Syd - is today your test day? Symptoms are a good thing! Glad you had some distractions to get you through that wait! Make sure to update us. And yes, it could be too early. I was 4 days late before I got my faint line. I obviously O'd later.
NMPJCP - so sorry to hear about your boss, that is absolutely heartbreaking

I'm hoping for a full recovery for her.
So nice you took a little getaway. That's wonderful. I think you have the right attitude moving forward. Stress and pressure don't help anything so it's best to just take it one day at a time.
Afm I'm in the states right now for DH. I'm not sure how to feel abiut my situation. I felt very hopeful the first day, but now I find myself just waiting for my mc. I'm constantly checking for blood, it's heartbreaking. So far no cramps or bleeding, but last time I only had a small amount of bleeding. Not even enough to alarm me. Anyways, my appointment is on Thursday in the morning. I'll know for sure and at least have some closure. DH tells me not to think negatively and I'm trying, but it's hard not to prepare mentally. I'm not worried about the size, just the no hb. But I suppose there's still a chance it was too early.