TTC#1 and i need a weight loss buddy

Congratulations! That's so exciting!

I've been slowly working on losing weight since June. The end of my May cycle had me so upset that I had to do something. So I kicked my own butt until I got up to exercise every single day for a month. In that month I lost eight pounds! I was impressed, but had already slacked off on the exercise while on vacation. I never picked back up the exercise after that. I had done active calorie counting for the first two weeks of my attempts to lose weight. I've now switched into more of a calorie awareness sort of method. I pay attention to what I eat and try to not eat anything high calorie. In total so far I've lost just over 15lbs. I have another approx. 15lbs to go before I hit my goal weight. I'm currently hovering around 153, my lowest weight is 151. I really need to pick up and start exercising again. 140lbs is so close I can almost taste it. And I eat well. I eat things I enjoy. I did even for the month I pushed myself hard. So my suggestion is to ENJOY food. Don't hate yourself for eating but instead do the work to earn the things you enjoy.

I was using for the first bit, and can highly recommend it. It's a very helpful site. I also zumba and was using's free workout plan for the first month, but they've since changed it to a plan I do not enjoy. I know if I'm not enjoying myself I'm not going to do it.

So yeah, I'll check in next Wednesday and hope I've done the work to lose even a pound.
So first off i used a cheapie morrisons test and got a BFP then i got one of those expensive clearblue ones to confirm and im 3+ weeks pregnant. Im not leaving you here tho girlie. I may not be sheding the pounds anymore but i want to maintain healthy and to support you all with TTC to getting rid of the weight.

Im so proud of you all for your losses this week. Have you done anything different?
hey ladies, can i join?

im also hoping to lose some weight too in aid of helping to conceive. im currently 15stone :O n only 5ft 3!! and currently desperate to conceive baby #1

ive tried diets so many times but have never succeeded in losing more than 2 stone due to willpower and put all back on and more when i stop! but i find eating breakfast is a big help in weight loss, i lose nearly double the weight than i do when i dont eat breakfast, if this makes sense :)
have just brought jillians 30 day shred, any one on here ever used it n does it work?!
also does anyone know of any good diets to lose the weight fast?! hope all u ladies succeed in your weight loss goals, sorry for the essay LOL

thumbs up to the lady who created this post, its a brilliant idea
I go on a tuesday ive only been twice and i got told of last night get this she says i dont eat allot of food lol i need to eat more i was thinking isnt that how i got into this mess by eating loads of food and i dnt eat loads of crap and i dont have a sweet tooth but hmm i dont no

Blimey thats a strange thing to say unless they mean for you to eat more 0 point stuff like Veg or do you snack between meals? that i'm terrible at, I should not be allowed in the kitchen after dinner :shrug:
Hi Jade and TheAnie all advice is welcome, I have lots of weight to lose.

Wow Vicky you must have been pregnant when you set up this thread, we'll need to try and keep a note of BMI when people get pregnant. Glad your staying to keep us in check.
hey ladies, can i join?

but i find eating breakfast is a big help in weight loss, i lose nearly double the weight than i do when i dont eat breakfast, if this makes sense :)

I'm a breakfast girl can't go out without my porridge but I know when reading most books they always advice breakfast, I think something to do with starting off your mentabolic tabolism sorry for spelling !!!
I go on a tuesday ive only been twice and i got told of last night get this she says i dont eat allot of food lol i need to eat more i was thinking isnt that how i got into this mess by eating loads of food and i dnt eat loads of crap and i dont have a sweet tooth but hmm i dont no

Blimey thats a strange thing to say unless they mean for you to eat more 0 point stuff like Veg or do you snack between meals? that i'm terrible at, I should not be allowed in the kitchen after dinner :shrug:

You can't lose weight by eating next to nothing. Everyone needs at least 1200 calories a day to survive. I actually looked up my BMR and it's 1502.6. That means no matter what I do every day that is how many calories I burn. Even if I slept all day. Interestingly enough that Cook Yourself Slim show suggested you take your goal weight and multiply it by 10 to get how many calories you should be consuming in a day. So for me that's 1400. I tend to eat under that but it's because I load up on healthy things like bananas, carrots, and cantaloupe.

So yeah, not too strange they're telling her to eat more, you just need to eat the right stuff. Which is really hard to do! haha
So I'm giving myself this weekend for the last of my pop/soda and junk. DH and I are going out last night to our favourite restaurant, and I am going out with my bff on Saturday. Monday is the day I'm ditching the junk and starting to hit the gym again.

For my height I'm considered morbidly obese( I'm 4'10 and 175 pounds). I haven't been back to my doctor because I've gained 10 pounds since I was supposed to lose 10 :shrug:. I got no one to blame but myself, and now I'm starting to wonder if it's affecting my ttc chances.

The way I look at it, if I lose some weight and then get pregnant, it will just mostly put me back to where I am now. I just want to get healthy!
Hi ladies.:wave:
I am hoping that I can join your group as well. I seem to need a bit of encouragement when it comes to weightloss.:nope:
I am 5'5'' and 250ish (I say 250ish because I can gain/loose 5 or so pounds with fluid retention/loss a day).

I am very healthy, have had no major illnesses, and am a really hard worker and used to be really active. I was a full time CNA and a full time nursing student and was on the go all day working really hard all day. I graduated in May and am not working yet, so now it is a double challenge. :dohh:

My bad habits are carbs :pizza:. I don't like sweets, chips, or sodas. It's usually pasta and lots of dairy:blush:.

So far I have lost 4 pounds. My fist goal I have set for myself is to lose 20 pounds and to do some kind of strenuous activity 4x a week. My ultimate goal would be to get back to a size 9.:happydance:

Its good to meet you ladies!
Hi all,
I worry I'm late to this thread. Can I stil join. There is so much here I worry I don't have time to read it all back through.

In 2007 I lost 40+ pounds. I've maintained that loss but have stayed the same since and still have a good bit more to go. I started out in 2007 at around 210lbs (or more, I stopped weighing at one point). But recently have settled in at 175lbs. I'm down now to 169lbs. I'm counting calories and trying to walk as much as possible. Very recently introduced some simple yoga and stretching at home and plan to add in some strength training too. I wear a pedometer to count my steps.

My BMI is 31.9 now so my first goal is to get it under 30 which will be under 158 for me. Then the next goals would be to get to that ever elusive "healthy" category of under 25 which means getting down to 132lbs for me.

Nice to meet you all.
Hi ladies and welcome, your never too late to join in. I think we decided weigh in day is a Wednesday, be honest with yourself and honest with us and well all try to help each other along!
Alright! Today I made myself Zumba. I really did not want to. Tomorrow I'm going to see if I can make myself do it twice, once might suffice though since I'll be spending a chunk of tomorrow chasing after toddlers. I am hoping to make myself Zumba twice a day, though if I get once a day in I'll be happy.

I do need to make myself drink more water, I slacked off on that.

What exercise did everyone do today?
What exercise did everyone do today?

I did an approximately 5km walk today so far, it was nice. I have been trying to get in at least 8000 steps a day and I'm at about 6800 so far now so I'll go for at least another little walk later but I might push it up to 10,000 because it is a weekend day.

Might do some yoga and stretching later.

So far today I've eaten...
Two homemade lattes with skim milk
A ham and light cheese omelette with peppers and onions and avocado
Some strawberry soymilk and a tangerine

All up comes to 712 Cals.

What are well all eating?
I had a chicken wrap from a mexican place, some edamame, and a bowl of grape nuts with 2% milk. oh and a reese cup :( Had one sweet tea and the rest water. AndI might eat an apple before I go to bed since I will be up for a few hours.
Alright! Today I made myself Zumba. I really did not want to. Tomorrow I'm going to see if I can make myself do it twice, once might suffice though since I'll be spending a chunk of tomorrow chasing after toddlers. I am hoping to make myself Zumba twice a day, though if I get once a day in I'll be happy.

I do need to make myself drink more water, I slacked off on that.

What exercise did everyone do today?

Oh thats reminds me I have turbo jams! I forgot all about that. :blush:
I go on a tuesday ive only been twice and i got told of last night get this she says i dont eat allot of food lol i need to eat more i was thinking isnt that how i got into this mess by eating loads of food and i dnt eat loads of crap and i dont have a sweet tooth but hmm i dont no

Blimey thats a strange thing to say unless they mean for you to eat more 0 point stuff like Veg or do you snack between meals? that i'm terrible at, I should not be allowed in the kitchen after dinner :shrug:

I dont snack but i only have 1 meal a day and i will have a sandwich for lunch :wacko: but i have never ate allot i think ive put on the pounds when i move back to england and i dont realy go out unless to the shops so i think i need to do more to lose weight
I just joined..(I too post from phone). Is there still someone in need of weight loss buddy? I complete my 30day challenge tomorrow. I do combo of different things. I feel and look different. I have more energy and am super happy. I hope someone wants a buddy. We can share ideas:) GL!
Alright! Today I made myself Zumba. I really did not want to. Tomorrow I'm going to see if I can make myself do it twice, once might suffice though since I'll be spending a chunk of tomorrow chasing after toddlers. I am hoping to make myself Zumba twice a day, though if I get once a day in I'll be happy.

I do need to make myself drink more water, I slacked off on that.

What exercise did everyone do today?

I exercise daily whether walking dogs, Cardio, Aerobics, YOGA etc. Today Walking cardio shape up(with weights). It's really fun. The water drinking is the hardest of all.
What exercise did everyone do today?

I did an approximately 5km walk today so far, it was nice. I have been trying to get in at least 8000 steps a day and I'm at about 6800 so far now so I'll go for at least another little walk later but I might push it up to 10,000 because it is a weekend day.

Might do some yoga and stretching later.

So far today I've eaten...
Two homemade lattes with skim milk
A ham and light cheese omelette with peppers and onions and avocado
Some strawberry soymilk and a tangerine

All up comes to 712 Cals.

What are well all eating?

Patooti: how do you track your calories. I just decide not to eat it or write it down. But, it was taking me too long writing. I just try to even out a day of fruits and veggies and minimize meat. Today I cheated..I had a strawberry cupcake.LOL! I couldn't resist. Your body needs a little sugar(it reminds me of a baby girl) whatever I eat I think of what will help sway boy or girl. I'm going nuts. I also found out a 30min(walk) =4,000(steps)~Dr.oz~

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