to Nats & Emmy
Brain... What the eff. Was there a need for that dream about FOB? & was there a need for to wake me up at 5:30 & stay awake over thinking everything about FOB & this stupid court thing?
Josh, I can hear you over the monitor. Go to sleep wee man! Mummy & daddy need sleep too y'know!! & please don't have another day like yesterday, I'm all alone again this afternoon & I don't think I can cope.
Cafcass... Why can't you send letters? Or call my phone? I've been stressing all night about phoning you today. Please have some wonderful news like FOB has pulled out of all this nonsense.
OH... I love you so so so so so much. You're wonderful. & sex is brilliant... But please could we have it at bedtime instead of always when Josh is napping. It would be lovely to fall asleep after sex with you.
Mum... Thanks again for asking about physio(!) please don't give me grief today, I'm at the end of my tether & seriously struggling to hold it together & I really don't need you!
ETA: Joshua go back to sleep!! OH... Stop looking so damn sexy when you're sleeping. Its 6:30 in the damn morning & pigs will fly before I get any at this stupid hour!
Self... This rage is probs PMS. that's another month :/