ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

Ok as long as it doesn't effect baby :) Do you have done when you see the midwife at 28 weeks? I'm seeing mine next week for the first time.

how comes some women are a lot bigger ? My neighbour is around 4 months and she has the same bump as me. How long did it take you to go back to your normal size ?

Did you have your piercing for long ? I'm thinking to take it out and just put the bar through once a week or something or get a plastic bar.
I think it really depends on the babies gender, water & placenta, also if your Uterus is in the middle or tilted forward you probs would show sooner maybe, it really depends, im more bigger this time around but not massively bigger, i still get the comment 'oh your tiny arent you' hate that lol!!

The Whooping cough vaccine which is also your Tetanus & Meningitis Booster acc to the Nurse this morning.. my arm aches a bit but other than that all ok :thumbup:

The vaccine used to be from 26-28 wks plus but now they can administer from 20wks onwards, your Midwife may advise on it, if she doesnt you can always ask about it but its usually a Nurse at a local clinic or surgery that does it, not the Midwife.

My tummy went flat out straight away & toned in a lil bit more after a couple of week, odd couple of very faint white stretch marks but thats it, i was very lucky with Riley, being your first bubs you may be just as lucky :)

My belly button hole closed up really quickly & it hurt trying to repierce it through so i left it out, i took my Plastic bar out for the csection & then put it back in the next day ha ha!

ahh bet you cant wait for the Midwife apt, she want a Urine sample aswell so try not to pee before hand ha ha!! They do they heartbeat at evey appointment aswell..

Oh i dbl checked with Nurse re my blood results & she went in & explained them for me, i basically have the Immunity from old antibodies of when i had slapped cheek as a child, relief :)
You get all sorts of people commenting on your body when pregnant. I know I will be putting pressure on myself to get back in shape after he is born. I know I shouldn't.
You are lucky that you got back to your old self straight away.
I think it depends on the person. Do you feel different with this pregnancy? They say women carry boys and girls differently.

Do I organise the whooping cough at my gp or does the midwife normally book it ? I'm normally peeing myself by the time I have to give a sample and then have to keep going toilet because I have drank so much haha

Ahh so relieved for you! Knew you would be all good.
I used to think that with Riley but honestly after you've had the baby, everything goes out the window Lol & suprisingly, just eating better with lotsa fruit & veg makes a diff aswell, your very slender i can see from the pic you sebt so i dont think you'll have any issues shifting excess weight even if you dont put on that much, you'll be fine hun :)

You usually book the vaccine yourself at a your Drs surgery, is your Midwife apt at your newly registered surgery? X
Did you eat well when you were pregnant with Riley. I feel bad when I eat chocolate and sweets thinking to myself "God the baby is going to be addicted to sugar" or "I'm going to be diabetic."

It's confusing the hospital has community midwives which are not at my surgery and the surgery that I was at didn't have any midwives. So I registered at the surgery where the community midwives are at which is like a 2 min walk from my house so worked out better but it takes 2 weeks for the registration to go through. I have an app with a midwife at the hospital next week and then once registration goes through I will be able to see a midwife at the surgery on my next app I think that will be at 31 weeks. I feel like the system is terrible as a first time mum. I better make an app for the whooping cough once I'm registered. I saw the doctor at my 25week app and she didn't even mention it.

I've just got back from Asda to get cookie cereal. So random haha
27 wks ahh, your a Swede today ;)

Thats actually bad that your Surgery doesnt have the Midwives going there? As soon as you tell them your pg they should be booking you in to be seen! At least you are being seen from next week though, apts now for are every 3 wks & then 2 wks from week 34 i think i remember the Midwife saying the other week :)

I was concerned about the Diabetes thing aswell as i am eating more sweet things than what i did with Riley but she said the main thing really with Gestational Diabetes is a really big baby & you look huge on the bump with it - which you def arent hun! & said unless im gauging/pigging out on lotsa chocolate sweety stuff ALL the time like a secret binge eater lol then ye fine! Im sure your all good :thumbup:

Tbh, with Riley i never had much of a sweet tooth & i ate so well but this time im still eating well but alot of its out the window ha ha chocolate in fridge mmm, odd ice cream & omg those Millionaire choccy caramel biscuits from Asda YUM!

Drs wouldnt really mention anything about pg vaccinations as its not their 'specialty' as such! My Drs are very wishy washy sometimes & you have to probe them for tests or more specific advice, annoying really as they are the Dr! I like Dr Google Lol
I know nearly in the 3rd trimester! Yay This may sound strange but I'm really looking forward to labour day.

I know- i will be registered at new surgery next week so will have my appointments there from then onwards. It's good that they have all the weeks that you need to see midwife in pregnancy notes. Tbh when I was in America I saw a midwife every 3/4 weeks and had lots of scans so didn't really effect me. Would be stuck if I was in the uk. They need to give more assistance to first time mums.

Thanks Clairybell that's def reassured me. I don't binge just the occasional haribo/ chocolates. Yummy choco biscuits!

Did you book your whooping cough vac at the surgery? Or through midwife ?

Fiancée has booked a massage for both of us today! Can't wait
Haaaribo mmmmmm i LOVE those!!

Oooh enjoy the massage, how lovely being pampered hehe :hugs:

Yes i booked it myself with the receptionist, only took a sec to get the vaccination, my arm really hurts today though, i feel like ive been punched & i cant lift my arm up high Lol my body in the wars
Ok I'm going to book mine next week. Is there a cut off for how many weeks you have to be ?

Thanks, massage was lovely.

Did you have a good day ? How's bump growing ? Have you got a pic.
No not at all, anytime over 20 wks & its only so the immunity can be passed onto new bubs, its recommended but not set in stone, i think benefits outweigh the cons :)

Bump is right under my ribcage now uhh its getting a struggle to drive now.. Hope the next couple months go quickly lol! Yes, i took a bumpy progress pic, il post it in a minute ;)

Not long back from pub with my friend having a girly catch up, was nice to be out & social & see what else is going on in the world apart from babies ha ha
And heres the 28 wk bump.. Slightly bigger than the 24wk one but not massively.. Shes all just around the front uhh

The front of the belly bit looks flat straight/square almost lol! Probs her back perhaps? :shrug:
Ahhh lovely picture. Plus I love your tattoo! I got told today that I just look like I've had too many mcds and then I'm so small for 6 months! I'm learning to ignore all comments haha and just be like yeh I'm just fat! Baby boy is not impressed haha

Oh yes I feel like that- I feel like the only normal convos I have is with my fiancé and my family. Everyone else is like baby baby baby but I think that's because they are super excited. I went out the other day with my friend and half of the time her hand was on my bump.
Morning :wave:

Yes Rileys all fine now if it was def slapped cheek, he was being very cheeky & testing my patience yesterday afternoon & i was so thankfull he passed out early in the evening when i was getting ready to go out lol! Just hyper he was i think & i was had a moment of 'oh god im pregnant with another' :haha:

Haha ah bless your friend, some people dont mind lotsa baby chat as its nice to be involved, i really could chew peoples ears off about babies & ttc & then i lose them when i start saying about temp taking.. They have this glazed look on their face Lol! But my friend has told me that her & her bloke are ready to ttc after her house is sold, she has a viewing today, fx it goes well, im very excited for her hehe! I can pass on my ttc ovulation wisdom Lol

Omg!! Someone said you look like you've eaten too many McD's ... PAHAHAAAA bloody cheek of it!!! You could very well have a tilted Uterus same as me, thats why i never showed a great deal until the last 8-10 wks, the baby starts growing loads from week 26+ so i bet your bump will just blossom suddenly :) only reason i know i have tilted uterus was because it was on my discharge papers from hospital when i had my Extopic surgery 3 yrs ago! Jeez, 3yrs ago.. Thats gone fast!!
Ahh I love when they are cheeky. Although I'm not a mummy yet so it will be so different to giving them back. My nephews have really cheeky moments and I have to bite my lip.

Yeah I don't mind but sometimes I'm like am I just going to be mum from now on. Haha pass on your wisdom ohh fx crossed to her she can join us on here.

Oh really how does a tilted uterus effect you ? Oh so sorry to hear about eptopic pregnancy. Was that just after Riley ? My bump has started to really come out and look like a bump but obviously just fat to others! I'm really feeling it when I go for a walk. Gets really tight.
You are 29 weeks! Eeeekk nearly there. If you have a csection, how many weeks will you be or will you go full term?
csection will be just into the 39th week so kind of is the 10 wk countdown eeek!!

Lol i used to do that with my sisters & id think my god how do you do it.. I just breeeeathe hahaa!! It just comes naturally as you know they dont understand :)

My belly gets tight from walking aswell or any type of gentle activity, mine does it when im sat down aswell & the belly looks a funny shape haha!

Ah i bet you love it now bumps popping out more, do you wear any bump hugging tops? Im always wearing them i love it hehe!

Ah bless you.. Yes, Riley was just a little of a year old in 2013 when i fell pregnant again but i never felt pg & started having pain & weird spotting from 5+5 & i knew something wasnt right, i kept bugging my Drs to get me a scan & do bloods but they were s**t, nearly 2-3 wks passed before i lost my nut with the Dr & demanded bloods & a scan & levels were really low.. the mass was huge & i had blood in my tube & it wouldve ruptured, just annoyed my that my tube poss couldve been saved had i of been seen sooner but i had no obvious 'ectopic' symptoms, no right sided pain etc.. But hey ho!

Tilted Uterus doesnt affect me at all & i never even knew i had it but i put the lack of non showing hugely when pg down to that ha ha!

Its been lovely & warm today, my bump & forehead got a lil pinky.. Oops!!

What days your midwife apt next wk?
So excited for you the countdown starts now! Will be joining you it goes faster when there's more than one of you haha

Yeah I hope it comes naturally. I'm nervous in a way. So much responsible for a little person and to bring them up to be a decent person. How are you feeling having another baby ? Does Riley fully understand

Ok so that tightness when walking and every now and then is normal. Yes I have started to this week as I'm actually starting to look pregnant and not fat haha my oh said the other day I was wearing a tight dress you love showing it off now, and I do it seems weird that I have a bump but it is such a proud moment.

That is so awful, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Was the pregnancy planned ? I have read some stories like yours. Doctors are just so dismissal. You really have to push it scares me.

Was it warm your end? The sun was out but not warm at all. I hope it is nice weather tomorrow. My midwife app is on Thursday and then blood test is on Friday. When r u next being seen ?
they say you catch the rays more when you are expecting
Mornin ;)

Yes they do, ive gone a nice golden colour at last :) Its the hormone change in the skin, i remember going a lovely tan colour with Riley :) It was breezey in the morning but later afternoon the breeze dropped & the sun was lovely in the garden, a lil dun trap, bliss hehe!

Aww i bet your hubby loves the growing bump, SO said pg ladies are beautiful :) H&M have some cute maternity stuff, im living in their long vest tops at the monent, very bumpy hugging! I be buying some more bits soon as i cant keep wearing my normal tops with vest tops :-/

Im more excited about this baby coming its weird, i think because i itching to see how much she looks like Riley, Rileys excited he loves babys hes very sensitive & gentle around them :hugs:

Thankyou, thats ok.. It was hard at the time & for a good 18months after it happened & just didnt want another baby, it really threw me off & i was distraught but i came around .. No, it wasnt a planned pregnancy, i was on the Pill :shock: i hadnt missed any but me & SO were abit up & down in the relationship so my body clock was thrown out abit with routine but thats never affected my pill before so i think it was just a random thing.. But i had a feeling i was as i had weird cm & thought nothing of it & then in my 7day break i had 2 days of browny cm & then nothing, Period never arrived.. :-/ SO wasnt happy but then we sorted stuff out but mother nature clearly had diff plans!

Im still in bed, lay in is lovely hahaa i may aswell make the most of this :haha:

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