TTC #1 Dream Believers (Who's TTC #1?)

I am TTC 1. How do you girls stay so positive? I am torn apart and devastated. My first IUI just failed and I am done. I feel defeated and weak. My tubes are perfect. I have a period every 28 days like clockwork. I ovulate perfectly. I had 3 follicles. My husband had 20 million good sperm. We are not pregnant. How do you keep going? How do you keep trying? I want to buy a cat and call it a day. I feel like I should accept the deck that I have been dealt......... :-(

:hugs: Oh hun....I've been there.....How long have you been TTC? 9 months for me felt like a lifetime.....I did stop thinking about it and that's when it happened! Strange I know.....I hate to see someone so sad about it all :hugs: :dust: It will happen!!!!!
Starlit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you test again? Use a pink dye test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Starlit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you test again? Use a pink dye test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to test again tomorrow morning, but I will be using the tests I have which are blue.

But like I've said, I've used them before with no evaps, so I'm optimistic!
Hey kayleigh, from how it sounds to me your not pregnant, i wish you a BUNCH of luck and maybe you are, but you said your period was due Nov 4th and you didnt even bd in october so i dont see how it would be possible, unless there was an oopsie you didnt meantion. i would definitly go get checked out to make sure nothing is wrong.

Ive already been checked on monday... Everything is completely normal... Nothing is out of whack... My Gyno said that there is a great chance of me being pregnant. Not everyone ovulates at the same time or in a certain amount of time & I dont know why everyone on here says that you can only get pregnant 10-14 days after your period because its not true. My gyno has been in her practice for well over 35 years and she told me that the best time to concieve is around ovulation yes, BUT a girl can get pregnant at anytime of the month. She told me that for some women its harder to get pregnant unless ovulating, but it isnt impossible to get pregnant any other days... She told me that for her youngest son she got pregnant with him on her period and most of the women on here say you cant get pregnant on your period which isnt true. It just depends on the girl and her body. So for everyone that says getting pregnant right before a period, on a period, or on any day besides ovulation days is impossible, you are incorrect... Woman's most fertile days are on her ovulation days, but its possible to concieve without having to worry about counting those days. So Im gonna wait till the 29th- the 6th of december to find out if I am or not and for everyone else TTC good luck to you all and dont worry about counting days. Just have fun and BD when you can :flower:

Love, that's not what they are saying. They are saying NORMALLY women ovulate between cd 10-16. They are saying, you have to ovulate to get pregnant, and those are normal times. And, if you ovulate LATE usually, the later in the cycle you do, the harder it is to get pregnant.

And to find out if you are out of whack.. the gyno needs to do a bunch of tests and bloodwork and ultrasound. So unless she did that, you really can't know. And the bloodwork takes a while to come back. And it has to be timed to your cycle and so forth to check EVERYTHING out. So really, if your gyno told you everything was fine and didn't do that- she's lying to you.

And for the rest of us, YES we need to count days because we know when we ovulate. And there is only a small window in a women's cycle that you are actually fertile. And it's very small. A healthy normal couple only has a 25% chance each month to get pregnant.

So i'm not trying to start anything- but really, the women on here are talking from experience as well. And it doesn't sound like you are pregnant- if you are that's fantastic and great and best of luck to you! But, it sounds like you have been thinking way too much about it- and pushed your cycle back.

I had the same thing happen to me months ago. turned out it was just me stressing about being pregnant. And i had NEVER had a cycle that long. But, it went 50 days, i stressed so bad i threw off my O day, and that's what was so out of whack.

Anyway, all the best! keep us posted!

Ya well your very very wrong because I just tested last night and I am indeed PREGNANT!!!!! & I concieved 2 days before my missed period so its not impossible because im living proof... so for everyone that it TTC dont worry about ur ovulation windows like I said... Some women are just more fertile than others :)
you really couldn't have conceived right before your missed period because of the luteal phase... the egg drops way before that... unless you have a really short period. But honestly- don't tell everyone not to count because you're one person- and for all us normal folk, we have to count. It's just that simple. glad you got your bfp- but really, i'm still convinced you did the math wrong.

Not trying to start anything- but you also can't give people advice like that, because, it's just not right. These women know what they're doing.

I hope everyone is doing well, its been a while since I have been on here just been busy with work.

Unfort :witch: got me, Im on my CD5 now just waiting for Ovulation, This is my 15Th Month of TTC now :cry: This is the hardest test I have faced in my life.. Keep going I guess :shrug:

Good Luck all xx:dust::dust:

Hey Nayla, I know what you mean. This is my 14th month and I'm 'trying' to have a break from stressing about it right now! If you ever want to have a chat about how crap you feel then I'm here!! xx
Kayleigh, I was sympathising with you until the 'some women are more fertile than others' comment. Low blow. I can only assume that you are very immature.
you really couldn't have conceived right before your missed period because of the luteal phase... the egg drops way before that... unless you have a really short period. But honestly- don't tell everyone not to count because you're one person- and for all us normal folk, we have to count. It's just that simple. glad you got your bfp- but really, i'm still convinced you did the math wrong.

Not trying to start anything- but you also can't give people advice like that, because, it's just not right. These women know what they're doing.

nope my period is usually 4-5 days long. && I concieved 2 days before my period was supposed to come. So yes I did concieve right before my missed period. And I dont know what you mean by "normal" because im "Normal". Ive had my period every single month at around the same time. Never have I ever missed a period because of stress. The math wasnt wrong. The last MP I had was on October 7th and ended on October 12th.... Count around 30 days after that and it was around November 6th I was supposed to get my period, and I have a friend that also concieved right before her period. Obviously you werent listening because I said that you are MOST fertile on ovualtion days but its not impossible to concieve at other times after your period. So Im not mis-informing anyone.. I think maybe you should do a little bit of research and find out if it is possible to get pregnant right before your period, BECAUSE IT IS!!!!! Im proof of that. I know when Im supposed to get my period lady. I keep track on the calender.:growlmad::grr:
you really couldn't have conceived right before your missed period because of the luteal phase... the egg drops way before that... unless you have a really short period. But honestly- don't tell everyone not to count because you're one person- and for all us normal folk, we have to count. It's just that simple. glad you got your bfp- but really, i'm still convinced you did the math wrong.

Not trying to start anything- but you also can't give people advice like that, because, it's just not right. These women know what they're doing.

nope my period is usually 4-5 days long. && I concieved 2 days before my period was supposed to come. So yes I did concieve right before my missed period. And I dont know what you mean by "normal" because im "Normal". Ive had my period every single month at around the same time. Never have I ever missed a period because of stress. The math wasnt wrong. The last MP I had was on October 7th and ended on October 12th.... Count around 30 days after that and it was around November 6th I was supposed to get my period, and I have a friend that also concieved right before her period. Obviously you werent listening because I said that you are MOST fertile on ovualtion days but its not impossible to concieve at other times after your period. So Im not mis-informing anyone.. I think maybe you should do a little bit of research and find out if it is possible to get pregnant right before your period, BECAUSE IT IS!!!!! Im proof of that. I know when Im supposed to get my period lady. I keep track on the calender.:growlmad::grr:

Kayleigh... maybe, just MAYBE, you ovulated earlier in your cycle and happened to do the deed then? TBH I haven't read all your detailed earlier posts, so I mightve missed when you said you Bd'ed this cycle. Did you read up online why it's not humanly possible to conceive on day X and find out you've missed your period on X+2 days and be pregnant?

Anyway, congratulations and wish you a healthy and happy pregnancy! :thumbup:
Hmmmm, it's very low to say you are more fertile than others in a forum post where some women have been TTC for a while.....It's very insensitive and I know why some of the women here took offense to it. It's not about being more's about medical facts. You asked for advice and got it and to come back with that comment is very immature :nope:
Some women are just more fertile than others :)



You can only get pregnant during your fertile window, which is *up to* 8 days. I will explain why in a minute... Anyway, depending on your own body and how long your cycle is, and how long your luteal phase (days between your ovulation day and the day before your next period) is.

Your follicular phase, or the days starting with the first day of your period to the day of ovulation, can change quite a bit and that is why it is hard to predict sometimes. However, some women have very regular cycles that only change by a day or two either way and it is easier for them, if you are lucky enough to have a very regular cycle, good for you.

Back to the fertile window... Sperm can live for up to 7 days and then the egg can live up to 24 hours giving you a potential 8 day fertile window. However, this isn't "average" at all, but it is fact and good to know. The average life span of sperm is around 3 days, meaning once inside your body they can stick around for a while before they die. If you have sex 3 days before you ovulate, it is possible for the sperm to live long enough for the egg to come down and then fertilize it. The egg usually lives around 12 hours after it has been released before it desinegrates into the uterus and then eventually comes out with the shedding of your uterine walls (your period).

Some people however do get caught at different point in their cycles, I have a friend who got caught the day after her period and that has been proven, but the she does have PCOS.

Nobody is/was having a go but you seem to have developed a bit of a tude, or thats how I have taken it.

Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 mths xx
Kayleigh, do I remember you saying that your partner used to "pull out" to prevent pregnancy? If that is the case then I bet ya that is when you got pregnant; there is sperm there before a man ejaculates! Just because he has pulled out before ejaculating does NOT mean you wouldn't get pregnant; you are living proof of THAT. ;)

Your scan will let you know how far along you are anyway, and I bet it's a week or two more than you thought! lol.
Good luck!
you really couldn't have conceived right before your missed period because of the luteal phase... the egg drops way before that... unless you have a really short period. But honestly- don't tell everyone not to count because you're one person- and for all us normal folk, we have to count. It's just that simple. glad you got your bfp- but really, i'm still convinced you did the math wrong.

Not trying to start anything- but you also can't give people advice like that, because, it's just not right. These women know what they're doing.

nope my period is usually 4-5 days long. && I concieved 2 days before my period was supposed to come. So yes I did concieve right before my missed period. And I dont know what you mean by "normal" because im "Normal". Ive had my period every single month at around the same time. Never have I ever missed a period because of stress. The math wasnt wrong. The last MP I had was on October 7th and ended on October 12th.... Count around 30 days after that and it was around November 6th I was supposed to get my period, and I have a friend that also concieved right before her period. Obviously you werent listening because I said that you are MOST fertile on ovualtion days but its not impossible to concieve at other times after your period. So Im not mis-informing anyone.. I think maybe you should do a little bit of research and find out if it is possible to get pregnant right before your period, BECAUSE IT IS!!!!! Im proof of that. I know when Im supposed to get my period lady. I keep track on the calender.:growlmad::grr:

sweetheart you seem to be a bit of a grump- i wasn't trying to say you weren't normal but ok- everyone else has to pay attention to their cycles because MOST women don't have a 28 day cycle and have to pay attention to their fertile window. You need to seriously calm down- and never tell a lady you are more fertile than her- just because you got lucky this cycle. That's a pretty nasty thing to say.

I still wish you a happy and healthy 9 months, but other than that, i think you need to watch what you say- you're not making friends. You're coming off really nasty.
Hmmmm, it's very low to say you are more fertile than others in a forum post where some women have been TTC for a while.....It's very insensitive and I know why some of the women here took offense to it. It's not about being more's about medical facts. You asked for advice and got it and to come back with that comment is very immature :nope:

OK first of all when I said that I wasnt referring to myself in particular, matter of fact I have has troubles concieving for the past year, so it is not very low for me to say that because I was not bragging or trying to be rude. I know that this forum is for women trying to concieve and are having a hard time with it, so if I offended anyone I am very, very sorry. Those were not my intentions. I am in the same boat as all of you and Im not even sure if I will be able to carry through with this pregnancy because of complications in my past. So when I said that, I wasnt speaking for myself. Sorry again everyone :shy:
Hmmmm, it's very low to say you are more fertile than others in a forum post where some women have been TTC for a while.....It's very insensitive and I know why some of the women here took offense to it. It's not about being more's about medical facts. You asked for advice and got it and to come back with that comment is very immature :nope:

OK first of all when I said that I wasnt referring to myself in particular, matter of fact I have has troubles concieving for the past year, so it is not very low for me to say that because I was not bragging or trying to be rude. I know that this forum is for women trying to concieve and are having a hard time with it, so if I offended anyone I am very, very sorry. Those were not my intentions. I am in the same boat as all of you and Im not even sure if I will be able to carry through with this pregnancy because of complications in my past. So when I said that, I wasnt speaking for myself. Sorry again everyone :shy:

Yet, that is the way it came off. I'm glad you apologized though.
Hmmmm, it's very low to say you are more fertile than others in a forum post where some women have been TTC for a while.....It's very insensitive and I know why some of the women here took offense to it. It's not about being more's about medical facts. You asked for advice and got it and to come back with that comment is very immature :nope:

OK first of all when I said that I wasnt referring to myself in particular, matter of fact I have has troubles concieving for the past year, so it is not very low for me to say that because I was not bragging or trying to be rude. I know that this forum is for women trying to concieve and are having a hard time with it, so if I offended anyone I am very, very sorry. Those were not my intentions. I am in the same boat as all of you and Im not even sure if I will be able to carry through with this pregnancy because of complications in my past. So when I said that, I wasnt speaking for myself. Sorry again everyone :shy:

Yet, that is the way it came off. I'm glad you apologized though.

Well I am sorry again to EVERYONE!!!!! Its kind of hard to express feelings over messages, and I re read my post and it was very rude sounding. But I didnt mean myself in particular because I have a very low egg count because of problems I had when I was younger so I am NOT more fertile than any other women. I am probably less fertile actually, but I was just speaking about other women in general who are very lucky to be able to concieve on the first few tries. I dont want to make any enemies on here because this is a place where I can vent out to people, and not feel embarrassed. So my apologies to anyone who may have took my post the wrong way and thought I was trying to be rude or snobby... & I am not immature. I am actually very mature for my age group. So if I came off that way I also apologize. Everyones feed back means a lot to me. & everyone that replies to my posts on here are very appreciated. Thanks, Kayleigh :cry:
Evening Everyone :flower:

Hope everyone is hanging in there and :dust: to everyone!! Ovulation is creeping up on me so I will be doing alot of :sex: in the next few days x just hoping and praying for a Xmas Miracle! :happydance:

Bless you CoCo Really there are times when I just feel im the only one in the world going through this rollercoaster, This site is like an extended Family :hugs: Love hearing success stories gives me Hope :thumbup:

Also CoCo I kept telling myself I will give myself a break from TTC but the guilt and the urge of letting a Month slip by gets the better of me, and I start using my OPK and trying to get as much :sex: in as I can, I keep telling myself this might be my Month and do everything I can to get the :bfp:

My Doctor says she does'nt want to move forward till after 15-18th Month of trying Hopefully I will be pregnant By January if not I think thats when we have to ask for a little help, I dont like when she uses the word 'unexplained' 'everything is looking good, give it more time it will happen' but its been well over 1 year of doing everything I can do, and im physically and mentally exhausted, TTC has squeezed the life out of me :nope:...

Friends and family have got pregnant given birth and im still trying so so hard to get even a close :bfp: (No1 knows that I have been trying so its a huge secret that im carrying with DH, My goodness if I told people i was trying 15Months ago that would have been so so tough :wacko:)

I guess its the waiting game xx What does your Dr say Dear? or Have u not yet spoken about it?

I really wish you all the best Hun lets hope 2011 is ours :dust:

Good luck to us all!! x :kiss:
AF is due today.... I had slightly tender boobs yesterday, but that's neither here-nor-there as I can get incredibly sore some months, and not even a twinge other months; and still have AF turn up regardless. Ugh. waiting waiting waiting.

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