TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hello everyone :hi:

Just wanted to stop by and say hello :flower:

Big :hugs: to Wooly, Purple, Butterfly, Dwrgi, Despie, HA, FM, NS, OMM, Lava, Skye, Twinkle, Pad, Missy, Never, newbies and anyone else that I've managed to miss.. please forgive, it's Friday and it's been a helluva long week!

Just a quick update; we saw the specialist on Wednesday - after horrendous mix-ups with the appointment through no fault of our own. He asked husband lots of questions, but nothing was jumping out as to the cause for the lack of sperm. He's starting him off with another SA and blood tests and depending on the results, scans afterwards.

He's also sending me off for an ultrasound, HSG and blood tests. My periods are incredibly short now, so I think he's worried about me, too. The only thing that keeps me optimistic is that I'm regular - touch wood *stops typing to touch head*

He also mentioned my weight, suggesting that I can't gain anymore and to try and lose some. Why is it the overweight Drs are the ones that tell YOU to lose weight??!

We're due back in September - if they don't manage to cancel and re-book and send us a letter AFTER the appointment. Again! So, we might have some idea if there's any hope by then. I think I'll go armed with holiday brochures, so that I can go and book something straight after if the news is bad.

We've been talking about DS, but I'm still not feeling it, to be honest. If we're told we'll never have children, then that will be that for us. I have complete admiration for anyone who has the courage and strength to pursue this route, you're a braver person than I.

Okay, enough of me waffling on. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and as always, much love, :hugs: and lots and lots of :dust: :dust: :dust:

Charlotte xx
Hello everyone :hi:

Just wanted to stop by and say hello :flower:

Big :hugs: to Wooly, Purple, Butterfly, Dwrgi, Despie, HA, FM, NS, OMM, Lava, Skye, Twinkle, Pad, Missy, Never, newbies and anyone else that I've managed to miss.. please forgive, it's Friday and it's been a helluva long week!

Just a quick update; we saw the specialist on Wednesday - after horrendous mix-ups with the appointment through no fault of our own. He asked husband lots of questions, but nothing was jumping out as to the cause for the lack of sperm. He's starting him off with another SA and blood tests and depending on the results, scans afterwards.

He's also sending me off for an ultrasound, HSG and blood tests. My periods are incredibly short now, so I think he's worried about me, too. The only thing that keeps me optimistic is that I'm regular - touch wood *stops typing to touch head*

He also mentioned my weight, suggesting that I can't gain anymore and to try and lose some. Why is it the overweight Drs are the ones that tell YOU to lose weight??!

We're due back in September - if they don't manage to cancel and re-book and send us a letter AFTER the appointment. Again! So, we might have some idea if there's any hope by then. I think I'll go armed with holiday brochures, so that I can go and book something straight after if the news is bad.

We've been talking about DS, but I'm still not feeling it, to be honest. If we're told we'll never have children, then that will be that for us. I have complete admiration for anyone who has the courage and strength to pursue this route, you're a braver person than I.

Okay, enough of me waffling on. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and as always, much love, :hugs: and lots and lots of :dust: :dust: :dust:

Charlotte xx

Grrrrr for the mix up for you :growlmad::hugs:

I pray that there is a cause for your DH's SA and it is found and something easy to correct :hugs:

And I hope that the reason for your short AFs is something easy to remedy :hugs:
Great to hear from you tigerlily 1975, and good luck with the tests etc, I really hope that there is a way for them to help you have a :baby:

re the weight thing there are quite a few of the ladies on the forum facing similar challenges, so there is plenty of support on here for that too!:thumbup:
Charlotte I am one of the ladies facing the weight issue and I have been told I have to lose 44lb before I can be referred to an FS so I feel for you on that one :hugs:
tigerlilly - we missed you!! I am so glad your FS is going to investigate further for you xxx re the weight - I'm overweight, and trying to loose some - it's sooooo hard!! big :hug: I really hope there are options for you xx

p.s. - I REALLY want to eat Northstar's cakes!!!
Oh ladies I would totally drag you to the gym with me then let you eat the cake afterwards as a reward, see a nice balance.

Funnily enough I make these cakes for people at work who are always requesting them, myself am not a big fan of cupcakes, I like making them though as it's possible to go wild with the decorating.
Hello everyone :hi:

Just wanted to stop by and say hello :flower:

Big :hugs: to Wooly, Purple, Butterfly, Dwrgi, Despie, HA, FM, NS, OMM, Lava, Skye, Twinkle, Pad, Missy, Never, newbies and anyone else that I've managed to miss.. please forgive, it's Friday and it's been a helluva long week!

Just a quick update; we saw the specialist on Wednesday - after horrendous mix-ups with the appointment through no fault of our own. He asked husband lots of questions, but nothing was jumping out as to the cause for the lack of sperm. He's starting him off with another SA and blood tests and depending on the results, scans afterwards.

He's also sending me off for an ultrasound, HSG and blood tests. My periods are incredibly short now, so I think he's worried about me, too. The only thing that keeps me optimistic is that I'm regular - touch wood *stops typing to touch head*

He also mentioned my weight, suggesting that I can't gain anymore and to try and lose some. Why is it the overweight Drs are the ones that tell YOU to lose weight??!

We're due back in September - if they don't manage to cancel and re-book and send us a letter AFTER the appointment. Again! So, we might have some idea if there's any hope by then. I think I'll go armed with holiday brochures, so that I can go and book something straight after if the news is bad.

We've been talking about DS, but I'm still not feeling it, to be honest. If we're told we'll never have children, then that will be that for us. I have complete admiration for anyone who has the courage and strength to pursue this route, you're a braver person than I.

Okay, enough of me waffling on. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and as always, much love, :hugs: and lots and lots of :dust: :dust: :dust:

Charlotte xx

Hello Charlotte, so glad that you finally had your appointment. At least you know that it has got the ball rolling. Hopefully your DH's SA and scans will flag up the reason for the azoospermia (sp?). I think these blinking health professionals have a real knack of making you feel inadequate, particularly when they don't really have any answers for you. My period's are really short too (two days bleeding, and then spotting), and I've always been like this, but still managed to get pregnant twice in my life. I think he's clutching at straws, but I guess it doesn't do any harm to investigate.

Hope you feel a little bit more optimisitic-I'm right there with you on donor sperm and eggs; I know that it suits some, but I just couldn't, and I guess it's down to each individual. Wish I could get my head around it.

Anyway, hang on in there girl, and big :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: to you!
I don't know about you guys, but over the past six months I've put on almost a stone, and I HATE it. I think it's a combination of comfort eating and also thinking that now is the not the time in my life to worry about keeping my weight down (I've always been 8.4-8.6), so I've been scoffing like nobody's business and also I think my metabolism has slowed down with touching 40. But I feel awful-nothing fits and I feel like a complete frump, and I wobble everywhere. The worst thing is that losing weigh is the hardest thing in the world to do, so I am sending all of you who are trying to drop some pounds, loads and loads of luck; I am sure you will get to your target weights!!!

Good luck girls!

Hi everyone, I hope you don't mind me stepping in.....

I read a lot of the posts, but couldn't get through all
It's nice to know there is some huge support here!!

Today I turned 36...a hard birthday knowing 40 is that much closer.
I have been off the pill for a year now - but had been avoiding the fertile times up until about 3 months ago. We decided that we're not getting any younger.

I thought I was going to have the best birthday gift of finding out that I'm preg, did 2 HPT last night both positive, but dr today told me I am about disappointing (I posted this under 36.....can I be??)
Anyway, I'm hoping that you guys can accept me in the group :) you all seem like such wonderful people and right now, I can use some moral support since all my family and friends have already had one two even three children already....
Can't wait for our time!!

I am wishing all of the best of luck in your journey to conceive!!!

Hi smurfettesblu-welcome to the thread. There are some really amazing women on here (correction, we ARE ALL amazing women) who will go out of their way to help you!

I don't understand why the doctor's test was different to yours.. how bizarre. But, don't despair, next cycle is a new cycle and who knows what can happen. Chin up, hun, and keep on trying!

Am sure you will get there sooner rather than later!

Hi Smurfette - welcome to the thread! I hope your stay here is short xx I also don't understand how the GP test was different to yours, unless the GP sent a much earlier sample to the lab??? anyway :hi:
Hope you will have me... new to BnB. I am 34 & for the first time ever TTC. Not sure what most of the abbreviations are yet but will learn! Hubby is ten years older with grown kids. I have been on the pill half of my life (boy does that make me sound OLD!!) Been off them now 5 months. Any helpful tips out there from those success stories? Big but embarrassing question: I ejaculate pretty heavily, usually after intercourse (clitoris-stimulated). :blush: Will his swimmers get pushed out by the force of my ejaculation? I've read lots of stuff about women climaxing & this not making a difference but not about F.E.... Any help will be much appreciated! Glad to have found others in the same situation & prayers for us all to be pregnant by the end of the year!!
Hi everyone, I hope you don't mind me stepping in.....

I read a lot of the posts, but couldn't get through all
It's nice to know there is some huge support here!!

Today I turned 36...a hard birthday knowing 40 is that much closer.
I have been off the pill for a year now - but had been avoiding the fertile times up until about 3 months ago. We decided that we're not getting any younger.

I thought I was going to have the best birthday gift of finding out that I'm preg, did 2 HPT last night both positive, but dr today told me I am about disappointing (I posted this under 36.....can I be??)
Anyway, I'm hoping that you guys can accept me in the group :) you all seem like such wonderful people and right now, I can use some moral support since all my family and friends have already had one two even three children already....
Can't wait for our time!!

I am wishing all of the best of luck in your journey to conceive!!!


Welcome! I just joined this forum recently, too. I will turn 37 in a few months. Been ttc for over a year.

I know exactly what it feels like to see my friends and family getting pregnant on a drop of a hat. Not a day goes by when I'm not thinking, "why is it taking so long, did my window pass, or am I doing something wrong?" I try not to worry, but us women...:dohh:

I'm here for you! And there are lots of women on here that are here for you as well. Here's hoping you get your BFP soon, and here's hoping we'll all be chatting on the 'pregnancy' forums very shortly! :dust:
Hope you will have me... new to BnB. I am 34 & for the first time ever TTC. Not sure what most of the abbreviations are yet but will learn! Hubby is ten years older with grown kids. I have been on the pill half of my life (boy does that make me sound OLD!!) Been off them now 5 months. Any helpful tips out there from those success stories? Big but embarrassing question: I ejaculate pretty heavily, usually after intercourse (clitoris-stimulated). :blush: Will his swimmers get pushed out by the force of my ejaculation? I've read lots of stuff about women climaxing & this not making a difference but not about F.E.... Any help will be much appreciated! Glad to have found others in the same situation & prayers for us all to be pregnant by the end of the year!!

Welcome! I was on the pill forever, too. Been off it since May 2010. I don't have any success stories to share. Still trying for #1. However, I have read some success stories on here. Sorry, I don't know much about the ejaculation part.

Good luck and yes, baby dust to us all!!!!!!! :dust:
Hi Reesie - welcome :hi: I can't really answer your question either, may be on the main forum you might have more luck?!
Hello Everybody! Where are you all??????

Hope you're all okay? How are you feeling now HA? Hope there's exciting things going on in your belly!!!!

Lots of hugs to everybody on here-looking forward to having you back on the thread again!!!!

AFM-CD4, lots of water and protein and I feel like an absolute heifer....... And no alcohol is REALLY hard, especially in my summer holidays! And especially on a Saturday night!!

Hope you're all having a great weekend! Lots of love,

Hope you're all okay? How are you feeling now HA? Hope there's exciting things going on in your belly!!!!

Busy with the in-laws here this weekend so I'm not on here too much. Symptom spotting like crazy and wishing that bashing my head into the wall repeatedly was an acceptable way to stay on the whatever wagon, as it would help me with the in-law frustration as well!! :wacko:

Have a good weekend, everyone! :hi: I'll be back on here full-time on Monday afternoon....
Hey Giirls :)) Hope everyone's doing great here :)) I've been quite busy so I've been lurking mainly. My father in law was here and I have my driving theory test this week. Apart from the I just found out the bump's a little girl :)) I was over the moon as I really wanted to have a little girl. Her name is Shirin, which is a Persian name, meaning charming and pretty. It is a mythological character coming from the "Sirens"

Ha good luck with TWW. Loads and loads of baby dust :)))

Charlotte sweetie, no one can tell you that you can never have children. :hugs: With modern medicine there are ways and means to resolve many of the infertility issues. You will have your beautiful children one day. Don't you ever lose faith in this belief. :kiss::kiss: BMI is a very annoying issue, gives a reason for NHS to deter some of the patience unfortunately but I'm sure you will go around it. You still have quite a bit of time. You are 36 right?

Dwrgi woohoooo :happydance:, congratulations for starting the tx. Did you have your hysterescopy yet? Might be in next couple of days so good luck with it. It doesn't hurt at all... Have you started the stimms? 1 litre of milk is perfect for proteins if you can add on chicken and etc it's even better so don't worry about the shakes as long as you can keep up the 1 lt milk till the egg collection. Water can be increased to 2 when you start the stimms. It actually really helps and your body does demand it in a way. Exercise isn't sthg my clinic liked. They just suggested to keep it to minimum. Cause you lose the protein, energy and the water, minerals etc when you sweat rather than sparing for your eggs. So I'd say if you are desperate maybe a gentle swim or a long walk with the doggies, without getting your heart racing. 2nd week of stimms you might start not feeling like an exercise anyway as your body gets exhausted and sluggish. How's it going with DH. Hope he is being sweet to you. And good idea to watch lot's of comedy and rubbish fun stuff :)) Too much cafein and any alcohol unfortunately is a no- no. But get used to it bb cause you will be prego soon and you are not allowed them anyway. :)) I switched to half shot decaf as it helped me consume some milk. Tea and choclates are not a great idea either unless you can keep it to moderate. There is a ratio somewhere on the net for cafein. I think it's sthg like 3 cups of tea= 1 cup of cofee= 1 bar chocolate is your max. So if you already have one you can't have the other. Not sure if I'm accurate but it's along the lines of that. Switched to herbal tea (adds to your water intake) or weak tea and white chocolates.
Write down your stimms and appt jouney so we can all follow. Hopefully you will be prego before the end of next month :kiss::kiss: Fairy dust, fairy dust.

FM how's it going bb? Purplelou, Northstar, Chris, Twinkie winkie ;) , Macwolly, Butterfly and all the new ladies :dust::dust::dust::dust: Hopefully there will be more BFP's coming along soon from this thread..

Lava I lurked into your post a while ago. You already have a little boy in there. Congratulations... :) I know you wanted a girl, hope your other bb is a girl. But once you get over the feelings I bet you are overwhelmed. A friend of mine has 2 little boys and they are the sweetest, warmest little kids. They are so much fun to play with. The little one learned my name after saying Dady and Moma. He just follows me around when I visit. Keeps popping his head every now and than around my chair just to be sweet and entertaining. Cracks me up :)) Honestly you will love having a little boy around the house :kiss:

Padbrat if you are lurking any news sweety? Have you started the tx yet? I hope and pray that you will have your little healthy girl baby bean in there sooon. xxxx

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