The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

Hey Ladies,

Looks like this thread has gone a little quiet! Where is everyone? :shrug:

Well last week i had an appointment with a fertility doctor who said that me spotting a couple of days before :witch: is normal and wont do anything. He did an internal ultrasound and said everything was fine, and has given me a blood test for day 3 of my cycle. I cant really remember what this is testing for! Has anyone else had this?

Here comes the nasty part, OH was there and the doctor had his SA results and said, because i'm fine, the problem is with him and we shouldnt wait around so we should go STRAIGHT for ICSI!!!!!!!! :cry:
Well shock doesnt even cover what i've been going through this past week.

I cannot believe that is the only option that he can give us?
Well, we went to the Fertility show last year and got a name of a doctor who said he could help, and that ICSI/IVF should not be the first thing we go for.

OH has got to have another SA from our GP before she will refer him so i wonder what the results will be 9 months after reversal?

After the fantastic results from this thread should i still have hope for us? His results were pretty poor.

Opinions PLEASE!! :cry:

It is quiet now I think it may be because a few of us are pregnant and feeling like dirty so not on as much as we were, I wouldn't give up hope as where there is even a tiny amount of sperm there is hope. I really hope your dh's results are not as bad as the docs expecting :hugs:

I dont mind if you ladies that are pregnant participate in the thread. I think it is inspirational that you ladies got pregnant after your DH's vas reversals and gives the girls that are left and still trying hope that we will get our BFP's soon as well!!! Please continue to participate in the thread because I am sure the ladies want to know how your pregnancys are pregressing and how you guys are doing!!!!!!!:thumbup:
Im still here girls.. just bben so tired:sleep::sleep::sleep:
All i do is sleep :haha:

Well my MS has got better thankfully still hav the yuk day or few hours but its not 24/7 :happydance:

We have SA results Wed evening:thumbup:

I'll try and get online more when im not :sleep:
I'm still here just really tired all the time and now I'm back to work so dont get as much time on b & b I'm still having ms and my next scan is booked for 7th of feb
my youngest son who's 7 was in a stropp as he'd been sent to bed for being naughty,, he shouted mam your not even pregnant your just FAT ha ha kids say the funniest of things
hope you's are all well :kiss:
Hey Ladies,

Looks like this thread has gone a little quiet! Where is everyone? :shrug:

Well last week i had an appointment with a fertility doctor who said that me spotting a couple of days before :witch: is normal and wont do anything. He did an internal ultrasound and said everything was fine, and has given me a blood test for day 3 of my cycle. I cant really remember what this is testing for! Has anyone else had this?

Here comes the nasty part, OH was there and the doctor had his SA results and said, because i'm fine, the problem is with him and we shouldnt wait around so we should go STRAIGHT for ICSI!!!!!!!! :cry:
Well shock doesnt even cover what i've been going through this past week.

I cannot believe that is the only option that he can give us?
Well, we went to the Fertility show last year and got a name of a doctor who said he could help, and that ICSI/IVF should not be the first thing we go for.

OH has got to have another SA from our GP before she will refer him so i wonder what the results will be 9 months after reversal?

After the fantastic results from this thread should i still have hope for us? His results were pretty poor.

Opinions PLEASE!! :cry:

It is quiet now I think it may be because a few of us are pregnant and feeling like dirty so not on as much as we were, I wouldn't give up hope as where there is even a tiny amount of sperm there is hope. I really hope your dh's results are not as bad as the docs expecting :hugs:

I dont mind if you ladies that are pregnant participate in the thread. I think it is inspirational that you ladies got pregnant after your DH's vas reversals and gives the girls that are left and still trying hope that we will get our BFP's soon as well!!! Please continue to participate in the thread because I am sure the ladies want to know how your pregnancys are pregressing and how you guys are doing!!!!!!!:thumbup:

I dont mind you preggers ladies sticking around and commenting, it is a nice reminder that it can still happen, and its nice to get your perspective on things!
Hey Ladies,

Looks like this thread has gone a little quiet! Where is everyone? :shrug:

Well last week i had an appointment with a fertility doctor who said that me spotting a couple of days before :witch: is normal and wont do anything. He did an internal ultrasound and said everything was fine, and has given me a blood test for day 3 of my cycle. I cant really remember what this is testing for! Has anyone else had this?

Here comes the nasty part, OH was there and the doctor had his SA results and said, because i'm fine, the problem is with him and we shouldnt wait around so we should go STRAIGHT for ICSI!!!!!!!! :cry:
Well shock doesnt even cover what i've been going through this past week.

I cannot believe that is the only option that he can give us?
Well, we went to the Fertility show last year and got a name of a doctor who said he could help, and that ICSI/IVF should not be the first thing we go for.

OH has got to have another SA from our GP before she will refer him so i wonder what the results will be 9 months after reversal?

After the fantastic results from this thread should i still have hope for us? His results were pretty poor.

Opinions PLEASE!! :cry:

@Bear, I am sorry about the tuff time you are having hun...:hugs::hugs:

I hope that when you get the SA done again the results are better. The amount of sperm can increase for up to 2 years after the reversal surgery so try to stay positive and hopeful even though I know it is not always easy hun...:hugs:Please remember that all it takes is one sperm to make it happen, and at least you know you are healthy so that is one good thing that you learned out of everything.

One option I was going to look into after me and DH have been trying for a few years is artificial insemination. As long as your DH has some sperm that is a possibility and is cheaper than some of the other options fertility wise. I also am making my DH take Fertilaid vitamins to try to naturally increase his sperm count, and Fertilaid also has the count boost which increases the sperm count as well and DH has started taking that recently this month as well.

Good luck to you hun... I really hope that your DH's next SA results are better...:hugs:

Thanks wannabeprego thats what i wanted to hear O:)

I just cant believe that a fertility doctor went straight for ICSI, he wouldnt suggest anything else!
I was thinking about AI, but think that would definately kill the mood of :sex:

OH has been taking Zinc and Selenium for a couple of months now which i read was good at increasing the count, we also exercise and eat quite healthy so not sure what he should be trying now?
Hi girls :wave:

I for one am glad to see the preggy wags still coming here! As has been said above it's a positive thing!

BearClaire, I get the feeling that those docs want us to keep them in their well-paid work by having difficult and expensive treatments we don't really need. The surgeon who did my OH's reversal was like that. We spoke to him a few months after the op asking for a proper SA and he basically said oh we just do the 'sperm is/isn't present one, if pregnancy hasn't occurred within 6-9 months you will be looking at assisted conception. :shock:
I'm sorry but feck that! We went for the reversal because we wanted a chance at natural conception, not to mention that assisted conception costs several times as much and we had to really scrape to afford the vr in the first place!

Since the SA OH has been on wellman conception. It's got lots of good things for :spermy: including zinc and selenium. I've heard good things about it on here :)
We do eat pretty healthily too, I've also managed to get him to stop going to the pub as much :dohh:

Here's hoping!

Best of luck x
Hi ladies! :wave:

I'm still here too!! I get home from work feeling so tired and if I get online, it takes up all my energy just to read posts and catch-up so I'm normally too tired to post myself! :dohh: I'm still doing my Uni degree so I should be doing that when I get home from work, but my body just wants to sleep so studying is soooooooooo hard at the minute and my MS is just starting to make an appearance, (just the feeling ill biit, not actually being ill...yet).

I'm glad you ladies still enjoy our company, I know I did when I was still TTC, it was the wags who had got their bfp's that gave me hope even after DH's low SA results, I never gave up believing and I'm sure thats why it worked for us! So dont give up, never!! PMA all the way!! :thumbup: xxx
If the preggy wags all buggered off we'd have no thread left! Stay and keep the PMA up and keep us in hope!!
Hi girls :wave:

I for one am glad to see the preggy wags still coming here! As has been said above it's a positive thing!

BearClaire, I get the feeling that those docs want us to keep them in their well-paid work by having difficult and expensive treatments we don't really need. The surgeon who did my OH's reversal was like that. We spoke to him a few months after the op asking for a proper SA and he basically said oh we just do the 'sperm is/isn't present one, if pregnancy hasn't occurred within 6-9 months you will be looking at assisted conception. :shock:
I'm sorry but feck that! We went for the reversal because we wanted a chance at natural conception, not to mention that assisted conception costs several times as much and we had to really scrape to afford the vr in the first place!

Since the SA OH has been on wellman conception. It's got lots of good things for :spermy: including zinc and selenium. I've heard good things about it on here :)
We do eat pretty healthily too, I've also managed to get him to stop going to the pub as much :dohh:

Here's hoping!

Best of luck x

Thanks tallybee i think your right.

When all of your OH's had their SA how long did you, erm..... :blush: wait inbetween deposits? They say 2 to 3 days, but which one? The one where he had the worst results was 2 days, so do you think we should wait 3 days, see if it improves?
@Bear clair before my DH had to give his SA he had to wait 3 days.....:flower:
Thanks tallybee i think your right.

When all of your OH's had their SA how long did you, erm..... :blush: wait inbetween deposits? They say 2 to 3 days, but which one? The one where he had the worst results was 2 days, so do you think we should wait 3 days, see if it improves?

My clinic told us to abstain for a week!!! :shock: but we couldnt do that as DH was ill, so if we didnt do it it would have been like over two weeks, so we last did it 3days before. But here is a post by TheMilkMan, he posted on a thread I started when I first got my results, its quite interesting as he's had afew SA's done with very different results! Interesting to see it from a bloke's point of view too!:thumbup:

"That's great news. Shows that even with a low sperm count, conception is possible, and the odds are not necessarily too highly stacked against you.

I've taken semen analysis tests before, and have had widely fluctuating sperm counts. The first time i did a sample I abstained for 3 days, and had a count of around 30 million/ml, with good motility and normal form. Then a few months later, took another one, and abstained for about 18 hours (I felt really bad as they had asked me to abstain for 3-5 days, but being a young guy with a lot of energy , this is a difficult feat), in this one my sperm count was around 3x as high (around 90million/ml), although the motility and normal forms was a bit lower.

This goes to show that sperm properties fluctuate so widely over time, more so than abstinence can have an impact.

Also another thing I know, is that even the most fertile of guys are not fertile all the time. It's not uncommon for a guy to be at low fertility for 6 months, and then all of a sudden his fertility will rise, and result in pregnancy. So don't feel too disconcerted about semen analysis. Getting pregnant is much about timing and luck."

Interesting stuff ay? xx
Hi girls :wave:

I for one am glad to see the preggy wags still coming here! As has been said above it's a positive thing!

BearClaire, I get the feeling that those docs want us to keep them in their well-paid work by having difficult and expensive treatments we don't really need. The surgeon who did my OH's reversal was like that. We spoke to him a few months after the op asking for a proper SA and he basically said oh we just do the 'sperm is/isn't present one, if pregnancy hasn't occurred within 6-9 months you will be looking at assisted conception. :shock:
I'm sorry but feck that! We went for the reversal because we wanted a chance at natural conception, not to mention that assisted conception costs several times as much and we had to really scrape to afford the vr in the first place!

Since the SA OH has been on wellman conception. It's got lots of good things for :spermy: including zinc and selenium. I've heard good things about it on here :)
We do eat pretty healthily too, I've also managed to get him to stop going to the pub as much :dohh:

Here's hoping!

Best of luck x

Thanks tallybee i think your right.

When all of your OH's had their SA how long did you, erm..... :blush: wait inbetween deposits? They say 2 to 3 days, but which one? The one where he had the worst results was 2 days, so do you think we should wait 3 days, see if it improves?

They said to wait at least 2 but no longer than 7 days, it was actually 3 at the time of the, eh, deposit :wacko:

I don't know if it would really improve with an extra day. Thing I've been thinking is that since we tend to bd most days anyway, so any result taken after days of abstention wouldn't be what was actually getting to the right place anyway iyswim. But that would obviously depend on your normal amount of/length of time between bd.

Who knows... it's a minefield. We're just hoping that it'll improve by the next SA in March. Hope your OH's does too x
Hmmm, so many different bits of info! No wonder we're second guessing all that we do!

Well, i think we'll do 2 days seeming as thats what we do around O so it would be good to know what the quantity and quality are like for that time.

I've got to go for this 3 day blood test on Monday, i wonder if it will show low hormones for the beginning of my cycle, seeming as i always spot 2 days before AF?

Whats everyone's plans for their next cycle? Will you be doing anything different?
I'm thinking about taking Vitamin B6 to help with the spotting.
This cycle I am on the Fertilaid Women vitamins, and my Women's Centrum multivitamin that contains folic acid. DH is on the Fertilaid Men's vitamin and the boost count by Fertilaid as well. We use Preseed if we need any lubrication when we have :sex:, but this cycle we tried to use little to none. I also tried elevating my hips with pillows on my back after we get done having :sex: and leaving my legs up in the air for 10 to 15 minutes after during my fertile window. Me and DH had :sex: every day of my fertile window and the day after I OV'ed. Leading up to my fertile window we had :sex: at a minimum of every other day...I also have stopped drinking coffee because of fear of what the caffeine might be doing to me fertility wise and have switched to a cup of hot tea in the morning instead because it has less caffeine, and I have been drinking decaff sodas as well....Hopefully all of this stuff will work and I will get my BFP soon!!!:thumbup:

I bought soft cups but I didnt try them out yet, I am trying to get over my fear of inserting them and worrying I wont be able to pull them back out once it is up in there...:wacko: i did buy the artificial insemination kit, but DH was moaning and groaning about helping me with it, and I figured i wont bust it out until a later cycle if we dont have any luck this month with :sex: the old fashioned way.

Something unusual for me this cycle is slight nausea in the early mornings and I have never gotten this before, but I am not sure if it is from my Fertilaid women vitamins that I started this month or not??? I also am not having my normal AF cramps and instead I have been having weird stomach cramps and twinges. I have really soar boobs but I get that every month and have been gassy..Wish me luck:winkwink:
Hey Ladies,

Looks like this thread has gone a little quiet! Where is everyone? :shrug:

Well last week i had an appointment with a fertility doctor who said that me spotting a couple of days before :witch: is normal and wont do anything. He did an internal ultrasound and said everything was fine, and has given me a blood test for day 3 of my cycle. I cant really remember what this is testing for! Has anyone else had this?

Here comes the nasty part, OH was there and the doctor had his SA results and said, because i'm fine, the problem is with him and we shouldnt wait around so we should go STRAIGHT for ICSI!!!!!!!! :cry:
Well shock doesnt even cover what i've been going through this past week.

I cannot believe that is the only option that he can give us?
Well, we went to the Fertility show last year and got a name of a doctor who said he could help, and that ICSI/IVF should not be the first thing we go for.

OH has got to have another SA from our GP before she will refer him so i wonder what the results will be 9 months after reversal?

After the fantastic results from this thread should i still have hope for us? His results were pretty poor.

Opinions PLEASE!! :cry:

@Bear, I am sorry about the tuff time you are having hun...:hugs::hugs:

I hope that when you get the SA done again the results are better. The amount of sperm can increase for up to 2 years after the reversal surgery so try to stay positive and hopeful even though I know it is not always easy hun...:hugs:Please remember that all it takes is one sperm to make it happen, and at least you know you are healthy so that is one good thing that you learned out of everything.

One option I was going to look into after me and DH have been trying for a few years is artificial insemination. As long as your DH has some sperm that is a possibility and is cheaper than some of the other options fertility wise. I also am making my DH take Fertilaid vitamins to try to naturally increase his sperm count, and Fertilaid also has the count boost which increases the sperm count as well and DH has started taking that recently this month as well.

Good luck to you hun... I really hope that your DH's next SA results are better...:hugs:

Thanks wannabeprego thats what i wanted to hear O:)

I just cant believe that a fertility doctor went straight for ICSI, he wouldnt suggest anything else!
I was thinking about AI, but think that would definately kill the mood of :sex:

OH has been taking Zinc and Selenium for a couple of months now which i read was good at increasing the count, we also exercise and eat quite healthy so not sure what he should be trying now?

I did buy an artificial insemination kit for use at home, but I havent gotten around to using it yet, The reason why I wanted to try it is because I felt like most of DH's :spermy: was running out of me right after we had sex and I figured it might be good to try to insert the swimmers deeper into me with the AI kit during my fertile window, But as i just said in my last post we havent used it yet because DH wasnt willing to help and it is hard to do it myslef since i cant see what the heck I am doing down there...:blush::haha:

The Artificial Insemination i was suggesting in the previous post of this thread was the kind you get done professionaly in the DR's office, where the DR washes and seperates the good sperm from the bad and when you are OV'ing they insert them for you in the office, They also may make u take fertility drugs tomake sure you are OV'ing so they can time the insertion correctly. This is a cheaper ferility option vrs some of the more expensive ones like IVF....

Here is an article on the AI I was suggesting as an alternative for me and my DH in the future if I dont get prego the old fashioned way....
:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: :happydance::happydance::happydance:

My first ever positive Ov test, a smile on the Clearblue digital, Yehaaa :D CD13... of who knows what length any more but it's a + !!

:sex: and headstands tonight!!!


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Hmmm, so many different bits of info! No wonder we're second guessing all that we do!

Well, i think we'll do 2 days seeming as thats what we do around O so it would be good to know what the quantity and quality are like for that time.

I've got to go for this 3 day blood test on Monday, i wonder if it will show low hormones for the beginning of my cycle, seeming as i always spot 2 days before AF?

Whats everyone's plans for their next cycle? Will you be doing anything different?
I'm thinking about taking Vitamin B6 to help with the spotting.

Hi BearClaire, i took B6 as i always spotted before my period and the month i took it i got my bfp! i took a B6 complex- 50 you can get them from holland and barrets :thumbup:
:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: :happydance::happydance::happydance:

My first ever positive Ov test, a smile on the Clearblue digital, Yehaaa :D CD13... of who knows what length any more but it's a + !!

:sex: and headstands tonight!!!

Wooo HOOO!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance: I hope that you can get in lots of :sex:!!!!! Good luck honey!!!!

I remember the first time /i got a positive OPK it was on the same brand as that, I was so excited when i saw that smiley face for the first time!!!!:thumbup:
OMG, girls it is so cold here today, -4 degrees at my job and the heat isnt working in my building this morning, my hands felt like they were about to freeze off at my desk.. I am thinking of putting on my gloves at my desk..LOL

Where I am originally from further up north, it is -21 degrees right now!!! This is nutz, i hate the cold!!!:wacko:

Is it cold where you ladies are as well?
I reckon supplement pills can have a nauseating effect... OH always gags after taking his bless him :wacko:

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