ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

Good news about the chickenpox. Hopefully by the weekend they will all be scabbed over. So no massage job for OH? Haha you may be so sore by the time you go into labour. Clairybell now you can go and do your shopping!!

I still have hardly anything not even the Moses basket! I know what I need to get, just want to wait after baby shower to make a list and go out and get everything.

Drs should def listen to how the women is feeling, it's a sensitive subject as it and people want to be reassured. When I found out I was pregnant I had cramps which were normal but I wanted to be reassured so I went into a&e and they done blood tests and a vaginal ultrascan. I must of been 6wks then.

The feeling is really uncomfable on the bladder. OH can't believe that I need to pee so much he goes to "but you just went to the toilet" I'm like yeah well I need to go again! The convos we have! A massive debate about me needing to go the toilet.
Aww I love when they jump around, is she moving differently ? I'm finding the kicks are so much stronger but also different movement more than kicks now. They must go crazy when you drink coffee, baby does the same. They must think "ahhhh caffeine!!!"

I weighed myself today and I haven't put any weight on since last week or the week before but my belly has def got bigger... Bit confused. I know in the 3rd trimester you stop producing the fluid you did in the 1st and 2nd trimiester. I feel so much bigger too. Also my boobs are not as pumped as they were during 1/2nd trimiester. Saying that they were leaking the other day. I thought they would get bigger during this stage.
Forgot to ask about your Dentist apt Iak, did you say you had a filling done or need one done? If the filling is upper jaw you may not need injection like me, they dont like to give them if poss in third tri preggers, & its free & you'll get a white filling not metal :thumbup: cant have mercury based ones when pg! You cant even see my one :)

I know later part of third Tri you dont gain extra weight but baby does a bit, not enough to hugely show on the scales, my boobs dont look that big now either i think its because our bumps have grown & they blend in haha! Just you wait, they'll be MAHOOSIVE when your milk comes in, i look back at pics & SOis like 'holy f**k look how massive you are' haha!

Yep every morning coffee in bed, within 5 mins shes is bouncing in there, good for her.. Not so good for my bladder ;)

I still got nothing hardly haha i went to mothercare this morning (love that shop) & enquired about a carseat & carry cot attachment for the new buggy & that as far as it got Lol! I need to google about what to put in hospital bag aswell.. Im sure il forget stuff otherwise!
Ahh will the scan be internal? im gonna be 8w by then, do they need to look from inside?? She told me to have full bladder so im thinking its regular ultrasound. Well both ways i have done before, not a biggy.

DH was so upset yesterday, so i told him about the scan and he said "im happy for you" which bothered me so much that he said "you". He might be stressed because im pregnant and he lost his job but i tried days to get this scan.

Iak, my sil didnt gain last months either and she was super skinny to start with so i dont think there is anything to worry about.

Im so jelly that u guys got mothercare there! we only have babysRus and Carters there. So shitty ha! Hopefully dad will shop and bring stuff from mothercare when he visits.
I have to have a filling down on the lower jaw, there's a small whole on the side of the tooth. I asked if it is safe and she said yes we will just numb the area, I'm not really comfortable about having an injection plus I have had one before for a filling and the injection hurts! Going for it next Friday. Yeah was pleased everything is covered for a year.

Haha I bet he is looking for the milk to come in then. I really hope my milk doesn't take long to come. Need to speak to the hospital about it they supply milk if the milk is delayed and what happens. I'm sure they will go through all of that at 36 wk app.

Haha sounds like something I do, i don't really know where to start. Do a list and it will make it abit easier. How's her wardrobe coming along ? Btw I got an email from bounty and they have a deal on for the Joie car seat for £40, don't know how much it is originally. If you want the details, let me know and I shall send it over.
Ahh will the scan be internal? im gonna be 8w by then, do they need to look from inside?? She told me to have full bladder so im thinking its regular ultrasound. Well both ways i have done before, not a biggy.

DH was so upset yesterday, so i told him about the scan and he said "im happy for you" which bothered me so much that he said "you". He might be stressed because im pregnant and he lost his job but i tried days to get this scan.

Iak, my sil didnt gain last months either and she was super skinny to start with so i dont think there is anything to worry about.

Im so jelly that u guys got mothercare there! we only have babysRus and Carters there. So shitty ha! Hopefully dad will shop and bring stuff from mothercare when he visits.

Golden they may do internal examination as well as external. I had both done in America. Sometimes you go in with a full bladder and then they tell you to go to the toilet and they continue. Full bladder is helpful at the beginning of pregnancy. I think DH is just stressed and having a baby is a big responsibility he probably feels like you should be at home relaxing whilst he works. Will he be able to find something soon ?

Mothercare is good although I preferred the clothes in America. Wish I had brought more now. Was a lot cheaper too. If you want to go mothercare, there is more reason to visit before baby or after he/she is born :happydance::happydance:
Yea i remember for my ultrasound i had to pee a bit because my bladder was too fulll and for internal, she made me empty the bladder.

Yes America has more stuff than Canada for sure, but i liked the stuff that dad brought for my niece. They were bigger than the ones here in size and i loved the onesies with gloves.

DH got an interview today so we shell see how it goes. Properly we wont be able to go to sweden now if he gets a job, they wont let him take vacay right away :cry:
Well everything is still going well. I went to the dr. yesterday - Heartbeat was 136! She is so active! I'm just now swelling in my feet some and getting uncomfortable down there.... lol Less than 7 weeks left!!!!! :)
Awww lovely srobbins :hugs: try & rest your feet up if they are swelling lots & keep fluids up, more water is better than less with water retaining swelling! Love your picked out Girls name aswell :thumbup:

Golden hubs is probs feeling slightly stressed abit about no job & you both expecting a baby, its still early on so im sure he'll land himself a great job in notime hun..! I expect your ultrasound will be normal tummy one, big full bladder will give ace clear pics on screen even though full bladders are killer! Eee not long now, counting the days hehee!

Im sure your filling will go smoothly Iak, i always overthink about stuff like that.. You could always wait until lil babe is born if your not keen on the injection?

My Milk came in 2.5 days after having Riley, colostrum ahould be sufficient enough for the first couple of days or so, its really easy for babies to get confused with bottle & nipple in the early days, so if you plan on bf'ing & you have colostrum there, keep putting baby on the boob to latch & the milk will come in hun.. Dont let the hospital push it on you that they need Milk inbetween as when Milk does come in, they need to work harder than a bottle to get it out whereas bottle just drips straight into mouth, baby just wont want boob most of time aftee they've had a go on bottle.. Just a lil heads up as some hospitals insist on you feeding the baby with bottle until milk comes in but if they are not on boob to keep stimulating the hormones sometimes it wont come in - if that makes sense?! Lol!

Oooh Mothercare have their 50% off Sale on, started today online & instore / happy shopping girls haha!!

Havent heard from Poppet on here in a loooooong time, hope shes ok & she must be on her due date now or popped baby out?
oh im sure poppets baby is out, she started this thread a week before her bfp which means her due date would have been late may or early june.
Yeah I will see what they say next Friday. When you had your filling done the other week, how did they do it ?

Hopefully it all goes to plan and baby feeds well. I always think of what ifs. I will remember what you. Was Riley ok for 2.5 days ? Did you take milk in with you to the hospital ?

Just had a look online, will have to go in! It says until stock lasts hopefully that will be for a couple of wks. I love next baby clothes, waiting for their sale.

Poppet must of had baby by now... She got her bfp in November. I remember her saying last time she was on here that she was expecting a girl.

I feel so pregnant and tired today. Went for a 3 mile walk, came home showered quickly and went to my cousins 18th party. Family going on about how pregnant I look.
I felt like saying "what am I meant to look like..."
DH got an interview today so we shell see how it goes. Properly we wont be able to go to sweden now if he gets a job, they wont let him take vacay right away :cry:

Golden how's everything with DH today ?
Ahaha don't you just lov those comments :D you look so pregnant or you gained weight! As if you donno lol

It's better with DH, he s excited about his interview.

I felt so sick today too, bought some sourdough bread n ate that with olives n cherry tomatoes for dinner. Such a weird appetite I hav! I kept smelling tomatoes n craving them all day, so weird because it's so early for cravings. I def crave salty food, what did u crave? I heard salty food means that you are having a boy lol donno how true that can be
I have to say, ive never 'craved' anything particular i dont think.. Food in general when i had my appetite back was just lovely! Everything tastes so good ha ha! I do remember with early pg with Riley though after nausea kicked in, anything i ate had to be bland & no flavour as it would make me gag :sick: catfood smell made me heave it was gross! I think i had Pasta for dinner pne night with a tin of chopped plum tomatoes mixed with it & just grinded black pepper ontop, its all i could eat & manage to make, SO looked at his plate like 'wtf is this??!' HAHA still makes me laugh! I think he ordered take away that night if i remember rightly :haha:

With the amount of jiggy jiggy you & hubs have over ovulation Golden, i reckon there could be a wee girly growing in there :) or.. One of each maybe hehee!!

When i had my filling done (top wisdom tooth) maybe thats why theres no nerve perhaps? :shrug: she just drilled & picked, then the white filling was in this prefilled glue/gun looking thing haha squished it in tooth, smoothed over & it was done in less than ten mins! I do however remember my last 2 fillings from like 10yrs ago having injections but one of them was lower jaw, more nerves im guessing..! If your not happy to have it done Iak, just wait until bubs pops out, your still exempt a year after baby arrives ;)

Well, me & SO just had a mini morning bed discussion about Carseat which clips onto buggy lol! We will do that, as they grow so quickly & then she can snooze in the buggy but facing away from us, Riley was barely in his carry cot part of buggy only for a month or so..!

Oh i keep getting 'oooh not long now' with big grins! Kinda want to tell people to do one Lol!! Its abit annoying like i know i have minimal wks left & although im excited about it, im feeling sad aswell as i luuurve bring pg weven though im achey at the moment its silly hahaa!! I remember waiting on Labour Ward with SO to go down for my csection with Riley & saying im not going to be pregnant in a few hrs.. Im excited to see how much she looks like Riley though hehe!

Had the VBAC workshop yesterday evening.. It was ok i guess, nothing i didnt already know tbh for info stats etc that id researched on Google! I think alot of ladies there were worried about the scar rupturing side of things but apparently its still 2-1000 it will happen but more higher risk if prev csection has been in the last year but mine was nearly 4yrs ago! Im still undecided if im honest, SO said its my choice how i want the birth to happen.. :-/ arhhh so annoying! Hasnt swayed me either way, either way is a high risk so i dunno, what would you girls do? Go for planned or see how things progress? You get monitored more with a vbac aswell..

Ooh maternity dress arrived yesterday for my sisters wedding, fits nicely & will fit ooober tight in 2 wks no doubt! Its a lovely size 10 Mat dress so if any of you girls want it after i finished with it il send it over :) free of charge of course!
Good news for DH, FX.

I don't know when cravings kick in, but I read cravings have to do with vitamin deficiency. I haven't craved anything, when I people ask and I say that they find it really weird but in all honesty I haven't. I have fancied something but not the extent that I have to have to it, same feeling I had when I was not pregnant.

Isn't there the more closer you bd to ovalution the more likely it will be a boy ? Another myth haha

Ok I really should of asked how she was going to do it? Saves me going back next week if she is going to do it with an injection. May ring them up in that case.

It's a lot easier with the car seat that clips on, do you know what carseat you will be getting ? When I brought the travel system, the lady said to me when using the car seat with the pushchair, only use it for short journeys as baby should not be sleeping in that position for too long. I see so many people pushing their babies around for hours like that. Apparently it can damage their back and neck in later years.

Ahh not long left at all! So exciting that you will be bringing a new life into the world and I bet you both can't wait to see how Riley will be with her. If I was in your position I would would go with natural labour, but make the final decision at the 38/39 wk app when you see if she is still head down. If anything happens you can go for a csection. Its your choice and down to have you feel about the csection, labouring and what your emotions are. I'm not the best person to ask as I haven't gone through it yet, but tbh I really don't a csection. However if it is for the best for me and the baby I will of course go through with it. I think you need to just go with it and whatever happens, happens.

I bet you will look stunning in it. You will have to post a few pictures of you in it after. That's so sweet of you, thank you. Where did you end up getting it from ?

I got an email from Emma's Diarys, saying "don't forget to pick up your labour pack from midwife from 34 weeks appointment." Did you get a pack last time you were there ?

How's Riley doing ?
Thats what i think about food also, i may quite fancy eating something but nothing to the extent i have to have it loads & all the time. SO's friend asks me it every single time he sees me, im like 'ffs i not have any' lol!

Yeah that is the supposed myth or shettles method of the sperms but if you gave jigged the whole time, girl swimmers will be up there ready & waiting for the egg..

Oh i heard that about the carseats aswell, if im longer than 20/30 mins shopping then il be transferring her to the buggy, il be getting a Maxi Cosy one in red/black! What one have you guys got?

My midwife advised me today to start packing my hospital bag lol 4 wks left & baby has started engaging down into pelvis & im measuring 37wks eek! But she was layed kind of weird so thats probs why! Ive decided to vbac, i may aswell give it a shot & if i need a csection then so be it i guess lol!

Its from New Look, online in their Mat section under dresses, cost £12.99 its a white midi length short sleeved dress with large blue palm prints on it, looks ok but lots better on, just need to get some small heeled strappy sandals for a tiddly bit of height or to hell with it & get some fancy white flip flops lol!

I had nothing at all from emmas diary or anything from midwife apts either?! Unless they've stopped giving them out.. have you been collecting your free Bounty packs from Boots? I think you fill in the Bounty forms & go in to collect, ive not bothered this time but i did with Riley, lotsa freebies hehe!

Golden how did hubbys interview go? Hope your feeling ok today.. Not too nauseous
I know, everyone thinks it is crazy. I'm pleased I don't crave anything. i know someone that needs donuts all the time, it can lead to a health issue!

Engaging down into the pelvis area? Clairybell what does this mean!! Haha getting excited over the word engage!! Did she examine you ? Ahh pleased you will be giving vbac a shot, brave decision. Like you said if worst comes to worst you can have a csection, you will be in safe hands.

Sounds beautiful, hopefully you have lovely weather for it. I haven't actually had a look at maternity stuff in New look. The only maternity thing I have is a pair of leggings from h&m. They are so comfy.

Bounty packs from boots are rubbish... Nothing really in them except little samples of things. When will u be organising your bag then ? That explains your pelvic pain.
DH had his phone interview and went well, his actual interview is not set yet since its Canada day today, stat holiday.

Felt pretty shitty today, had warm sensation and af cramps then nausea all day, no vomitting tho.

I took a nap during day and that made me feel even worse. went for Canada day activities and was shitty! Had to come back home because there is tornado warning
Oh no Golden, sorry you had a rubbish day yesterday hun.. Are you able to tolererate anything Ginger flavoured? This can help ease or get rid of sickness, i found nibbling on titbits of food little & often kept it at bay.. Sounds like stretching ligament pains hun, mine was quite painful at some points & i still is, i used to take Paracetamol sometimes.. Hope you managed to get a good nights snooze though! Ooh hlad hubbys phone interview went well, heres to the next interview step :thumbup:

Do you get many Tornado warnings? :shock:

Baby is engaged meaning shes descending right down into the Pelvis eeeeek!!! Im feeling excited & ok about a VBAC now, i knew i would come around on the idea;) Il be getting a couple of lil bits for Hospital bag today & starting to pack that later & then buying baby bits next week, going to blitz the stores & couple places online! ;) i'l start relaxing then!

Really hope the Wedding day itself is nice & warm but this is uk weather so you really dont know haha!

Lol the Bounty packs mustve changed! The mini samples are ok for the hospital bag actually but ask at your Drs surgery about the 'Emma's diary' pack you shouldve recvd at 34 wks!! Midwife may have simply forgotten..! The mudwife i had was a Student & also a fully qualified mw aswell, Student had 3 months left & she was in her 3rd final year & was lovely, my usual mw is on hols for 2 wks in Zante.. Lucky thing! I'l see her now at my 39/40wk apt if i havent popped by then ha ha!

They only ever examine you by feeling the bump & measuring.. Nothing internal, but she said shes very low oh god eek lol!
Golden- I found ginger biscuits, crackers and watermelon helped. Also Gazoz is great when you feel nauseous.

Yay explains why you have been so uncomfortable. Was Riley still breach at this point ? Bet it's all kicking in now, can't wait to see what she looks like.

True you never know in England, doesn't matter what month if it is. Hope your sister has a lovely day though regardless of the weather. FX weather holds up.

I will do, I got a pack in the post from Emma's diary today "newborn essentials" it had a pack of Johnsons wipes, baby oil, little travel bag and some tip and toe shampoo. Need to actually have a look what products I will be using on little one. When did you give Riley his first bath? I have been looking at sterilisers and I have no idea what one to go for. Tommee tippee have a little bundle with everything in it, I don't know whether it's worth getting that one. Oh I thought they may examine you at like 38 wk app to check.

Happy shopping! Wow July- your due this month and next month for me!!

I've never heard of honey drew melon haha but I take it it's bigger than a normal melon?

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