TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hi everybody!

I'm 39, 40 in July. Been TTC for 3 years and three months. Had one ectopic pregnancy 15 months ago, and back again trying. It is soooooooo hard. The worst thing for me was that my best friend, who has a daughter, was nonchalant about having another (to say the least) and when she finally decided to try for her baby no. 2, she gets pregnant the FIRST month. It was a bittersweet experience for me. It is very cruel, isn't it, but I can't help but feel that thinking positively will get us all there!

So far, I've had 6 sessions of acupuncture in six weeks; DH is using Wellman Conception (as there is some issue with his motility); I'm cutting right back on alcohol, cutting back on wheat (which prevents absorption of minerals, APPARENTLY!!), taking vits E, B6, Selenium, Iron, Zinc, Folic and Chinese herbs, tried Preseed (didn't work for me), done the stick my legs in the air thing (and try not to fall off the bed at the same time)-again, this didn't work for me, have done Clomid-no joy, done one cycle of drugs for IUI then DH's sperm were practically non-existant (4-OMG-you need about 5 MILLION at least-this jsut wasn't funny) and now DH is doing another sample next week; I'm charting temps daily, and have done the monthly opks (but gynae doc said these were a waste of time, as you could have missed the ovulation). What else is there?????

It's all ridiculous really, but got to be in it to win it, so I'm sure we will all be here for a short space of time!

Babydust to you all!


I wanted to particularly address Dwrgi re: your gyno saying OPKs were a waste of time (?!!?), but I'm new to this particular TTC board (member to many, many others out there - fortunately and unfortunately!), so first, a quick intro: I'm 39, DH is 45, been married 11-1/2 years, and have been TTC our 1st since June 2009. Three miscarriages (Oct 2009, March 2010, Sept 2010) and 4 months of fertility meds (both oral and injectible) and a failed IUI later, here I am. After the failed IUI in Feb. 2011, I threw in the towel on the RE and all the meds (and feeling physically horrible all the time), and began fertility acupuncture. Another adventure has begun! Hopefully a successful one.

To Dwrgi: Excluding the period of time I was on fertility meds (which completely screwed up my cycles and ability to OPK test), OPK testing was the ONLY thing that I could rely on to help me get pregnant the 3 times I did. DH and I TTC on our own in the beginning (oh, how naive we were!), but it was only when I got the Clearblue Easy digital fertility monitor (BBT charting left me confused and dizzy:wacko:, so I gave up on that PDQ) did I get preggers without fail. Highly recommend it! Not sure why your gyno would tell you not to use OPKs? Every little thing you can do to help you should definitely do!

My acupuncturist told me to eliminate wheat, too, but didn't realize why! Good to know. No sugar, no saturated fat either. Just lots of greens. Also on Chinese herbs, progesterone (a carry-over from my RE because I'm paranoid and afraid not to use it), prenatals, and a daily baby aspirin. Recently I started yoga (I am sorely uncoordinated, but if it helps then OK!).

I agree - alot of what we have to do to TTC is crazy - but if it works, hurrah for us!

Best of luck to us all!
OOOh, Mrs J,

Lynnb, HA, MA, Lava, Mrs J, FM and all the ladies here. Thank you so much for wishing me well and supporting me. Also good luck for all of us on TWW.

MA it's good that they are keeping a close eye on you. As long as they keep it under controle. :) I am taking the progestrone suppositories right now but they might switch me to the injections. Than DH will need to administer it daily. Although I suspect your progestrone injections would be a much higher dose.They told us that warming it up in your bra beforehand and rubbing the area with a hot towel helps. The needles are massive and scary. What's Doug's trick cause everyone on my IVF thread is after any info how to make these injections less painful. I will find out tomorrow if I will switch to the injection and I'm truly dreading it. Especially since my DH is completely useless at anything useful with his hands :)

Hi Skye. The progesterone injections your on is likely the POI or Progesterone in Oil shots. They are somewhat different from my compound drug. Mine are made specifically from a compound pharmacy that puts the drug together right there in the pharmacy. There aren't a whole lot of compound pharmacies that do this so it takes some traveling, though they send it now.

POI that you'll be taking I have heard the oil can make it sting a bit but am told it goes away shortly after. Your injections are much more potent than the creams and are actually given in most hospitals to stop preterm delivery in emergencies because it works a whole lot quicker than the creams when injected into the body. It's actually a good thing if given the choice over creams. :winkwink::thumbup:

While they're not as potent as 17P injections they pretty much have a similar affect in that they are excellent at helping with so many issues pertaining to early loss and/or preterm labor. Most Dr.'s won't give 17P injections unless there has been a prior preterm birth or loss from second and third trimesters and the side effects are a bit more intense for those who end up with them vs the POI injections you'd be getting so that's also a plus.:thumbup:

To stop the pinch/pain from injection site have the person giving the injection rub the site with an alcohol pad for 30 seconds REALLY intense. This is supposed to sort of numb the nerve endings of the skin and allows the needle to go in without actually feeling it. Remember though, you have to REALLY rub the area with the alcohol pad for 30 seconds in order to feel the results, if you don't do it long enough you'll still feel the needle. The best way to do it is once the rubbing is done for 30 seconds, have the person QUICKLY inject the needle thereafter. It works like a charm. :winkwink:

Doug actually learned it from a senior nurse who taught him. Not many nurses know this method or perform it unless they've actually been taught by a senior nurse as it's rarely taught in nursing school because it's such a "little" step but that "little" step would help cut the pain for so many people who fear the pain on injections contact.

You should find videos of POI (progesterone in oil) on Youtube that will show you how to inject and tricks to warm the oil before contact. Do a search on Youtube and you'll see. :thumbup:

Hope this helps. You shouldn't have the same type of pain I had with my 17P injections as my solution is made differently and it's THICK. The oil itself is the culprit to the pain most feel with your type of injection. While it's the oil, it's not thick and thus shouldn't cause too many issues in the muscles.

Hopefully I haven't gone on too much. :lol: Check out the Youtube videos so your familiar with it and try Dougs method of prep before injection. I bet you'll do just fine dear friend!!:hugs::kiss:
I am so miserable right now. I think I have a mild case of over stimmulation. My stomach is so big that I have to breath quite rapidly. All the water I drink doesn't do the trick. It's so uncomfortable ;( The clinic is closed and the emergency number advised me to go to the Hospital's ER if I can't wait any longer. I don't know what they can do and I don't want any other medicals touching my tummy in case it's a wrong intervention.
It's reallt uncomfortable :(
Hey ladies... sorry I have been lurking... but still keeping you all in my thoughts! x

I like Dwrgi am feeling like I am not in the happiest place... still so angry and cyncial and that bad mood is contagious so I am trying to keep my black cloud to myself...

But I am still reading your posts...

LynnB I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you...

Skye! Yay! Pupo!

MrsJo8 and everyone else thank you for your words xxxxxxxxxx (hugs)

Lava and Nikki how are you guys? Those temp figures really confuse me.. I am far too thick to do the temping thing! lol

Lurk for as long as you need Deb, we're here as & when you need us :hugs:

It really means the world to me that you're keeping fingers & toes crossed for me, but doesn't that make everyday life a little difficult :winkwink::haha:

I am so miserable right now. I think I have a mild case of over stimmulation. My stomach is so big that I have to breath quite rapidly. All the water I drink doesn't do the trick. It's so uncomfortable ;( The clinic is closed and the emergency number advised me to go to the Hospital's ER if I can't wait any longer. I don't know what they can do and I don't want any other medicals touching my tummy in case it's a wrong intervention.
It's reallt uncomfortable :(

Not sure what to say huni apart from if you're that uncomfortable maybe go to the ER & see what they advise & if you don't think it's right or don't fancy risking it then leave. Hope you're feeling better soon :hugs:

I may not be on here much this week as I have a week off work & have decided to spend sometime with my sister, mother & 2 nieces. So I'm sending you all :dust: & hoping for some BFPs by the time I get back home.
Aw Skye hun I don't know what to suggest I'm sorry :hugs: really hope it doesn't last long though

Dwrgi, sorry your DH is being a bit of a numpty it is sooooo frustrating when they font listen or support. My OH is the same if it's any consolation, if he can't fix it he doesn't want to know about it as it'll make him angry for not being able to fix it. Hence us ladies use an outlet like BnB as we don't want fixing as such, just a sounding board and support. Hang in there :flower:

Lava, you're not out until that hag arrives lady :)

Lynneb, thank you for looking at my journal, it's done me the world of good although my journey is still very up and down. So pleased for you and positive sticky :dust: to you

FM, we are at the same point DPO and my fingers are well and truly crossed for you

Padbrat, go easy on yourself hun. It takes time as you well know :hugs:

Jocr, thanks also for commenting on my journal, big hugs to you chick :hugs:

Nikki, praying, gingerbread and anyone else I've missed :hi: and :hug: to you

I am so miserable right now. I think I have a mild case of over stimmulation. My stomach is so big that I have to breath quite rapidly. All the water I drink doesn't do the trick. It's so uncomfortable ;( The clinic is closed and the emergency number advised me to go to the Hospital's ER if I can't wait any longer. I don't know what they can do and I don't want any other medicals touching my tummy in case it's a wrong intervention.
It's reallt uncomfortable :(

If your hyperstimmulated you have to go to the ER and make sure all is well and it hasn't gotten out of hand. Just have them take a sonogram to be sure your not at the danger level of hyperstimmulation. If you don't decide to go you have GOT to call the office IMMEDIATELY in the morning and tell them you have to come in right away to get checked for hyperstimmulation!

In all actuality you may have quite a few follies in there and are feeling that so I don't want to scare you BUT, if you are hyperstimming you need to check it out in case it's at a dangerous level.

Sounds like you may have quite a few good ones in there and I'll be interested in knowing what they see.:hugs: If you feel any sicker you get to that hospital!! Just have them look at the follies and if it's not at a dangerous level, tell them they cannot touch anything.
Hope you feel better.

I called my nurse this morning about the temp drop. She said that my progesterone was great when tested so she wasn't concerned and it didn't mean I was out. I could come in & they could retest, but she didn't think I needed to. Since work is crazy with stuff I can't reschedule, I just said don't worry about it and we could test again next cycle if needed. My period was due on Saturday so I decided to just wait. But, I just got an explanation for the temp dip ... the old hag arrived ... EARLY. Fun Fun!

Anyway, the negative is ... I'm not pregnant again. The positive is that I don't have a progesterone problem and I can start my next treatment cycle earlier than expected. I hate having a 31 day cycle ... the days just drag by. This month it was only 27 days. I wonder if that had something to do with the trigger shot and/or the IUI? Anyway, now I'll go in Thursday for my Day 3 test & u/s and begin Femara for another IUI cycle.

If it makes you feel any better, my DH is going to a happy hour tonight and I called him & spoke to him for a few minutes while he was waiting for his friend to arrive at the bar. I told him that the reason my temp went down was b/c I got my period just now. His response was ... "ok, Dan's here... gotta go." That's it! Not "sorry," not "I'll be home soon," nothing. I asked him this weekend if he was angry at me for not getting pregnant yet and he said no, but that he was surprised. Mentioned his good sperm count. Of course, this didn't help my mood at all and just got me crying. So, guys are daft about this stuff sometimes and seem less interested than we are occasionally. That's what the ladies on this board are for ... b/c we understand better what you are going through. Just know that you aren't alone!

I'm going to have some chocolate for dinner now. :(
Lynneb, hope you have a lovely time visiting family hun :flower:

Skye, how're you feeling? Make sure you take on board MA's comments :hugs:

Lava hun, :hugs: so sorry that the hag appeared. It's such a rubbish feeling when you see her arrive. As for the men, they do say the most insensitive things at times but I really think they have NO idea as to what we go through in our quest for children. My cycles have shortened since my loss so at least if the hag arrives, it's not so long to wait to try next month. Take care and hope the chocolate was yummy :flower:

:hi: to everyone else

Hi everybody!

I'm 39, 40 in July. Been TTC for 3 years and three months. Had one ectopic pregnancy 15 months ago, and back again trying. It is soooooooo hard. The worst thing for me was that my best friend, who has a daughter, was nonchalant about having another (to say the least) and when she finally decided to try for her baby no. 2, she gets pregnant the FIRST month. It was a bittersweet experience for me. It is very cruel, isn't it, but I can't help but feel that thinking positively will get us all there!

So far, I've had 6 sessions of acupuncture in six weeks; DH is using Wellman Conception (as there is some issue with his motility); I'm cutting right back on alcohol, cutting back on wheat (which prevents absorption of minerals, APPARENTLY!!), taking vits E, B6, Selenium, Iron, Zinc, Folic and Chinese herbs, tried Preseed (didn't work for me), done the stick my legs in the air thing (and try not to fall off the bed at the same time)-again, this didn't work for me, have done Clomid-no joy, done one cycle of drugs for IUI then DH's sperm were practically non-existant (4-OMG-you need about 5 MILLION at least-this jsut wasn't funny) and now DH is doing another sample next week; I'm charting temps daily, and have done the monthly opks (but gynae doc said these were a waste of time, as you could have missed the ovulation). What else is there?????

It's all ridiculous really, but got to be in it to win it, so I'm sure we will all be here for a short space of time!

Babydust to you all!


I wanted to particularly address Dwrgi re: your gyno saying OPKs were a waste of time (?!!?), but I'm new to this particular TTC board (member to many, many others out there - fortunately and unfortunately!), so first, a quick intro: I'm 39, DH is 45, been married 11-1/2 years, and have been TTC our 1st since June 2009. Three miscarriages (Oct 2009, March 2010, Sept 2010) and 4 months of fertility meds (both oral and injectible) and a failed IUI later, here I am. After the failed IUI in Feb. 2011, I threw in the towel on the RE and all the meds (and feeling physically horrible all the time), and began fertility acupuncture. Another adventure has begun! Hopefully a successful one.

To Dwrgi: Excluding the period of time I was on fertility meds (which completely screwed up my cycles and ability to OPK test), OPK testing was the ONLY thing that I could rely on to help me get pregnant the 3 times I did. DH and I TTC on our own in the beginning (oh, how naive we were!), but it was only when I got the Clearblue Easy digital fertility monitor (BBT charting left me confused and dizzy:wacko:, so I gave up on that PDQ) did I get preggers without fail. Highly recommend it! Not sure why your gyno would tell you not to use OPKs? Every little thing you can do to help you should definitely do!

My acupuncturist told me to eliminate wheat, too, but didn't realize why! Good to know. No sugar, no saturated fat either. Just lots of greens. Also on Chinese herbs, progesterone (a carry-over from my RE because I'm paranoid and afraid not to use it), prenatals, and a daily baby aspirin. Recently I started yoga (I am sorely uncoordinated, but if it helps then OK!).

I agree - alot of what we have to do to TTC is crazy - but if it works, hurrah for us!

Best of luck to us all!

Welcome, Baby4MJ! Good to have you here! :flower:

First of all, I would just like to wish you a huge 'good luck' :thumbup: in your quest for your first child. It sounds like you have been through a huge amount, and I can really empathise with you on what you have experienced! I am glad that you haven't given up-you will be so glad that you did not when you get your own baby! Huge, HUGE good luck to you!

I do agree with you re. my FS's declaration about opk-what she sais was that once you test and get a positive result, it may be too late anyway, as the egg may have been lost. Of course, we all know that ovulation can occur up to 48 hours after the first positive result. I use the Clear Blue ovulation sticks too, and it gives me comfort to know that my body has recorded a positive result and to 'go for it.' The one thing that bothers me though is-do people take the opk test once a day or twice a day? Would this matter? I read somewhere that the most reliable evidencve of ovulation will be given with an evening test.... Others say that first urine of the day.. It gets very confusing-as does all the conflicting evidence that we get from our respective FS's.

I really hope that you are benefitting from the acupuncture-cutting out wheat is also recommended as wheat prevents minerals being absorbed by the body. I tried this and it led to all sorts of problems, completely unrelated to fertility, so I'm back on wheat.

Do you know what your own problems are, sorry for asking if you think it's personal. It's clear that you CAN get pregnant-is it just a case of being able to hold on to baby??? In that case, baby aspirin will certainly help..

I'm glad you have found this thread, you will get a lot of support from it-everybody is really supportive!

Take care and big hugs to you!
Hi everybody!

Oh skye honey I hope you are feeling better. Did you decide to go to the ER? My friend down the street used to talk about the extreme bloating & intense pressure but hers was from all the follies in her. I hope thats all is was for you. Thinking of you hon :hugs:

Lava I am so so sorry af showed. I was hoping you were gona be a 1st iui success...something tells me it wont take you long though. Shame on DH for his comment on the phone. I swear they are one track mind & can only process what they are currently doing(for him it was waiting on his friend) I know they mean no harm but come on...really???!!!!!

Never Im the same dpo as well(u & FM are 5dpo?) This wait is forever!! I hope we can have 3 bfp next week[-o<

Dwrgi I think we all can relate to DH being a big Butt from time to time. I'll keep my personal experience to myself as I just got over being pissed at him & am afraid I'll get mad all over again. But yes they can be so insensitive at times. As far as opk, Ive read several places that its not like hpt where you use fmu but that LH gets stronger through out the day. I always tested around 2-3pm but often wondered if 2x a day would be better. Im sending your DH:spermy: lots of luck(never thought that sentence would leave my mouth!)

MA thanks for the advice on the poi shot. I was watching youtube videos of that last week(my friend keeps telling me they are the worst) If I do reach the point of ivf I will gladly try dougs little trick!

Lynnb have a wonderful time with your family!

FM still counting down..almost half way there!!!!!!

Hi baby4mj:hi:

Padbrat & HA thinking of you:hugs:

Missy,Nikki,Praying,Jocr Hi girls I hope you are well. Sending love to you.
Hi twinkle & are the both of you?:hugs:

Missy did things work out with DH and your appointment? I hope you are feeling better about it all.:flower:
I see we've been moved! :)

Anyhoo, I'll post later today in response to other's posts. I just wanted to quickly write that AF came Sunday night, and my 7dpo progesterone from Thursday came back a measly 4.5 on Saturday, which is why I know AF would have to be coming soon. My doctor has called to talk about the test, so I'll have more info later. I am very frustrated, and today/tomorrow I need to have a FSH test (again) and decide if I'm going to use this Clomid I have. I just don't know what to do, to be honest.

OK, gotta run for the bus. Will finish this post lata sisters! :)
why have we been moved?:growlmad:

Do any of you know much about smep and if its geared towards women who've had a mc or previous births?(I dont see how that would matter but that seems to be what most people say about it). Im already searching for new ideas if this cycle doesnt take[-o< Shame on me[-X
Hello Ladies!

I'm confused....why and where have we been moved to? Do we need to start a new thread?

Skye- Are you feeling better? Did you call the clinic? Are they having you coming in to make sure you are not overstimulated? Thinking about you.:hugs:

Lava- I'm so very sorry that af showed. I really wish I could cast her away, for at least 9 months for all of us!:hugs: I'm glad that you have another IUI scheduled. I will be praying that it brings you your bfp.:flower: As for your dh, mine does things like that. I have to agree with ginger, my dh acts that way. Lately, he has been putting all his free time and effort into his car and I'm feeling quite ignored. He is 7 years younger then me, so he thinks we have all the time in the world to get pg.

Dwrgi- I'm also sorry your dh was making you upset too.:hugs:
I don't think they get how friggen hard this is for us to go through. About the opk's, I'm not sure why your gyn would say that. I use the cbfm and cheapies,temping just to make sure I don't miss the key day. How else can we truly know when the right time it is to bd.

Ginger-I'm trying out the SMEP this month and I have never been pg. I once had two positive pregnancy tests in a row about 6 years ago but ended up getting my af shortly after. So don't know. No positives since. Pretty much ready to try anything, I can.:hugs::hugs:

Lynnb- Have a great time with your family!

FM- How are you doing? thinking about ya.

Hello- baby4mj


Missyt- my soul sister, how are you? Thinking about you.

Jocr- How are you? been thinking about ya.

Twinkle- How are you doing?

I tested using my cbfm and it gave me "low fertility" lets hope I don't screw this cycle up, like I did last month. Had the flu and forgot to test a couple of times and messed it all up.

:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: to all of us!
I just realized and found us...we have become a group. :)

It's nice to become a group, but as a woman over 35, I'm kinda finding the fact that they moved this thread AWAY from the 35 + where women over 35 can have actual support offensive. Why did they move us?:shrug: I honestly think they need to move us back. I feel kinda like moving such a group of support to women of our age will make it hard for others to find this AWESOME group of women. To me, it's not just a "discussion group" it's a group of women in their 30's who are focusing on ttc and looking to one another for help and encouragement.

Yes, I see this as a tight knit group, but without having other women of our age group to confide in and encourage each other, I don't think I would have gotten this far had I not come to the age group that fit me when all the other forums support young women in their prime of pregnancy. I may not have found a place to talk about treatment each of us are doing nor do I think I would be pregnant right now as I may have given up without the kind encouragement of others like the women in here.

Not to start and issue or anything but it's affensive yet again to take a thread for women of 35+ and throw them off into a "discussion" group instead of keeping them within their own forum for women of more maturity.:thumbup:

Who would we talk to about putting this thread back into the old forum?? Am I making a mountain out of a molehill here??:shrug::wacko:
Welcome, Baby4MJ! Good to have you here! :flower:

First of all, I would just like to wish you a huge 'good luck' :thumbup: in your quest for your first child. It sounds like you have been through a huge amount, and I can really empathise with you on what you have experienced! I am glad that you haven't given up-you will be so glad that you did not when you get your own baby! Huge, HUGE good luck to you!

I do agree with you re. my FS's declaration about opk-what she sais was that once you test and get a positive result, it may be too late anyway, as the egg may have been lost. Of course, we all know that ovulation can occur up to 48 hours after the first positive result. I use the Clear Blue ovulation sticks too, and it gives me comfort to know that my body has recorded a positive result and to 'go for it.' The one thing that bothers me though is-do people take the opk test once a day or twice a day? Would this matter? I read somewhere that the most reliable evidencve of ovulation will be given with an evening test.... Others say that first urine of the day.. It gets very confusing-as does all the conflicting evidence that we get from our respective FS's.

I really hope that you are benefitting from the acupuncture-cutting out wheat is also recommended as wheat prevents minerals being absorbed by the body. I tried this and it led to all sorts of problems, completely unrelated to fertility, so I'm back on wheat.

Do you know what your own problems are, sorry for asking if you think it's personal. It's clear that you CAN get pregnant-is it just a case of being able to hold on to baby??? In that case, baby aspirin will certainly help..

I'm glad you have found this thread, you will get a lot of support from it-everybody is really supportive!

Take care and big hugs to you!

Hi, Dwrgi (and all the other ladies, of course! :wave:)

Wow - what a wonderful welcome! Seriously, thank you. Best welcome I've ever received of all the boards I've visited!

Re: the OPK testing, I use the actual digital monitor, not just the OPK test sticks alone (I think those are two different things? The Clearblue monitor, which has special sticks of its own, and then just the regular Clearblue sticks that show lines (or smiley faces) when you have an LH surge? Is that right? :-k) Anyway, the monitor instructions advise testing once/day using first urine of the day (you set the monitor for a 6-hour "test window" for the morning - mine is between 5am and 11am) and the monitor tells you exactly what days to test (usually between CD6 and CD15, depending on your cycle. It actually "learns" your cycle after time). The monitor usually shows a surge for me anywhere between CD9 and CD12 since I have a relatively short cycle of 24-25 days. The good thing about the monitor is that it also shows the period of time that you have high fertility (the lead up to ovulation), to give you the best chance. Just do the horizontal bop during high fertility and peak fertility (and usually for a day or 2 after peak for luck) and whammo - you're supposed to have the best chance to get pregnant.

The acupuncture has calmed me down leaps and bounds. Not nearly as stressed or obsessive about get preg as I was prior to starting it. I think all the blood-drawing and ultrasounds and injections and appts with my gyno and with my RE left me half crazy. None of that with acupuncture. I get to lie down in the calm and warmth and quiet of a dark room for an hour a week - can't complain about that! I admittedly do have trouble with the dietary recommendations (can't kick coffee 100% yet :coffee:) and I'm not 100% with exercise (closer to 50% :blush:).

Nothing too personal at all, please ask away...But yes, my problem is getting the pregnancy to stick (losses were at 6 wks, 8 wks, and 4 wks). I have been diagnosed with the dreaded "unexplained infertility"...which means my husband and I are in the pink of health...every test clean as a whistle, DH's spermies abundant and squiggly and swimming just fine:spermy:, I have a "textbook uterus" and "beautiful fallopian tubes and follicles" as per my various docs. I guess the problem is I'm just "old" ("advanced maternal age"...lovely :jo:) and my eggies just aren't as perky and perfect as they once were. I'm on progesterone just for funsies because if it doesn't hurt and it may help, the doc says may as well go for it. Same for the baby aspirin. My acupuncturist said I am a perfect candidate for successful fertility through acupuncture due to my clean bill of health. He said in cases like mine 97% of the problem he finds is stress-related. I'm not arguing him on that. I'm a stressball, admittedly. I just hope he's right about being successful. My acupuncturist said best case scenario is that I have a successful pregnancy. Worst case, I will be at a great point at the end of the 4 months to move onto the next step...which I think would have to be IVF (soooo expensive! And a bit scary, honestly). I see you're beginning IVF this month? I'd love to hear about your experience if you are (and you don't mind sharing).

Thanks again for such a wonderful welcome. :hugs: I already feel better about things, just knowing there's so much support out there!
Here's to keeping the :witch: at bay and to :bfp:'s for all of us!!
Padbrat, I'm really glad to know that you are lurking. Please also post and purge out all the negativity if it would help you.We are here to listen and give you a shoulder. :( MC is same as losing someone from the family and it happens to some of the lovely ladies here multiple times. :hugs::hugs: Hugs and kisses

Lava, I'm really sorry hon. :((( :hugs::hugs: You deserve all the chocolate you can get your hands on. Your cycle being shorter is definitely to do with all the hormones and the trigger shot. The meds take over the cycle. Tell your Dh that it is really not very easy to suceed in the first trial of treatment as drs don't know how your body would react. I would imagine they would either change your meds or up your dose in your next cycle. As for DH not giving you any comfort, the poor thing does sound genuinly startled and probobly didn't want to deal with it at that moment. I'm sure he would come around and talk to you when he digests the news. Lot's of baby dust and good luck wih the next one xxx

Hi Baby4MJ, thank you for the encouragement, I hope you would reach your dream very soon.

Hey MA, I was very happy for the priceless tip. :kiss::kiss: I am still at bay with the gestone injections- my progestrone levels were fine on the test today :))))- but I shared your tip with the girls in the IVF thread (another web site) and they loved it. So thank you so much hon. I will actually do this for my stomach injections too. They don't normally hurt but last few days because of the swelling in my tummy I almost cry every time I push in one. Last night was the worst since my tummy skin was like a well stretched drum leather.

LynnB have great fun with your family, it would be a good morale boost for you. Pls update if you have any test done though (heart beat?) I am looking forward to BabyLynn's progress.

Nevernever, I skimmed through your journal. I hope your pain would ease off in time hon. Don't let people like that girl with 2 kids 1 on the way upset you. Women who don't experience it don't understand the emotional trauma MC creates on a couple. Trying to avoid people with young kids who are in that frame of mind is the best really. We are here for you and you can confide in close friends who are sensitive to your situation. My best friend had 2 beautiful sons one after the other without a sweat. I love her and the kids dearly and spend a lot of time with them but I avoid fertility talk with her. Cause every time she says something which is inappropriate and upsetting. I just told her that I was doing IVF but no details at all. I discuss all this with you girls who knows what I'm talking about.

Dwrgi, you can definitely rely on the opks. They are great to give you an idea when your ovulation happen usually if your periods have a pattern. If not you can also watch out for the EWCM (the secretion you get before ovulation) It is usually thick and whitish while your egg is growing. Than gets clear and more stretchy almost like an egg white, than it tells you that you are 1-2 days before the ovulation. Perfect time to bed cause it helps and keeps all the swimmies in place. I used to bed when I saw this, and I would test than keep once every 2 days untill I lose the smiley. Best one more just when you lose it too. That would cover all your windows.
Cutting out wheat is an odd issue. What I understand is women who have Celiac disease can get infertility issues. As this is an autoimmune disease your body might refuse the pregnancy. But this is not common and not if you don't have the celiac disease. I would take acupuncturists advice with a pinch of salt.

Hey Ginger, :flower: missed you here while you've been restrained by all the electricity problems. How are you doing? is everything allright with your house? Where are you at with the tx? Are you testing soon? What is smep?

Niki I'm confused on where we've been moved too? I'm also not sure what's happening with your tx. I'm sorry I must have missed out while I was woozy from the egg collection and meds. Are you on IUI right now? Please update your situation.

Hello Luvy are you on OPK's at the moment. I suppose they would get stronger as your surge gets stronger. Good luck hon :kiss::kiss:

AFM yesterday overstimmulation scare was because I didn't drink enough water in the morning. I have to carry on sipping 4-5 litres of water all day and through the night. I forgot to take water just before I went to bed and didn't wake up through the night. Than had very little in the morning. Apparently water flushes away and prevents the ovaries swelling with fluid which causes the bloating. In the evening and several times a night I kept drinking and drinking and my bloating calmed down in the morning fortunately. It was a horrible feeling though.

FM great to have your support while I'm doing this treatment. Hope your trip's going well :) You are in my thoughts and really looking forward to you being here more often.

Same goes for HA and Twinkle, miss u girls here xxxxx

Missy I am anxious to know that things are a bit better with DH and the work craze has calmed down a little. Don't forget to keep the belief that it will all be good in the end and you will have your beautiful baby. xxxx
I agree with MA that we are a niche group. I would like to support you MA but didn't get what's going on :))) Maybe the change didn't happen to uk site? Theree must be administrator somewhere. Maybe the lady who started the 35+ TTC group? Wobbles...

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