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Think I'm out already

Fingers crossed your opk is soon hopeful, mine doesn't show a line until 4 days before ov when I get a faint one and then it builds x
Just did one n was there but faint I would say 50% so maybe I will ovulate soon, will be tomorrow n every other day then probs x
Really hoping for some sticky eggs for you two!
How are you feeling Jennifer.

My hubby is picking up the seven seas vitamins tonight for me. But my temps aren't indicating ovulation yet so I'm just hoping that I do ovulate x
I've been good... I slept 11 hours the last two nights... Hahaha. I'm sure it getting dark at 530 isn't helping my lack of energy. A little nausea. Hoping to make an appointment soon, didn't want to go to the Dr too early and just freak myself out of They did a us and didn't see much.. Trying to give the little bean some time to grow.
I know what you mean, over here you don't have a first appointment until 8-10 weeks. The sleep is very good you must need it and means little bean is growing nicely x
Did an opk tonite n was bit fainter than last nite. Had a lot of ewcm today felt really wet all day. Will bd tonite tho! X
Good idea hopeful, the ewcm is a very good sign and I've read you can sometimes ovulate without a +opk. Fingers crossed for the bfp in our tww
Yeh just did bd so there's one to start near my fertile time, does feel like a bit of a chore but gotta be done hasn't it! I really wanna try not think about it too much but its hard int it! Fingers crossed for you this month too! X
Blakes are u in the UK? I am from wales, might have a look into those seven seas vitamins or just some folic acid ones x
Got one of my strong ovulation symptoms today, sore dry bleeding gums 😒 I don't know why I get this I've had it every month for a good few cycles now they drive me mad I ended up buying gum mouthwash but no point really cos it disappears after 3-4 days. I don't quite know if its leading up to my ovulation or during. Also got a little bit of cramping this morning, great lol
Yes Hun I'm from Norfolk in east anglia (the Eastest part of the map) I've got the seven seas ones on next day delivery so once they arrive today I'll take some photos of the information etc for you.

Those symptoms sound really good which means your bd would be good timing. I know what you mean it being a chore at times it feels for me less intimate because it's got a reason behind it if that makes sense. I get the cramping the day of a positive opk but my temps have shown it looks like I ovulated yesterday so I'm hoping our bd was good timing. It means my luteal phase is 8 days which means I think it's possible to still get pregnant this month x
Ok thanks, yeh that's good then hope it's your month! I wonder if all the cramping with ovulation is all after ovulation and the actual time that ovulation happens we don't actually get any kind of feeling really. After bdlast nite I had about 5 sharp stabbing niggles in my left side I dunno what that means but I'm am only cd 9 of my 26 day cycle so would think it might be too early to ovulate I'm not sure! Time will tel I suppose! X
Mines usually the day before I ovulate according to ff but I've only been off the pill 3 months so it just could be my body confused at the moment. It could be possible to o that early x
I got super crampy after I ovulated... Like (tmi) almost felt like my butt was sore. The night we dtd when I got my positive opk... It hurt.. Like my insides hurt totally weird.
I was shopping today n was in superdrug looking for something with my mum n was all of a sudden by the pregnacare vitamins which was weird dos I hadn't even planned to get any today! so I got some fertility and pregnancy vitamins to try. Says to have one a day with a meal x
This is what I've got, even though in technically 1dpo I've started them today because I figured it will make sure there's more in my system x


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Ok well can't harm taking them now can they and they got folic acid for when you do conceive hopefully! They didn't have the seven seas ones in superdrug so I got there own brand which say for fertility and pregnancy too. Where did u get those from? The superdrug ones were like £3 so was cheap! X

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