Sorry, this post is "all about me."
So my doctor called and thought that my 4.5 progesterone levels were "borderline," meaning that I probably did ovulate but might not have.
She is fine if I continue to decide to stay with her, but I think that she feels that at this point, we need a FS to give us the best chance of success (my FSH levels back in October were high). The big problem is that my DH is, last we talked dead set about spending a bunch of $ to "knock me up." Given that IVF is not covered by insurance, I think that IUI might be the limit for us, if that. He REALLY hopes and believes that we can conceive naturally. He even "demanded" that I bring no more Chinese herbs in the house (from the acupuncturist).
She encouraged me to try and have another talk with DH, which I will tonight if I can. She doesn't want us to waste more time if we do think that IVF or IUI w/injectibles is in our future. She can assign Clomid to me, and she can do IUI without injectibles.
Since I should be starting Clomid tonight or tomorrow (can't recall which) I will need to have a heart to heart with DH. He felt pretty confident that I was PG this month, which I was not so confident about anyway. Also, he mentioned that he joked this was the last year he would be able to not spend $ on mother's day for me since we'll have a kid or I'll be PG. But his optimism does not align with the reality of my hormonal situation, IMO.
I'm ambivalent about Clomid. I know nothing about it really, and can't decide if I want to try it this month or not. I've heard of lousy side-effects, and don't know if it will even help since my FSH is already elevated.
I might try to go to an acupuncturist focused on fertility, as I know that I enjoy acupuncture.
I just don't know ladies.
So sorry I'm getting a blank here but what treatment have you done already if you don't mind me asking? I can't tell if you've done Clomid, then gone on to injectables with IUI or if you were just ttc without meds.
I'll share my route: We had three cycles of Clomid 50, 100 and 150. Clomid just didn't work for me and it was kind of disappointing. Usually after 3 cycles of clomid you go on to Injectables. I went on to injectables but figured if I was going to do that, I would do the IUI with it because it was a more aggressive approach.
For me the combination under my siggie worked. It was the third round that ended up doing the job. I think it was partially the estrogen pill they gave to thicken the lining as I've read where MANY women conceived and the egg implanted REALLY well. It took me three cycles to find out the right doseage for me, but it can sometimes take longer for some women. They were going to give up on me until my levels showed progression. Our insurance covers 6 IUI's in a lifetime. I only used three (would like to try again maybe a year or two after this one so I'll need those three others)
If you've never used other drugs in the fertility route, the best advice is to try the Clomid for three cycles. Not ALL women get
during that. I know some women who've done well on it. two of my friends even conceived on it. For me it wasn't agressive enough.
If you've already done a drug like Clomid, I would pass it and get more agressive. I wasn't sure if you were saying you have IUI's that are covered or not, but I HIGHLY recommend the Menopur and Bravelle cocktail Injections. For me what worked was two vials of Menopur and two of Bravelle in the end with one trigger shot to release the follies. If you decide to go this route, Make sure they see you before, and during your period so they can check out your lining. That's how they found out my lining was thin and gave me the estrogen pill for the lining.
If you decide IVF is the route, there are several women who can help you. I haven't gotten that far and only know parts of the drugs used but nothing of the in depth you'd need to know as many of the gals in here do.
Of course if you decide to forgo the IVF because of personal reasons that's okay too. One option we weighed in the end was whether we'd move to adoption or IVF. We've always known we'd eventually adopt so we decided to forgo the IVF. At the 11th hour RIGHT AFTER I started my adoption website, we found out we were pregnant.
Of course now my adoption site is empty and while I'm excited about this little one I'm carrying, I'm also crying for the child I know is ours in Africa where we will start the process one day. Right now we're trying to enjoy where we are.
I pray that you find peace in whatever decision you make. I know how hard this is for you
Weigh your options, discuss it with DH and make your decision from there. With all the different treatments it's SO hard to know what works for our bodies.
We're all uniquely made and sometimes it takes more time to see results.
P.S., I went back to read about your progesterone levels and had to mention that for awhile with the injectables I was taken...I was given TWO trigger shots. The second was given 10 days later to keep the surge of progesterone going. That therapy proved to hyperstimulate me so I had to give the second trigger shot up, however I keep wondering if you'd benefit from progesterone treatment during the process.
Also, are you seeing a regular physician, an OB or a Reproductive Endochrinologist? You'd benefit more with an RE in my opinion because they are more equipped to deal with thyroid issues AND ttc.