TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Happyauntie, i loved your post and enjoyed reading it. It has offered me some inspiration!
Deedee congratulations :thumbup:

Lava - I keep you along with many others on this site in my prayers daily and as HA said it is 97% that you will hold your little blessings :hugs:

HA - you always know the words to find to offer support, advice and comfort to all :thumbup:
CeeDee - congratulations!!! That's fab news!!
HA - you're fabulous, I'm so glad we have you!
Lava - stay positive - and if positive vibes and prayers count for anything you'll be fine as you must be awash with them from us all!!!
Good morning ladies, ugh stinking monday again lol.

Twinkle, you look fantastic, way to go on the weight loss, your an inspiration to me!!

Lava, honey please dont worry, your babies are just fine, i know its hard, but just sit back and enjoy, your going to be meeting your little ones when they have baked enough, and i agree with HA, IF something went wrong its way better to let people know so that you dont have to hide all your pain and grief, i know for me everybody knew, and it was so much better to have that support, i could not have done it all by myself.

HA, you missie, i am giving strict orders to think positive!!! Dont you dare give up on this cycle until its over, you are always so wise and supportive on here, and i just cant stand to see someone give up on something before they even know the outcome, remember ANYTHING can happen, all you need is one egg and one sperm and wa la you have a miracle.

CeeDee, omg i am so happy for you i am praying for a super sticky bean!!

All the other ladies, i love you and miss you, sorry i have been so busy i dont get on much, but i think about you all the time!!
I'm here but it's been a really really long day today - started work at 8 this morning + not long been home. I'm a bridesmaid tomorrow so will check in with you all on Sunday xx

Ooh, you need to post a pic of the dress so we can all see how dreadful it is! Bridesmaid dresses generally are - I have a collection of them to prove it! :haha: They'll make a great Halloween costume some time! :rofl: Except mine, of course - my bridesmaids all looked stunning, naturally! Have fun at the wedding - I really do love going to them. I cry at the weddings of people I don't even know! I'm such a sap. :cry:

Hi Guys - I'm new to the forum. I'm 38, TTC our first and on 3rd cycle using CBFM. Already stunned at the emotional rollercoaster that is TTC! I've just hit my peak with the CBFM so about to enter the dreaded TWW!!! Symptom spotting here we come!!!! xxxx

Welcome, Pickle! :hi: Glad you found us here. Hope the symptom spotting doesn't drive you crazy!

AFM well today is a better day thankfully :) And thank you all for your support :friends: Well my temp absolutely nose dived this morning but I did wake at 6.30am freezing as DH had opened all the windows in the bedroom and turned on not only the ceiling fan but 2 floor standing fans as well and then had nicked all the bedding to wrap himself in and when I tried to take some back after doing my temp he said "get off cold!" :growlmad: At that point I poked him hard and told him to let the dogs out :haha: So not bothered to put in on my chart as it will mess it up more than it is :wacko:

Sending lots of :dust: to any requiring/wanting it and :hugs: to anyone who needs one

My DH is SUCH a cover hog! Has been since day 1! :growlmad: It's not so bad in the summer, but winters get rough. I don't bother poking him anymore, I just steal them back. I don't care if jerking some covers away from him wakes him up - his leaving me bare wakes me up, and turnabout's fair play, right?! :haha:

afm - well I managed to loose 2lb last week. My parents have arrived this am, so there will be meals out and stuff, Ill just have to be careful I don't over indulge! Also we will be partaking in the silent :sex: till FF tells us O has occurred. it was supposed to happen today so fingers crossed. My parents are here to house hunt, which is lovely because it will be much easier to visit and keep an eye on them!

Excellent job on the weight loss! And is it just me, or is the silent :sex: kind of exciting? :haha: Idk, maybe it's rules-follower in me that gets excited doing something sneaky! :blush: Good luck with the house hunting. In Texas we lived just 1/2 mile from my parents and it was fantastic - we really miss seeing them so frequently now that we live 1200 miles away. But then I'm very fortunate that DH loves my family and is very close to them, and vice versa. Having them close by could be a nightmare for some, along the lines of Everybody Loves Raymond! :haha: What's the housing market like over there? It's still hard to sell over here - buyers definitely have the upper hand these last few years, if they can qualify for a mortgage (which is increasingly difficult to do).

Good luck with the IUI HA! I have an amh of 2.9 and there were about three follies, which is what they would expect with a level like this. It is a scary thing as it is yet another set back for us, and I am sure you can appreciate this. TRY and stay positive for this IUI-I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. I'm going to give you my opinion about your treatment now, and I hope I don't offend you, but with a low amh like we have, I'd be far more inclined to go straight to IVF which has a statistically higher chance of success than IUI. By having another IUI, you are stimulating eggs which you can't afford to be wasting; save them for IVF instead.

BTW, I know all about 'Everybody Loves Raymond' as my in laws live ACROSS THE ROAD and my OH is in and out of there all the time. They are away at the moment, and they text him twice a day and the same when we were in Portugal. FFS, he is 47!!! I can't stand it!!!

Anyway, I'm keeping all fingers crossed for your IUI-go girl!
I meant three follies when we did our IUI in Feb. Then found out my amh in May.

CeeDee - congratulations xxx hoping for a sticky bean and happy and healthy 9 months

HA - You are so very wise! (I wanted to say more....But I think that covers it!) Anyway, I am hoping with all my heart that August is your month! (actually I am hoping that August is a good month for us all - then we could all move to Graduates together)

hope all you lovely ladies are doing good! :dust:

well the silent :sex: is done, FF says I have O'd so now we are in the dreaded TWW. my parents are still here till the end of the week so that takes a few days and stops symptom spotting lol! Today we went to RAF Cosford to the museum - which was really intersting (for anyone in my area) and free!! tomorrow - more house hunting and a trip into Birmingham is planned.
HA, I haven't been on this forum too long, but your post was one of the most thoughtful and soothing posts I've read here. I can appreciate lava's concern because I am a worrier...and that's what we do. Thank you for giving some wonderful perspective to the situation....I needed to hear it as well. :hugs:
HA! You freakin ROCK! What a beautiful and thoughtful post! Stay on that soapbox of yours we love it!!!!!!
Here's a report. We saw both babies briefly on ultrasound today and everything seems to be going well. I am now going to commit to staying positive. Even though we need to decide about amnio and are weighing the benefits vs. the risks, I am going to expect good results and know that if we get negative ones, I'll deal with those once we get there. Thank you, HA, and all the other ladies for your prayers and support. :)
So pleased all is going well :thumbup: Praying the rest of your pregnancy continues well for you and it will feel like a brief moment till you hold your LOs :)
hey all... a quick peek outta lurkdom from your friend Padbrat xxx

Twinkle you look great chick! Well done on your weight loss!

Lava and HA... firstly HA here here here... great post, bank on the money chick! Lava did you know that after 12 weeks all of the baby's vital organs and nervous system are in place and working away... it is no coincidence that most M/Cs occur within the first 12 weeks and here is you soon to float off to second tri with your lovely babies.... positive vibes coming at ya, but you need to feel it hun. Worry and stress is not helping you or your babies xx

FM you hanging in there chick? and Dwirgi?? Not long now to the IVF right?

Well... me and Hubby have decided to bash the credit card and go for it. Hubby is in tomorrow for his bloods and I have asked my GP for my results and I have emailed the clinic to ask if we can arrange ED for Oct.... gulp...
So glad all is well lava and glad you are going for it padbrat :) Which country did you decide to go with. I'm still undecided what to do but think I will try for the natural one until the end of the year providing my test results are ok (get the next lot on Friday). Anyway, really hope it goes well, should be a great chance with the ED :hugs:
Lava- Glad you had a good appointment!!!!

Padrat- Whooooooo Hoooooooo I'm rooting for you!
HA, you missie, i am giving strict orders to think positive!!! Dont you dare give up on this cycle until its over, you are always so wise and supportive on here, and i just cant stand to see someone give up on something before they even know the outcome, remember ANYTHING can happen, all you need is one egg and one sperm and wa la you have a miracle.

HA! You freakin ROCK! What a beautiful and thoughtful post! Stay on that soapbox of yours we love it!!!!!!

Thanks for making me chuckle, OMM & FM. I needed that!

Good luck with the IUI HA! I have an amh of 2.9 and there were about three follies, which is what they would expect with a level like this. It is a scary thing as it is yet another set back for us, and I am sure you can appreciate this. TRY and stay positive for this IUI-I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. I'm going to give you my opinion about your treatment now, and I hope I don't offend you, but with a low amh like we have, I'd be far more inclined to go straight to IVF which has a statistically higher chance of success than IUI. By having another IUI, you are stimulating eggs which you can't afford to be wasting; save them for IVF instead.

That's what my gut is telling me, to go to IVF next w/o a 4th IUI. But DH isn't there yet, so in the meantime I think we'll do the 4th to give him time to get educated about the process and get on board. Thank you for your honest input. I really do appreciate it, and no offense taken at all. It stings a little, but only because it's hard to accept and I know you're right.

As for wasting eggs doing a 4th IUI vs trying naturally prior to IVF, though, my RE explained that all the follicles that develop in a cycle were actually selected and began their process of coming to the surface of the ovary three months prior, and they will all be gone anyway at the end of the cycle whether they develop a mature egg or not. In a natural cycle only one dominant follicle develops a mature egg, but the other follies are all there and all resorb, never to develop again because their time has passed. In a medicated cycle, they aim to get some of those follies that would otherwise never develop to go ahead and grow a mature egg. Adding medication doesn't change the number of follicles that get used up and "die" (for lack of a better term) in any given cycle, it just changes how many of them develop mature eggs. (Interestingly, he said the process continues even when you're on the pill and during pregnancy - waves of follies come to the surface every month and are gone forever, but the LH surge never comes so they don't ovulate, they just "die".) So with that in mind, I'm good with doing a 4th IUI while nudging DH to come to terms with IVF instead of trying naturally... I might as well give two follies a fighting chance instead of one....

Here's a report. We saw both babies briefly on ultrasound today and everything seems to be going well. I am now going to commit to staying positive. Even though we need to decide about amnio and are weighing the benefits vs. the risks, I am going to expect good results and know that if we get negative ones, I'll deal with those once we get there. Thank you, HA, and all the other ladies for your prayers and support. :)

Happy happy day!

Well... me and Hubby have decided to bash the credit card and go for it. Hubby is in tomorrow for his bloods and I have asked my GP for my results and I have emailed the clinic to ask if we can arrange ED for Oct.... gulp...

SO exciting!! :hugs: It took a lot of courage from both of you to make that decision. I hope you feel some weight lifted now that it's made. Are you sticking with Spain or going elsewhere? Will you get to choose your donor? (I know at my clinic you do, but I'm curious as to what it's like elsewhere.) And welcome back from lurkdom!
I soooooo second what FM says! Absolultely brilliant news Padbrat that you are going to go for this-you so deserve to be a mother and I am absolutely positive that you will hold your own little baby sooner rather than later! I am keeping everything crossed for you and sending you the biggest hug in the world.


Also, I'm glad you had a good appointment Lava and I think you can take a big sigh of relief now! I am so pleased for you and wish you all the best for the next six months, not that I think you will need any luck!!

A big hello to everybody else! I'm waiting for AF so that we can start ITF!

Huge :hug::hug::hug: to you all!
Hey ladies! just wanted to stop by and let you all know that i did a pee test this morning (14dpiui) and it was :bfn: i am supposed to go for a blood hcg test today, but i figure since the hpt was negative, there's no point doing a blood test?! is this the right thinking? i mean 14dpiui would show up on a hpt if there was anything there right?

Good luck to all still waiting....!
Hey ladies! just wanted to stop by and let you all know that i did a pee test this morning (14dpiui) and it was :bfn: i am supposed to go for a blood hcg test today, but i figure since the hpt was negative, there's no point doing a blood test?! is this the right thinking? i mean 14dpiui would show up on a hpt if there was anything there right?

Good luck to all still waiting....!

At 14dpiui, yeah, it should show up on an hpt. You might call your clinic and ask if they still want you to come in for the blood test - my guess is they'll say no, but when in doubt it's always best to ask.
Dwrgi- lol @ ITF

HA- I hope this last IUI does the trick and your dh doesn't have to be sold on IVF!!!!

Canuck- Sorry about the bfn what is the next step? will you be doing another IUI?

afm- af showed her ugly face yesterday, I called the clinic to see what the next step will be to get started with IVF, I'm just waiting on them to call me back.

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