The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

hi ladies I had a scan today at baby bond (I cant praise them enough) it was great the lady explained everything and did meassurements and pictures of everything baby at all angles, both my ovaries and even the cyst on my left ovary, she put this thermal image thing on the screen and showed us the stuff going from me through the cord and in to baby it was fab. Baby had good strong heartbeat, he/she was moving and meassured 22.92mm

we were given 5 pictures of baby 2 pics of ovaries and 1 pic of all meassurment aswell as a print out for my maternity records all in a little gift bag

Thats great reversal, :winkwink:I am so happy to hear that your scan went so well and that the baby looks healthy and has a strong heart beat!!! :thumbup:
Well adies we took the "MAGIC POT OF GOLD" into the histopathology lab today!
DH was rather embarrassed bless him... the women said "Was it done within the hour??" :blush:

DH said to me, now she knows what we were doing a hour ago :haha: Bless him

So appointment is all booked for 26th Jan for those all important results!

Place your bets on how many Million per ml below :haha:

I think about 18mill per ml :shrug:

I am going to guess 16 ml.....:thumbup:
Today I think I am pretty close to ovulating, if i am not already now, I would say by looking at my OPK I definatly should be ovulating for sure tomorrow and should get an even darker line. Here is a pic of my OPK from today...

The good news is that me and DH had :sex: Wednesday, Thursday and are planning on having :sex: tonight as well. I guess we will just make it a weekend sexathon!!! :haha: LOL!!!! We got that artificial insemination kit thingy in the mail so we will probably try that soon since I am OV'ing and in my fertile window. :winkwink:

I am happy to say that I got a job offer, it is not my dream job or anything but it is closer to my house and is a permanent direct hire position, which is good because my contract job will be ending soon. I am getting confused though because I have a phone interview for a job that I really really want on Monday afternoon!!! It is the one that I want the most out of the jobs I have to pick from. I also have an interview at the end of this month for a help desk position and another administrative temp job as well. So I am getting confused because i went from having no options to a whole bunch all at the same time. :wacko: I was trying to narrow down which one i want the most, and trying to wait to see how my phone interview goes on monday. Me and DH were going to make a list of pros and cons to try to figure out which option is the best for me. Gosh I really hope Monday's interview goes good because it is the one I want the most!!!
Wow congratulations on the job offer! It seems like jobs are like buses for you just now... no options for ages then all come at once lol.

Best of luck with the phone interview! I bet you'll nail it - you'll be on an interview roll!
congratulations on the job offer and good luck on the interview.
OOH if your ovulation now you could be getting a bfp in two weeks fingers crossed for you x
hi ladies I had a scan today at baby bond (I cant praise them enough) it was great the lady explained everything and did meassurements and pictures of everything baby at all angles, both my ovaries and even the cyst on my left ovary, she put this thermal image thing on the screen and showed us the stuff going from me through the cord and in to baby it was fab. Baby had good strong heartbeat, he/she was moving and meassured 22.92mm

we were given 5 pictures of baby 2 pics of ovaries and 1 pic of all meassurment aswell as a print out for my maternity records all in a little gift bag

AWWWW sounds like you had a lovely time:thumbup: shame like you said the nhs dont offer this... i'm going to look into getting one:thumbup: ave you posted your pics on here yet? x

Today I think I am pretty close to ovulating, if i am not already now, I would say by looking at my OPK I definatly should be ovulating for sure tomorrow and should get an even darker line. Here is a pic of my OPK from today...

The good news is that me and DH had :sex: Wednesday, Thursday and are planning on having :sex: tonight as well. I guess we will just make it a weekend sexathon!!! :haha: LOL!!!! We got that artificial insemination kit thingy in the mail so we will probably try that soon since I am OV'ing and in my fertile window. :winkwink:

I am happy to say that I got a job offer, it is not my dream job or anything but it is closer to my house and is a permanent direct hire position, which is good because my contract job will be ending soon. I am getting confused though because I have a phone interview for a job that I really really want on Monday afternoon!!! It is the one that I want the most out of the jobs I have to pick from. I also have an interview at the end of this month for a help desk position and another administrative temp job as well. So I am getting confused because i went from having no options to a whole bunch all at the same time. :wacko: I was trying to narrow down which one i want the most, and trying to wait to see how my phone interview goes on monday. Me and DH were going to make a list of pros and cons to try to figure out which option is the best for me. Gosh I really hope Monday's interview goes good because it is the one I want the most!!!

Well done on the job front!! and the :sex:'ing :haha:you'll both be shattered by the 2ww :haha:
So it's official I am OV'ing today ladies..check out my dark second line on my OPK...

Now its time for :sex: :sex: and more :sex:....... LOL:haha::blush:
Thanks for the congrats on my new job ladies!!!!:flower: You ladies are all so sweet!!!:hugs::hugs:

@Mrs Rich, Yeah I can tell that DH is loosing steam, He gave me a hard time about giving up some :sex: lastnight... LOL, it was like pulling teeth... and he is exhausted.. I feel like I have drained the life literally right out of him!!! LOL!!!!:haha:

Otherwise he has been doing much better about playing his part in the baby making process and is being more supportive than he used to be when we first started TTC.

I must admit I even wasnt in the mood lastnight but went ahead and had :sex: just because of my positive OPK...... LOL:haha: I think once I am out of my fertile window I will give poor DH a break from all of the :sex:!!!!
Wow congratulations on the job offer! It seems like jobs are like buses for you just now... no options for ages then all come at once lol.

Best of luck with the phone interview! I bet you'll nail it - you'll be on an interview roll!

Thanks for the good luck with my interview monday and the Congrats!!!:hugs::hugs:

Life is funny like that, I went from zero job options to 4 potential jobs in a short period!!!:wacko: But you know what they say when it rains it pours!!! Either nobody wants you or everybody does.. LOL...:haha:
Evening ladies!! :wave:

Ooh wannabe, congrats on the job front!! :thumbup: great news! Your right, if it doesnt rain, it pours! and good luck keeping DH going that little bit longer, just until you've finished Oving, I shall keep my fingers crossed that in afew weeks, they'll be another VR WaG who is expecting!!! :winkwink: :hugs:

Hope everybody else is alright!! :thumbup:

I'm having a quite day on the 'feeling pregnant' front, in fact, most days are quite quiet, I'm sure I wont be saying that in a few more weeks :haha: MRSRICH how have you been feeling these past few days??

I've e-mailed my uni tutor and asked for an extension on my upcoming deadline, due to the little distraction I had of erm, being pregnant!! lol :haha: I have to keep seeing it coz we still cant talk about it openly int he house so it still seems like one big dream, I've known for a week now already!! But, we have booked a table and we are taking my mum and dad out for a meal...... let the tear fest begin!! Who wants to take take bets on who will cry first??? doesnt take much, i'm so sensative at the best of times.
DH... he's as hard as nails.
My mum...We have a close relationship.
My Dad... I'm his eldest child and he wants grandkids and doesnt think he will ever get any.

So whats it to be?

I'm going to say ME :dohh:
DH says- my Dad.
Wanabeprego says- Me
Evening ladies!! :wave:

Ooh wannabe, congrats on the job front!! :thumbup: great news! Your right, if it doesnt rain, it pours! and good luck keeping DH going that little bit longer, just until you've finished Oving, I shall keep my fingers crossed that in afew weeks, they'll be another VR WaG who is expecting!!! :winkwink: :hugs:

Hope everybody else is alright!! :thumbup:

I'm having a quite day on the 'feeling pregnant' front, in fact, most days are quite quiet, I'm sure I wont be saying that in a few more weeks :haha: MRSRICH how have you been feeling these past few days??

I've e-mailed my uni tutor and asked for an extension on my upcoming deadline, due to the little distraction I had of erm, being pregnant!! lol :haha: I have to keep seeing it coz we still cant talk about it openly int he house so it still seems like one big dream, I've known for a week now already!! But, we have booked a table and we are taking my mum and dad out for a meal...... let the tear fest begin!! Who wants to take take bets on who will cry first??? doesnt take much, i'm so sensative at the best of times.
DH... he's as hard as nails.
My mum...We have a close relationship.
My Dad... I'm his eldest child and he wants grandkids and doesnt think he will ever get any.

So whats it to be?

I'm going to say ME :dohh:
DH says- my Dad.

Thanks for the congrats hun!!!!

How exciting, you are going to tell your parents the wonderful news!!! :happydance: Awww, that is so wonderful... I bet your parent are going to be so excited and happy when you tell them the awesome news that they are going to be grandparents!!!:happydance::happydance:

As far as the tears I think you will probably cry first.....:flower:
Evening ladies!! :wave:

Ooh wannabe, congrats on the job front!! :thumbup: great news! Your right, if it doesnt rain, it pours! and good luck keeping DH going that little bit longer, just until you've finished Oving, I shall keep my fingers crossed that in afew weeks, they'll be another VR WaG who is expecting!!! :winkwink: :hugs:

Hope everybody else is alright!! :thumbup:

I'm having a quite day on the 'feeling pregnant' front, in fact, most days are quite quiet, I'm sure I wont be saying that in a few more weeks :haha: MRSRICH how have you been feeling these past few days??

I've e-mailed my uni tutor and asked for an extension on my upcoming deadline, due to the little distraction I had of erm, being pregnant!! lol :haha: I have to keep seeing it coz we still cant talk about it openly int he house so it still seems like one big dream, I've known for a week now already!! But, we have booked a table and we are taking my mum and dad out for a meal...... let the tear fest begin!! Who wants to take take bets on who will cry first??? doesnt take much, i'm so sensative at the best of times.
DH... he's as hard as nails.
My mum...We have a close relationship.
My Dad... I'm his eldest child and he wants grandkids and doesnt think he will ever get any.

So whats it to be?

I'm going to say ME :dohh:
DH says- my Dad.

Aw wow that is so exciting getting to tell them... They will be over the moon xxx
once one of you start crying v I think you's all will x
2 days until my hubbie has his VR am very nervous

Going on your DH experience how long was it before he could walk without feeling too uncomfortable, also when could they get up and start moving? and how long before they went back to work?

Also hubbie has eldest son who needs to be taken to footie match, told him not to go as I am going but he said he will be ok sitting in a chair!! Its Saturday so 4 days after the op, will he be in any state to or not!!?
2 days until my hubbie has his VR am very nervous

Going on your DH experience how long was it before he could walk without feeling too uncomfortable, also when could they get up and start moving? and how long before they went back to work?

Also hubbie has eldest son who needs to be taken to footie match, told him not to go as I am going but he said he will be ok sitting in a chair!! Its Saturday so 4 days after the op, will he be in any state to or not!!?

I think my dh was only in pain for a few days but he was still up and walking around and he didnt find sitting upright a problem so maybe be your dh will be ok at the match...
good luck I hope the op goes well :hugs::hugs:
2 days until my hubbie has his VR am very nervous

Going on your DH experience how long was it before he could walk without feeling too uncomfortable, also when could they get up and start moving? and how long before they went back to work?

Also hubbie has eldest son who needs to be taken to footie match, told him not to go as I am going but he said he will be ok sitting in a chair!! Its Saturday so 4 days after the op, will he be in any state to or not!!?

ooh 2 days!! I tell ya, I wish I had this thread to read just before my DH went in for his, I had so many questions! lol

My hubby seemed to heal really well, he didnt even have any pain relief after the op or when he got home!! :shrug: he was a little uncomfortable for a few days, but found that the discomfort was coming from the strap that they put on him after the op. Once that was off and he had his first wash, he felt much better. He took a week off work but he's a painter/decorator so climbing up and down ladders would be quite difficult, but he managed after a week or so. Everybody heals differently aswell, so the best thing to do would be to make sure he takes a week off work and just see how he goes. When you first see 'it' though after the op, you would think it would never heal (it looks awful, but it's not as bad as it looks!) Good luck with it and stay in touch, we'd love to hear how you get on! xx
Evening ladies!! :wave:

Ooh wannabe, congrats on the job front!! :thumbup: great news! Your right, if it doesnt rain, it pours! and good luck keeping DH going that little bit longer, just until you've finished Oving, I shall keep my fingers crossed that in afew weeks, they'll be another VR WaG who is expecting!!! :winkwink: :hugs:

Hope everybody else is alright!! :thumbup:

I'm having a quite day on the 'feeling pregnant' front, in fact, most days are quite quiet, I'm sure I wont be saying that in a few more weeks :haha: MRSRICH how have you been feeling these past few days??

I've e-mailed my uni tutor and asked for an extension on my upcoming deadline, due to the little distraction I had of erm, being pregnant!! lol :haha: I have to keep seeing it coz we still cant talk about it openly int he house so it still seems like one big dream, I've known for a week now already!! But, we have booked a table and we are taking my mum and dad out for a meal...... let the tear fest begin!! Who wants to take take bets on who will cry first??? doesnt take much, i'm so sensative at the best of times.
DH... he's as hard as nails.
My mum...We have a close relationship.
My Dad... I'm his eldest child and he wants grandkids and doesnt think he will ever get any.

So whats it to be?

I'm going to say ME :dohh:
DH says- my Dad.
Wanabeprego says- Me

I say you V as your elling your parents then your mum:cry:... Bet you cant wait to tell them:thumbup:
im feeling really low and crap again today had a good day Friday & Saturday but today "BANG" it hit me again:cry: just been on sofa all day,, my lil babies looking after me bless them.. they keep saying "baby, stop making mummy feel sick!!" :hugs:

2 days until my hubbie has his VR am very nervous

Going on your DH experience how long was it before he could walk without feeling too uncomfortable, also when could they get up and start moving? and how long before they went back to work?

Also hubbie has eldest son who needs to be taken to footie match, told him not to go as I am going but he said he will be ok sitting in a chair!! Its Saturday so 4 days after the op, will he be in any state to or not!!?

Hey:thumbup: dont be to nervous, its all worth it just remember that:thumbup: Dh wasn't to bad at all really, he could walk fine but not for too long as it was a pulling feeling!! He rested completely for about 4 days then slowly back to normality:thumbup: I made sure there was no heavy lifting etc..

I'd say if he's feeling up to going to the footie match as long as he is sitting then he shouldnt be to bad, just stock up on painkillers my dh took nurofen express and they kept the pain away..

Good luck there are a few of us pregnant vas rev wags now so they can be very successful! mine was after 9 weeks!:winkwink: xx

We own our own business, so he can take whatever time he needs however, he will only be sat in a chair if he goes back to work so it isnt energetic work

I will keep you informed

Im not too keen on looking at it, lol, am not very good with seeing yucky things, lol, so if I have to dress it, well not quite sure how I will do it without wanting to puke!! lol

Fingers crossed it works.... worth a try anyway

Also how long was it before you had to give a test for analysis?? Is it first one after 6 weeks??

Thankyou all again, been a great help

We own our own business, so he can take whatever time he needs however, he will only be sat in a chair if he goes back to work so it isnt energetic work

I will keep you informed

Im not too keen on looking at it, lol, am not very good with seeing yucky things, lol, so if I have to dress it, well not quite sure how I will do it without wanting to puke!! lol

Fingers crossed it works.... worth a try anyway

Also how long was it before you had to give a test for analysis?? Is it first one after 6 weeks??

Thankyou all again, been a great help

my dh didnt have his dressed he just had a jock strap type thing to wear with some blue gauze over the cut but that was only for the first day, the cut was small only an inch or so and very neat
we gave his sample in 11 weeks after op but I know the time differs from hospitals,,, good luck x

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