TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hey FM-so sorry that AF showed her ugly face. She is the least welcome visitor that I know. During my last period before embarking on ITF (thanks Dad), I too was hoping for a miracle BFP to avoid having to go through with the treatment. Sure enough, AF scuppered all my hopes. I am so pleased to hear your positivity in approaching the next step, and I shall be right beside you to support you every step of the way! Let's hope you get some helpful advice from your clinic so that you can start IVF straight away! Keep up with your folic acid and get yourself some omega oil tablets (the type with a combination of oils. I use Paradox, which were recommended by a poster on an IVF thread, following advice by her FS. These are the best apparently, and are really good at improving/enhancing egg quality). Go girl!! We'll get there! Big :hugs::hugs::hugs: to you!!

AFM, my AF showed today and, as instructed, I rang my clinic and we have arranged the first scan on Thursday (as AF showed after mid-day, they count tomorrow as day 1 (how bizarre))! Injections start on Thurs too, and I have started eating a shed load of protein to boost this hen's eggs! Wish me luck everybody!!

A big :hi::hi::hi::hi::hi::hi: to everybody! And let's bring on those :bfp: s girls!! We can ALL do it! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

Sorry FM that AF showed up but yes good to move to next step.

Excited for you dwrgi to kick it all off :hugs:
lava - I am so happy for you that all is well on your latest scan, hopefully now you can start to enjoy your pregnancy xx

Padbrat - I will be a cheering squad for you - hoping with everything that this process is smooth and successful and gives you the LO you long for xx

FM and Dwrgi - I am ready to cheer you both on and hoping with everything that your first IVF (ITF) is successful and leads you to your LO xx

canuck - Im so sorry about you bnf - it's so dissappointing isn't it :(

to all you wonderful ladies - :hugs: and :dust: and big loves. I am still hoping that August is OUR month!!

AFM - Im in the TWW and doing ok. plenty to do to keep my mind occupied. I am wondering how you ladies are doing (in the UK) with these riots going on?? I am close to Wolverhampton and (although I am not there this week) apparently my workplace was closed early today (its a GP surgery) by police as they were worried about possible danger. I know some of you are in the Midlands and also in London - Hope you are all safe xx
Hello ladies - just a flying visit to ask for some prayers/positive vibes for this afternoon - I'm off to the hospital in a couple of hours. As if that wasn't stressful enough the hospital is right in the centre of Manchester where there have been riots over night - just hope we can get there and back safely.

Sending Drwgi, Pad and the rest of you lots of baby dust xx
Hello ladies - just a flying visit to ask for some prayers/positive vibes for this afternoon - I'm off to the hospital in a couple of hours. As if that wasn't stressful enough the hospital is right in the centre of Manchester where there have been riots over night - just hope we can get there and back safely.

Sending Drwgi, Pad and the rest of you lots of baby dust xx

Safe journey x
Hello ladies - just a flying visit to ask for some prayers/positive vibes for this afternoon - I'm off to the hospital in a couple of hours. As if that wasn't stressful enough the hospital is right in the centre of Manchester where there have been riots over night - just hope we can get there and back safely.

Sending Drwgi, Pad and the rest of you lots of baby dust xx

Good luck hun. Hope it goes well and that you get there and back safely.
Hello Everybody! How are all you lovely ladies today??

Can anybody help with this question I have? My recent acupuncture has (I believe) reduced my period from two-three days to just one. Can you believe it, even after taking norestherone to delay the period by another week? So, my period started yesterday lunch time, was really light and has now practically finished. Also, I have a strange pain which I had when this happened before with another acu lady. I know that the clinic will check for the thickness of the womb lining, and give drugs to thicken it if necessary so that the embryo (I really hope there will be an embryo) can implant, but surely this will put me at a disadvantage?

Honestly, I am so sceptical now about all these 'new age' therapies for conception. Essentially, if there is an underlying condition that prevents you from conceiving, then these therapies can actually bugger up your body even more. Tread carefully girls, if you are contemplating acu or reflexology or anything else. That's my soapbox for today!

Hope you are all well, lots of love to you all,
Hello Everybody! How are all you lovely ladies today??

Can anybody help with this question I have? My recent acupuncture has (I believe) reduced my period from two-three days to just one. Can you believe it, even after taking norestherone to delay the period by another week? So, my period started yesterday lunch time, was really light and has now practically finished. Also, I have a strange pain which I had when this happened before with another acu lady. I know that the clinic will check for the thickness of the womb lining, and give drugs to thicken it if necessary so that the embryo (I really hope there will be an embryo) can implant, but surely this will put me at a disadvantage?

Honestly, I am so sceptical now about all these 'new age' therapies for conception. Essentially, if there is an underlying condition that prevents you from conceiving, then these therapies can actually bugger up your body even more. Tread carefully girls, if you are contemplating acu or reflexology or anything else. That's my soapbox for today!

Hope you are all well, lots of love to you all,

Thanks for sharing this experience, I hope the acuppuncture hasn't spoiled your chances for this cycle. I have had 3 dodgy cycles from using Evening Primrose Oil, so I really wish I hadn't bothered trying anything new in the first place, so totally agree with the caution you are urging here.
FM & Dwrgi,
Sorry about AF, but really happy that you will be moving on to the next step & doing IVF. You will have.each other & Skye to answer more of your technical questions, but we are all here to give you support.

Wish the old witch hadn't gotten you. I hope next cycle will be the one.

Twinkle & Purplelou,
Be safe. I am so sorry to read about what is happening now in London & elsewhere. I hope it stops soon.

I'm rooting for you. Also, you sound like you have such an amazing husband.

Hello OMM, HA, Butterfly, Macwooly, Missyt, Ginger, the newbies & anyone out there lurking! Hugs.

We saw on the ultrasound yesterday that Baby B is a boy. The technical thought Baby A was probably a girl b/c she didn't see anything down there but that one was hiding a little so we don't know yet. Should know by Sept 1st. I am praying for healthy babies, but would love a girl. Next up, I need to decide about doing an amnio. There is a very slight risk of miscarriage so I'm nervous, but trying to keep my PMA! ;)
Just dropping in...

Padbrat...good luck hun :hugs: your soapbox :haha: and fingers crossed for this cycle :hugs:

FM...sorry AF came but yay for positivity for the IVF cycle

Dwrgi...might sound silly but have you tested? Otherwise..good luck on your ITF cycle too :hugs: did your appointment go? Keep safe :hugs:

Lava..glad all is ok with your two :hugs:

Wooly, purple lou, despie, NS and everyone else I've missed :hi: and hope you're doing ok :hugs:

AFM, off to Vegas on Friday and have my dating scan brought forward due to my anxiety level :wacko: so that's now on the 26th of this month. I'm SURE I'll feel more relaxed once the 12 weeks have passed.

Love, :hugs: and :dust: to you all

Dwrgi- you should definately talk to your RE about it, you want to have the best chance of getting your bfp the first try and if there is something that needs to be done before you start your meds then so be it. Please keep us posted!

Purple- FX for you in the 2ww

Twinkle- praying for your safe arrival and return back home.

Lava- Congrats!!!!!!!! That is so exciting.

afm- the IVF clinic did not call me back yesterday:nope: which totally pisses me off, don't they know how anxious I already am? I called them back this morning and left another message for the ivf nurse so hopefully I will hear back from them today! This isn't helping my confidence level.
Hello FM, and thanks for your advice. I have spoken to my clinic before about this and they seem quite phlegmatic about it, but surely this level of blood can't be right? I KNOW it's down to the acu-do I go for another acu treatment to loosen the blood?? Or do I leave it to the traditional drs?? The latter I suspect.

There's no chance at all that I'm preggers, though thanks for the suggestion Never! Hope you're okay hun??

Also, FM, I think that when the clinic starts pissing you about before you even start the meds, it might give you an indication of what they could be like when you are actually doing IVF. Hmm, tread carefully. Make it clear you would have expected a response before now. You are giving them custom, after all, and can vote with your feet if you're not happy. Pester pester pester hun, and try not to get uptight about their lack of professionality, which will cause you stress.

Big :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: to you all!
Hi all,

Was just being nosey on the boards (quiet moment at work) & this thread looked interesting. I'm 38 & TTC #1. Gave up cerazette 9 weeks ago today & still no AF but I've been advised that this is normal so I'm stressing too much about it. I'm not sure how I'll get on but fingers crossed everthing will take its natural course.

Much love & support to everyone.

I'm home!!!!

Hello everyone, welcome Brunette, Lava - that's SO exciting!!!

Ok so the FS was impressed with my weightloss despite not taking the Orlistat. He's making an appt for M to have another SA & I've got to have an HSG - so advice please ladies?????
Hello FM, and thanks for your advice. I have spoken to my clinic before about this and they seem quite phlegmatic about it, but surely this level of blood can't be right? I KNOW it's down to the acu-do I go for another acu treatment to loosen the blood?? Or do I leave it to the traditional drs?? The latter I suspect.

I would leave it to the traditional drs at this point. You're starting treatment very soon, and they will be checking the thickness of your endometrium (lining) every time they check your ovaries with an ultrasound, and if it's not thick enough they'll give you estrogen to correct that.

As for complementary medicine in general, personally, I don't put much stock in any of it. Over-the-counter drugs and herbs and such are not regulated by any industry at all (at least in the US - I don't know how drugs get approved elsewhere). Anyone can put any item on the shelf and make any claim about what it will and won't do, and they don't have to prove any of that to be true. Some have studies and data backing up their claims, but those studies are conducted by the manufacturer and are not subject to further/peer review, and the manufacturer clearly has a vested interest in making sure you'll buy their product, so of course their study is going to say it's effective. It's a huge conflict of interest. They don't even have to prove that the pill contains what they say it does - recent studies in the US have shown that most alternative remedies on the shelves in stores contain much less of the primary ingredient than the label says they do. (The exception to that was big-name brands, such as GNC - they were the only ones to consistently meet their stated standards.)

Prescription drugs, however, are subject to rigorous testing and standardization by the FDA (in the US). Before they are approved for sale, multiple studies have to be conducted and repeated and reviewed by someone other than the manufacturer, showing that the results have been repeated time and time again. No, it's not a perfect process and sometimes drugs are found to be unsafe several years after their release and they have to be pulled from the market. But even those are subject to more safety and efficacy studies than any OTC herbs etc.

The same goes for standard medical treatments - they become standard after years and years of peer-reviewed studies showing they work. That's why there's a difference between, say, standard chemotherapy protocols for certain cancers and experimental therapies - those that haven't yet been proven safe or effective - they're in the process of being tested.

There's certainly plenty of anecdotal evidence showing some work. Just remember that anecdotal evidence is not scientific proof - just because something worked for one woman and she swears that's why she got pregnant does not mean that it actually works - it's just as likely that the month she used X product she would have gotten pregnant without it anyway just because it was her lucky month when the 9 billion things that have to go right to make a baby went right.

I don't mean to knock all alternative/complementary treatments. God knows I love my yoga and my chiropractor! But I go to my chiropractor when I throw my back out - I don't expect him to cure my lousy vision. Likewise I go to yoga because it's relaxing and helps keep me from throwing my back out! But I don't expect yoga to help me get pregnant or carry to term.

As for acupuncture for fertility, the peer-reviewed studies that I've seen on the matter are pretty ambiguous - it might work, it might not, and there's been no hard evidence one way or the other. No one seems to know for sure. My RE says there's no harm in trying it. It's one of those gray areas in the field where I think each dr has to decide for him/herself as to whether or not they want their patients trying it.

But that is the most important point of all - if you're going to use ANYTHING in addition to what your dr has prescribed - any herb, any acupuncture, anything - tell your dr EVERYTHING you're using. There are well-documented instances of dangerous interactions between certain OTC products and some prescription drugs. Chances are any RE has heard of all the things we hear of on here - epo, etc - and he/she will want to know what you're using to make sure you're not inadvertently doing something harmful. He/she will not judge you (they see all kinds of sh*t crazier than what we do!), he just wants to make sure you're safe and healthy.

(Stepping off my soapbox again. I need to stop getting on it in the first place, or you all are going to start calling me Hermione Granger! :haha:)

Hi all,

Was just being nosey on the boards (quiet moment at work) & this thread looked interesting. I'm 38 & TTC #1. Gave up cerazette 9 weeks ago today & still no AF but I've been advised that this is normal so I'm stressing too much about it. I'm not sure how I'll get on but fingers crossed everthing will take its natural course.

Much love & support to everyone.


Welcome Boo! :hi: Glad you found us, and I hope AF shows up soon! The main thing you need to know as you start ttc is that if you're not pregnant after 6 months of well-timed sex, go see a fertility specialist/reproductive endocrinologist. Women under 35 need to see a specialist if they're not pregnant after 1 year, but those of us more "mature" ladies don't have as much time to address any problems IF any are found, so they like to get us in after 6 months. Good luck to you, and hope you don't have to see a specialist at all! :thumbup:

I'm home!!!!

Hello everyone, welcome Brunette, Lava - that's SO exciting!!!

Ok so the FS was impressed with my weightloss despite not taking the Orlistat. He's making an appt for M to have another SA & I've got to have an HSG - so advice please ladies?????

woooooooooo-hoooooooo!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: you are a ROCK STAR!!!!!!!!!

What sort of advice are you looking for, about the HSG? Take 2 or 3 ibuprofen about 45 minutes before the procedure - I did at my RE's suggestion and had virtually no pain at all. I had some pinching-type pain right when he inserted the catheter thru my cervix but it lasted only seconds. Then I had some minor cramping as my uterus filled up, but it stopped as soon as he stopped injecting the dye. Each woman is different though. The whole thing takes less than 5 minutes, and the best advice I can give you is not to google it or read too many horror stories about it. :wacko: FX'd the SA is good and you're one of the majority who have no trouble with the HSG!
AFM, yesterday was the big insemination day. DH's numbers looked good - 130 million post-wash and 86% motility. But his count and motility are always good - horrendously low morphology is his problem, and we won't know that result until Friday or so.

My ovaries started cramping like hell about an hour before the insem, so the timing was pretty good this time around. Weird thing is, I was uncomfortable all day - usually I don't have any discomfort after the insem, so not sure what to make of that. Just odd.

Had a long talk with my nurse during and after the procedure about all my concerns etc... she answered all my questions and was very reassuring, but it didn't help my cynicism much. She did tell me that I've become one of her favorite patients. Very sweet of her to say so, but to me that just indicates I've been a patient there for too damn long! She has my phone number memorized, for cryin' out loud! You KNOW you've been there too long when a nurse calls you so often that she doesn't even have to look up your number anymore. :growlmad:

Meh. Anyway, we'll know in two weeks. Nothing to do now but wait. :wacko:
Way to go twinkle- I totally agree with HA stay away from google, everyones experience is different. When I had my Hsg I was totally fine and went to work afterwards. I've had 2.
AFM, yesterday was the big insemination day. DH's numbers looked good - 130 million post-wash with 86% motility. But his count and motility are always good - horrendously low morphology is his problem, and we won't know that result until Friday or so.

My ovaries started cramping like hell about an hour before the insem, so the timing was pretty good this time around. Weird thing is, I was uncomfortable all day - usually I don't have any discomfort after the insem, so not sure what to make of that. Just odd.

Had a long talk with my nurse during and after the procedure about all my concerns etc... she answered all my questions and was very reassuring, but it didn't help my cynicism much. She did tell me that I've become one of her favorite patients. Very sweet of her to say so, but to me that just indicates I've been a patient there for too damn long! She has my phone number memorized, for cryin' out loud! You KNOW you've been there too long when a nurse calls you so often that she doesn't even have to look up your number anymore. :growlmad:

Meh. Anyway, we'll know in two weeks. Nothing to do now but wait. :wacko:

Yea for good numbers, prayers are going up for a very sucessful IUI this time. I had one of my IUI's that i cramped pretty good after it and for the whole rest of the day, that was the one cycle that we got pg and it went to 9 weeks, so whoo hoo for sucess. And i totaly know what you mean about them knowing your number and you, i was like that at my RE's office, all the ladies knew us, they were all rooting for us, and i used to laugh and say i have been here for way too long lol. Here is hoping that this will be your very last time you have to do this!!:hugs:

Oh and both of us are now in the TWW, near as i can figure i am about 3 DPO today, so we can hop on the whatevers wagon, and have us some fun for the next two weeks, i think purple is right with us too!!
FM be cautious about this clinic, if they dont have the time, they are not going to take care of you the way they should be. It could have been a weird day for them, so i would give them another chance, but if they dont respond after this message, then unfortunatly you are probably going to have to find a different clinic. Hang in there honey!!

Padbrat, i am so excited for you honey, and i am praying as hard as i can that this works and you get your beautiful sticky bean!!!!

All you ladies in London and the close area's please be safe!!

HA your too funny, i love your soapbox rants, they are wonderful, and your right about what your saying, supplements can help people some of the time, but a lot of the time it can mess things up even more, please ladies use caution when you are considering taking anything, like HA said make sure your doctor knows everything!!

Lava, awwwww a little boy, how wonderful, thats great that they have been able to tell so early, awwwww how exciting!!

To all the other ladies, :hugs::dust: to you all, and welcome to the new ladies, this is a wonderful group here and we are happy to have you join us!!

Now come on ladies, lets see some BFP's!!!!!!!!!

Where is Skye? And Ginger, i miss you ladies!!

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