ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

I still have Turkish passport, didn't get my Canadian citizenship yet.

Moved here when I was 19 but I went to school for 6-7 years and u can't apply for citizenship if u are a student. So I applied after I graduated.

So I get visa to every country that I need to go :(( so sad ha
My dad is British citizen but we left UK when I was 8 and they took the citizenship away because we were just gonna get our passports and we left without getting it.
ohh poor Riley! i dont remember having chickenpox but i can imagine how itchy it can be.

Btw will his chickenpox effect the baby?

No they wont as im immune from having it.. But it can be bad if you get it when pregnant, i think in the States & poss Canada vacvines are given but in the uk they dont bother
Jeeeez you girls can talk hahaa!!!

& Iak you peed yourself :rofl: floored me that did! I did one at work few wks ago, luckily i was wearing a panty liner lol!!

Oh my goodness Golden your poor Mum.. Thats so sad :( i guess back in the day (although actually your much younger than me) they dont always detect larger babies, im not sure what 5kg is, i know lbs.. But how awful! Me & SO nearly broke up after my Ectopic few yrs ago, we werent getting on great tbh & then that happened & it went abit downhill with alsorts of crap but we came through it luckily!

I was having a mass nibbly day yesterday aswell haha binge days are ok .. I generally eat good most of time so a Dominoes Pizza & fizzy & biscuits wont go a miss Lol
Oh right, getting a visa can be such a pain esp when you have to wait for so long and don't know if you will get in time. When I went to Canada in November, I didn't need a visa which I was quite surprised at. My dad never applied for a British passport even though he has lived in uk for around 40yrs now. He says he is Turkish and that's that haha It's a pain to travel with him though, visas for everything and longer queues. Golden, is all your family and friends well in Istanbul? Can't believe what has happened. Tbh I'm surprised that they have given it some media attention. All this needs to stop, is it all necessary!

Haha Clairybell I bet you weren't expecting to go through pages. I know right felt like a child tbh I didn't pee myself fully, just some came out when I peed but still grossed me out. Nowadays it's either pee or discharge, oh how I will miss being pregnant hopefully it doesn't continue after he is born. Hoping my body doesn't think it's acceptable to pee a little bit if I sneeze! Made me feel better knowing the same happened to you too haha. I got an email from a pregnancy newsletter and its title was " what will your vagina be like after childbirth" it just hit me that I'm going to have to push out a baby under 7wks and what happens if I'm not the same down there after! Sorry for tmi this morning, but I ve had one of them moments of thinking too much... Never a good thing. Make things worst, I'm feeling so sore down from last night. I have no idea how a baby is going to make an entrance :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Clairybell - I think 5kg is around 10-11 lbs. Poor women! Surprised she had a natural birth.

Sounds like you had a good day, I'm off to the dentist today :wacko:
Omg ur dad totally could have dual citizenship! Crazy turks ha they refuse to have any other citizenship. DH wants me to get Swedish too and i dont want to because i can only have two citizenship and refuse to drop Turkish one. Even tho its an useless passport, i love it!!

Clairey, i didnt know that u had ectopic? how was it? how did u know? what happened afterwards. If it doesnt bring old bad memories back, can u tell me about it.

My doppler came yesterday and i put it away, Good girl ha!!! I wont use it until 8 weeks.

iak, why are u going to dentist? i have appointment August 24 as well, wanted to wait for 12 weeks to end.
He is the proudest turk I know. In his eyes, nowhere is better than turkey. I have Turkish ID card and that's about it. Saves me from paying everytime I go there. When will you get Canadian citizenship ? I bet Sweden is a beautiful country.

Aw these two will fly by, something to look forward to! I just went in for a general check up, believe it or not the last time I went was around 2 years ago! And I have to have a small filling put in next week :(
Trust me all Turks are the same, we all got our flag ready just in case we need it hehe

Called the doctor again about the early scan and he said no again! well i gave p.... its now up to the baby to hold on tight until 12 weeks
Oh yes I know, most of my dads family live so I completely get it haha

Really ? Like you have just asked him for a massive thing, which really having pcos you should have an early scan. But anyways no point dwelling on it. I'm sure baby will be fine. Look after yourself, get OH to run around you abit :wink:

Eat lots of fruit and drink plenty of water and milk. Also lots of carbs help with sickness. I found dry carbs like piece of toast, mash potatoes, ginger biscuits in the morning help, crackers, ginger tea
guees what! gyno's nurse called and asked if i managed to book an ultrasound. I said no and explained how worried i am bla bla, they booked it for me.

My scan is July14 and appt with obgyn is on July18:happydance:

Not so much the morning sickness, im struggling with constipation, prunes didnt work just made me gassy. DH was like plz dont eat prunes hehehehe he was sick of me

I'm SOO happy for you!!!! 2 weeks!!! Bet you are both so relieved!

Prunes are helpful, but are disgusting I brought some and could only eat 1 or 2. Also I eat lots of cereal that is high in fibre.
Ah i cant have cereal because its high carbs, im still supposed to follow my pcos diet somewhat so nothing effects the baby.

DH got fired today, so we gonna cancel the sweden trip. I was upset but now that my scan s booked, i cant help it but smile :happydance:
I wouldnt of thought any kind of diet would affect the baby? They only take all goodness of what you eat & theres more hormones in the body now :)
I wouldnt of thought any kind of diet would affect the baby? They only take all goodness of what you eat & theres more hormones in the body now :)

Because i have pcos, if i eat high carbs and sugar, my insulin will go up and then my LH goes up which causes mc. Thats why im still takin metformin and watching my diet still. I cant be eating white carbs regularly like cereal.
Just having a quick read back :thumbup:

Golden your scan & obgyn apts are Rileys 'original' due dates haha how mad!! From LMP it was 18th July, 12wk scan put him 4 days ahead to 14th :) ahhh 14th is only like 2 wks away omg im so excited for you guys!!! I was mega excited for both our 12wk scans :hugs:

Omg i know the feeling about a mis-shapen Vag after giving birth :shock: apparently it goes back to normal a short while after but pelvic floor muscles should be done straight away or as soon as your able to..! Ooh that reminds me, has your perineal massage oil arrived yet Iak?

Golden, my Ectopic was back in July/August 2013, Riley was just under 13 months old.. Unplanned pg but we wouldve kept it, tbh it probs wouldve ripped us apart as a couple as we werent getting on great.. But nature took care of it before anything else was considered! I started having very light pink spotting days after i found out inwas pg, like 3/4 days later under 6 wks i think, but i was having just really achey period cramps randomly throughout the day, lasting for about 20mins each time & then half hr after the pain stopped i started bleeding, but it stopped looking pinky & went to browny but with fibre bits in, just like fresh prune juice! But because the pain wasnt specific to the side the Ectopic was on my Dr wasnt fussed, just assumed miscarriage & said no to a scan..! Thing is, i was working, noone knew i was pg & i needed to know what was happening as if i suddenly was gonna gush blood, work would not of known what to do! So after me pestering my Drs for nearly TWO weeks!!! Finally, the new lovely lady Dr said i needed to be seen & know where i stand, i was nearly 8wks at this point, the Mat hospital did a Vag scan which was sooooo painful :( i had Riley with me crying in the pushchair as my sisters back had gone & she couldnt have him, i still remember it clearly the scan lady saying she had detected the pg but it wasnt in my Uterus, i just freaked because suddenly i instantly was scared of having an operation & not that i was about to lose my baby & my right tube! The mass was huge apparently & there was blood in my tube, do it couldve ruptured st any moment! Eek! They shouldve operated that night but Riley wasnt picked up until nearly 7 from me in hospital & the Op was fone the following day. First time ever having being knocked out for an Op & the post op fas in my tummy & ribs was horrible, SO wasnt really that supportive tbh but he was glad i was ok & not innlife threatening condition etc but he just didnt get it why i was so upset, i was so devastated for ages after like months & months.. Id randomly just feel sad & start crying! I wasnt fussed on having another baby either but its weird as if that didnt happen, i probs wouldnt be pregnant now with baby girl. Its ok, it doesnt bring up bad memories as such, i like to see it as an awareness to others as its sometimes very much overlooked :-/

Mass post sorry lol
I wouldnt of thought any kind of diet would affect the baby? They only take all goodness of what you eat & theres more hormones in the body now :)

Because i have pcos, if i eat high carbs and sugar, my insulin will go up and then my LH goes up which causes mc. Thats why im still takin metformin and watching my diet still. I cant be eating white carbs regularly like cereal.

Oh i see.. That expains abit more ;)
Ah that sounds so painful. I feel like doctors dont pay attention and ectopic pregnancy can kill you. Thats why i wanted an early scan because i wanna know where the baby is and i dont wanna lose a tube because of a careless doctor.

Im glad you were okey and didnt lose a tube. Everything happens for a reason. Mom said they wouldnt have me if my sister didnt die.
Golden stick to your diet until you have your app and maybe just ask how to adapt it.

Clairybell I remember you explaining what happened with the ectopic pregnancy, so sad but atleast no harmful damage was done and in the long term it brought you together as a couple.

No I haven't ordered the oil yet, I'm going to have a look in a few wks. Have u started using anything?

Went to the dentist today and have to have a small filling done :( Not looking forward to it!

I just went for a 3 mile walk and baby decided to push on my bladder the whole way. Seems like everytime I go for a walk, baby pushes down so much. Feel so preggo now. My belly has got so big this week too.
DH got fired today, so we gonna cancel the sweden trip. I was upset but now that my scan s booked, i cant help it but smile :happydance:

Golden so sorry to hear DH got fired, hope he can find something soon. Good news and bad news today I guess. Will you still wait until 12 wk scan to announce ?
DH got fired today, so we gonna cancel the sweden trip. I was upset but now that my scan s booked, i cant help it but smile :happydance:

Golden so sorry to hear DH got fired, hope he can find something soon. Good news and bad news today I guess. Will you still wait until 12 wk scan to announce ?

Yes definitely a weird day!

I'm gonna wait for 12 week scan still, I believe in Nazar so don't wanna jinx the baby
Oh no... Hubs lost his job im sorry, was it a redundancy type loss? Im sure he will find something really soon Golden :thumbup:

No ive not ordered any of the oil yet, Rileys spots have started to scab over now yay! So i may take a trip to Mothercare to enquire into carseat with clip adaptors for the new buggy :) apparently, Maxi Cosy carseats clip onto ours! & may purchase some oil.. Do the massage outside of SO's peering eyes or he'll just wanna get jiggy Lol!

I personally think that as standard procedure when you fall pregnant, when you are 6.5-7 wks an vag ultrasound should be done just to eliminate issues! As any types of pains make us girls stress & wonder whats happenin in there! Forgot to say also, my blood work was rising reeeeeeally slowly aswell which is a red alert signal & Dr fobbed me off saying that in early days its normal? Wtf?! Erm.. No! This is wrong! But hey ho..!

Iak baby is also pushing right down still, makes me sudddnly want to burst for a pee ALL the time!! Im laying in bed now, sipping my coffee & shes bouncing around like a kangaroo haha! She'll def enjoy having one of those baby bluncers/hanging door frame bouncers :)

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