ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

Ahh good job it's turned into a tan.

I went into h&m maternity section the other week and they had hardly anything. Long vest tops work really well when pregnant and they are comfy too.

Ahh does Riley take after you or your oh ? Will she be your last or will you go onto have another one ?

Clairybell maybe time was not right and it happened for a reason. It's so hard to deal with but I bet it has made you two stronger.

Your probs up now. I'm in bed drinking a coffee. I better get up, it's my niece's 1st birthday today so need to start getting ready!
Ah hope your niece had a lovely 1st Birthday :) was it a party or mainly a family gathering?

Thats a looooong lay in you had haha lucky thing!

Yes me & SO are loads stronger & better now, i like to think it wasnt meant to be aswell purely as the relationship wasnt that great :hugs:

Rileys a good mixture of both tbh but id say more so like his Dad, Riley looks alot like me & is very sensitive but hes very stressy & throws a wobbly over the slightest thing & gets really stroppy - this is SO lol! We've not 100% ruled out not having anymore but i dont think SO is that kean.. If we did, it wouldnt be for a few yrs yet anyway, how about you?
It's was a party, she didn't really really know what was going on bless her. Cant believe how quickly a year has gone!

Ahh nice that he has a good mixture. It's best to talk about when the time is right. Yes def more, oh wants 6! But I don't think so hahah I would like 3 but we will see how it goes :)
6 ... Christ!!! Hahaa!!!

I can see if we did decide on another, our luck being a multiple birth Lol!

My sister has 4, my 2 of each, 14 (nearly) 11, 10 & a nearly 2yr old :) i really dont know how she does it, at one point she had 3 kiddies under 4yrs old lol patience if a saint i think :haha:
i don't know why he has got 6 in his head haha.

Oh how lovely, big age gap between 10 yr old and 2 year old. I bet she is happy that you are having another one. Was your family surprised when you told them ?

My brother has 3 boys and a girl, 6 next month, 4 next week, 3 at the end of August and baby girl has just turned 1 yesterday. It is crazy at times. I can't wait to see what they will be like with the baby. It will be their first cousin.
I had read that when you give birth you are offered vitamin K for baby.

Did Riley have it? How do they give it ?
Yeah i know, i think after the third baby they thought thats enough but baby no2 & 3 werent planned & it was hectic i guess, they got married 4 yrs ago & then my sistee just felt she wasnt quite done with having babies yet ha ha! Hes a lovely lil dude, so cheeky, Riley adores him ;)

Ah so your brother knows what all is involved, i hes excited for a nephew now, cousin cuddles aswell, i bet they cant wait :)

Yeah my sisters are very excited, everyone new we were trying so it was a case of telling them once pg, SO is getting more excited for a baby girl aswell now, hes already booked his next Tattoo session in September lol Men!

Bizarre you should mention the Vit K as i was only reading a section about this yesterday in my baby book, you can give it to baby in crushed tablet form in their milk/water until the tabs have been administered as such or they give baby an injection couple hrs after they're born, Riley had the jab as its instant, but you can also get your own supply going to store in your body to pass to bubs, its in lotsa green leafy veges apparently, i eat loads of spinach so i guess ive got an ok store going.. It help with the blood clotting, my blood clotting platelets always seem to be low & drop throughout pregnancy so i want yo give my bod a boast of it, they were low with Riley & with this one aswell..
Is she having any more ? Does Riley have a lot of cousins ?

So I guess they will just offer it after he is born or will advice me otherwise. Is 28weeks, 7 months. I'm so confused how it works some people count month by month so count by the weeks so 28weeks would be 7 months
Baby has really slowed down with his kicks in the last 2 days, should I be worried ? I have checked heart beat on Doppler and everything sounds fine.
He is usually more active than normal
My goodness you were up late Iak zzzZ!

Nooo my older sister wont be having anymore, on her 4th she had her tubes snipped at same time as csection..

Wow, yes Riley has lots of cousins, 4 from my sister & 3 from SO's brother, majority are girls & he loves it hahaa!!

I think your right, 26/27 wks plus is 7 months, how crazy is that?? Doesnt seem possible bit we're in the same months hehe!

They literally ask & advise about the Vit K after they have been born, i never knew about it beforehand, midwives will advise after you've given birth hun :hugs:

Ah im sure baby boy is fine, hes probs just changed position hun... Can you count 10 movements over a few hours, twitches pokes or anything? If your concerned, the Maternity part of the hospital should have a day centre part for Pg ladies, details will be given to you at your midwife apt this week but you can call the hospital & they will say come in & they'll monitor you for few hrs & you get hiven this button thats linked up with the monitor belt around tummy & each time you feel domething you press the button, i had it with Riley around 32 wks, his movements were very sparce all of a sudden but he just changed position i think, boys like to scare their Mummas Lol
Ahh so no more from her! Haha bless him, lovely that he has lots of cousins to play with. Is he starting school in September ?

I know it's crazy, it's going quick! Still so much to do and sort out. Last night I had some cold milk and some chocolate got baby moving abit. Today he has been moving a lot more. I have midwife app on Thursday so will ask her. I have had abit of a sicky day today, headache and felt nauseous. Haven't felt like this for a while. Sucking on some lemon atm lol.

Yes I bet they do, they worry you before they are here and when they are here it must get worst. How was your day today ? You must have your midwife app coming up too
When I was booked when I found I was pregnant they gave me the numbers in the book. Do you count the kicks only after 28 weeks or does the 10 kicks count before ?
Well I went to the Dr. this morning for my glucose test. I had to drink the orange drink and I chugged it. It wasn't that bad. I will find out the results in a day or so. I hope I passed this 1st one. The Dr. told me I have a low-lying placenta but nothing to be alarmed about. I have to go back every 3 weeks to keep a check on it. Next Friday is my 4D and I can't wait to see my little girl! I haven't had an ultrasound since March 24th. Heartbeat was 148 today. I have an active little girl! :)
Hey Scrobbins! Good to hear from you! What is a low-lying placenta ?

How exciting about your 4d scan! I bet you are relieved you have got the glucose test out the way. I have mine on Friday, not looking forward to being there for two hours...
Hey Srobbins! Good to hear from you! What is a low-lying placenta ?

How exciting about your 4d scan! I bet you are relieved you have got the glucose test out the way. I have mine on Friday, not looking forward to being there for two hours...

I just hope I passed the glucose test... lol
I find out the results in a day or so. I will definitely post a pic from the 4D for you ladies! :) I'm so excited!
Yeah he starts school in Seotember, literally 2 months after his 4th birthday, my baby boy is growing up :( makes me sad.. Lol!

Glad baby boy got moving Iak, he was probs having a lazy day.. Boys pfft ha ha! I think actually, the 10 kicks a day count is after 20/25 wks when you can really feel movement, def ask Midwife about it though, no doubt hes fine as hb is good & strong :)

Srobbins hey :wave: awww your gonna love the 4d scan pics :hugs: cant wait to see some pics of the lil beaut you have growing within! Im sure the glucose test will all be fine & the low lying placenta, they only like to keep check to make sure its not coveri g the cervix near the end as it can cause complications & poss csection but if it keeps moving it be all good hun xx
Ahh so he will be 4 just before baby arrives. You will have a busy month :) My nephew starts school in September, they grow up so quickly. They look so small in the little school uniform too.

Yes baby boy is back to moving. I had a mw appointment today. She checked heartbeat everything seemed fine and then she measured me and against my chart in my preg notes I was measuring small so she told me she was going to order a growth scan which worried me. I know the growth scans are not 100% but was still worried. Anyways just my luck they had a cancellation 1 hour later so got scanned and all is well. He is measuring exactly how he should and everything is good :) Was not able to get the full report today as there was something up with the system but they will be sending it out to me. So relieved! I think he just likes being on camera. When I had my last scan they told me he was the most photogenic baby she had seen hahah so I reckon he just wanted some attention, pleased I got to see him on ultrascan again.

How are you today ?
Can't believe next mw app is at 31 weeks! I just know it is going to fly by!!

I completely forgot to discuss whopping cough with my mw today. Do you think I should just book the appointment at my surgery or wait to see mw at 31weeks.
You could always call or text midwife to ask?.. I wouldve thought she'd advise on it tbh but maybe she forgot..

Ahhh next one is 31 wks hehee same as me, mine is next Thursday afternoon :) il be having a blood test to recheck my iron levels again... Uhh more needles!!

Did she say how much smaller you were measuring? Giving thats bubs was a bit quite & now hes back moving, i bet hes laying diff lol, fundal height measurements are straight forward measures of baby typically laying in vertical position so i wouldnt worry too much hun, & like you say he was measuting fine after that cancellation lol, boys def love attention ha ha! Riley measured 2 wks less once & then when i went back 3 wks later i was a week ahead ha ha crazy!!

Yeah am ok thanks, just up the school awaiting to collect the chimp at preschool.. Got all my washing dobe today aswell, check ne out Lol! Did u get any pics of the scan? Still def a boy? Lol
You could always call or text midwife to ask?.. I wouldve thought she'd advise on it tbh but maybe she forgot..

Ahhh next one is 31 wks hehee same as me, mine is next Thursday afternoon :) il be having a blood test to recheck my iron levels again... Uhh more needles!!

Did she say how much smaller you were measuring? Giving thats bubs was a bit quite & now hes back moving, i bet hes laying diff lol, fundal height measurements are straight forward measures of baby typically laying in vertical position so i wouldnt worry too much hun, & like you say he was measuting fine after that cancellation lol, boys def love attention ha ha! Riley measured 2 wks less once & then when i went back 3 wks later i was a week ahead ha ha crazy!!

Yeah am ok thanks, just up the school awaiting to collect the chimp at preschool.. Got all my washing dobe today aswell, check ne out Lol! Did u get any pics of the scan? Still def a boy? Lol

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