The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

@Reversal and MrsRich, I am so glad to hear that both of you girls are feeling better after being so sick!!! :hugs: :hugs:
Hi girls, well the :witch: came late lastnight because it turned to the dark red heavier bleeding, so here I am at CD2 all over again. :cry:

Wow, i never knew that TTC would hurt so bad, I had these really sad dreams lastnight, in the dream I think I was like years in the future crying because we still didnt have a baby, and I was looking at our empty spare room crying because it should have been made into a baby's room by that time.

Ugghh, I woke up crying this morning, I couldnt help it. Even though I tried to convince myself that I wasnt going to get upset this time and spoil my weekend, but that turned out to be easier said than done.

I am so ready to have a baby now, I have finished my education, we have a house with a room waiting to be transformed into a nursery, my DH and i have a great relationship and have been together 9 years, DH has reached his career and education goals as well and is home after working overseas for almost 7 years on and off. Also my mom is 75 years old and I dont know how much longer she is going to be around, although of course I hope she lives to be 100, I really want her to meet her grandchild.

I am the youngest out of a large family, I have 8 nieces and nephews and i am the only one who doesnt have a baby yet...sigh...:nope:

Thanks for supporting me girls and cheering me on every month...:hugs: It means alot because the only other person that knows what I go through every month with TTC is my DH, i dont talk to anyone else about the emotional rollercoaster I go through every month and all of the tears I shed.:hugs::flower:

So Sorry the nasty :witch: got you... Dont get to down your :bfp: will come :dust:
Do you do chart your temperature hun?
@Reversal and MrsRich, I am so glad to hear that both of you girls are feeling better after being so sick!!! :hugs: :hugs:

Thank you xx
@Mrsrich, Thanks for your kind words...:hugs:, I havent done the charting or temping yet...hmmm.. maybe I will think about it though....Did you find it helpful? I just track my periods and do OPK's so I know when I am OV'ing right now...:winkwink:
Hi girls, well the :witch: came late lastnight because it turned to the dark red heavier bleeding, so here I am at CD2 all over again. :cry:

Wow, i never knew that TTC would hurt so bad, I had these really sad dreams lastnight, in the dream I think I was like years in the future crying because we still didnt have a baby, and I was looking at our empty spare room crying because it should have been made into a baby's room by that time.

Ugghh, I woke up crying this morning, I couldnt help it. Even though I tried to convince myself that I wasnt going to get upset this time and spoil my weekend, but that turned out to be easier said than done.

I am so ready to have a baby now, I have finished my education, we have a house with a room waiting to be transformed into a nursery, my DH and i have a great relationship and have been together 9 years, DH has reached his career and education goals as well and is home after working overseas for almost 7 years on and off. Also my mom is 75 years old and I dont know how much longer she is going to be around, although of course I hope she lives to be 100, I really want her to meet her grandchild.

I am the youngest out of a large family, I have 8 nieces and nephews and i am the only one who doesnt have a baby yet...sigh...:nope:

Thanks for supporting me girls and cheering me on every month...:hugs: It means alot because the only other person that knows what I go through every month with TTC is my DH, i dont talk to anyone else about the emotional rollercoaster I go through every month and all of the tears I shed.:hugs::flower:

:hug: :hugs::hugs2::friends:

That's what we're here for hon. It's a lifesaver to be able to talk to others in the same boat, as you say most ppl we meet day to day have no idea how it is. We'll get there in the end xxx

:hug: :hugs::hugs2::friends:
Hello girls,

Just wanted to offer you all some hope... Got my BFP on Wednesday after 5 cycles trying. VR was done mid September and V was done 21 years previously. The results of our 11 week SA were not particularly good - only 3million per ml and apparently lots of heads and tails. Never thought this would happen to me, had spent the last 7 years of being together thinking I would never have a baby, but so glad I bit the bullet last May and told DH how much I wanted to have a baby, and he changed his mind. Sorry for the essay. I have been reading all your messages over the last couple of months and getting encouragement from them, thankyou!

Congratulations :happydance:

That is such brilliant news! A total hope-giving story - after 21 years snipped and a relatively low count and all. It just goes to show how it pays off to find the courage to go for what we really wish for in life, even if the odds seem oppressive. Thanks so much for sharing hon, and may you have a wonderful pregnancy and motherhood.
wow congrats chocogirl thats amazing!! gives me hope!
Thank's evryone for wishing me an OH luck for op soo excited now x x x
Hello girls,

Just wanted to offer you all some hope... Got my BFP on Wednesday after 5 cycles trying. VR was done mid September and V was done 21 years previously. The results of our 11 week SA were not particularly good - only 3million per ml and apparently lots of heads and tails. Never thought this would happen to me, had spent the last 7 years of being together thinking I would never have a baby, but so glad I bit the bullet last May and told DH how much I wanted to have a baby, and he changed his mind. Sorry for the essay. I have been reading all your messages over the last couple of months and getting encouragement from them, thankyou!

Hey!! Thats great news!! Fantastic!! :happydance: Thanks for posting, it really does give hope!! :hugs: Congratulations and I wish you the best 9months ever!! :happydance: xx
I'm 11 weeks now I had a scan yesterday and baby was fine, I have alot of heartburn and nausea but thats starting to subside a little so I have now function normally :haha:

Wow! 11 weeks! Time is just flying away!! So glad to hear everything id fine, boo to the heartburn and nausea, hope it fully subsides soon. Has it sunk in yet? I'm still struggling to believe that it's actually happening!! Every morning I wake up to the feeling that its all been a dream!! :dohh: lol xx

Hi girls, well the :witch: came late lastnight because it turned to the dark red heavier bleeding, so here I am at CD2 all over again. :cry:

Wow, i never knew that TTC would hurt so bad, I had these really sad dreams lastnight, in the dream I think I was like years in the future crying because we still didnt have a baby, and I was looking at our empty spare room crying because it should have been made into a baby's room by that time.

Ugghh, I woke up crying this morning, I couldnt help it. Even though I tried to convince myself that I wasnt going to get upset this time and spoil my weekend, but that turned out to be easier said than done.

I am so ready to have a baby now, I have finished my education, we have a house with a room waiting to be transformed into a nursery, my DH and i have a great relationship and have been together 9 years, DH has reached his career and education goals as well and is home after working overseas for almost 7 years on and off. Also my mom is 75 years old and I dont know how much longer she is going to be around, although of course I hope she lives to be 100, I really want her to meet her grandchild.

I am the youngest out of a large family, I have 8 nieces and nephews and i am the only one who doesnt have a baby yet...sigh...:nope:

Thanks for supporting me girls and cheering me on every month...:hugs: It means alot because the only other person that knows what I go through every month with TTC is my DH, i dont talk to anyone else about the emotional rollercoaster I go through every month and all of the tears I shed.:hugs::flower:

Aww babe :hugs: I'm so sorry, sorry that you are so upset. I'm going to say that this new cycle is your cycle to get your BFP. Maybe you are putting yourself under too much pressure, which is soooo easy to do, I know. The one cycle I said to myself, I'm going to relax and enjoy christmas with lots of food, drink and :sex: was the month it happened for and many of my friends has that happen to them too. Alcohol must do something, like relax your body or something as getting drunk and pregnant is quite common lets face it! lol

I did temp aswell as opks, but if you're already doing opks then temping wont make too much difference as it only shows when you've ovulated, after you've ovulated whereas opks are before you ovulate. TBH temping gives you more things to question and worry about (is my temp right> what does this mean? etc etc. Thats what I found myself doing most of the time! :dohh: )

I am sending you lots and lots of big bugs :hugs::hugs::hugs: I dont like to think that your upset, try and keep up some PMA and tell yourself that it will happen for you, as it will!! xxx
:wave: Hey!!

I'm here! I've been reading bits and bobs over the week, but too tired to post. I'm here in spirit if not actually here posting, I promise!!!

Thats great news about chocogirl, fantastic! :thumbup:

I'm doing ok, nothing to report really. Thankfully :shhh:I haven't had any MS and feel fine, which is why it's so hard for me to believe that its actually happening!! I wake up every morning thinking I dreamt it all!! I have my 1st midwife appointment on Wed so I'm looking forward to that and I guess my 12week scan will be end of Feb! woop woop!! lol
Have a great weekend everybody!! xx
it has sunk in v but It seems a little strange still I think maybe I'm trying to not let myself get attatched, your so lucky escaping the ms :hugs:
Hey ladies AF arrived a few days ago but trying to stay postive, lots more things to improve our chances I quit smoking, both on wellman and pregnacaare conception etc Plus ready for mid month I now have pre-seed- Im pulling out all the shots now I want my BFP!!! :hissy:
Used temps this month which worked well, saw my rise etc.

Just waiting on hubbys SA results so VERY nervous first results were poor only 6million and low motility but that was only 4weeks after op so hopefully they may be better - hoping two years later maybe the count and motility may be higher??? Anyone know when he'll have the results?? He went in on Tuesday....he dropped them off at the desk and say they were for his 'friend' then took off as quick as he could! :dohh: Love him he was so embarrassed so he didn't hang around to ask when and how he gets the results.
Any idea girls how long??? surely they'd be ready now??? not sure if I want to know soooooooo scared :cry:
@live in hope,how exciting!! good luck with your first midwife appointment!! I am sure that everything is going to go great!!! :flower:

Thanks again girls, for all of your kind words and for your support!!! :hugs: TTC is a very rocky road....

As for me for the month of February, I dont have much of a chance because my DH is going to be out of town on business for 2 weeks for his job and will be gone when I OV and during my entire fertile I feel like I should count myself out for February already, but who knows, anything is possible.. :shrug:
So what are you girls up to for the weekend? Anyone have any fun plans?

Since we have so much wild and crazy snow from the 10 inches we got from last weeks storm I was trying to convince DH to go sledding with me and for us to go buy some sleds, but he is a party pooper and doesnt want to go...I havent went since I was a kid and i think it would be alot of fun and a good work out. Right now I am keeping warm with my bottle of tequila rose.. :haha:

We might go bowling instead tomorrow if I cant convince him to go sledding..LOL....:haha:
Hey ladies AF arrived a few days ago but trying to stay postive, lots more things to improve our chances I quit smoking, both on wellman and pregnacaare conception etc Plus ready for mid month I now have pre-seed- Im pulling out all the shots now I want my BFP!!! :hissy:
Used temps this month which worked well, saw my rise etc.

Just waiting on hubbys SA results so VERY nervous first results were poor only 6million and low motility but that was only 4weeks after op so hopefully they may be better - hoping two years later maybe the count and motility may be higher??? Anyone know when he'll have the results?? He went in on Tuesday....he dropped them off at the desk and say they were for his 'friend' then took off as quick as he could! :dohh: Love him he was so embarrassed so he didn't hang around to ask when and how he gets the results.
Any idea girls how long??? surely they'd be ready now??? not sure if I want to know soooooooo scared :cry:

Sorry that the :witch: got you, :hugs: the bitch got me too yesterday!!!:growlmad: Good luck and baby dust to you for the next cycle. :dust: :dust:

I think it took my DH about 4 days to a week or so to get his SA results, but I am in the states. I had to call the lab that did the work to check up on everything, and than the actual results couldnt be given to us by anyone else other than the dr that did the vas reversal.... We had to pay out of pocket for our SA test since insurance wouldnt cover it... Good luck hun, I hope he has lots of swimmers!!! :thumbup:

Can you call the lab and see how long the results will take to come in??
@Mrsrich, Thanks for your kind words...:hugs:, I havent done the charting or temping yet...hmmm.. maybe I will think about it though....Did you find it helpful? I just track my periods and do OPK's so I know when I am OV'ing right now...:winkwink:

I tempted with my daughter who is 5 now and i was lucky and got caught 1st time, so i thought highly of the temping and did it again this time, i got caught on cycle 3 but 1st cycle was only 10days after vas rev op so it was 2 cycles really and i found it helped pin point the days to :sex: i tried opks but i found them to confusing:shrug: which ever wrks best for you i think is the best option to go for!

I had a very relaxed PMA on my bfp cycle and it really seemed to help xx

Wishing you loads n loads of luck xx

wow congrats chocogirl thats amazing!! gives me hope!
Thank's everyone for wishing me an OH luck for op soo excited now x x x

Good Luck hun on your DH op xx

:wave: Hey!!

I'm here! I've been reading bits and bobs over the week, but too tired to post. I'm here in spirit if not actually here posting, I promise!!!

Thats great news about chocogirl, fantastic! :thumbup:

I'm doing ok, nothing to report really. Thankfully :shhh:I haven't had any MS and feel fine, which is why it's so hard for me to believe that its actually happening!! I wake up every morning thinking I dreamt it all!! I have my 1st midwife appointment on Wed so I'm looking forward to that and I guess my 12week scan will be end of Feb! woop woop!! lol
Have a great weekend everybody!! xx

Glad your doing well, your so jammy having no MS at all, me and Reversal must of had some of your share:haha::haha:
Oww Good uck with your Midwife appointment V your get your pregnancy notes then too!!

I have the 2nd part of my Midwife booking in on Monday shes coming to me this time, i still havent had my date through for my 12wk scan yet:shrug:

Hey ladies AF arrived a few days ago but trying to stay postive, lots more things to improve our chances I quit smoking, both on wellman and pregnacaare conception etc Plus ready for mid month I now have pre-seed- Im pulling out all the shots now I want my BFP!!! :hissy:
Used temps this month which worked well, saw my rise etc.

Just waiting on hubbys SA results so VERY nervous first results were poor only 6million and low motility but that was only 4weeks after op so hopefully they may be better - hoping two years later maybe the count and motility may be higher??? Anyone know when he'll have the results?? He went in on Tuesday....he dropped them off at the desk and say they were for his 'friend' then took off as quick as he could! :dohh: Love him he was so embarrassed so he didn't hang around to ask when and how he gets the results.
Any idea girls how long??? surely they'd be ready now??? not sure if I want to know soooooooo scared :cry:

Well My DH took his sample in on 17th Jan and got his results on 26th Jan the Consultant told us to make an appointment for results 7-10 days after sample

so i'd ring towards the end of next week and they should deffo have them by then... Good luck hun xx
Just waiting on hubbys SA results so VERY nervous first results were poor only 6million and low motility but that was only 4weeks after op so hopefully they may be better - hoping two years later maybe the count and motility may be higher??? Anyone know when he'll have the results?? He went in on Tuesday....he dropped them off at the desk and say they were for his 'friend' then took off as quick as he could! :dohh: Love him he was so embarrassed so he didn't hang around to ask when and how he gets the results.
Any idea girls how long??? surely they'd be ready now??? not sure if I want to know soooooooo scared :cry:

hey! Sorry to hear that SHE :growlmad: got you this cycle :growlmad: but keep up with your vits etc and most importantly, PMA, its the best ingredient in this whole TTC business!! :thumbup: Your results should be better with time and 6million p/ml after 4weeks is great, it only takes one and like I've said before, it worked for us and after 12weeks, my DH only had 1million p/ml with 4% motility, so as long as you have at least sperm present, there isnt any reason why it can't work!! My clinic was quite good actually. DH handed his sample in on the Tuesday and then they phoned me on the Wed and gave me the results over the phone, then about a week later, I got a letter in the post from the surgeon. :thumbup: it seems that every clinic/hospital varys, but definitly give them a call! Good luck and there will definitly be an increase, for sure!! :hugs:
Just waiting on hubbys SA results so VERY nervous first results were poor only 6million and low motility but that was only 4weeks after op so hopefully they may be better - hoping two years later maybe the count and motility may be higher??? Anyone know when he'll have the results?? He went in on Tuesday....he dropped them off at the desk and say they were for his 'friend' then took off as quick as he could! :dohh: Love him he was so embarrassed so he didn't hang around to ask when and how he gets the results.
Any idea girls how long??? surely they'd be ready now??? not sure if I want to know soooooooo scared :cry:

hey! Sorry to hear that SHE :growlmad: got you this cycle :growlmad: but keep up with your vits etc and most importantly, PMA, its the best ingredient in this whole TTC business!! :thumbup: Your results should be better with time and 6million p/ml after 4weeks is great, it only takes one and like I've said before, it worked for us and after 12weeks, my DH only had 1million p/ml with 4% motility, so as long as you have at least sperm present, there isnt any reason why it can't work!! My clinic was quite good actually. DH handed his sample in on the Tuesday and then they phoned me on the Wed and gave me the results over the phone, then about a week later, I got a letter in the post from the surgeon. :thumbup: it seems that every clinic/hospital varys, but definitly give them a call! Good luck and there will definitly be an increase, for sure!! :hugs:

Thanks Live in hope how are you feeling being pregnant? I will enjoy following your journey and hopefully this will be my year too :friends:
Looking to book a holiday so I will have something else to focus on its all been ovulation sticks, CM etc. Soooo draining so I'm going to try to relax a little! think I will once SA is back and I know whats what- C'mon Spermy!!!!:spermy:
Hey ladies AF arrived a few days ago but trying to stay postive, lots more things to improve our chances I quit smoking, both on wellman and pregnacaare conception etc Plus ready for mid month I now have pre-seed- Im pulling out all the shots now I want my BFP!!! :hissy:
Used temps this month which worked well, saw my rise etc.

Just waiting on hubbys SA results so VERY nervous first results were poor only 6million and low motility but that was only 4weeks after op so hopefully they may be better - hoping two years later maybe the count and motility may be higher??? Anyone know when he'll have the results?? He went in on Tuesday....he dropped them off at the desk and say they were for his 'friend' then took off as quick as he could! :dohh: Love him he was so embarrassed so he didn't hang around to ask when and how he gets the results.
Any idea girls how long??? surely they'd be ready now??? not sure if I want to know soooooooo scared :cry:

Sorry that the :witch: got you, :hugs: the bitch got me too yesterday!!!:growlmad: Good luck and baby dust to you for the next cycle. :dust: :dust:

I think it took my DH about 4 days to a week or so to get his SA results, but I am in the states. I had to call the lab that did the work to check up on everything, and than the actual results couldnt be given to us by anyone else other than the dr that did the vas reversal.... We had to pay out of pocket for our SA test since insurance wouldnt cover it... Good luck hun, I hope he has lots of swimmers!!! :thumbup:

Can you call the lab and see how long the results will take to come in??

I will call tomorrow I think just to see how long it takes. sorry AF got you. :hugs:
Heeeyyy :flower:
How's everyone today? I'm finding this 2ww even more tedious than usual - and I need to stop procrastinating and get some studying done!! Naughty me BnBing when I have an assignment due next week :haha:
hello!:hi: how is everyone one today!

im having quite a good day really apart from my car breaking down this morning on my way to work:growlmad: but its sorted now so all is good!:happydance:

i just got my strongest ever pos opk the control line was only just visable and i done a different make just to be certain it wasnt a duff one and they are both pos! we have been getting in alot of :sex: and iv just phoned hubby and booked him up for the next 3 nights atleast. so he is now on :cloud9:.

also we have now found somewhere closer to home to get our sa done and its not going to cost an arm and a leg ( didnt fancy a drive all the way to nottingham to go back to our clinic). so hubby has got to take in his little pot a week thursday and we should have the results by the weekend via phone the the detailed result will be sent through the post.

anyway hope your all having a good day.x.x.x.x.x.x.

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