Things I cannot say out loud....

Would he see a councillor?

My DH said we fight too much!!! Um, how about you actually do any one of the things I ask you to, and we prob would stop fighting! Oh yeah, and where the hell is my phone charger?! :growlmad: xx

He has seen a psychiatrist and diagnosed with bipolar and borderline personality disorder. Basically from him having a shitty childhood. BUT that doesn't mean that I don't need help. When I'm leaving to work this morning he asked me if I could let the dogs out. SURE No problem. I hate even arguing about it now. I just do it and keep thinking that I'd be better off on my own. He would still watch DD anytime I needed him to (well as much as he does now- which he STILL manages to flake and make me have no sitter for work). I cleaned much of the house the other day and he came in and tore a bunch of boxes apart looking for something and left them torn apart. I said "I hope you know you're putting those away," he said "someday"
So frustrating. I want couples counseling because I'm going to freak out and leave one day. I have an appointment to talk to someone on my own next week. I'm sick of being told I have PND and other depression issues and that I'm ignoring it and at least he is getting help with his mental issues. Sure- I've always had a bit of depression pop up but it goes away. I've always dealt with it like that. I don't think I have PND I think I'm just unhappy trying to raise him AND my daughter.
FIL & MIL: I told you when you arrived 7 days ago that I was coordinating no meals and you were on your on to eat. The house is FULL of food. But still at every meal time you have to ask what's to eat. Get off your asses and figure it out yourself. Makes me wonder how on earth you both survived into your 70's?
:haha: :rofl: Silly silly inlaws. Seriously makes you wonder! It's like "nah- I was j/k I'm making TONS of meals!"
OH- please go out now so I can get the tele back and have some 'me' time. You sat there for hours and did not think that LO might be uncomfortable and not just crying for the hell of it, oh look- calpol = sleep, if she was crying for the hell of it she would still be crying you are a moron.

Also- learn to unroll your shirt sleeves or I shall cut them off!!!!!!!!!!!! I collect them up, I wash them, dry them and iron them the least you could do is unroll the sleeves before you take them off- either that or stop being so ******** and wear short sleeves!!! And don't leave a packet of fag papers in you work trousers and then complain you have no papers. Empty your pocket like you usually do - all over the bed - every other day.

LO - I do not need woken up at 6 am by you shouting Ay!! over and over until I come and attempt to get you to settle.

DS - I have got my own ears stop repeating what is happening on the telly it drives me mad! At least stop doing it when I tell you to, this is why I turn over to the radio channel I do not need a running comentary of what I am watching.
OH - please stop asking what time LO's last feed was, the idea of BFing on demand is that you feed when LO is hungry, not when a clock tells you too!! After 7 months I'd have thought you got this!! And please stop bringing LO to me when he has stopped crying for you after crying for hours with me, I know he just wanted his daddy but I can't help that you were at work at the time. I DO NOT need to feel like I am a crap mum who can't get LO to stop crying!!

Dad - Please stop banging on about me being a horrible mum for not letting you give LO chocolate buttons, he is only 7 months old ffs!!!

Mum - get a grip, BFing is totally natural and a beautiful thing to do! Just because you have weird issues that meant you couldn't even entertain the idea doesn't mean that the rest of the world shouldn't do it too.

LO - PLEASE start feeling sleepy before 11pm!! Mummy and daddy need to sleep too! Oh, and if you could nap in your cot rather than on me so that I can wash your clothes for you that would be a huge help! :haha:

To C - Stop saying my LO and your LO are cousins. They aren't!!! They are not related by either blood or marriage, we just happen to have some other family members in common. And stop saying that you were gutted at having to stop BFing and that it was the best thing you ever did, you stopped after just a couple of days because you couldn't cope. If it was so great why stop???

Sis - please stop buying everything in mothercare!! I get that you want to spoil my LO, and I love that, but I feel guilty that you are spending so much on him!

MIL/FIL - It's ok if you want to see your grandchild more than once in a blue moon! I will not think that you are interfering busybodies I promise (well, unless you decide to visit twice a week suddenly!) :haha:

Thanks! I feel better now! :thumbup:
OH- please go out now so I can get the tele back and have some 'me' time. You sat there for hours and did not think that LO might be uncomfortable and not just crying for the hell of it, oh look- calpol = sleep, if she was crying for the hell of it she would still be crying you are a moron.

Also- learn to unroll your shirt sleeves or I shall cut them off!!!!!!!!!!!! I collect them up, I wash them, dry them and iron them the least you could do is unroll the sleeves before you take them off- either that or stop being so ******** and wear short sleeves!!! And don't leave a packet of fag papers in you work trousers and then complain you have no papers. Empty your pocket like you usually do - all over the bed - every other day.

LO - I do not need woken up at 6 am by you shouting Ay!! over and over until I come and attempt to get you to settle.

DS - I have got my own ears stop repeating what is happening on the telly it drives me mad! At least stop doing it when I tell you to, this is why I turn over to the radio channel I do not need a running comentary of what I am watching.

my OH does the exact same thing!! after weeks of me telling him to unravel them and him still not doing it i decided it was time he done his own washing! i wrote him a manual and left him too it, he started trying to annoy me into doing it again by using too much powder or softener or both! but that just resulted in me buying the gel that you pour into the lid, cant use too much then! haha! he now does all his own washing/drying/ironing and i seem to have so much extra time not having to stand and iron his shirts! it saved so many arguments!
threaten your OH with having to do his own washing if he doesn't start rolling down his sleeves, the first time he 'forgets' or was 'in a rush' then stick to the threat! xxxx
Would he see a councillor?

My DH said we fight too much!!! Um, how about you actually do any one of the things I ask you to, and we prob would stop fighting! Oh yeah, and where the hell is my phone charger?! :growlmad: xx

He has seen a psychiatrist and diagnosed with bipolar and borderline personality disorder. Basically from him having a shitty childhood. BUT that doesn't mean that I don't need help. When I'm leaving to work this morning he asked me if I could let the dogs out. SURE No problem. I hate even arguing about it now. I just do it and keep thinking that I'd be better off on my own. He would still watch DD anytime I needed him to (well as much as he does now- which he STILL manages to flake and make me have no sitter for work). I cleaned much of the house the other day and he came in and tore a bunch of boxes apart looking for something and left them torn apart. I said "I hope you know you're putting those away," he said "someday"
So frustrating. I want couples counseling because I'm going to freak out and leave one day. I have an appointment to talk to someone on my own next week. I'm sick of being told I have PND and other depression issues and that I'm ignoring it and at least he is getting help with his mental issues. Sure- I've always had a bit of depression pop up but it goes away. I've always dealt with it like that. I don't think I have PND I think I'm just unhappy trying to raise him AND my daughter.

Ahhhh :hugs: he needs some more help.... Like a GIANT kick in the butt :) xx
Have all the oh's been taking annoying pills this morning! :( xx

Oh yeah and mil.... Sitting about 10cm from baby's face while she is sleeping, just staring at her is frankly creepy. I don't like it, its weird.
Mum - get a grip, BFing is totally natural and a beautiful thing to do! Just because you have weird issues that meant you couldn't even entertain the idea doesn't mean that the rest of the world shouldn't do it too.

my MIL is totally against breastfeeding! she was sooo against me BFing DD that she bought bottles, steriliser and first milk and gave me it all before DD was born so that she would know it was there in those first few days when BF is the hardest!
silly moo! im going to BF again this time and hope i make her feel sooo uneasy that she wont visit often! :) lol xx
Mum - get a grip, BFing is totally natural and a beautiful thing to do! Just because you have weird issues that meant you couldn't even entertain the idea doesn't mean that the rest of the world shouldn't do it too.

my MIL is totally against breastfeeding! she was sooo against me BFing DD that she bought bottles, steriliser and first milk and gave me it all before DD was born so that she would know it was there in those first few days when BF is the hardest!
silly moo! im going to BF again this time and hope i make her feel sooo uneasy that she wont visit often! :) lol xx

Get one of those crazy breastfeeding dolls for you oldest too, that'll make your MIL feel REALLY uncomfortable! :rofl:
DH: Dont tell me to express my milk to "give me a break" .. When is tthis break exactly? You knew it had to be used today, as a matter of fact you're the one who pointed it out to me. It's the weekend and i've been having no sleep all week. It's 3am and your daughter has woken up to be fed, right on cue. Oh, you're conveniently sleeping through it? I ask you for help and you moan that i've woken you up?? Then I ask what I should do, and you. Say "you feed her, then i'll get the bottle." are you f*cking stupid??!! Then you moan that you cant do it as nothing is sterilised.. It's an 8 minute cycle and its already in there, just add water and push the button!

Resigning myself to the fact my milk is going to be thrown away :)cry:) and i'm never going to get this break, I just ask for company. You carry on being nasty and acting as if i've asked you to do something horrible, time-consuming and unnecessary. Oh i've disturbed your sleep, when you've got nothing to get up for since its a weekend, and i've been doing this all week? Well excuse me! :growlmad:
DH again: I guess me clearing off and making up the spare bed after feeding LO (despite me saying I'd never do that) was enough for you to realise you needed to get your arse in gear. So you figured she may still be hungry and sterilised the teats all by yourself, and decided to feed her, then change nher nappy. Yes, it's helpful I suppose as the milk will get used now, but i'm already up and about now so there isn't much point, and you were most likely doing it to avoid being chucked into the spare room. Deep down you know the deeds are in my name after all, so it would be you in there. That, and it's easier for me to stay in the bigger room where the baby stuff currently is, and the tv for night feeds etc. Buut lets hope it doesnt come to that. First wedding anniversary in a week after all. :(
Breathe Vixie and hugs!

Im up with LO myself this morning DESPITE smacking myself in the head on the bedroom door last night getting from our room to LO's and having a stinking headache because of it - but WHO gets up with LO since 6.30 - oh yes ME! And where is DH - oh yes STILL IN BED!


OH : I really fucking appreciate you disappearing off to have a 1 1/2 hour bath this morning while I looked after Bella who woke at 5am (again), & then when you got out, getting dressed & telling me you have to head off now.

How about the fact that I might have wanted a bath? Or even a shower? Sometimes you're a selfish prick.

You'd best bring me home a present in apology.
Dh, you decided to spend all day yesterday in a theme park while I stayed at home with Flynn, oh you're tired? Fuck you! I was sat on the bed sobbing with frustration as Flynn woke up at 3 and wouldn't settle, I asked you to try cuddling him coz he probably missed. You, especially since you spent the night before on the sofa so you wouldn't be tired, went before we were up and didn't come home till after bedtime, he's not seen you in days! Going downstairs at 4am to "work" is shitty too especially when Flynn won't settle and I spend half hour trying to call you to help me but you were sleeping! Now you've taken Flynn downstairs for an hour so I can "pull myself together" which is code for I know you are knackered and down etc but I don't want to know about it and make sure no one else can tell that everything isn't perfect either.

I am petrified too as dh is going away tomorrow till Friday on a training course so I'll be alone and sil's who we share a house with are going away on Wednesday so I'll
Be alone with a tiny baby rattling round the house, I was struggling last night and there were three othe adults in the house there's no way I'll survive till Friday night!
And dh I know as soon as you get back from training you will sleep in the sofa and make me have Flynn alone for the night coz you are tired...
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I am NOT being TWO FACED if I say you cannot give LO ice cream or chocolate and then I let her have a small slice of battenberg. She is MY daughter I decide when she gets stuff like that. The reason I say people not allowed to give her crap is so they don't think it is OK and she gets it all the time.

And OMG thank you MIL for having both kids all day I forget how nice it is not to have to creep around when LO is not in the room with us (ie usually she would be up for a nap if not in the livingroom)

OH- PLeeeaaaaassseeee can we take the dogs out somewhere in the car :'(
Ahhhhh, just finished all 100 pages of this! It has kept me most entertained for days. I'm still pregnant at the moment but it has calmed me down about the future grievances with the inlaws to know it's not just mine! Sure I'll be here adding my own too though!
Breathe Vixie and hugs!

Im up with LO myself this morning DESPITE smacking myself in the head on the bedroom door last night getting from our room to LO's and having a stinking headache because of it - but WHO gets up with LO since 6.30 - oh yes ME! And where is DH - oh yes STILL IN BED!



Ouch! :wacko: That sucks :( :hugs:

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