Ttc #1

I'm having a hard time keeping up with the posts lately. The holidays have me running around plus I'm in Finals week at school. I am running on maximum stress levels now lol. How is everyone feeling?
AF has been gone for a few days now and I'm getting a thermometer tonight! I want to start checking temps. Let's see if I can follow the routine without messing up :) after this week I will have a lot more time on my hands. Thank God!! I need a serious vacation -__-
Hey ladies, my husband and I are relatively new to the TTC scene. After several months of BFNs I decided I would jump online and join some forums to get a sense of community in this period of our lives. We moved away from family and friends for the hubby's job and so we're having to go through TTC by ourselves. How long has everyone been trying thus far?

HI! Welcome to our thread!!! This is my second cycle seriously trying. I am 3-4DPO at this point and I plan on testing on Christmas Day at the earliest!
I'm having a hard time keeping up with the posts lately. The holidays have me running around plus I'm in Finals week at school. I am running on maximum stress levels now lol. How is everyone feeling?
AF has been gone for a few days now and I'm getting a thermometer tonight! I want to start checking temps. Let's see if I can follow the routine without messing up :) after this week I will have a lot more time on my hands. Thank God!! I need a serious vacation -__-

I understand completely. I haven't been able to keep up very well. It's been so busy! But the good thing is that the TWW is flying by sense there's not even time to sit and think! I try to catch up at much as possible when I'm on the computer all day at work. At home, it's hard for me to sit at the computer and check forums and such because we have a desktop and not a laptop.

I'm very excited to test this month. I haven't had any symptoms, but I'm not worried. I'm trying to put it in God's hands. I really want to do something clever to surprise my DH though. It will be very hard because he's very involved.
That's okay you busy bees!! I'm here still lol. Can't wait for your TWW to be over. nmpjcp2015 - you're like almost half way there!!! wootttt

babydust - it's great that you're busy and distracted during the TWW, it can be soo draining.

to the newbies -- YAY! congrats on ttc#1. ARe you in the tww yet?

afm - I'm 6.5 weeks now, but No symptoms at all. Nothing. I'm hoping that's a good sign and that I'm just lucky this time. It is early still though. My friend wasn't sick until week 9 with her LO. Hmm. we'll see...
Sunshine, yes! I'm almost half way. I'm working a second job for the holidays, so it's been so busy. I'm mainly just too tired to try to do anything after getting home. I can't believe I get to test next week. I really want to wait until I'm late. I've already prepared myself a little pregnancy test kit complete with chocolate in case it's negative, lol. My family will be in town the day of Christmas, so I'm thinking of waiting until the next day, so I won't give myself away. We've decided to wait until I see the doctor to tell anyone if it's positive.

On the other hand, I'd like to tell my parents right away since after Christmas I won't be seeing them again for a while. Who knows what will actually happen?! I really need this to be a BFP though.

I still haven't had any symptoms, but I think it's ok because I'm only 5DPO. I did have ovulation symptoms though.

babydust, when do you think you'll ovulate? Let us know, so we can give you some support during your TWW.

Sunshing, your signature is so cute. I keep checking it to see what's new with the baby :) Have you been to the doctor yet? You might have already said, but I don't remember.
O should be happening sometime next week for me. Around Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm still hoping for a late Christmas present!
Feeling rather discouraged and confused today... Had thought I O'd on Sunday because my temp spiked yesterday and all the other signs pointed to it. But my temp dropped back down again today. :shrug: Last month O came on CD 17, today is CD 23 and still waiting. All fertile signs have now passed. Not sure if it even happened this time around, maybe this is an anovulatory cycle...? :cry:
I have been to the dr!! She did blood work last week. I called the dr this morning to see if the results were in and my dr wasn't there to tell me. I must have sounded so upset and desperate and I told her I was really nervous for the results. And the hcg level. I think she felt bad for me so she told me over the phone even though she's not supposed to lol. She said my level shows 5 weeks, so so far so good. I won't be able to relax until I hit 12 weeks. And the NO symptoms bit isn't helping lol. Nothing ladies. No nausea, fatigue, sore boobs. Zilch. I could just be a lucky one so far but who knows. But that's enough of that, we'll talk first trimester stuff once you guys get your BFP!!!!!

Nmjcp2015 I'm so glad the second job is helping distract you. It's a torture wait lol. But you are still early for symptoms so no worries there. I could tell by day 6 that something was different just based on my cm. also I would TOTALLY tell them on christmas just because they're there lol

Babydust - yay! You're almost there. I O'd later than I thought this time. We dtd tues, wed and thurs. We just HAPPENED to dtd sat and that was the day!! I thought it was too late.

Sydfreema - sorry that must be so frustrating :( try not to stress about it though, my temps were wacky and that's why I thought I O'd earlier than I did. I posted my chart and I remember someone saying I O'd on 15 based on the drop, but it was my THIRD drop and I thought the one on day 10 was the one. I felt so sad when she said that. Turns out, what do I know lol. I'd keep dtd!!!!! The same could be happening to you!!
Feeling rather discouraged and confused today... Had thought I O'd on Sunday because my temp spiked yesterday and all the other signs pointed to it. But my temp dropped back down again today. :shrug: Last month O came on CD 17, today is CD 23 and still waiting. All fertile signs have now passed. Not sure if it even happened this time around, maybe this is an anovulatory cycle...? :cry:

Syd. I'm sorry to hear that. I agree with Sunshine though. Keep bd-ing. Who knows how your body will react during rest of your cycle. I personally think that some of the symptoms and such we have sometimes are stress-induced from worrying so much.

Sunshine, I think I will! I caved a bought a little tiny baby stocking at the store last week because it was .99 cents. I think for my DH I'll put the test in the stocking and give it to him for xmas if it's positive. :xmas16: and AWESOME news from the dr :happydance:. Bless that nurse. Lol. It's crazy how long they expect a lady to wait these days!!

babydust - :dust: and wishes for a :bfp:
Love the baby stocking splurge! Sooo cute! I really can't wait to see if you get your BFP on Christmas! Any symptoms yet? You're HALF WAY done!!

How are you other ladies doing?
This is has been the easiest TWW yet. I've been doing really good at not thinking about testing and/or wanting to test. I think it's mainly because I really don't want to see a BFN.

I really have been trying not to symptom spot. The honest truth is that I don't really feel different at all. Everything I feel now, I've felt in the past or I've felt due to AF or ovulation.

The only strange thing that's happened have been a couple of pangs in my tail bone, that was last Saturday and I believe it was from ovulation too. It also happened again last night a couple of times.

I was reading on and I did the implantation calculator, and apparently I wouldn't have implanted yet? It said I would most likely implant on Dec 20-21?? I'm confused.

DH and I babysat my friend's 1 year old baby last night. :baby::baby::baby::baby: She was so cute, but exhausting. She loved him so much and didn't really want me to hold her. We babysat from 6:45-9:45 and we were so tired when she left. :sleep: Hahahaha so old.
lol babies are a lot of work!!!!!!!! I would be tired too.

Hmm, yeah I know it can take like 6 days for it to implant. So it's still really early, but once it implants, a few days later you'll be able to test!!!! YAY!
lol babies are a lot of work!!!!!!!! I would be tired too.

Hmm, yeah I know it can take like 6 days for it to implant. So it's still really early, but once it implants, a few days later you'll be able to test!!!! YAY!

I guess part of my question is how can you have symptoms if there hasn't been any implantation because that's when the hormone starts to build up. So wouldn't it be impossible to have any symptoms until after implantation. Or any symptoms you had would be ovulation or AF symptoms? Or symptoms of something else. :shrug:
It all depends on how early it implants. But ya, I'd be surprised if you'd see symptoms before 7 days or so. I'm sure some do, but I'm not sure how reliable it would be. I didn't have any symptoms my whole TWW. Just change in my cm from 6 dpo on. So who knows! Lol
It all depends on how early it implants. But ya, I'd be surprised if you'd see symptoms before 7 days or so. I'm sure some do, but I'm not sure how reliable it would be. I didn't have any symptoms my whole TWW. Just change in my cm from 6 dpo on. So who knows! Lol

Thanks Sunshine. I was so confused about that. 6 days until i get to test :bfp: or the witch comes :witch:. I really want this to be the month! Please Santa bring me a BFP for Christmas.

Syd - have you ovulated yet? hugs. :hugs: and :dust:
I'm on my green week already. Time to BD! I bought myself some vitamins and changed my diet a little to see if that could help us out. I told my DH no hot showers for a week lol. He's not happy about that part. Poor thing. Those are the sacrifices we need to make! :) at least green week is fun.
I'm on my green week already. Time to BD! I bought myself some vitamins and changed my diet a little to see if that could help us out. I told my DH no hot showers for a week lol. He's not happy about that part. Poor thing. Those are the sacrifices we need to make! :) at least green week is fun.

Bahahaha, I'd be upset about no hot showers too! But what can you do?? :shrug:

This week is by far the most fun! Enjoy yourself and your DH! Babydust!!


I'm over here like :coffee:
lol I hot showers? I've never heard that before! Hmmmm pretty sure my DH continued his, best I didn't know lol.

Nausea has arrived. It's not too bad luckily, the aversions are worse. But it's here.
sunshine2014-- It must be somewhat of a relief to finally have some symptoms, I imagine!! Though nausea can't be too fun. Have you announced it to family and friends yet or are you waiting??

nmpjcp2015-- I hope you get your :bfp:!! How great would it be to tell your family for Christmas?! I love the stocking idea for your DH. :thumbup: Have you been feeling anything different?

babydust0302-- FXd you catch that egg sometime this week!! :dust:

I have yet to ovulate, at least as far as I know...:shrug: I may have last Sunday (the last temp drop) but there hasn't been enough of a spike to be sure. It has kind of plateaued this week. Seems like every Sunday this cycle it's dropped again, so will see what happens tomorrow! My lower back has really hurt this week and I've had some bad headaches but other than that nothing different.

Maybe due to lack of/interrupted sleep? I wake up around 4:30 every morning (and temp then, too) to see my DH off to work and then go back to bed for a few hours.
We've only told my parents and my brother/SIL. I'm too nervous this time around so will wait until much later.

So temping - are you consistently temping at 4:30am every day because that really is key. It won't be accurate if it's different every day. It has to be within 30 mins of your wake up time. They tell you how much to add/subtract if you sleep in one day etc. but that could be why you're not noticing a spike after O. So I bet that's why!!! There's hope :) but ya, if you can't do it the same time every day, I wouldn't bother because it won't be reliable.

What day are you on again?

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