TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hi ladies. New to site, so bare with me, hope this goes through ok. :blush: Can't figure out how to start a new thread.

Me and my husband have been trying to conceive for over a year now. Every month I get excited during the week after the fertility phase, hoping and praying this is the month! Then I get my period and get the ho-hums again. It is a very frustrating process when all my friends are getting pregnant on their honeymoon night, ha. Been taking vitamins, eating healthier, less stress, even buying the ovulation predictor tests from the store.

My question. Does anyone know what tests they will do if I go to the doctor? I don't have insurance right now, just moved to a new city. Thinking of calling Planned Parenthood because they could be on the cheaper end? My friend starting taking Clomid and that seemed to work for her ttc process. Anyone else have any thoughts or advice for me and/or anyone take Clomid to get faster results? :hugs:
Hi TTC11,

welcome to the site :flower: I can't really answer your questions Im afraid - cos I don't know the answers, but I know there are loads of threads about clomid - you can seek them out by clicking on "search" in the blue bar near the top of this page and then typing Clomid into the little box that appears, hope that helps.

Ohh - and to start a new thread - start at the front page and click on "new thread" it's a button on the left side of the page, just above all the open threads xx
hey Purple... thanks for the comment on my avatar... it was when my Husband and I renewed our wedding vows on our 10th wedding anniversary a few years ago.

We decided that we would blow a whole load of dosh and go do it in Aus!

Skye so sorry you are feeling down... sometimes family can say the most painful things. We all know how fabulous and amazing you are xxx
Welcome TTC11-nice to meet you! I hope your stay on here is short and that you get your BFP very very soon. If you go to your docs, they will probably want to do a blood test on day 21 of your cycle to check that you are ovulating. I would go straight away anyway, and tell them that you have been TTC without success for over a year. At our age, they will show interest in this if you have been trying for six months without a result. Do you take your temperature daily? This helps you track your cycle and helps you pinpoint ovulation. Do you feel twinges mid cycle, which are ovulation pains? The biggest problem for female infertility are problems with ovulation. I also read that the biggest mistake with TTC is that people only have sex on days 12-14-ideally you need to be having sex on every other day from day 5 onwards to make sure that the sperm is fresh and healthy and also to maixmise catching your egg. I think the American posters may be able to help you better with Planned Parenthood... Good luck though! :thumbup:

Hia Purplelou-don't beat yourself up about testing early. The 2WW is one of the hardest things about TTC, and I don't know of many who stick it out until they are supposed to test! As Skye says, it is still very early, so hang on in there! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! And, yes, you are right, I can't wait till Friday-my body is completely exhausted, sort of bone tired. I slept for two and a half hours this afternoon (when I was supposed to be in the gym!!! Ha ha ha!), and on Friday when I came in. Just a slow crawl to the finish line now.... Anyway, hope you're having a good weekend? Big :hugs: to you!

Hi Twinkle, how are you hun? What did you used to teach? May I ask why you got out of teaching (or is it completely obvious????!!!!). Anyway, where are you at with your cycle? Hope you're okay? :flower::flower:

Hello Padbrat-so very lovely to read your posts, I think about you often. What a brilliant idea to try the new treatment-and it sounds realy promising. I am keeping all fingers and toes crossed for you! Please let us know where you're at, we are here for you with all the support and encouragement that you need! Huge hugs to you, hun! :flower:

Hey Butterfly-how did it go? Hope the pictures didn't get wet! It's like a day in November here, where is our summer? Did you manage to sell any pieces-your work is stunning! Thinking of you! :hugs:

Hi Lava, how are you feeling today? I hope that you are okay and trying not to worry too much. It sounds as though your pregnancy is going really well, I can't believe you're at 10 weeks already! That is so fantastic. Try and stay positive and not go to the 'bad worry place'! :flower::flower:

Hia Skye, so sorry to hear that you are down. I am sure that your mother is upset too if she left without saying goodbye. It is soooooooo easy to argue and fall out with family-I think we take our frustration out on each other as we know that we will always be there for each other. I am sure she understands that you couldn't look after her as much as she expected. You were clearly showing concern when you suggested that she had more help, she just took it the wrong way. Sounds as if she just wanted to vent. Don't be too down, hun, she will realise that you meant well and that you do care for her-it's obvious to me that you think the world of her, she will know this too. Is it worth sending her a letter just to let her know how you feel, that you are sad you parted the way you did, and that you meant no offence by suggesting local help?? At least you will feel that you have done something about the situation.... I hope you resolve it soon; it won't do you any good to be down, when you have your Little Bean on board. Parents though, eh? I have just come off the phone to my mum and she agitates me soooooooo much, yet my brothers partners think she is marvellous and have a really good relationship with her. We have never gelled, ever ever, and I feel it even more as my OH is so close to his parents (too close at times, think of 'Everybody Loves Raymond'!!). My parents don't even know I'm doing IVF next month-they get really embarrased when I mention my infertility as it is to do with SEX (shock horror, get the smelling salts Brian, she's talking about you know what again)!!!! I once told my Dad (who I can generally talk to) about trying Clomid, and he then told me that he and my mother both had high sex drives. OMG-I almost fell over, you soooooooooo don't want to hear that sort of information, but how can you go from Clomid to sex drives??? So, that's as far as he could go with relating and empathy! But, it is not good to have tension and worse to let it fester.... I hope you sort it out soon, hun!

There is so much I need to learn about IVF e.g. I didn't realise that you could buy your drugs separately to your clinic..... Where do you get your knowledge from???!!!! I wish I knew as much as you.... I had a scan on and there was a thread about this on there. From what I could work out, drugs for a treatment seem to come in at around £900 so I think the price is fair, it just seems like a lot of money (which of course it is!!). I think I have ovulated this month (oh the relief of not DTD to catch the egg-my first break in 42 cycles, bar when I was PG!!! I'm now going to start eating protein like it went out of fashion starting with an omelette tonight! As far as drinking milk is concerned, does it have to be full fat or can it be skimmed? I can't stand full fat milk... I still haven't got my head around it working; I instinctively think it will fail. My OH said that his swimmers seemed to be more plentiful this time, which suggest that his vits are working, so fingers crossed and recrossed and double recrossed!!!

Oh dear, I know I go on!

A big :thumbup: and hello to everybody else! I hope that you have all had a great weekend and let's face the next week smiling!!! Lots and lots of love to you all, Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs::hugs::hugs:
skye - big :hugs: for you xx i have a bit of a similar relationship with my mum xx

padbrat - how wonderful. the scenery and lighting and everything is just perfect and you and your DH just look amazing. did you wear your original wedding dress?? or was it a new one?

Dwrgi - thank you xx I am cross with myself because I knew this morning that I shouldn't test but I let excitment get the better on me - lesson learned!! thanks again :hugs: I had to laugh at the story you told about talking to your dad - if my dad told me anything like that - I think I'd probably choke lol!
Butterfly - hope your weekend has gone well and you've sold lots. Hope the rain didn't cause you too many issues. Please don't feel like you've left it too late many ladies get BFPs in the early & mid 40s :hugs:

Never - sorry about your friend :hugs: But glad furry is where it is supposed to be and all looks good :) Sending lots of sticky thoughts and positive thoughts for Furry to go from strength to strength :flower:

MA - loved your post and so happy to hear about Amelia and her personality :) Love the scan pic too :thumbup: Praying she stays snuggled in for a few more weeks and gets to term :flower:

Lava - sorry to hear about your friend :hugs: As the others have said please try not to worry :hugs: Praying your twins keep going from strength to strength and cause you no worries :flower:

Dwrgi - sorry your doctor's appointment wasn't more productive than her telling you that you were stressed and needed a holiday :hugs: So pleased to hear your treatment is starting soon but goodness the costs of the medications :flower:

Padbrat - I am pleased to hear you have another chance at getting your pink BFP :thumbup: I pray that all works and you get your little girl soon :flower:

Purplelou - please don't feel bad that you tested :hugs: I am praying that this BFN doesn't mean you are out this month :dust:

TTC11 - hello :hi: I hope you don't have to wait too much longer for your BFP :dust:

Skye - sorry to hear you are feeling down :hugs: Sometimes with family you can't do anything right :hugs:

HA - some :hugs: in case you are lurking :hugs:

Sorry to anyone I have missed :hugs:

AFM well my friend had her 12 week scan on Tuesday and was told the baby had no heartbeat :nope: She has a scan at the end of next week and if the miscarriage hasn't started she has to go for a D&C :nope: But her and her DH are doing as well as can be expected and are going to try again.

Then yesterday morning we got a call from MIL and FIL had been taken into hospital Friday night. He has suffered 3 mini strokes but thanks to MIL moving quickly he's not too bad and came home today :) There is a query over whether his short term memory has been affected but he's diabetic and his blood sugar is not stable at the moment so the specialist couldn't accurately say whether it was the diabetes or stroke affecting him but time will tell.

But I think I'm now in the TWW as I am sure I ovulated yesterday although waiting for it to be confirmed by FF. But I am still firmly on the whatever wagon and next week DH & I celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary and have a busy week planned :)
Hello all :wave:

Welcome ttc11 - where are you from and how old are you? Yes I'm sure you should be able to get soem medical help after a year but don't know how it works if you are in the US :shrug:

MA - love the picture of Amelia :)

Padbrat good to see you back and so pleased to hear that you have another shot at it :)

lava, such heartbreaking news about your friend but am really hoping that you can stay positive with your two little ones and also can't believe you are already at 10 weeks - brilliant :)

Never, just back from the fair so need to catch up on your journal, but hope you are feeling positive but understand that you are a bit wary, but am pleased that all is well so far and that is good news in itself :)

Dwrgi - yes so ironic that you have to use condoms but happy that you are starting your treatment soon and good that it is over the summer holidays :)

purple - I'm going to join you on the testing early wagon lol! I have loads of cheap tests so what the heck?! I know they will be neg (at least to start with) but I think I have a small POAS addiction - hopefully in a few days they might turn to a BFP for you :) - I think your chart looks quite good - but what do I know?! :shrug:

skye - sorry that you struggled with your Mum - i would have thought that she would not expect you to be waiting on her hand and foot in your situation but instead it would be the other way round!

Thanks never, lava, padbrat, OMM, skye, dwrgi, wooly for thinking about me at the art fair - unfortunately it chucked it down both days so I only had about 2 hours overall where I could take the plastic off the paintings :( Haven't seen such heavy raing for ages but luckily nothing got damaged as I covered it well but that did mean that not so many people turned up and I only sold one small one :cry:

Hello to everyone else I have missed (sorry!) and :dust:

p.s. I love marmite!!
Macwooly, that is so sad. 12 weeks and no heartbeat means no hope for the baby. :cry: Good luck with TWW. I hope you would have a sticky bean very soon hon.

Butterfly I think you did well for all the heavy shower. I'm surprised you sold even one. I have been soaked a good few times just walking the dog this weekend so it was all indoors activities for us. Good luck with testing hon. Sticky vibes for you too.

Purplelou :hugs::hugs: You'll get there hon.

TTC 1, You would get blood tests : thyroid function, Hormones: prolactin, fsh or amh (both indicate how much egg reserves you have left. fsh is done on day 3 of your cycle amh any day) and maybe on day 21 progestrone test to check if you have ovulated. Apart from the bloods they may ask you for a dye test to check if your fallopian tubes are clear. (they push a dye from your uterus through the tubes while they follow it on screen) Clomid may or may not help. But to use it I suggest you talk to a dr first and get your hormone profile done. Cause you need to know all the info before you know how much dosage to use. You might end up using too much or too little otherwise. Good luck with it all and let us know how it goes.

Dwrgi, I know families are always complicated. Thank u for the advice I might write to her. I think it might be a little late to educate your parents on ins and outs of tx so perhaps best leave out the details and just let them know you need some help from the drs. Otherwise you might find yourself in a situation where you face loads of irrelevant and frustrating questions and remarks. I got most of the info on fertility friends :) Just stalking threads and chatting to girls, cause that site is more specifically designed for treatments. And when you have a specific tx question it is ideal. Since I finished IVf I don't really go there anymore. But I met 2 lovely girls from London who I still keep in touch ;) Remember drugs are not at a fixed price and it changes according to what u use and how much you use. So you can ask your clinic to break down the £900 specifying exactly how much of which drugs does it consist and what are their single price. Than you can take the name of the drugs to your local pharmacist, gp etc and compare. Sometimes some pharmacists even do a deal. Also you might buy a box consisting of 10 individual doses of drugs and may not use it all so you end up losing money. Or start using them and later on find out that you need more. The pack you are offered may or may not have all the drugs you need or you will use. Than it is more usefull if you have a pharmacy who can provide you with daily doses. So if you have time to research you can shop around. If you find out the break down write it down I'll have a look for you. You might also find it easier not to think about it and just follow your clinic. ;))

There is a online pharmacy "Healthcare at home" It's brilliant. It takes 1-2 days for them to deliver home and they need a prescription faxed from your dr but it really is much cheaper than street prices. I had cold chain meds delivered by them, comes in ice packs. They are really efficient. You can google and give them a call once you know which drugs you will need and get a quote. Good luck bb.
Hi ladies.

Skye. I've had to separate myself from my parents at times too. As much as I understand her frustration YOU are going through alot too and to be around someone who has a temp or illness is putting the baby at risk not to mention your own health. It's time to focus on the priority here and lets face it...OUR own health is our priority. Just as mom's health is her own priority. She needs to advocate for herself, maybe find someone who CAN help her for awhile and show a little bit of compassion and mercy for her daughter who while wishes she could do more, can't right now. I have to put bounderies up with my parents or they will take advantage.

I don't have the greatest relationship with them. They love me...they show it through money and things. They don't know how to show emotion. It's okay. I can't change them, but I REFUSE to deal with it at times. When I was pregnant my dad wanted Doug to drive 45 minutes there and back to mow the lawn. This is WHILE I'm pregnant, high risk having weekly appointments while Doug is also taking care of things here at the house and working over 40 hours as an RN at the cardiac unit.

SO, we spent 400.00 for the season and hired someone to do the lawn. NOW, my dad has the nerve to demand that my husband shovel the driveway and sidewalks. All this with a newborn baby, working in cardiac care, and helping around the house. My parents are VERY selfish and would expect us to coddle the ALL the time. While we had moved back here to New York State to help our parents...I'm finding more and more that they are coddlers and refuse to help themselves. If they need money, they spend it like water on things they don't need. WE have become the parent and THEY have become the children. They know better! I won't even go IN to what they pulled when Jackson passed away. When I needed my parents, there were emotionally unavailable and downright selfish and rude!

Macwooly, so sorry to hear about your friend. :cry: breaks my heart!

Butterly....ICK! ((cringe)) I had someone put the stuff on my lips while I was sleeping and it took care of me EVER wanting the stuff again! Not sure if I mentioned that I lived in North Yorkshire for awhile. Scarborough. Also was in the opposite area at one point too in Wiltshire. I learned how to make a proper Yorkshire pudding. We have it for Christmas now and EVERYONE loves it! Doug has never been and I'd like us to go sometime.

AFM: I don't know what's going on with my husband but he left both front doors WIDE open and just left for work. Mind you I'm on bed rest, it's over 90 with terrible mugginess so I'm in the flippin buff. (sorry for the tmi) Anyways, I go out to go to the bathroom and see the door downstairs WIDE open. We live on a main TRAFFIC filled road and honestly if you cross the street to the left, it's the projects....our neighborhood is okay and they're trying to revive the neighborhood so it's starting to get REALLY nice. Not nice enough to leave the flipping doors wide open and unlocked while your pregnant wife is in the buff upstairs!! Talk about letting people in scott free to steal or hurt me.

I called him and flipped on the poor guy. I think he's just SO STRESSED that his head is all over the place. Anyways, I'm laughing at it now but holy cats! :wacko: freaked me out!
Hello all :wave:

Welcome ttc11 - where are you from and how old are you? Yes I'm sure you should be able to get soem medical help after a year but don't know how it works if you are in the US :shrug:

MA - love the picture of Amelia :)

Padbrat good to see you back and so pleased to hear that you have another shot at it :)

lava, such heartbreaking news about your friend but am really hoping that you can stay positive with your two little ones and also can't believe you are already at 10 weeks - brilliant :)

Never, just back from the fair so need to catch up on your journal, but hope you are feeling positive but understand that you are a bit wary, but am pleased that all is well so far and that is good news in itself :)

Dwrgi - yes so ironic that you have to use condoms but happy that you are starting your treatment soon and good that it is over the summer holidays :)

purple - I'm going to join you on the testing early wagon lol! I have loads of cheap tests so what the heck?! I know they will be neg (at least to start with) but I think I have a small POAS addiction - hopefully in a few days they might turn to a BFP for you :) - I think your chart looks quite good - but what do I know?! :shrug:

skye - sorry that you struggled with your Mum - i would have thought that she would not expect you to be waiting on her hand and foot in your situation but instead it would be the other way round!

Thanks never, lava, padbrat, OMM, skye, dwrgi, wooly for thinking about me at the art fair - unfortunately it chucked it down both days so I only had about 2 hours overall where I could take the plastic off the paintings :( Haven't seen such heavy raing for ages but luckily nothing got damaged as I covered it well but that did mean that not so many people turned up and I only sold one small one :cry:

Hello to everyone else I have missed (sorry!) and :dust:

p.s. I love marmite!!

Hi Butterfly67 :flower:. I'm 36, soon to be 37. My husband is 34. We moved to Washington state recently and since I work freelance right now, I don't have insurance. I miss insurance and having that regular doctor to call upon. Thank you for welcoming me!
DWRGI: Thank you for replying! Thank you to all the girls. It's nice to be able to share experiences on here. :thumbup:

I haven't tried the temperature charting yet. Before we moved out of state, I was all over the place with the time I'd get up for work. Aren't you suppose to check it the same time every morning? And they suggest to check the temp even before you stumble out of bed, right?
Butterfly apparently there is two kinds of people "The ones who love marmaite and the ones who hate marmite" hahahhahahaha!!! Lucky you are the loving kind :))
I LOVE marmite :happydance: Thankfully so does DH :D

But it is one of those things you either love or hate :)
I also like marmite! yummy! I am completely addicted to marmite rice cakes lately - dipped in hummous - to die for!
I'm out for this month :nope:
I'll be back later to comment on everyone's posts (even those who love marmite!) once I've stopped sniffling :cry:
Twinkie, candy floss, sherbet, m&s dunking cookies, lindt choclates, cadbury's milk choclate, turkish delight, rice pudding, strawberry jelly and custard, eclairs, double choclate chip cookies, strawberry tart, strawberry and blackberries with whipped cream, brownie, bonofee pie, ice cream, love hearts, jelly babies and all the good things that might cheer u up :flower::flower:
Purplelou, here I'm holding out a hand for you, please get back on the wagon quick :flower: Temping can be elusive; please don't rely on it fully. 11 DPO is still early anyway :hugs::hugs:

Padbrat, I'm glad to see you here :kiss: PGD is a big chance :) Have you had time to find and watch that documentary. It was very sweet and positive :)

Dwrgi wooow! You are so close to starting the tx. So many many many good luck for you bb. I really wish that you would be successful in your first attempt. How was the play btw. It is one of my favourite plays :))) Just love all the characters in it :) So funny and full of themselves :))) Did you ask if they sell daily doses in your clinic? If not and you need to buy the bulk, shop around cause the prices differ. The girls here found a big Asda pharmacy cheapest but there are not many that sell them . Worth asking your local pharmacy or even gp if they can suggest a cheaper pharmacy. Also some gp's actually pay for your meds. Mine didn't but some girls got it so worth asking.

MA "Yeeeeeaaah" absolutely great news finally. U can't tell who Amelia will look like from the picture but I know who :winkwink: Hahahahhahahaha!!!!!! BTW I must agree on marmite. Really what's the point of that? Also the beans on toast is a good idea but why are they sugary?

Never never I'm really sorry about your friend. How sad is that :( :hugs: I'm glad that you're bb is right on track. :hugs::hugs: Hope you feel a lttle more confidant and relaxed about it. Wanna see u in graduates more often xx

Beautiful photo Tigerlily :)

Chris sorry i was a bit late to respond to your crisis but what you go through is very common. TTC bedding takes its toll on all of us including DH's unfortunately. We had the same issue with DH too. I'm glad you talked it through. :hugs: Lot's of good luck and sticky dust for your IUI cycle. Hope you find a good clinic. Please ask the fs about the asprin, progestrone and blood thinners. I'm weaned off from steroids but will continue with the rest untill 32 weeks.

FM :hugs::hugs: Good luck with the break bb. Hope you keep lurking and at least drop a few sentences here and there. I'll miss u.

Lava I'm so sorry for your friend sweetie. :hugs: Please try not to identify yourself with every bad story. I know it's hard but hopefully you will feel more confidant after 12 week scan which is very soon. xx

Butterfly, shall I dare ask how did it go? Hope it wasn't an open air fair. London's been showering this weekend both on Sat and Sun.

NMG sorry about your job hon. What a bad timing in terms of finding a new job. But maybe it is better for you. At least you can have a physically more relaxed pregnancy.

Luvy, Macwooly, Missy, HA if u r lurking ,:) hello girls.

AFM, I am feeling quite low at the moment. Mom had a strop on my birthday and left without saying goodbye. She claimed I didn't look after her well and left her alone when she was ill. I did do quite a bit of going back and forths while my dad was ill and while she had serious hospital etc visits. It just isn't physically possible for me to be with her every time she has a high temp which can be very often. I told her she should get someone to help her back home which made her even more angry. I had it with everyone nowadays. Feel like going on a holiday to Norway to see the glaciers. Australia is even a better option cause it's so far. :shrug:

Thanks so much honey for your kind words, i will ask about the asprin and what not, and thanks for the dust for the IUI cycle.

I am sorry that you were having issues with your mom, its a shame that you cant just enjoy being with her. Sending you big hugs honey!!:hugs:
Thank you. So sorry to anyone who didn't want to see her. I tried to post her in the "spoiler" but for some reason couldn't get the image to stay in there.

We haven't gotten good pics of her because she hasn't been cooperating. As you can see, she's got her foot in her face. :rofl: She's kind of like her momma. She's breech with her bum up and her face down so pics have been fuzzy which is why I haven't posted any until now. If she cooperates a bit more we may get to have a 3D better picture of her in 4 weeks time. If only she would cooperate. :haha:

She is just beautiful, and i will keep my fingers crossed that she will cooperate for the 3D u/s lol.

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