TTC #1 Dream Believers (Who's TTC #1?)

UGH, not helping my miserable mood right now is the fact I have one friend in labour as I type. One firend 4 days overdue. Another firend with a 10 day old baby, AND found out last night that another friend is 4-5 months pregnant and she had no idea. UGH UGH UGH.

Well I'm on CD1 ladies, had a bit of a PMA slip this AM but it's all good this evening I back up to speed and on to next Cycle :hugs:
:hugs: flying & lintu.

BUT glad that you guys are moving forward so you can have that bfp!!!!
Good Morning Ladies :flower:

Sorry she got you lintu, Love and hugs for the next cycle :hugs:

Last night I had a little melt down :cry: I was as happy as anything than out of the blue was crying hysterically my DH was confused and realised this isnt healthy for me anymore..

I was sat on my lap top and I think by March (19th Month of Trying) I will be very serious about IUI, Did a little research after my dinner, its only 15% under 35 chance and it can take up to 4-6 tries.. and I was casually reading out load so my DH gets the Hint :winkwink:
His Reaction was "Woah doesnt even work 1st time!' I said in a relaxed tone 'We can keep doing IUI till it works for us' it isnt as invasive as IVF, Than he replied 'This whole procedure is going to stress me out to the max!' Thats when I just burst into tears :cry: I will be doing EVERYTHING he doesnt even need to be with me just give me a pot full of his :spermy:

Hes just so so relaxed and if I was Man I would so everything and anything to help my partner. I feel I have so much knowledge on TTC I think all he knows his ovulation is when an egg drops! :shrug:

Sorry for being down but im just trembling from the inside even though i just ovulated why does my heart tell me its another No :nope: I want this so so so so so so much!! I cant keep going like this.. I just feel im not doing enough, :shrug:

Better get myself ready I should be ok Later xx :dust:
Oh nayla :hugs: I had a lil meltdown yest and it almost makes me worse cos Chris doesn't appear upset every mth :shrug:

We had a chat and that's when I realised he was a gutted as me but was trying to put on a brave face for me, I made it all about me. They just dont get that it's extra hard for us cos of all the hormones making us crazy!! Then I thought I dont want you breaking down every mth cos I couldn't cope with that too, poor things just can't win!

Good job we've got the ladies on BNB xxxxx
Aww Nayla, I can only imagine the heart ache you're going through, here I am worrying about it all with only round three starting, and you are still going after so long.... :hugs:
Good Morning Ladies :flower:

Sorry she got you lintu, Love and hugs for the next cycle :hugs:

Last night I had a little melt down :cry: I was as happy as anything than out of the blue was crying hysterically my DH was confused and realised this isnt healthy for me anymore..

I was sat on my lap top and I think by March (19th Month of Trying) I will be very serious about IUI, Did a little research after my dinner, its only 15% under 35 chance and it can take up to 4-6 tries.. and I was casually reading out load so my DH gets the Hint :winkwink:
His Reaction was "Woah doesnt even work 1st time!' I said in a relaxed tone 'We can keep doing IUI till it works for us' it isnt as invasive as IVF, Than he replied 'This whole procedure is going to stress me out to the max!' Thats when I just burst into tears :cry: I will be doing EVERYTHING he doesnt even need to be with me just give me a pot full of his :spermy:

Hes just so so relaxed and if I was Man I would so everything and anything to help my partner. I feel I have so much knowledge on TTC I think all he knows his ovulation is when an egg drops! :shrug:

Sorry for being down but im just trembling from the inside even though i just ovulated why does my heart tell me its another No :nope: I want this so so so so so so much!! I cant keep going like this.. I just feel im not doing enough, :shrug:

Better get myself ready I should be ok Later xx :dust:

oh nayla hun so sorry that you're feeling down

just know that we are all here for you if you need us

hope you feel better soon our thoughts are with you xx
nayla i'm so sorry love, :hugs: i know lots of success stories with iui. And it's a great thing. If he really wants it, he'll harvest his :spermy: for you.
Nayla just wanted to express how sorry I am you have to go through such a hard time and your OH isn't trying to make it any easier. I never quite understand why us women are the one's who have to do EVERYTHING while when they are asked to do one thing they have a fit, it doesn't make sense.:hugs:

Just thought I'd drop by and see how everyone is doing though, praying for those of you who haven't gotten that :bfp: to see it really soon and sending lots of :hugs: out to you all as well. :)

As for me I'm 5 DPO now, started taking soy this cycle and it moved my OV date to 2 days sooner so I'm hoping that adds 2 days to my LP. I was afraid that since I already OV on my own the soy would mess up my cycle but it didn't so here's hoping it helps me get PG real soon!
Good luck Angelgirl86! my fingers are crossed for you too!!! :)

My mood has been better today. I'm feeling very clucky though cos my friend had her lil girl yesterday and she has the thickest mop of hair and is just adorable.... dammit. She was an 'accident' too though, which hasn't helped! lol

I've been swinging from wanting pregnant right here right now [lol] to thinking that well, I'm young so it WILL be ok if it takes a while. So for now I'm just going to carry on. I'll start planning for my exam next year, I'm not feeling confident about it so may well fail and have to re-sit it in 2012 *anyway* so I figure I can just carry on for now, and if I DO get preggers at a time that makes sitting my exam difficult, then I'll postpone the exam and have bubs; yay! If I don't get preggers, then I'll sit my exam and go from there; yay! lol. Not sure why I was so worried about it before. Stupid hormones.

AF is all but a little bit of colour when I wipe now, so another 24 hours and she'll be gone again. CD5 tomorrow, will be able to start having some fun again soon. ;)
Nayla, I am sorry that this is taking so long for you and that it is taking it's toll on you. GL on IUI!

Big hugs to all the TTCers. :hugs:
Thank you All for your very very Kind words :hug:

I usually try and show the world that I am a tough cookie, but sometimes trying to get on that stage and pretend that life is full of glitter and fluff gets rather hards some times! But hey the show must go on I guess :thumbup:

TTC has taught me that There are some very insensitive people in this world. After work I popped into to say hi to a friend, Her Mother was in and shes very known to be outspoken :wacko: I was having a :coffee: happily chatting to my friend about work and she isnt really missing much (shes on maternity leave).. Out of the blue her mother says:

'Wheres your baby its about time.. You got married 2 years before her' I was :wacko: Thinking my friend would have said something in my defence she added her bit ' You told me 2010 was going to be your year and now its almost finished, trust me dont worry about having a :baby: once it is in your arms you will regret not starting earlier, were all nervous about having a baby but trust me its the best thing ever!'
(Last year I was the fool that said next year i will have a baby, me being stupid in 2009 thought easily by 2010 i would fall pregnant and have a baby by now :nope:) I said God willing soon just been busy with work and the new house etc ect :blush:

Even though shes a good friend of mine i have NOT told her about this personal and painful journey that I have been going through. Ironically she got pregnant when she forgot to take the pill! and had a baby 8 Months after her wedding, I remember her telling me i thought getting pregnant would have been a little tougher, was very easy indeed despite the 40 cigs she spokes a day!, even when she was pregnant I remember her smoking, she told me Only 5 a day, deep down I knew it was more and it really made my blood boil. Having a little life growing in you and instead of treating your body like a temple she was adding toxins :growlmad: (Thats a whole other story)

Last night my DH Cooked me dinner and apologised For upsetting me. I told him its nothing to be sorry about. I just had a moment where it all got too much for me. I explained to him:

'Im so tired of pretending that im happy and unbeat when :witch: gets me, the fact that im walking on egg shells around you during Ovulation as i really want to do alot of :sex: without making it obvious, Sneaking into the bathroom and filling myself with Pre-Seed without you knowing, secretly buying books and OPK, again trying not to show you:nope: Trying not to breath or utter the word TTC as you throw a fit.. Trying to show Im happy when at least a few times a Month close friends and family are getting their :bfp: Already on baby2 when last year they gave birth, I stressed to him its just getting really really hard, even when i switch on the TV a celebrity is pregnant or theres babies everywhere , Eastenders just one of my fave soaps!

He did listen and he told me, Just leave it in Gods hands when its meant to be it will be.. i promise you by summer you will be pregnant, He lives in La la land sometimes! (he keeps pushing the Months further and further back) :growlmad: that will be 2 years and Say i am not?? he just believes not seeing a doctor just :sex: will do the trick. He told me doing IUI isnt natural and I dont have faith in the lord.. i told him God gave Drs knowledge and science is out there if needed. We are not a loosers or freaks if we ask for a little help? Maybe we just need some1 else to help us a little

:cry: Were are not spring chickens either :nope: he turns 30 soon, and i will be turning 29, God forbid if its anything serious we still have time for treatment etc etc.. yet his relaxed attitude 'look at Mariah Carey and Celine Dion' :wacko: ok there are in their 40s they had IVF and they have money that we can never dream off!

It took His brother 14 years to have their babies, Worries me to the pits of my stomach, when ever i bring up his brother he gets very angry and tells me not to compare them. His elder brother had measles or mumps as a child thats what my SIL told me and it had a huge effect on his :spermy: When she tells me the story it makes me cry. She told me he was living in denial for 14 years, never got checked up, I told her wow 14 years!! Cutting a longggg story short in the end they had IVF and now have 2 beautiful babies (its so so sad he waited so long he could have been a father much earlier on yet as a Man he felt it will happen naturally)

Sometimes I feel stubborness runs through the family, I thank the lord my DH didnt have and childhood illness, and his other Brother has 4 Children so definitely i Feel that was an individual case. I dont know anymore :shrug: It panics me a little.

Thank you again for just listening to me This is my only place i can talk to without feeling im being judged..

:dust: To all us ladies TTC and :dust: to all you pregnant beauties xx

Brrrrr im typing away with frost bites so cold :cold::cold: enjoy your day x
Good Morning Ladies :flower:

Sorry she got you lintu, Love and hugs for the next cycle :hugs:

Last night I had a little melt down :cry: I was as happy as anything than out of the blue was crying hysterically my DH was confused and realised this isnt healthy for me anymore..

I was sat on my lap top and I think by March (19th Month of Trying) I will be very serious about IUI, Did a little research after my dinner, its only 15% under 35 chance and it can take up to 4-6 tries.. and I was casually reading out load so my DH gets the Hint :winkwink:
His Reaction was "Woah doesnt even work 1st time!' I said in a relaxed tone 'We can keep doing IUI till it works for us' it isnt as invasive as IVF, Than he replied 'This whole procedure is going to stress me out to the max!' Thats when I just burst into tears :cry: I will be doing EVERYTHING he doesnt even need to be with me just give me a pot full of his :spermy:

Hes just so so relaxed and if I was Man I would so everything and anything to help my partner. I feel I have so much knowledge on TTC I think all he knows his ovulation is when an egg drops! :shrug:

Sorry for being down but im just trembling from the inside even though i just ovulated why does my heart tell me its another No :nope: I want this so so so so so so much!! I cant keep going like this.. I just feel im not doing enough, :shrug:

Better get myself ready I should be ok Later xx :dust:

Aww Nayla I know what you mean, men have got it so easy! It is a disheartening journey but you have stayed strong and everyone on here is so inspirational they way you all keep picking yourself, and eachother, back up. It will happen for all of us :hugs:
Nayla, I feel like I want to show my b/f your post because it applies to me perfectly too!
Thanks goodness we have eachother or we would go crazy. BnB has been a life saver!!
Some people really don't think do they! Maybe you should tell your friend? My friend got pregnant after 2 months trying, smoked the entire way through the pregnancy and was basically having a mini cyber affair before she was pregnant and after!! And she never asks how I am, doesn't know the latest about my apps or where I'm at because I have to explain to so many people that if she doesn't care enough to ask I can't be bothered to tell her!
Wow Nayla, sooo much emotion there, I'm feelign all emotional too and I can only *imagine* your feelings... I too am entierly grateful for BnB here, I love that we can come on here and share, cos despite our love for our DHs, they just don't get the hormones and emotions we seem to experience going through this process!!!

DH made a stupid comment the other day that got me down a bit too; there was an ad on the tv for a bank talking about loans for something like IVF, DH scoffed and said 'maybe in 10 years we'd look at that!' to which I replied that if we've had no success I'd hope we sought help like that a whole lot sooner than 10 years!! He then said 'yeah but heaps of couples go for years and years and years before they have kids' UGH! I told him that if we're actively trying for more than a year or so then I would want to get checked out. He didn't really reply to that so I dunno what he's thinking now. He IS very ill with a chest infection & fever now too which probably isn't helping!

One day at a time I suppose... I'm sorry Nayla that it's all so crappy right now. It freaks me out that it could take so long, and I'm hoping SOOOO MUCH for you that it *just happens* this time! I can only imagine how much YOU are hoping!! :hugs: Ohhh, I hope we ALL get our BFP this time, it would be amazing to go through this TTC journey together, and then be able to do the whole pregnancy journey together tooo.....
:hugs: flying & lintu.

BUT glad that you guys are moving forward so you can have that bfp!!!!

Hey girl!!

I know it's been awhile for me to be on here! :haha:

But I want to give you a MASSIVE MASSIVE CONGRATS girl!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

Soo happy for you after all these times you were having trouble with your cycles!!!

Good luck down the 9 month road girl!!
Oh man, I feel like I did when I first got my period over a decade ago!

We went from NTNP to TTC (with only preseed/timely BD). All periods were like clockwork! Then, my last period was over a week late, and heavy, crampy, the works. I had even POAS and a big negative. This month, I figured I would have a regular period ~28 days after my last one began. I have never had late periods before. Well, a few days ago (over a week earlier than I guessed AF would come) but the time that a 'normal' period would have started, had the last one not been late... Sorry if it's confusing!.... I started cramping and feeling like AF is coming. I have been keeping an eye on things and even wearing panty liners because I feel like it's coming any minute. Here I am, days later and NOTHING. But, I am not quite at my "estimated AF arrival," which would be 28 days after my last one began.

OMG I even sound like a mess.

Anyway, when is this period coming?! What happens after a late period (without pregnancy of course)? It's more stressful now that DH and I decided to continue TTC, I am sure I mentioned before we were going to take a break for a summer baby, but we are ready now! I get my hopes up and then get a clearly negative test. :(
Sorry it has been so long girls. My TTC life has been a bloody roller coaster this past couple months I tell ya.
I am currently in limbo. Waiting on AF or a BFP because I just went to the doc's and although my period is a week late she said it could take a couple more weeks to show up (af or a bfp) so i'm just waiting. Doc's appt on the 14th.
My progesterone levels are going up and I definitely ovulated this cycle so that is good, but this waiting business is for the dogs I tell ya.
I am ever hopeful though. God is gonna bless me with a baby soon...I just know it.
Sucky part is I have every textbook preggo symptom and all BFN's so far. I mean things I have NEVER dealt with before. Sore nipples, extreme bloating, nauseousness/dry heaving in the mornings, etc.
Never been in this boat before, so we'll see.....Fx'd and sending up prayers daily.

Love and Babydust to you all.

Hope you are doing well Rusty!!!
I've not been here for a while but wanted to let you girls know I got my :bfp: today :D

Or rather, 3 of them :haha:

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