The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

Just to let you all know OH had his op and everything went well :happydance: they attatched both sides and said was quite easy as he didn't have much scar tissue:thumbup:. Let the baby making commence!!!........... well when OH feels up to it of course. Hope your all well x x x

:dance: wow it's finally been and gone! I told you it'll fly by, waiting for it to come! I hope you enjoyed your time at the hospital, it's quite nice there isn't it? Tucked away in the forest! Yay for both sides getting reattached! I hope your DH heals well, good luck for the next part of your journey!! :thumbup: xx

Thanks hun:thumbup:. Yeah the hospital was nice and the staff were lovely!! I still cant believe we've actually done it now! :happydance:
Just to let you all know OH had his op and everything went well :happydance: they attatched both sides and said was quite easy as he didn't have much scar tissue:thumbup:. Let the baby making commence!!!........... well when OH feels up to it of course. Hope your all well x x x

:dance: wow it's finally been and gone! I told you it'll fly by, waiting for it to come! I hope you enjoyed your time at the hospital, it's quite nice there isn't it? Tucked away in the forest! Yay for both sides getting reattached! I hope your DH heals well, good luck for the next part of your journey!! :thumbup: xx

Thanks hun:thumbup:. Yeah the hospital was nice and the staff were lovely!! I still cant believe we've actually done it now! :happydance:


Brilliant, so glad the experience was good :)

Lets hope it was worth it!! x x

Aaw course it will be - remember, you've got a chance you never had before! It would be truly wonderful if you got your :bfp: really soon, but in any case at least the 2 of you haven't just sat idly thinking what might have been if youse never went for this.

(This is the way we went into this - and as the months roll on and no baby, it does help me a bit to remember that at least we have tried. I'm not saying it makes it easy each AF that arrives, but the chance being there is what keeps me going!)
Lets hope it was worth it!! x x

Aaw course it will be - remember, you've got a chance you never had before! It would be truly wonderful if you got your :bfp: really soon, but in any case at least the 2 of you haven't just sat idly thinking what might have been if youse never went for this.

(This is the way we went into this - and as the months roll on and no baby, it does help me a bit to remember that at least we have tried. I'm not saying it makes it easy each AF that arrives, but the chance being there is what keeps me going!)

Its definately exciting knowing there is a chance we could have a baby :happydance: i do hope you get your :bfp: soon hun x x

I dont think it'll be too long before we're back to :sex: OH seems to be healing nicley so far still a bit of bruising but looks much better than it was! x
Feel really weird today

My belly or my groin area feels all tight, as if I have pulled a muscle!!

Probably reading way to much into it, but it just doesnt feel normal, lol

I dont ever get sore boobs never have with any of my pregnancies and still do not

But I do have ALOT of white discharge, which I do not have other than when I am ovualting (which I found out increases when you ovulate after reading it on here) Normally with my period only 9 days away I would be getting a bit of brown stains appearing, just to let me know it is on its way, always get them a week or so before just to warn me I think, lol, but at the mo LOADS of clear white discharge!! Which is thick not watery!! No idea if thats a good sign or whether thats a sign that I am coming on!!

I have no idea what all this temp business is, so have no clue about my temperature, lol

I am due to have my period on 23rd so 9 days time

I think now that I know that I could possibly get pregnant I am noticing everything!! Which I dont like cos I wanted to try and stay as relaxed as possible

DH is on Wellman conception, and had his op 4 weeks ago to the day tmrw!!

I just feel weird, my groin isnt hurting, it just feels different, and definately feels like a strain on one side, but I havent done anything to strain it. lol

Grrrrr, mind playing tricks, hate it
Feel really weird today

My belly or my groin area feels all tight, as if I have pulled a muscle!!

Probably reading way to much into it, but it just doesnt feel normal, lol

I dont ever get sore boobs never have with any of my pregnancies and still do not

But I do have ALOT of white discharge, which I do not have other than when I am ovualting (which I found out increases when you ovulate after reading it on here) Normally with my period only 9 days away I would be getting a bit of brown stains appearing, just to let me know it is on its way, always get them a week or so before just to warn me I think, lol, but at the mo LOADS of clear white discharge!! Which is thick not watery!! No idea if thats a good sign or whether thats a sign that I am coming on!!

I have no idea what all this temp business is, so have no clue about my temperature, lol

I am due to have my period on 23rd so 9 days time

I think now that I know that I could possibly get pregnant I am noticing everything!! Which I dont like cos I wanted to try and stay as relaxed as possible

DH is on Wellman conception, and had his op 4 weeks ago to the day tmrw!!

I just feel weird, my groin isnt hurting, it just feels different, and definately feels like a strain on one side, but I havent done anything to strain it. lol

Grrrrr, mind playing tricks, hate it

FX for you hon x
well im out for this month :witch: came yesterday afternoon 2 days late (well a day and a half) but hay ho never mind roll on to this cycle.

on a positive note got hubbys sa results today he has 5.3 million with 30% swimming:happydance::happydance::happydance:now we no what we are working with.

i no there not super great but at least the vr was a success and we now have more of a chance then we did befor. well 5.3 million more chances:haha::haha::haha:.x.x.x.x.x.
Feel really weird today

My belly or my groin area feels all tight, as if I have pulled a muscle!!

Probably reading way to much into it, but it just doesnt feel normal, lol

I dont ever get sore boobs never have with any of my pregnancies and still do not

But I do have ALOT of white discharge, which I do not have other than when I am ovualting (which I found out increases when you ovulate after reading it on here) Normally with my period only 9 days away I would be getting a bit of brown stains appearing, just to let me know it is on its way, always get them a week or so before just to warn me I think, lol, but at the mo LOADS of clear white discharge!! Which is thick not watery!! No idea if thats a good sign or whether thats a sign that I am coming on!!

I have no idea what all this temp business is, so have no clue about my temperature, lol

I am due to have my period on 23rd so 9 days time

I think now that I know that I could possibly get pregnant I am noticing everything!! Which I dont like cos I wanted to try and stay as relaxed as possible

DH is on Wellman conception, and had his op 4 weeks ago to the day tmrw!!

I just feel weird, my groin isnt hurting, it just feels different, and definately feels like a strain on one side, but I havent done anything to strain it. lol

Grrrrr, mind playing tricks, hate it

Good luck and baby dust to you hun!!! :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
well im out for this month :witch: came yesterday afternoon 2 days late (well a day and a half) but hay ho never mind roll on to this cycle.

on a positive note got hubbys sa results today he has 5.3 million with 30% swimming:happydance::happydance::happydance:now we no what we are working with.

i no there not super great but at least the vr was a success and we now have more of a chance then we did befor. well 5.3 million more chances:haha::haha::haha:.x.x.x.x.x.

So sorry that the :witch: got you....:hugs::hugs::hugs:

I am so glad that your SA went well and that there are :spermy:!!!:happydance::happydance:My DH's numbers are almost the same as yours. I am keeping my fingers crossed for us both, that we get our :bfp:'s soon!!!:thumbup:
Yay like I said, we have more chance than we did before the VRs! FX!
well im out for this month :witch: came yesterday afternoon 2 days late (well a day and a half) but hay ho never mind roll on to this cycle.

on a positive note got hubbys sa results today he has 5.3 million with 30% swimming:happydance::happydance::happydance:now we no what we are working with.

i no there not super great but at least the vr was a success and we now have more of a chance then we did befor. well 5.3 million more chances:haha::haha::haha:.x.x.x.x.x.

Sorry the damn Witch got you, but your dh results are great:thumbup: sending you loads of :dust: xx
well im out for this month :witch: came yesterday afternoon 2 days late (well a day and a half) but hay ho never mind roll on to this cycle.

on a positive note got hubbys sa results today he has 5.3 million with 30% swimming:happydance::happydance::happydance:now we no what we are working with.

i no there not super great but at least the vr was a success and we now have more of a chance then we did befor. well 5.3 million more chances:haha::haha::haha:.x.x.x.x.x.

Sorry the damn Witch got you, but your dh results are great:thumbup: sending you loads of :dust: xx

thank you:hugs: we are just glad the vr worked!:happydance: when i get the full results in the post ill put them on here might need someone to explain them to me!:blush:
Hi girls can i just ask how long it takes for the swelling to go? thanks:thumbup: x x x
Hey! :wave: My Hubby had swelling for a good few days, probably nearly a week. He did find that the strap they put on him was causing him pain as he started swelling he hadn't loosened it so it was diggin in him and causing him pain, he felt much better once he got that off and just wore snug fitting undies. xx
well im out for this month :witch: came yesterday afternoon 2 days late (well a day and a half) but hay ho never mind roll on to this cycle.

on a positive note got hubbys sa results today he has 5.3 million with 30% swimming:happydance::happydance::happydance:now we no what we are working with.

i no there not super great but at least the vr was a success and we now have more of a chance then we did befor. well 5.3 million more chances:haha::haha::haha:.x.x.x.x.x.

So sorry that the :witch: got you....:hugs::hugs::hugs:

I am so glad that your SA went well and that there are :spermy:!!!:happydance::happydance:My DH's numbers are almost the same as yours. I am keeping my fingers crossed for us both, that we get our :bfp:'s soon!!!:thumbup:

how long between the v and vr was your hubby and how long after the vr did your hubby get his :spermy: tested?

my hubby had his v just over 9 years befor the vr and then just tested last week we had the vr in september last year.x.x..x.

Hi all

So I'm on CD11 today, last month I had a smiley on CD13, so I should just be coming into fertility/coming up to Ov again soon (probably). Still have sticks for the CB digi OPK but resisting using them as we've agreed to try and relax as much as we can about it all, and just enjoy BD (it does start to get chore-like eh ladies).

So, we'll see. Like we've been saying, our chances are better than before our OH's VRs. John's going back for a repeat SA next month, so we'll see if there's been an improvement with all the supplements and all.

Hi all

So I'm on CD11 today, last month I had a smiley on CD13, so I should just be coming into fertility/coming up to Ov again soon (probably). Still have sticks for the CB digi OPK but resisting using them as we've agreed to try and relax as much as we can about it all, and just enjoy BD (it does start to get chore-like eh ladies).

So, we'll see. Like we've been saying, our chances are better than before our OH's VRs. John's going back for a repeat SA next month, so we'll see if there's been an improvement with all the supplements and all.

Good luck hun :happydance: x x
Hey! :wave: My Hubby had swelling for a good few days, probably nearly a week. He did find that the strap they put on him was causing him pain as he started swelling he hadn't loosened it so it was diggin in him and causing him pain, he felt much better once he got that off and just wore snug fitting undies. xx

Thanks hun, my OH hasn't worn the strap since the day after his op!! (oops) but the swelling is going down :thumbup: bit more swollen on the left tho and he still getting a bit of pain from the left side. Is this normal?
I bet your excited for your scan tomorrow:happydance: i'm sure everything is fine but understand it probably seems too good to be true and 12 weeks is a long time for them to expect you to wait to make sure everything is ok. Keep us posted x x x
Hey! :wave: My Hubby had swelling for a good few days, probably nearly a week. He did find that the strap they put on him was causing him pain as he started swelling he hadn't loosened it so it was diggin in him and causing him pain, he felt much better once he got that off and just wore snug fitting undies. xx

Thanks hun, my OH hasn't worn the strap since the day after his op!! (oops) but the swelling is going down :thumbup: bit more swollen on the left tho and he still getting a bit of pain from the left side. Is this normal?
I bet your excited for your scan tomorrow:happydance: i'm sure everything is fine but understand it probably seems too good to be true and 12 weeks is a long time for them to expect you to wait to make sure everything is ok. Keep us posted x x x

Yea that sounds pretty normal hon. My OH found the strap thing uncomfortable and didn't wear it for long either, I think snug fitting undies are enough.

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