Ttc #1

Just had my scan. No baby.

I lost it but it was another missed mc. I'm a mess :(

Sunshine, words cannot explain how sad I am for you at this moment. I am so sorry. I sincerely mean it when I say you are in my thoughts and prayers during this hard time. I hope you and your DH find comfort and healing.

Hugs :hugs: :hugs:
sunshine2014-- I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I can't imagine what you must be feeling. I'll be praying for you in the weeks to come as you recover and heal physically and emotionally. I hope you're able to get some good rest. God is still good. :hugs:
I might be MIA a lot this cycle. My boss was in an accident, so I've taken over a lot of her tasks and there's just a lot going on right now. I would say I'm going to take the month off, but I guess it will be more like NTNP this month.

We need a BFP to pring life back into this thread. :-(

Please keep us up-to-date on how you're doing Sunshine. And Syd and babydust please post how you're doing as well.
Sunshine i am so sorry for your loss. A good friend of mine also lost her baby recently. You and your DH are in my prayers. Positive thoughts for 2015 ladies. You girls are already like family :)
Thanks ladies. So just to update I called my dr the next day and they said the us was inconclusive meaning they couldn't determine if anything was wrong or not. They told me to go to the ER yesterday to get another ultrasound and more tests. I was there all day. Basically I'm measuring 6w5d instead of 8, but that's exactly how long since conception. It was November 15. So if we use that it's right on track in terms of size and HCG level, which is good. Basically yesterday was still inconclusive but my OB and the nurse practitioner said there is no reason to assume it's a miscarriage. And that it's common to not see a hb at 6.5 weeks. Since I've had no bleeding so far and no cramps it could just be really early. What concerns me is that it's supposed to be 8 weeks since my lmp, but she said if we ignore that and focus on conception date all looks well. So I go back in a week for a follow up ultrasound and bloodwork and to go over the results. We will definitely know then if the baby has not grown or I've had bleeding in the meantime. I know it's common to not see a hesrtbest at 6.5 weeks but it's so stressful :(
sunshine-- Thanks for posting an update. Have been praying for you. It's great to hear that there's hope, that's hugely encouraging! I know it must be hard, but try not to stress too much! Will be waiting to hear how it goes.

Quick update from here: FF changed my O day to CD 28 from 26, which means today is only 12 DPO instead of 14. Thinking that today was 14 DPO of a 17 day LP, and having a ton of symptoms the last few days, we tested this morning. Got a BFN, but I'm hoping now that it was just too early...? With the changed date we'll probably wait until Monday to test again.

Still at the in-laws' until Monday.
Hey ladies. So I guess I'll add an update as well.

My boss who I love dearly suffered from a hematoma on her spine that has left her with no movement from the waist down. I am so thankful that she can still move her arms, but she has a long way to go as far as recovery. That being said, much of her responsibility has shifted to other people at our Center, and it's been hectic. :cry:

Also, my husband and I took a "bonding" trip to Nashville which is another reason why I've been MIA. :kiss:

As for TTC, we have been Bd-ing, but at this point I have no idea when I ovulated or if I even have yet. I did see that my ovulation test kit has arrived, so I will be picking it up after work today. I'm trying to keep life in perspective, and let this entire experience be as positive as possible. My heart is only half way in it this cycle and I literally feel like I only have 0% left in me.

I've missed chatting with you guys! I hope we are still all in this together.

Syd - :test:

sunshine - hug dear. thanks so much for keeping us updated. :hugs: please try to relax.

babydust - you guys are like my family too. my DH teases me about the way I talk about you all. how are you? :hugs:
Syd - is today your test day? Symptoms are a good thing! Glad you had some distractions to get you through that wait! Make sure to update us. And yes, it could be too early. I was 4 days late before I got my faint line. I obviously O'd later.

NMPJCP - so sorry to hear about your boss, that is absolutely heartbreaking :( I'm hoping for a full recovery for her.
So nice you took a little getaway. That's wonderful. I think you have the right attitude moving forward. Stress and pressure don't help anything so it's best to just take it one day at a time.

Afm I'm in the states right now for DH. I'm not sure how to feel abiut my situation. I felt very hopeful the first day, but now I find myself just waiting for my mc. I'm constantly checking for blood, it's heartbreaking. So far no cramps or bleeding, but last time I only had a small amount of bleeding. Not even enough to alarm me. Anyways, my appointment is on Thursday in the morning. I'll know for sure and at least have some closure. DH tells me not to think negatively and I'm trying, but it's hard not to prepare mentally. I'm not worried about the size, just the no hb. But I suppose there's still a chance it was too early.
Syd - is today your test day? Symptoms are a good thing! Glad you had some distractions to get you through that wait! Make sure to update us. And yes, it could be too early. I was 4 days late before I got my faint line. I obviously O'd later.

NMPJCP - so sorry to hear about your boss, that is absolutely heartbreaking :( I'm hoping for a full recovery for her.
So nice you took a little getaway. That's wonderful. I think you have the right attitude moving forward. Stress and pressure don't help anything so it's best to just take it one day at a time.

Afm I'm in the states right now for DH. I'm not sure how to feel abiut my situation. I felt very hopeful the first day, but now I find myself just waiting for my mc. I'm constantly checking for blood, it's heartbreaking. So far no cramps or bleeding, but last time I only had a small amount of bleeding. Not even enough to alarm me. Anyways, my appointment is on Thursday in the morning. I'll know for sure and at least have some closure. DH tells me not to think negatively and I'm trying, but it's hard not to prepare mentally. I'm not worried about the size, just the no hb. But I suppose there's still a chance it was too early.

:( No words. I'm praying for the best outcome possible! I don't think there's anything wrong with preparing yourself mentally. Just give yourself some space for positive thinking as well.
So I got my OPK yesterday and did a test strip. It came back with 2 lines, but the test line was lighter than the control line? Me and DH had sex. I'm having ovulation signs, but does that mean I'm about to ovulate or that I've already done it?
nmpjcp-- Sorry to hear about your boss's accident. Praying you'll be a help and encouragement to her and have the energy to help cover all the bases. Any more O symptoms?

I'm back to square one after AF decided to show her ugly face on Sunday. :cry: I thought for sure this was it--was dizzy, crazy dreams, constantly tired, swollen and tender chest that looked like a roadmap with the veins, etc. My body doesn't know what it's doing apparently. We're back home now and not planning on any traveling for a while but I start my new job tomorrow (after not working for over a year) so big adjustments ahead...

Sunshine--don't lose hope! Women are different and bound to measure bigger/smaller more often than not. Will be praying for your appointment Thursday.
Nmpjcp so sorry but I don't know anything about opk's. Hmmmm I wish I could help.

Syd - ugh! I can't believe she showed. Sending you a hug for the crazy body confusion and symptoms. I'm glad you are home though And once again in a normal routine. Best of luck on your new job tomorrow!!!!! Hope it goes great!
Thanks anyway Sunshine. So far, I'm not liking it, but at least peeing for the OPKs isn't as much pressure as the pregnancy tests. Are you nervous about your appointment tomorrow?

Syd- Aw shucks. That stinks. I hope your job is going/goes well today! Starting anything new is hard, but you'll settle into a routine. Plus, you're really positive, so that helps a lot.

AFM - I had my usually ovulation symptoms, but aside from fatigue everything is gone now. I guess either my body is confused or I've already ovulated, but I'll keep testing until this weekend to be sure. I'm just glad I got the cheapies instead of dropping big money on ovulation tests.

This is month three for us and my DH is getting worried. We've decided that after 6 months we'll go to the dr to see if anything is up.

Did I tell you guys we are getting puppy? He'll be here on my birthday. He's supposedly mine, but my stepdaughter has already started claiming him for herself. I know this sounds really snarky, but I kinda don't want to share him. Lol.
hello ladies! I've been totally out of the loop. I'm trying to catch up on all the posts. Our office has been under construction and spring semester started on monday so I've been crazy busy. UPDATE: AF is due today, but I have no signs of it yet. I took HPT yesterday and it came back negative, but I haven't been late in a long time so I'm staying hopeful. AF usually shows up first thing in the morning for me. I have no pain. just gassy stomach pains and my lower back hurts. my nipples have been super itchy (tmi) lol but usually soreness is around my boobs and not nipples. I hate symptom spotting!!
Fx babydust...that sounds good so far. Keep us posted.

nmpjcp, a puppy!!? YAY!! When is your Birthday? You have to tell us ;) and also post pics of the little cutie. I can't wait to get a puppy. I think my cats would be really mad at me though lol.

I'm so nervous about my appt :( It's tomorrow morning. Every time I start to think positively I go back to the dates and my doubt. BLAH. Anyways, I'll take the cramps and no bleeding. I let work know that I may need a few days off for my surgery if appt doesn't go well. I currently work from home for 2 more weeks, I gave my notice last week so I finish up next Thursday. SO EXCITED. This job really stresses me out. I'm also a Teacher, on a current leave of absense (we moved), so I'm going back to Teaching at the end of the month part time. So at least that's a positive right now!!! :)
sunshine - positive thoughts! no bleeding is still good!!! There is hope :) praying for you
Yay! Babydust :bfp::af::bfp::af::spermy::spermy:

My birthday is at the beginning of February. :happydance: I've attached 3 pictures of him. His name is Maldy. Don't judge him too much. He's only 2.5 weeks old. He he he. He's a weenie dog. :)

Sunshine - :hugs:


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Oh MY!!!!! He is soooo cute. I Love him. Soooo exciting!!!!

babydust...I'm soo excited for you!!!!!!!! Keeping my fx. I feel like our group is going to start having some good luck!!
nmpjcp the puppy is super cute! I'm a fan of furry puppies but this one just has such an adorable face!

sunshine i hope you're right! My DH has been asking me all day if AF came. Still nothing. I have mild cramps now which have me a little bummed out but i hear that the pain is similar to AF sometimes. I hate waiting! There's nothing worse than the last day of TWW. It's so stressful.

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