The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

thats good news about the sa, just married I hope the results are great :hugs:
tally this site is so addictive so I know what you mean :hugs:
Well girls, i had the 2nd part of my booking in today! Yayy i have my pregnancy notes and folder.

I have my vouchers for free nappies and bounty pack.

Found out my Midwife who i had with Kian & Taylor aswell is leaving my doctors in March so i wont see her :( never mind :shrug:
I will also be consultant lead as i had a 3rd degree tear with my son, and i had obstecric cholestasis with my daughter and i have a slight heart murmur.

I was consultant lead with my daughter due to the OC and i prefered it as your seen more often and monitored more.

The MW said the blood in my urine could be from my spotting i had as it was the day before i did the urine sample....phewww!

So, i have to book in at 12wks to see my GP and then at 16wks i will see a consultant, and in between the two i should have my scan :)
hello!:hi: how is everyone one today!

im having quite a good day really apart from my car breaking down this morning on my way to work:growlmad: but its sorted now so all is good!:happydance:

i just got my strongest ever pos opk the control line was only just visable and i done a different make just to be certain it wasnt a duff one and they are both pos! we have been getting in alot of :sex: and iv just phoned hubby and booked him up for the next 3 nights atleast. so he is now on :cloud9:.

also we have now found somewhere closer to home to get our sa done and its not going to cost an arm and a leg ( didnt fancy a drive all the way to nottingham to go back to our clinic). so hubby has got to take in his little pot a week thursday and we should have the results by the weekend via phone the the detailed result will be sent through the post.

anyway hope your all having a good day.x.x.x.x.x.x.

Good luck with ur OPK's and :sex: wishing you loads of :dust:

Hope you get great results on your SA fx for you!:happydance:
Well girls, i had the 2nd part of my booking in today! Yayy i have my pregnancy notes and folder.

I have my vouchers for free nappies and bounty pack.

Found out my Midwife who i had with Kian & Taylor aswell is leaving my doctors in March so i wont see her :( never mind :shrug:
I will also be consultant lead as i had a 3rd degree tear with my son, and i had obstecric cholestasis with my daughter and i have a slight heart murmur.

I was consultant lead with my daughter due to the OC and i prefered it as your seen more often and monitored more.

The MW said the blood in my urine could be from my spotting i had as it was the day before i did the urine sample....phewww!

So, i have to book in at 12wks to see my GP and then at 16wks i will see a consultant, and in between the two i should have my scan :)

Yay - glad to hear things are coming together and the blood thing isn't a worry!
OMG I just googled Obstetric Cholestasis and that sounds so uncomfortable :( I hope you don't suffer too much hon x
hello!:hi: how is everyone one today!

im having quite a good day really apart from my car breaking down this morning on my way to work:growlmad: but its sorted now so all is good!:happydance:

i just got my strongest ever pos opk the control line was only just visable and i done a different make just to be certain it wasnt a duff one and they are both pos! we have been getting in alot of :sex: and iv just phoned hubby and booked him up for the next 3 nights atleast. so he is now on :cloud9:.

also we have now found somewhere closer to home to get our sa done and its not going to cost an arm and a leg ( didnt fancy a drive all the way to nottingham to go back to our clinic). so hubby has got to take in his little pot a week thursday and we should have the results by the weekend via phone the the detailed result will be sent through the post.

anyway hope your all having a good day.x.x.x.x.x.x.

Yay for the + opk! It's SO exciting getting that isn't it! When I got my smile recently I was bouncing about the house waiting for OH to vome home from work - the only thing that could top that would be a :bfp:!!

Great news that you've found a more convenient place to go for the SA. Good luck with that!!!
Well girls, i had the 2nd part of my booking in today! Yayy i have my pregnancy notes and folder.

I have my vouchers for free nappies and bounty pack.

Found out my Midwife who i had with Kian & Taylor aswell is leaving my doctors in March so i wont see her :( never mind :shrug:
I will also be consultant lead as i had a 3rd degree tear with my son, and i had obstecric cholestasis with my daughter and i have a slight heart murmur.

I was consultant lead with my daughter due to the OC and i prefered it as your seen more often and monitored more.

The MW said the blood in my urine could be from my spotting i had as it was the day before i did the urine sample....phewww!

So, i have to book in at 12wks to see my GP and then at 16wks i will see a consultant, and in between the two i should have my scan :)

Yay - glad to hear things are coming together and the blood thing isn't a worry!
OMG I just googled Obstetric Cholestasis and that sounds so uncomfortable :( I hope you don't suffer too much hon x

Yes feeing better thanks Tally, my chances are higher to get it again 80% but i will demand drugs straight away if i get it this time :dohh: thanks xx
Definitely, I would if I were you! I had to google it as I didn't know what it was but when I found a page about it I remember having heard about it before. Fingers crossed it may not even affect you this time round x
Morning all :flower:

Well I'm feeling like crap this morning, OH was being a cock yesterday after a crap day at work and him deciding to drink wine. He can be and was horrible when he drinks. I ended up sleeping in my daughter's room and he came in before going to work and told me off for it!

Anyway, I don't know if I am in or out this month - AF would be due around Monday (7th) if a normal cycle... but who knows any more! I'm feeling nauseous but that could just be lack of sleep and being annoyed/stressed. I did not have good sleep last night, apart from everything else I had extremely vivid dreams about pregnancy and appointments and having to push for the right care at the hospital (our hospital is horribly busy and oversubscribed). It's kinda done my head in cos when I get dreams this 'real' I'm actually convinced it WAS real for a time and am devastated on waking and realising it's not.

Also OH was labouring the point about how he thinks 'if it's not worked this month we should just stop putting pressure on ourselves and see what happens'. In a way I can see the logic as the disappointment is horrible, but I know what he really means is his perception that we've only been bd ing when I've been fertile, which is pants. (Actually the days we haven't done it is when we've been tired or whatever). He just wants it every day and not to have to worry about keeping it in, so to speak.

So yeah. I just wish OH would grow up sometimes and stop making out like it's all about him. I'm seriously thinking of having a total break from TTC - as in not even NTNP. Men can just be so frikkin' difficult to live with sometimes!

Sorry about the downer girls... hopefully things will get better soon and I can stop feeling so crappy about it all!
Hi Everyone

Just wondering whether you can put my mind at rest

DH had VR 2 weeks to the day ago

Could you just tell me is it normal for blood to be in his sperm? It was quite red to start with and now it is brown ish, like it is for us women when we are coming off of our monthlys??

Just wanted to know whether this is to be expected thats all?

OH didn't have that, so I don't know sorry hon. Perhaps others here can shed some light... I would ask the Dr. tho x

Also does DH have to ejaculate a certain number of times before live sperm come in(should he have any)

I feel so stupid asking these questions lol
I don't think it's a certain number of times exactly but we were told he should ejaculate regularly to flush out the pipes as it were! Also SA results apparently tend to get better in the 1-2 years post op so yeah it's worth persevering. Well that's what I have to keep reminding myself anyway :)
Hi Everyone

Just wondering whether you can put my mind at rest

DH had VR 2 weeks to the day ago

Could you just tell me is it normal for blood to be in his sperm? It was quite red to start with and now it is brown ish, like it is for us women when we are coming off of our monthlys??

Just wanted to know whether this is to be expected thats all?


hello:hi: congratulations on having your vr done, my hubby has his done back in september and he had no sign of blood in his sperm he did say it was a bit thicker and more yellowish then befor but out doc said thats quite normal as he has to flush the tubes to get rid of all the dead sperm from befor the op!

if you are worried just give the hospital a call where you had the op done im sure they will be more then happy to give you some answers.x.x.x.x.x
Hi Everyone

Just wondering whether you can put my mind at rest

DH had VR 2 weeks to the day ago

Could you just tell me is it normal for blood to be in his sperm? It was quite red to start with and now it is brown ish, like it is for us women when we are coming off of our monthlys??

Just wanted to know whether this is to be expected thats all?


Hey there and congrats on your dh op:thumbup: My dh had his in oct and he didnt have any blood in his sperm either... i'd jst check with your consultant :hugs:

i found this on vasectomy, so im sure it would be the same for reversal?? have a read blood in semen
Hi Everyone

Just wondering whether you can put my mind at rest

DH had VR 2 weeks to the day ago

Could you just tell me is it normal for blood to be in his sperm? It was quite red to start with and now it is brown ish, like it is for us women when we are coming off of our monthlys??

Just wanted to know whether this is to be expected thats all?


My OH was told not to have any hanky panky either with me or on his own for 6 weeks! He did have a little red tinge to some of his deposits after the 6 weeks, but then it went and all was normal.

I wouldnt worry, just keep flushing it out!
Although does he have any pain when doing it? If so and he's still got blood in it then i'd go straight back to the surgeon.
Thanks everyone for your replys

We rang Consultant and dtr today

All is fine it is expected, some get it some dont

It is blood but is only a tinge which is now turning brown as it is been flushed out the more times he ejaculates

In fac tit is almost bk to its normal colour

He had a slight sting to it the first time it happened but all fine now, the consultant did say that if he tried ejaculating too soon it would sting him like hell, lol, so he left it 2 weeks and it still hurt, but now all is fine

SO we are flushing it out like there is no tmrw, lol,

Fingers crossed for some positive news soon

:wave: hey everybody!!

Oh wow, it's been soooo long since I've been on here!! I'm glad to see that everybody is ok!
Congrats justmarried on your +opks!! Hope your getting lots of :sex: :winkwink: xx
MRSRICH- Yay for getting your notes and everything is ok. I'm glad they're keeping an eye on you with your prob that you had before, but fingers crossed you dont get it again!! xx

I had my first midwife appointment yesterday, they sent my notes off to the hospital and I dont get them until I go for my scan, I should hear about that in a couple of weeks and it should be end of Feb/1st week in march. The midwife put my EDD due back a day to the 13th Sept, which is My DH's birthday AND the day he had his VR!! Spooky??? lol

I'm still in a dream about it all. I have had no sickness (sorry mrsrich & reversal) and no real symptoms, other than my sore boobs and occasional bloated feeling, oh I am tired as hell though!! I'm desperate to feel pregnant though so can't wait for my scan!! xx
Thanks everyone for your replys

We rang Consultant and dtr today

All is fine it is expected, some get it some dont

It is blood but is only a tinge which is now turning brown as it is been flushed out the more times he ejaculates

In fac tit is almost bk to its normal colour

He had a slight sting to it the first time it happened but all fine now, the consultant did say that if he tried ejaculating too soon it would sting him like hell, lol, so he left it 2 weeks and it still hurt, but now all is fine

SO we are flushing it out like there is no tmrw, lol,

Fingers crossed for some positive news soon


Ah thats good!! Any worry is worth a call. My DH said it was a little discoloured (I made him do it himself the first time):haha: but all was fine afterwards. I would imagine it wouldnt be anything to worry about, but always good to ring and check.

Good luck to you and DH and I hope your TTC journey is a short one!! :thumbup: xx
Ah thats good!! Any worry is worth a call. My DH said it was a little discoloured (I made him do it himself the first time):haha: but all was fine afterwards. I would imagine it wouldnt be anything to worry about, but always good to ring and check.

Good luck to you and DH and I hope your TTC journey is a short one!! :thumbup: xx

i remember you saying this and it instantly came into my head during :sex: lol:haha:

Well it got the better of me this morning... AF not due til Sunday or Monday but I tested anyway (Superdrug) and BFN. Dammit. I had myself completely convinced I was pg a couple days ago as I was feeling sicky and things. Oh well x

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