ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

Gazoz - never heard of it? I may need to Google!

No in uk they never give you internals anymore.. Only time they do beforebany arrives is when the offer you a membrane cervical sweep to help bring on labour, around wk41 i think, uncomfy apparently.. I read what they do & ouch!

Ooh fab stuff, those mini bits of toiletries you can pop in hospital bag :) Rileys first bath was around a week old, i was too scared to wash him so my sister helped me ha ha!

We just have a Mothercare steam steriliser, holds 4 of the tommee tippee bottles & teats, bottle tops etc..

Hows your Saturday going girls?
Really, so when they do the 38/40wk check and you are dilating how would they know ?

Hopefully both of us won't need sweeps although they are very common. I don't know what I rather do wait or have the sweep. I got loads of little toiletries at Xmas so will be using that too for myself. Did OH stay with you at night ? I'm going to prepare OH some stuff too. Will be bringing lots of nibbles and lucozade.

Did you buy much today ? Oh ok is it a microwave one, I don't know what one to buy, I don't know whether it's worth getting an electric one as I hope to bf but do want to give others the opportunity to feed with bottles once baby is abit more older. Plus if I leave him with OH or family whilst I pop out will be good to express. You have probably seen it, the Tommie tippee set which has everything in it, bottles, teats, warmer, bottle holder for like £60-70. Or I can get a microwave one for a lot cheaper.

Nice and sunny today. We have had a busy couple of days, we are just chilling in the garden atm. our mattress is completely gone. So trying to look for a new one. It has been making my back pains worst. We are off to my cousin's 18th party today. My auntie has asked the older cousins to pop in as my cousin doesn't want her there haha. So we will be popping in with my cousins and sister and her bf. Should be fun seeing 17/18 yr olds getting drunk.. NOT!:nope:
Honeydew! Haha I think this ticker is American...

Love your pic! I wonder what the next one will be :D
Debating whether to get a sit me up cosy for baby. I ve got him a bag gym and we have a bouncer, but I fell in love with this it's so cute. Don't know if it is just going to be a waste... What do you girls think ?


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Its a lovely soft snuggler for him but tbh when they are really small they dont really move about alot, i just think maybe as he gets big enough to enjoy it he may be too big to fit in it unless its quite large then worth the purchase :) :thumbup: completely upto you though, is it in Sale dya know?

Usually when you start dilating you feel really achey or mild contractions i guess, in that instance it wouldnt be the midwife to call but the Maternity hospital & they'll get you in to check :thumbup:

My friend had the microwave steriliser, she said it was great!! We only have the one we got as it was given to us but it does the trick :) ive seen the Tommee Tippee sets, i debated getting one but then i saw Tommee Tippee 6 girly pink/purple bottles for £5 on sale in Asda & got excited hahaa!!

All i got in town shopping today was a Wedding outfit for Riley, ooober cute & he has braces for his lil shorts <3 cuteness hehe!

How was the 18th birthday party? Hope the smell of Alcohol didnt make you gag too much Lol! Ive messaged my friend to go pick up the babies crib aswell :)
Nope not in sale as I want the pony one, It turns into a sit me up bit too when they are older but I doubt they sit there playing, he will more than likely be on the move. Read some reviews and people put newborns in it. Have a look and let me know what you think.

Aw ok what is the difference between microwave and electric one ? That's handy, Aww bless she has pink bottles. Will u be expressing or using them when she is older ?

Bet he will look so cute in his little outfit. Party went well, apart from a boy getting punched in the face as a fight broke up outside the house and then started throwing up. It was nice weather so mostly they were outside so couldn't really smell it. I was sipping my ice coffee haha We have just come in and my back kills. Going to try and get some sleep!!
Omg u ladies so chatty today!

I bought mw sterilizer for my niece too and works great, it was only 10 dollars and doesn't take up space like electrical ones.

Clairey I wanna see ur dress and Rileys outfit plz!

I have been feeling sick again, no vomitting but nausea which is super annoying. Will vomitting come after or I'm just gonna have nausea? I donno what to expect. Also my boobs are hurting lots today. I guess my hormones are really doubling...:/

I have been losing weight even tho I haven't been following my diet properly, maybe my metabolism is higher because of Th baby.

In my dream I had ectopic pregnancy, it was horrifying. I hope it's not ectopic...
I don't know what one to get... Golden I was only actually sick a number of times, felt nauseous mainly. It was horrible. Sometimes I used to think I'd rather be being sick than feeling nauseous all the time.

I had a few dreams that I was bleeding, but it just feeling anxious. Baby is fine and growing, it's just a dream. Don't think about it too much
I was nearly sick a couple of times this pg but in general it was yukky Nausea & just mass food aversions & not fancying anything to eat, food shopping was a real struggle as most things made me want to gag! I was so glad when it finally passed :)

Its all good signs your getting the symptoms though Golden :thumbup: random pregnancy dreams are really common, probs as its early still & you had been readi g about mine the other day, pain & bleeding are the common signs so without you are no doubt fine hun :hugs: with the lil bit of weight loss, its probs because your appetite is dlightly diff now esp with feeling yukky, my sister was actually lighter after she had my nephew than she was before she was pregnang lol! No doubt through lack appetite & being ill..!

For some reason, i can never view the Mothercare pics on their mobile webdite, its weird, i can view in the list & then click to view further & it gives product details but no photo, annoying grrr!

Nah i wont express, i tried it a few times but as my boobs hot used to the milk coming out from Riley feeding, i had really minimal coming out on expressing, like maybe 1 ounce?! So i couldnt be bothered, was an Electric Breastpump aswell, just glad i got it on half price ha ha! I may use it this time when i start not breastfeefing & switch to bottle as il probs get some lil firm hard bumps in the boobs which needs expressing off but other than that, il probs sell it on ebay or something.. If you express from the beginning the milk will probs come out really easy, its personal choice really.

Oh nooo.. Teenage fights at partys tut tut they will happen, the boys no doubt ha ha its in their genes! Hope you werent too tired today & got a lay in this morning!

I think electrical steam sterisers you obvs plug in but micro ones maybe it just heats the plastic up? Bottles are microwave safe or unless you put small amt of water in the steriliser & the micro it? :thumbup:

Been really achey today again & had mild crampyness this morning & had a mini panic of 'Ohhhh s**t!! i have nothing ready!' Then it passed & nothing since, she must be pushing right down in now!

Ordered the black & white polka dot change bag today off Amazon hehe £13.99 bargain :)

Il take a pic of Rileys outfit nearer the wedding day as hes so grubby most days he'll get filthy marks on the lil linen shirt i bet haha!
I think I will wait after my baby shower and then go out and get everything. I don't know how much clothes to get in newborn and 0-3 months, it's doing my head in! Did you put Riley in a lot of outfits or mainly sleepsuits?

Aw ok I've heard that is quite a common problem. I'm going to try and express earlier on. I've got the Medela pump in style pump so will be trying to make use of it! I've been doing some reading about the sterlisers and some people have said that electric ones can be a pain to clean.

Obviously you know this but the pains are going to get worst. Has the nesting started ? I had a nice bath this afternoon with my bump bubble soak, it makes me so sleepy haha Feel slightly less achy after it though.

I've seen that, it's really nice and got it for a great price too, will look lovely with your pushchair.

Yes the fight was between boys. Nothing major just one of them got a busted lip and felt very sorry for himself, he kind of asked for it going out and picking a fight. Yes I got a good night rest ended up going to sleep at 4 am and woke up at 1pm! Won't be able to do that soon haha
haha nope! get your lay in's while you can! It used to really annoy me when People used to say 'oh get ya sleep in' blah blah!! but ist true.. You do function on minimal sleep but i used to fall asleep upright in the day whilst bf'ing rILEY HAHA! Mind you, doing nightfeeds, i used to record my programmes like Smallville, Charmed, loadsa crap that SO doesnt really watch & then watch them at all hrs of the morning lol, silver linings :)

I had Riley in romper sleep suits as looong as possible as he looked so cute in them & wanted to string out the babyness as Long as poss lol! i love them, keeps them warm, easy to button up/undo for nappy changes etc :thumbup: i will be getting a few sleep suits but mixed with lil socks, dresses & tights etc.. they really are ken & barbie dolls for us mums haha!

ooh your swim in the tub sounds lovely :) we dont have a Bath tub booo... just a shower, ist all Rileys ever known aswell & Nuala probs will aswell, Baby bath when Little then in the shower with SO.

At work today, my butt is aching sat on this chair! Still, only 3 working days left then im finished woop woop!!!

My Change bag has been dispatched aswell, excited eeeep!!
Oh really haha great I will use night time feeds to catch up. I will be trying to express too so OH can do some night time feeds too. He goes to sleep at the weirdest times so no excuses he sits in bed watching tv until all hours, but I know when baby comes that will change.

Ok I need to do a list at some point, have so much to get. Excited but anxious too! Must be annoying sometimes not having a bath, but I bet you are used to it.
Wow 3 more days then maternity leave ?

I went to Drs for 34 wk app, was with dr instead of mw. Told him that I was getting back pains so he will be referring me to the physo. He measured my belly against the chart and I'm measuring under the line again. Had the same at 28 wk app and when I went for a growth scan everything was fine. So he will be sending me for a growth scan, hopefully in the next couple of days. When he was measuring me though he didn't seem like he knew what he was doing. At my 32 wk,
I was measuring at 31 and now at 34 wk I am measuring 30.5. Doesn't make sense to me, I don't think he measured me properly, but positive that I get a scan :) Baby is still head down, so will be able to make sure at scan. Hopefully everything is ok.
Yup! 3 more days & then holiday for 2 wks just off work not going away & the Mat leave starts but officially last day is next Weds 13th eeee :)

Tbh Drs may not measure properly.. Ive never seen a Dr for any ante-natal apts, was it a male Dr? He may not of had measure tape tight on your pubic bone as he may of felt bit weird doing it..! If your growth scan are ok im sure baby boy is all fine hun :hugs: i bet hes laid out weird, typically when they measure you, they expect baby to be head down & vertical! At my 34 wk apt i was measuring 33 or just under & at ladt wks 36 wk apt i was meaduring 37 wks but scans are all fine, i wouldnt worry too much :thumbup: whens the growth scan? How comes you see Dr in between your Midwife then?

Ooh check the 'empty crib' lol
Oh nice, bet you can't wait to just chill out and prepare. Get some you time in.

Yup it was a male dr, when he was measuring me he asked me where they measuring until and if I had been shown. He obviously didn't know. When I went for my 31 wk app, the mw told me for the 34 and 38 wk you see the dr. I don't understand why, but I will be telling the mw when I see her in 2 weeks that I'm not seeing the dr for the 38 wk app I will be going to see her instead. He told me he will ring the hospital tomorrow to arrange the growth scan, so they should give me a call tomorrow and let me know. It will be the next couple of days though. With growth scans they tend to be quite quick.

Aww you got your crib, looks lovely just needs mattress and bedding :)
Need your advice on what Moses basket to get.

Choosing between two. Here's one


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Or this dimple one...

Don't know what the dimple will be like though


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How strange & he fidnt even know how to be measuring you correctly?! I really wouldnt worry & im sure your growth scan will measure fine & great excise to see baby again hehe! Do you get any pics if you ask to buy any?

Hehe yep il be off getting some bits tomorrow, eee! I need to get a lil snuggly teddy or something for her, il look in John Lewis as couldnt see a nice one in Mothercare :)
Aww dya know what, i really love both of those Moses baskets <3

Is one wider than the other? Id go for the widest one as they fling their arms around loads & grow really quick but both are really gorgeous baskets :hugs:
I said to him yeah best I go for a scan, tbh the fundal measurement is not accurate at all and rather have more of a piece of mind going for a scan. Yes I think you can, will ask at the start of the scan. Excited to see baby boy again!!! I think you are right he felt uncomfortable, thinking back he looked it but that's his job. I have no idea I had to see a dr instead of a mw at my 25 wk app and also the same with the 38 wk app. But I will be going to the mw for my 38 wk app.

I was looking for a 2016 teddy but can't find one. Mothercare don't really have nice teddies. Have u got anything in the sale ?

I think so, I don't know what the dimple one is like in person. The dimple one is on sale with the stand for £50 until 10th July so will have to decide soon. I was debating whether to get a wooden one like the one you have but we live in a 3 storey house so it wouldn't really work, would be a such a pain bringing it up and down.

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