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Think I'm out already

I'm not sure, I got that last months ovulation but not this months. I could of been in tears last month with it x
I was like that earlier, got tonnes of water cm now n so sore. Feel like someone has really kicked me in the ovaries and lower tummy x
Really hope you get bfp, not long to go now. When do u think u will test? I'm defo holding out this month til a late AF cos I would rather that than a bfn x
I'm going to test Thursday as af is due Friday, if I get a bfn Thursday I'll check my temps because if I get a huge drop Friday I know af will be here. It's strange as with my other two I had so many symptoms etc so it's why i keep doubting I'll get a bfp. But I'm taking the seven seas everyday so hopefully if I'm not successful this cycle they might help for next cycle. How are your ovulation pains now, hope they're easing x
Not long til u r due af now, I think you can just never tel really unit af doesn't show or that bfp. I've got a long wait for mine I'm not due til just under 2 weeks. Ovulation is much better today, I have been in work so has taken my mind off it I did have really bad ibs and swelling this afternoon which gave me cramps, but the ibs is normal for me on a Monday. We did bd last night and will again tonight. I'm out of opk sticks so can't see if my surge has gone down. Which hpt have you got for Thursday? I have forgotten to take my supplements yesterday will take one now I've had food x
I've got ic lol, I'm so glad it's easing for you it can be a pain being a woman at times.

Just had a soak and it's made my boobs sooo heavy and achy and got period pains so I'm really hoping it's not af springing early but maybe something to do with my dip instead x
Fingers crossed for you 😀 I've got some cramping n more in my left side now I'm sat down n got a bubbly sensation for like a few seconds, dunno what's happening down there! Cmon egg fertilise for us lol x
Hope its implantation for u! I get really heavy sore boobs post ovulation so no doubts mine will start in a couple days
I haven't had it since coming off the pill it's been the same thing that happened with my other two but it might be my body just playing tricks on me tbh.

Mine was left side this cycle it alternates each month for me. I really hope you get a bfp this month as me, you and Jennifer would be within weeks of each other x
Yeh it would be great if we all did, all my 8 year old daughter keeps asking me is when are you going to have a baby! I spoke to soon with ovulation I've got aches in hips n some pain again all mainly in left side n my back too x
Oh no 😞 That's being a pain and lasting a while isn't it. My son keeps eyeing up the babies at school bless him he's desperate for a baby brother x
Yeh I've got like grinding sensation with cramping, wonder if the egg is releasing! Had to take my pj bottoms off as can't bear anything pressing. So hope we got them a bro or sis soon! X
I've just had a tiny bit of blood mixed with cm! Really hope it's implantation as I've never had it before in the other cycles x
Oh hope it is that's exciting! Everything crossed! I'm laid on sofa with pains again n alsorts going on in there! Really really sore too. So hope that's implantation! X
Well I got my positive opk on Saturday so guessing I'm either 1 or 2 dpo. We bd again last night, bit bored of bd now lol has been like every night so going to give tonight a break! X
Cant help thinking am out already tho n will get af a week Sunday x
Haha does sound like you both need a rest lol, don't give up yet I was completely the same and now mines looking promising but it could be my pill getting out of my system as its been nearly 4 months without it x

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