ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

This is the crib birds eye view so you can see the space :)
Yes I have been so parnoid about it I have read so much about GD. Fx it is all clear.

Aw that is nice, not many people have that. It's nice that she knows you.

Nope he has a lot clothes already which we have brought and presents. I need to go through it all and see what else he needs but will probs do that in July. Need to get Moses basket too and all the bits to go with that. I need to do a list, thinking about it all makes me stressed. The weeks are flying by. Will be rushing about in July trying to get everything sorted. We have our bedroom to sort out which is another thing. It's a state atm everything is everywhere. Lots of furniture to be moved haha

My mum, sister, best friend are organising a baby shower, I just have to let them know what date I would like it everything else will be a surprise. Oh I guess you will have one around the same time haha

Good job on getting your hands on your friend's cot :) That will save you a lot. You have hubby well trained :)
Aww it's lovely I remember my cousin being in one of these. It's rocks from side to side right ?
Yeah, you can twist the knob at the end & it loosens then it rocks gently or you can have it steady :)

Haha i wish SO was well trained.. The house would be done already lol! We should find out in the next week or so if we won the appeal to get the 'side Dormers' then he will start ripping upstairs through, he just said a minute ago that the majority of upstairs will be before baby arrives so fingers crossed :)

I'l be clearing & nesting through one room at a time, that way its less stressy nearer due date!

Will baby boy be in with you? Will he have his own bedroom to go into aswell? Ours wont but she'll just be in our room until upstairs is finished.. I remember with Riley everything had to be 'just so' & we were painting his bedroom pastel green & had the Cot & mobile all ready :) you will get everything sorted in more than enough time, all of a sudden you'll be like 'omg im due in 6 wks, we need to sort stuff' ha ha!
What's the appeal for ? Oh the nesting stage I have heard so much about this haha

Atm we are living with my parents. We have two bedrooms in the loft but we are the middle of clearing out the second one. Second room will be using as a wardrobe room. OH got a 60 inch tv and is now complaining it's too big for room. So need to move furniture out. Hopefully will get some done tomorrow. The baby will be will us. Fx crossed we will be moving into a little flat in August/September so he will have his own room but will def be with us until I feel comfortable with him being diff room. I got a lovely nursing chair and stool that rocks :)
Since coming back from America everything is everywhere I'm using he spare room which has a bed as the baby's storage. The bed is full of little bits for him. Can't wait to just sort it all out
Oh sorry, we're having extension of our bungalow, making upstairs & outwards so a bigger kitchen etc, extra bedrooms... They declined our side dormers so we appealed against it & fingers crossed we'll get a 'yes' decision very soon :)

Awww i really wanted a nursing rocking chair aswell but never buyed one in the end, i ended up sat up in bed breastfeeding Riley ha ha & then you kind of doze aswell & its warmer :)

I was going to ask if you were going back to the States or staying in the uk.. You guys will get a 2 bed flat no probs, wil you be staying in London?
Sounds lovely, fingers crossed!

I'm looking forward to dozing off in it haha

Nope we were only there for a year. We will be staying in London although once we are settled, we will be thinking about someone else in the future but I do want the baby close to his family. Will have to see :)

I really can't wait for us to get our own place! Driving me abit insane tbh. Everything is everywhere, I don't know if I can live here when baby arrives. My sister is here atm too as she is saving with her bf to buy a place and we had a big argument about her moving her stuff out of the room. Feel so bloody stressed!

How's your Saturday going ? Your 30 weeks and a cucumber how does it feel lol
I remember when we both got our bfp and now look at us, we are in the 3rd trimester!!!! Eeekk getting close!
Ah congrats on your Aubergine hehe officially 28 wks today :thumbup:

Is your sisters stuff on your bedroom at the moment then or the spare room? Try not to get stressed out, maybe your mum could have a quite word with her as you need the space more as baby will be here soon & its a nesting thing, your mum will get that..

Im itching to start the cleaning of each room but i know il end up re-doing it again lol so general cleaning is all im doing at the moment ha ha!

Ttc seems so long ago now, i wonder how Poppets getting on?

Golden, if your still lurking about hope your doing ok :hugs:

Not done anythg today, laaaaaaxy day! Weathers rainy & poop!

Ooh get a nursing to k chair with the lil foot rest piece aswelll.. Ahhh comfort :)
Have you seen the superhero vest tops in Mothercare? Cant remember if i told you i got a Wonderwoman set lol ooober cute! They have boys ones with Star Wars stuff on aswell <3
I know it feels good to be in the 3rd trimester although it feels like yesterday that i was sitting on the toilet starring at the test and thinking omg haha

Yes it's in the spare room. Trying to keep calm but it's hard. She sort of blew up in my face today and then felt really bad. Siblings aye! We hopefully will have our own place in August/September, can't wait to make it our own.

Save your energy and do it when u need to. When do u go on Mat leave ? I know weather was depressing today. We ending going out for a Thai meal
I haven't been in mothercare for a while. Wonderwomen! Ahhhh do you have a picture ?
I know its crazy isnt it?! I was trying to see the faintest of lines on a pink Lloyds chemist test in our Hallway as the lighting is better & then i had a freak out moment lol then calmed down ha ha!!

Yes, il upload the pic along with this girls dress thing from Little Bird jools oliver range :) oober cuteness!!
<3 im going to google the other ones do you can see the star wars ones for boys :)
Check out these babies :)
Omg!!! They are the cutest. I love the little bird outfit!

I will have to go in and have a look! Did you put Riley in a lot of trousers during July-Septmeber ?
Arent they? Hahaa oober cuteness!! <3 you should def have a look instore or online they have offers on :thumbup:

July was mega hot just after Riley was born but i had lots of thin jersey material jogger type bottoms & long sleeve vest tops & Cardigans as it wasnt warm in August / Sept pttf, i was always baffled by how to dress him as didnt want to get him too hot/cold etc.. But my sister said dress him as you dress yourself, if its chilly, long sleeve vest top with a lil tshirt over & things like that, oh mothercare aldo has loadsa dbl lined trousers & jog bottoms for when there 0-3 aswell, i love it in there & their own branded clothes arent over priced :)

Cant wait until baby time again ha ha
Yeah i def will. I wish we could know how much they would weigh it would make life so much easier haha I don't want to get too much newborn or have too little. Some people on here were saying their babies went straight into 0-3 months. I read today that we are going to have a really hot 3 months (June-August) Should be fun for us being heavily pregnant! Need to get some more summer clothes

Are you finding it more fun looking at the girls department?
Ooh are we meant to be having a heatwave type thing then? Man i need some sunshine lol but uhhhh its evil being huge in the heat! Get ya fans purchased ready ha ha

Ah i saw my friend earlier, she said she saw some ooober cute baby stuff in Tesco's earlier.. I know where il be mooching on Tuesday ;)

If i remember rightly, Riley was in 0-3 pretty quickly aswell but boys grow very quick in the first few weeks, not sure if girls are diff but il be getting a couple of 0-3 bits aswell as Newborn :)

Ave weight id say between 7-8lb for boys unless you go overdue .. I always see the tine baby baby-grows that are like 5-6lb <3 soooo cute

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