in morning

Was just wondering whether any of you that DH has had it done only had one tube attached??

Thanks am just really really worried
Hey girls,

sorry i havent been online or in touch for a few days, i've been feeling so rough, Couldnt even get up of the sofa :(
Had some spotting again yesterday a little bit red so i rang my gp and got through to a nurse who was so vile and told me 1 in 4 end in mc and to prepare myself for one!!! i was so upset when Rich got home...

So i popped to my mums today and told her about the vile nurse, and bless my mum she rang the hospital and got throught to a Early Pregnancy Midwife who was brill and sorted me a scan out for today aswell, so me and DH went today at 2pm and saw our lil bean (actually looked just like a bean lol) and such a stong heartbeat :) but no signs of a bleed or cysts etc.. so all brill!!
DH looked so chuffed, you know men they dont say or show much lol..

Saw the midwife after and she said sometimes you can just get these little bleeds, it could still be implanting or as my period would be due around know it could be that too, but if i have anymore im to ring her direct and have another scan...

Its nice to know there is actually a Early Pregnancy Midwife now as there was nothing when i was having my other 2.

Have my midwife booking in tomorrow and another scan in about 6weeks time :thumbup:

How is everyone else doing??

Hi hun, I am so sorry that you are not feeling well... I hope that you feel better soon....:hugs::hugs:

I am sorry that you had to deal with such a rude nurse that just made you more upset about your bleeding... people can be so insensitive at times:growlmad:, But I am happy to hear that your baby looks healthy and had a strong heart beat on the scan....:happydance:....Just try to relax and take it easy, try to stay off your feet if you can....:hugs:
Hi All

My hubbie has had his op

However the Dr could only attach one tube, does this mean anything and does this reduce our changes, he said that there was loads of sperm in this tube, but he didnt elaborate as I think he wanted to go home, lol

HUbbie is home now so we have to speak to Dtr in morning

Was just wondering whether any of you that DH has had it done only had one tube attached??

Thanks am just really really worried

Yeah my OH only had one tube reattached too. His SA did show low count, but the GP that went through them with us didn't seem too worried about it and basically just said keep trying!
Hi All

My hubbie has had his op

However the Dr could only attach one tube, does this mean anything and does this reduce our changes, he said that there was loads of sperm in this tube, but he didnt elaborate as I think he wanted to go home, lol

HUbbie is home now so we have to speak to Dtr in morning

Was just wondering whether any of you that DH has had it done only had one tube attached??

Thanks am just really really worried


When my DH had it done, the surgeon said he may only be able to re-attach one side due to scar tissue on one side after an op DH had afew years before. Luckily he did manage to do both. Although it will mean less sperm will be produced, it is nothing to worry about. My DH got a really really low results and there was no way of telling whether the sperm that was tested came from one or both tubes, but so long as there is sperm present then you have as good a chance at the rest of us, me and reversal are living proof of conception after really low sperm counts and motility!! Good luck hunny, but you wont need it! enjoy your journey, I hope DH heals well!! xx
Hey how is everyone today?

Feeling more myself today :happydance: just been sleeping loads :haha:
my dark circles will be gone at this rate :rofl:

Had my my midwife booking in today, the receptionist wrote my time down for 3.40pm but my appointment was 13.40pm :haha: just my luck!!!!

But the midwife still saw me :) it was the same one i had with Kian & Taylor so she remembered me :) and she is lovely..
Had my bloods done! and my free prescription form and she is coming to the house on the 31st to finish off the forms

Oww and she changed my dates to due 12th September.... V fancy that!!!

:happydance: :cloud9:
As for me today I am farting up a storm...Luckily they are SBD's so DH hasnt noticed my problems on my end of the couch...:haha: LOL... Of course I am hoping it is an early pregnancy symptom.. Or it might be from these Fertilaid women pills that I am taking...:shrug:.. i also have been having weird stomach cramps the last few days, they are not like normal AF cramps, just real weird stomach twinges....and my nips are a bit like stingy and soar... I am feeling weird so far this cycle... hmmm... hopefully that is a good thing...

As far as the job situation, The phone interview that i had Monday for a recruiting position went good but I just found out that the pay for the job is kind of low and they only start you out at part time hours, and I need full time work right now, even though it was a work from home job which would have been cool, but i still need full time work right now and more $$...

So now I have 3 other job options left, one that I interview for on the 27th in the afternoon which is a help desk position, another one that is with a staffing agency that is an HR job, and the one that I already have been promised that i am supposed to start in two weeks, the only problem with the one that i have been promised is that the manager isnt responding to my emails that I sent her asking about health benefits/sick time etc... So i dont know if she changed her mind or what the heck is going on, it is the lowest paying job out of the bunch though and I am over qualified..

So in conclusion I am hoping that the HR job will work out because that is the one i want the most out of the bunch, and I got my BA degree recently in HR, so that is the area I want to work in.. so we shall see how this all plays out over the next 2 weeks....:thumbup:
Hey how is everyone today?

Feeling more myself today :happydance: just been sleeping loads :haha:
my dark circles will be gone at this rate :rofl:

Had my my midwife booking in today, the receptionist wrote my time down for 3.40pm but my appointment was 13.40pm :haha: just my luck!!!!

But the midwife still saw me :) it was the same one i had with Kian & Taylor so she remembered me :) and she is lovely..
Had my bloods done! and my free prescription form and she is coming to the house on the 31st to finish off the forms

Oww and she changed my dates to due 12th September.... V fancy that!!!

:happydance: :cloud9:

I am glad to hear that everything is going good for you hun and that you are getting plenty of rest.....:thumbup:
As for me today I am farting up a storm...Luckily they are SBD's so DH hasnt noticed my problems on my end of the couch...:haha: LOL... Of course I am hoping it is an early pregnancy symptom.. Or it might be from these Fertilaid women pills that I am taking...:shrug:.. i also have been having weird stomach cramps the last few days, they are not like normal AF cramps, just real weird stomach twinges....and my nips are a bit like stingy and soar... I am feeling weird so far this cycle... hmmm... hopefully that is a good thing...

As far as the job situation, The phone interview that i had Monday for a recruiting position went good but I just found out that the pay for the job is kind of low and they only start you out at part time hours, and I need full time work right now, even though it was a work from home job which would have been cool, but i still need full time work right now and more $$...

So now I have 3 other job options left, one that I interview for on the 27th in the afternoon which is a help desk position, another one that is with a staffing agency that is an HR job, and the one that I already have been promised that i am supposed to start in two weeks, the only problem with the one that i have been promised is that the manager isnt responding to my emails that I sent her asking about health benefits/sick time etc... So i dont know if she changed her mind or what the heck is going on, it is the lowest paying job out of the bunch though and I am over qualified..

So in conclusion I am hoping that the HR job will work out because that is the one i want the most out of the bunch, and I got my BA degree recently in HR, so that is the area I want to work in.. so we shall see how this all plays out over the next 2 weeks....:thumbup:

FARTING UP A STORM :haha::sick::huh::huh::huh: good job they are SBD's :haha:

My advice is anything that feels weird to normal is a 1% extra chance of a :bfp: :thumbup: so fingers crossed for you..

Glad your phone interview went well, Im sure which ever job you decide to go with will be best for you... so good luck to you hun:hugs:
Hey how is everyone today?

Feeling more myself today :happydance: just been sleeping loads :haha:
my dark circles will be gone at this rate :rofl:

Had my my midwife booking in today, the receptionist wrote my time down for 3.40pm but my appointment was 13.40pm :haha: just my luck!!!!

But the midwife still saw me :) it was the same one i had with Kian & Taylor so she remembered me :) and she is lovely..
Had my bloods done! and my free prescription form and she is coming to the house on the 31st to finish off the forms

Oww and she changed my dates to due 12th September.... V fancy that!!!

:happydance: :cloud9:

Yay!! :dance: :dance: thats so cool!! :thumbup: My EDD is the 12th tooooo!! :happydance:

So glad to hear you're feeling better and feeling rested! :hugs: Yay for you getting the same midwife...I hope mine's nice too!! FX xxx
As for me today I am farting up a storm...Luckily they are SBD's so DH hasnt noticed my problems on my end of the couch...:haha: LOL... Of course I am hoping it is an early pregnancy symptom.. Or it might be from these Fertilaid women pills that I am taking...:shrug:.. i also have been having weird stomach cramps the last few days, they are not like normal AF cramps, just real weird stomach twinges....and my nips are a bit like stingy and soar... I am feeling weird so far this cycle... hmmm... hopefully that is a good thing...

As far as the job situation, The phone interview that i had Monday for a recruiting position went good but I just found out that the pay for the job is kind of low and they only start you out at part time hours, and I need full time work right now, even though it was a work from home job which would have been cool, but i still need full time work right now and more $$...

So now I have 3 other job options left, one that I interview for on the 27th in the afternoon which is a help desk position, another one that is with a staffing agency that is an HR job, and the one that I already have been promised that i am supposed to start in two weeks, the only problem with the one that i have been promised is that the manager isnt responding to my emails that I sent her asking about health benefits/sick time etc... So i dont know if she changed her mind or what the heck is going on, it is the lowest paying job out of the bunch though and I am over qualified..

So in conclusion I am hoping that the HR job will work out because that is the one i want the most out of the bunch, and I got my BA degree recently in HR, so that is the area I want to work in.. so we shall see how this all plays out over the next 2 weeks....:thumbup:

Different is definitly good!!! :happydance::happydance: I'm a true believer in that!! Ooh I really hope that this is your month!! Good luck in getting the job you want and are qualified to do!! FX for you xxxx
Thanks for all of the good luck ladies...:flower:

Any of you ladies want to weigh in on my new thread i just started, any comments or feed back is welcome... :thumbup:

OMG, the Octuplet mom has outdone herself with this one, she is such a weirdo.. LOL, i was at work cracking up laughing watching this!!! :haha:
Hey Ladies,

Looks like this thread has gone a little quiet! Where is everyone? :shrug:

Well last week i had an appointment with a fertility doctor who said that me spotting a couple of days before :witch: is normal and wont do anything. He did an internal ultrasound and said everything was fine, and has given me a blood test for day 3 of my cycle. I cant really remember what this is testing for! Has anyone else had this?

Here comes the nasty part, OH was there and the doctor had his SA results and said, because i'm fine, the problem is with him and we shouldnt wait around so we should go STRAIGHT for ICSI!!!!!!!! :cry:
Well shock doesnt even cover what i've been going through this past week.

I cannot believe that is the only option that he can give us?
Well, we went to the Fertility show last year and got a name of a doctor who said he could help, and that ICSI/IVF should not be the first thing we go for.

OH has got to have another SA from our GP before she will refer him so i wonder what the results will be 9 months after reversal?

After the fantastic results from this thread should i still have hope for us? His results were pretty poor.

Opinions PLEASE!! :cry:
Hey Ladies,

Looks like this thread has gone a little quiet! Where is everyone? :shrug:

Well last week i had an appointment with a fertility doctor who said that me spotting a couple of days before :witch: is normal and wont do anything. He did an internal ultrasound and said everything was fine, and has given me a blood test for day 3 of my cycle. I cant really remember what this is testing for! Has anyone else had this?

Here comes the nasty part, OH was there and the doctor had his SA results and said, because i'm fine, the problem is with him and we shouldnt wait around so we should go STRAIGHT for ICSI!!!!!!!! :cry:
Well shock doesnt even cover what i've been going through this past week.

I cannot believe that is the only option that he can give us?
Well, we went to the Fertility show last year and got a name of a doctor who said he could help, and that ICSI/IVF should not be the first thing we go for.

OH has got to have another SA from our GP before she will refer him so i wonder what the results will be 9 months after reversal?

After the fantastic results from this thread should i still have hope for us? His results were pretty poor.

Opinions PLEASE!! :cry:

It is quiet now I think it may be because a few of us are pregnant and feeling like dirty so not on as much as we were, I wouldn't give up hope as where there is even a tiny amount of sperm there is hope. I really hope your dh's results are not as bad as the docs expecting :hugs:
Hey Ladies,

Looks like this thread has gone a little quiet! Where is everyone? :shrug:

Well last week i had an appointment with a fertility doctor who said that me spotting a couple of days before :witch: is normal and wont do anything. He did an internal ultrasound and said everything was fine, and has given me a blood test for day 3 of my cycle. I cant really remember what this is testing for! Has anyone else had this?

Here comes the nasty part, OH was there and the doctor had his SA results and said, because i'm fine, the problem is with him and we shouldnt wait around so we should go STRAIGHT for ICSI!!!!!!!! :cry:
Well shock doesnt even cover what i've been going through this past week.

I cannot believe that is the only option that he can give us?
Well, we went to the Fertility show last year and got a name of a doctor who said he could help, and that ICSI/IVF should not be the first thing we go for.

OH has got to have another SA from our GP before she will refer him so i wonder what the results will be 9 months after reversal?

After the fantastic results from this thread should i still have hope for us? His results were pretty poor.

Opinions PLEASE!! :cry:

@Bear, I am sorry about the tuff time you are having hun...:hugs::hugs:

I hope that when you get the SA done again the results are better. The amount of sperm can increase for up to 2 years after the reversal surgery so try to stay positive and hopeful even though I know it is not always easy hun...:hugs:Please remember that all it takes is one sperm to make it happen, and at least you know you are healthy so that is one good thing that you learned out of everything.

One option I was going to look into after me and DH have been trying for a few years is artificial insemination. As long as your DH has some sperm that is a possibility and is cheaper than some of the other options fertility wise. I also am making my DH take Fertilaid vitamins to try to naturally increase his sperm count, and Fertilaid also has the count boost which increases the sperm count as well and DH has started taking that recently this month as well.

Good luck to you hun... I really hope that your DH's next SA results are better...:hugs:

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