My af arrived late avo today, 3 days early for the first time ever in 21 years!! Why I do not know other than I ovulated earlier than usual, but still doesnt make sense, the first month we try and my af comes early!! I want to scream
I wouldnt say it was spotting its bright red, got cramping and there isnt loads like a normal period but everytime I wipe there is some, and some left on a pad, nothing like full on yet but no doubt it will appear, its enough to tell me that af is here, first day is always light for me, then again looks like what it used to be like could all change for me
Am just concerned as to why it has come early, ok one day I wouldnt even have bat an eyelid, but 3 days and for someone it has never happened to before... just gets me thinking why thats all
Sorry for going on...
This months cycle was only 24 days!!! usually 27 without fail!!