Ttc #1

Hey everyone. It's back to the work grind this morning! Did you all have a great weekend? Mine was very busy, but nice.

Sunshine, how are you feeling?

Syd - long cycles sound like a pain, but keep your head up!

babydust - is everything going ok with the pre-seed?
nmpjcp - i used pre seed 2 times so far. I will let you know if it was successful when I test lol. I think I'm out this month though.. For some reason I haven't felt my O symptoms this month. I lost track. I tested for O and it can out negative 2 days ago. Usually my symptoms are strong. i'm kinda bummed about it, but it's not over til the fat lady sings so I'm trying to stay positive and think that maybe i didn't notice because I've been busy. good thing is that DH and I have been DTD often so hopefully I caught a :spermy: one of those days. according to my calendar i O today. We BD'd yesterday . fx :shrug:
She was shocked and she cried. She's very happy. Her first words were "maybe it's twins!" lol.

I feel better today. My stomach has been feeling crummy for the past 3 days. It feels like burning, pulling, cramping. I asked my sister and mom and they said the same thing happened to them. My mom said unless it gets really painful, it's pretty normal to have crampy stomach especially at the beginning.

I know this might sound shallow, but one of my biggest concerns for the pregnancy is only gaining minimal weight. I'd already gained some weight in the last 8 months or so, so I'm only wanting to gain about 15-20 lbs hopefully. I've started working out more and eating better. Hopefully I can make it through the first trimester with NO weight gain.
Fingers crossed for you Babydust. Dtd today if possible and tomorrow! Is hubs allowed to have warm showers this month? Lol

Nmpjcp - I understsnd. That was my concern as well. But my advice is to be active but let your body tell you what IT needs. I found I craved things I don't normally eat (but heslthy things like natural peanut butter and yogurt). You need to gain weight but just fight those bad cravings and youll be okay. I didn't gain any weight with this last pregnancy. I ate more but I worked out every day. I'm the same as I was before and I got to 9 weeks. So it's possibke. But make sure yiu are eating healthy :)

I'm off to Florida today. Babydust I'll wave to you! We fly out at 845pm. I'm a nervous flyer but I'll be happy once we get there. Missing my Dh but he's working hard to wrap up med school. Almost done. yahoooooo!!!! Can't wait to TTC again.
Nmpjcp i'm glad she was happy! maybe it really is twins! lol mothers have a sense for these things even when they're kidding. my mother asked me if I was pregnant the other day out of nowhere haha. my response was: "i wish!"

sunshine - no hot showers. my DH already knows the rules. he came up to me yesterday and said "I've taken cold showers for 3 days already so this better work" He's so great lol. I wish I could go to Orlando!! so jealous! you're going to have an amazing time. :happydance::happydance::happydance:
So, I'm finally going to the early symptoms thingie.

I really didn't keep track of the DPO, but I can tell you around able when things started happening.

1. breast tenderness - tenderness is an understatement. They hurt. Bad. My nipples didn't hurt, but the sides and underneath and on top hurt.
2. huge boobs - my boobs have never been big. They usually swell a little a week before my period, but they stop hurting and get smaller closer to my period. They stayed big. :happydance:
3. a lot of CM
4. cramps - these started as ovulation pains and never stopped. I still have them, though they've changed
5. crying - the day before AF was supposed to come, I cried really hard after bd-ing. It freaked my DH out. Lol. Poor thing. He didn't know what to do and I didn't either. :cry:
6. dry mouth - I don't drink of alot of anything. Now I do all the time.
7. fatigue - I literally was sleeping 10-12 hours at a time :sleep:

I honestly was thinking I wasn't going to get a BFP because the symptoms were going away. I thought I was having really bad PMS. When I got the BFP I was shocked, but afterward, given the signs. I felt a little silly. :dohh:
Nmpjcp when do you have your appointment? Let us know if you have twins! Lol

Afm - i have no clue what day i'm on. I always say i'm going to keep track and then i get so busy and forget :shrug: i have really itchy nipples. Tmi, i know lol. It's annoying! Also been peeing more than usual. I usually go twice a day at work. Today i went 6 and i woke up last night just to pee and get water. I HATE SYMPTOM SPOTTING. TWW is a terrible thing. I haven't even felt like DTD. I keep falling asleep around 10:30 which is super early for me. I even cried when i was in the shower because i wanted to be in bed LOL. Being a woman is tough work! :wacko:

Syd - what day are you on? Any change in BBT? :dust:
Sounds like there's a lot happening for all of you! I feel as though I've been gone a while.

babydust--we're probably at about the same point. How cool would it be if we both got BFPs this cycle! The TWW is the worst. Hang in there! Maybe all those symptoms finally mean something. :thumbup:

nmpjcp-- twins would be AWESOME!! Do you have twins in your family? How long are you going to wait to tell everyone? Will you continue working after you have the baby?

Sunshine-- Have fun in Florida!! :happydance: I hope this trip will be warm and relaxing for you. How did your DnC and all the tests go? How soon will you be able to TTC again?

AFM-- Today was my second day at work. I'm a receptionist at a dental office, in the office from 7:30 to 5:15 everyday. After being at home the last 18 months this schedule is killing me! I don't remember the last time I was this tired. I wish I could blame it on something other than work (TWW symptom spotting)...same with my temp rise. The temp rise doesn't match up with any of the other fertile symptoms so at this point I'm not even sure if I O'd. :shrug: :cry:

This might be TMI, but I also have had 2 small pea sized lumps on my cervix for the past week. Our new insurance is supposed to go through this week so I'll prob go to the doctor soon and make sure everything is ok.
Oh Syd that is definitely a tough schedule to get used to, I don't blame you for being tired. Do you work 5 days a week? Try not to read too much into temps until near the end of your cycle. Mine jumped all over the place and were super confusing. But I know yiu know how to temp so hopefully it works out for you.

I love florida. I want to go to disney but my nephew wants to go to universal. I really can't overrule the kid on the trip so I think universal it is lol. Babydust do you have a preference?

Hoping all of your symptoms mean something. Woot. As for me I'll just live vicariously through you all until I'm back in the game. Talked to my mom today and she's concerned about me trying again so soon. We are super close and I know she wants the best for me and not to have to go through this for a third time. But it hurts to hear. Anyways. We'll see. What will be will be, right?
sunshine - universal is a little boring to me lol it's a lot of shows. just one big roller coaster and the minion ride which is a simulator that makes you queezy. the transformers 3d ride was good and the shrek 3d show is alright. not much exciting stuff unless you go to islands of adventure. that park IS fun. but i'm a Disney girl all the way. Never a dull moment in magic kingdom! or any of the disney parks for that matter... i love the light shows at night with the parade and the castle and the fireworks. it's the best! It's cold down here in FL. are you keeping warm? :cold:

syd - hopefully we can give decent valentine's day gifts this year! my husband was telling me this morning that when i tell him i'm pregnant he would probably cry lol

DH and I had the same dream last night with multiples! He dreamt that I had quadruplets and i dreamt with quintuplets! Can you imagine all the work?! OMGsh I want babies but i don't think I'd be able to handle so many at a time lol Hopefully the dream means that at least one or two are on the way! :happydance:
My appointment is Feb 23rd --- twins don't run in my family or his. It's just a running joke we have. I just want a healthy baby no matter what it is or how many there are.

I've told my immediate family per my husband's request, but the kids have definitely let me know that they wish we'd waited because it's going to take waaaayyy to long for the baby to come.

I'll tell my boss at 12 weeks unless I start having some sickness or something before then.

I'll definitely be working after, but I'm going to take at least 8 weeks maternity leave though. Maybe my boss will let me work from home one day per week as well. We shall see.
Good morning ladies. 2 nights ago my DH and I had the same type of dream. He dreamt that we had quadruplets and I dreamt that we had quintuplets! last night I had another dream but it was more of an implied message. In my dream we were in Cuba, which is were my husband is from and there was a girl I didn't know that kept talking to us. really nice girl. in my dream neither one of us knew who she was. but she was talking to my husband and it seemed like she went to the church he used to go to when he lived in Cuba and she said to him "we have a gift for your wife at church. we have a little boy and a little girl for her" after she said that I woke up! I was so excited I cried and told my husband about it. i wanted to share it with you girls too. there is hope!:happydance::happydance: :dust:
Awwwww that is so nice Babydust. I love dreams like that. I always remember my dreams, and hope there's meaning in them. Fingers crossed!!

Side note....your Dh us from Cuba? So cool! Have you ever been? It's so beautiful there and the people are amazing?

Syd how is TWW going? When can you test? How are you feeling?

Nmpjcp - is it funny that I say those letters out loud every time I write them so I remember? Lol. But I agree. A healthy babe is all that matters. I hope all goes well and smoothly for you. X
sunshine - i know they do! I'm half Cuban also. I've gone 4 times. My other half is Puerto Rican but I was born here in Miami. How's Orlando? How much fun are you having? I also say the letters to nmpjcp out loud lol.

I feel we can be on first name basis now after so many months on here! haha at least I'll give my name out to you ladies. My name is Yari. :hi:
Awwww. That' so exciting! Puerto Rico and cuba and Miami all sound amazing! Where is your family in Cuba? I'd say they're my favourite beaches I've ever been to.

Well, I'm a bit paranoid as I have a cousin I found that is also on here. I don't want her to know my dtd business (we aren't close) lol. And I always forget how many lurkers are on here. But!!! lemme do some investigating and see if she's still on here lol. ;)
babydust that's awesome! I didn't know you were a latina. Well, I saw your hair in your picture, but I didn't want to assume. I've never been to Cuba, but I had a connection in PR on my way to the DR. I wish I could have taken some time to visit the area outside the airport, but it would have been a hassle.

My husband swears I'm half latina because I love bachata and used to love reggeaton. Hahah, I named by dog Maldy from Plan B (I know reggaeton is terrible, I don't listen to it anymore). I've traveled all over south american but the DR is my favorite because everyone is brown like me. Well mostly. Haha.

Actually when I lived in Ecuador about 20% of the pop was afro-ecuadorian, but they lived on the coast though, so I sort of stood out with my big hair and American clothes.

My name is Cheri :)

I wish I could change my name on here, but I can't. Those letters are the initials of what I want to name my children (one for boy and one for girl) and the 2015 was for my hope to birth them in 2015.

Thanks for your well wishes!

I have a question for you guys. It's kinda paranoid, but I'm just wondering.

Last Thursday 1/22 I took a digital and it said 1-2 weeks pregnant which was right because I calculated my ovulation date as 1/10 which would have made me 12DPO. Today, a week later, is says 3+ Does that sound normal? . Now I'm 19DPO. Maybe there's 2 in there!! Lol.

I took both of those test with second morning urine because I always wake up to pee really early.

I'm excited for a BFP in February from Syd or babydust! I hope you're having fun sunshine (I actually had a boss named Sunshine, so we can keep calling you that if you want.)
I love the DR as well. THe people are all so friendly there too. I'm ashamed at how tourists act down there instead of just enjoying the people and surroundings. I lived in grenada for 6 months and loved it because we were able to settle into the lifestyle and become part of the surroundings. Way better than a resort bubble, although I do enjoy that as well.

How come you don't like reggaetoN anymore?

Try not to over analyze the week thing. It depends on the brand and the hormone itself is a wide scale of levels
Mostly because it's kinda trashy. I hate rap and my DH pointed out that it's kinda the same thing just with a better beat and in Spanish. The more Spanish I've learned the harder it is to just sit and listen on a normal day.

I do like to listen to it when I'm working out or dancing or just in a hyper mood.

My MIL keeps laughing at me because I've taken about 4 tests in the last week just to be sure my baby is still there. :dohh:
Cheri - i used to love reggeaton too, but then it just got too nasty. I love bachata though. I just never get to listen to it because my husband hates it:dohh:. and about the tests... i would so the same lol i would probably test once a day just to make sure i'm not dreaming. they don't understand the hustle haha :)

sunshine - what's happening in Orlando? what have you done so far?

btw what kind of symptoms did you guys get first when you conceived? and how many dpo did it start? lately i have been waking up several times in the middle of the night and today in the car on my way to work i tried to nap while my husband drove and i woke up with nausea. it was like a wave. came and went. i've been trying not to symptom spot, but it's sooo hard! Everytime i tell my DH that i feel dizzy or have a headache or even that i broke a nail he says it's because i'm pregnant lol. He's just as anxious as i am.

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