TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Ladies - I just want to say THANK YOU!!!! I was feeling like such a plank! I posted about my bin dive becase I thought it might give some one a chuckle - even though I was cross with myself. But you ladies are just the best!! you made me feel quite normal lol! I love you all xxxx I wish we were all close together. I would love to meet up for dinner with you and give you all a hug in person!!

LOL, honey you are just too funny, i am not only a bin diver, but a multipal bin diver, as in i will pull it out and look at it much later, throw it back in then hours later look at it again, you know just on the off chance that 5 hours after i peed on the stick a line will magicaly show lol. Trust me hon you are very normal lol. And yes i do wish we were all close, i would love to give everybody a hug in person and thank you all for making this journey so much brighter for me!!
Hi Ladies, the witch arrived today :witch:

This has to be my lowest point yet :cry: all the signs were good nausea, sore nipples, creamy CM not sure I can do this anymore 5 yrs on and we don't seem to be any closer, the heartbreak every month is unbearable :sad2:

:hugs: Awwww hon i am sorry she showed, how ironic is it that we need af to be able to get pg, but hate that she showes each month. You take some time to be good to yourself, and when your ready, if your ready you jump right back into it, because we all have that little tiny flicker of hope that one day, it WILL work. :hugs::hugs:
Twinkle- I hope those are bfp symptoms you are feeling, I tend not to test either, I can't stand seeing that stark white bfn.

Dwrgi- So sorry that you are feeling poorly but it will all be worth it. make sure you remind me I said this when I'm going though the same thing.

Butterfly- Great test results, I know you must be happy

Nixi-:hugs: I wish I had the perfect words to make you feel better. You are so right that this is a rough journey! I hope you are in a better place tomorrow. Are you seeing an RE?
hello lovely ladies!!!

Welcome all Newbies - hope you have a short & sweet stay!

Smurfette - how odd with the tests - hope you prove to be right.

Reesie - not really sure about the F.E - I know some people say if the woman climaxes after the man then the muscles 'suck' the swimmers upwards - I've just had a check on wikipedia & the fluid comes from around the urethra not from up inside you so it shouldn't be an issue

becs - sorry for your loss - sending you big heaps of baby dust!

Skye - a little pink bundle - that's fab news!!

Purple - yep I've been a bin diver too!

Dwrgi - no booze in the summer hols sucks - but it'll be worth it!

Butterfly - don't worry too much about keeping up - the last thing any of us need is more stress!!

OMM - it's great when clothes feel too big isn't it? I got rid of 5 bags to the charity shop this weekend - some of which I've had for 10 years!

FM - fingers crossed for this cycle!

Hey everyone else! xxxx

AFM - I've had a delighful 4 days off the diet - really enjoyed eating everything! I'm back on it today though. I need a bit of a yank bank onto the Whatev's wagon please - AF is a day late but I have PMS symptoms coming out of my ears. For those of you who've been around for a while you know I don't test - I can't stand the BFN! So need to get back on the wagon & when she comes I can book my HSG.

Fantastic news on the weight loss for you honey, i admire you!!!! I sure hope i can do as well as you are, and i am praying for you that this time it will be a bfp, stay away you stupid witch!!! I am holding my hand out to you right now to help you climb back up into the "Whatevers Wagon". I got you honey!!
Nixie, so sorry the :witch: got you but like the other ladies say, once it is not so raw get back to the doc and make sure you get a plan of action :hug:
LOL, honey you are just too funny, i am not only a bin diver, but a multipal bin diver, as in i will pull it out and look at it much later, throw it back in then hours later look at it again, you know just on the off chance that 5 hours after i peed on the stick a line will magicaly show lol. Trust me hon you are very normal lol. And yes i do wish we were all close, i would love to give everybody a hug in person and thank you all for making this journey so much brighter for me!!

Lol, Lol Chris, there were a good few times when I dived into it even next day and burst out in tears that the bloomin line hasn't appeared. hahhahahahahaa

Purple hon all is normal, well experienced in TTc world :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Nixie I'm sorry hon. It really is horrible that the witch should still visiting this thread at all. Dwrgi is right. Be kind to yourself. Manicure, masage, choco chip cookies, whatever makes you happy. Sending you a lot of hugs :hugs::hugs:

Butterfly your results looks great. Pheeew that's releiving to know. :dust::dust:

Twinkie :dust::dust: you are sooo close to getting your tx :happydance:

FM :kiss::kiss::hugs::hugs:

Dwrgi exhaustion definitely is the hormones. I know you crave for alcohol but I bet if you had any you would feel absolutely dreadful since it dehydrates you even more. And think of it as you will be pregnant your little bean won't like the alcohol. Thinking of your precious eggies might divert your cravings towards water :))) hahahha. Hon take a bottle of water with you at all times. It is your best friend. If you don't like to buy bottled water, there is a new product called "Bobble" which filters the tap water and easy to carry. It's fantastic.

And try to increase your intake to 2 lt cause your hormones are quite high. It will keep your levels in balance. Doesn't matter if you can't snack or eat much else. Your main thing is Protein and Water before collection. Just bits of fruits and some salad will do fine. I actually found this diet one of the challenges in IVF so there u go.
ladies, after my bin diving I did another test this morning to put any doubt out of my mind...... and there was a definite line in the test window!!!!!!! I am feeling disbelief to be honest. I told my husband and he was also disbelieving. I don't "feel" pregnant (although since Ive never been pregnant how would I know??) since the test I used was an amazon cheapie, I will pop out of work lunchtime or after work and buy a branded one. I am trying not to get my hopes up, because I realise at this very early stage anything is possible. I did have some very light spotting last week - I hoping that was implantation bleeding. I wanted so badly to share with you all, now I am worried I am jinxing myself by actually writing this down (I know - daft)

love to you all..... love shockedpurple xx
Oooooooh purple I am so excited!!!! But one quick thought is that some of the other tests are not as sensitive as the IC ones so it might be worth waiting a day or 2 before you use them :hugs:

The ICs don't lie, a line is a line :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
Purplelou - Butterfly is right a line is a line :dance: So chuffed for you and praying this is the start of a sticky bean settling in and a happy; healthy and full term pregnancy x
:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: OMG Yupeeeee :hug::hug: :juggle::juggle::fool::fool::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::rain::rain::rain::rain::rain::holly::holly::holly::holly:

I knew that it was a BFP. Congratulations Purplelou. What a great news to cheer me up this morning. :))) :happydance::happydance:

Don't lift anything heavy in the mean time... YeaaaaaHHHH!!! A line is a line bb...
Purple!!!! This is absolutely brilliant news-I am sooooooo delighted for you! I am sure that the branded test will bring back the same result! Way to go kid!!!!

Keep us posted but I'm certain that you are very definitely :bfp::bfp:!!

Lots of love to you!


Hia Skye

How are you today?? Hope you're feeling good and that you've got that driving theory test in the bag!! Go girl!

You are so right about the diet-you feel soooooooo full with fluids, it's difficult to actually want to eat anything. I forced myself out of bed last night to make chicken in pasta-chicken with anything goes, really, doesn't it? Thought the carbs would do me good too. I think I had my headache yesterday as I didn't drink water all afternoon, like I have been doing. You basically need to take it like a drip-always sipping it, don't you? Really felt it when I got in-bad head, exhausted. So, have learnt my lesson and none of that today! That bobble bottle sounds cool, although our tap water is fine here in Wales. Only really miss a drink on the weekend-am okay otherwise. Thankfully.

Anyway, am sipping a milk shake as I write!! Lush!!

Also, I woke up in the middle of the night, covered in sweat-this must also be the drugs, I gather??? It was hot last night, mind, but I was quite uncomfortable.

Hope you have a good day hun,
Lots of love,

P.S. Hello to everybody on here! Hope you're all well!!!
That diet sounds tough, but you can do it!!!

Woo Hoo! Congrats on your BFP. A line is a line so start believing. I am praying for a smooth healthy pregnancy & your sticky bean.
Dwrgi hot flushes and exhaustion is definitely the meds. You might experience other symptoms as well so be prepared. (Remember me and Debs talking about the gas :))))) Not nice but can't be helped. Carbohydrates are really not the priority right now so get as much protein as you can but you don't need to be in the point of feeling like throwing it all up. As long as you keep up 1lt of milk a day that's enough for your daily protein. Anything extra is bonus. Just keep sipping water all through the day. 2 litres is really not that bad. Some women had to go up to 6 lts in the end. I was probably 4-5 litres. Towards the end and after the collection you might need to just get up 1-2 times at night and drink a cup. As you experienced yesterday your body actually demands it so it's not that hard to do it. Helps water retention and swelling in the belly. U still wanna exercise ? Hahhahhahahahahaha welcome to the couch patato world sweeety. BTW get all your DVD's, magazines and books ready cause you will need them after trigger xxxx
Do IVF patients normally get asked to have a high protein diet? My bff who was round last night is having her eggs collected tomorrow but has not been told anything like that - in fact i think I might have worried her that she was not doing it when I asked :( - in fact they didn't tell her anything different to do even though she did specifically ask if there was anything...
Butterfly I have been to a private clinic (ARGC) where they had requirements like this and their results are the best in the country. While these may not be the main issue with most women it certainly does make a difference on some. I wasn't told all this in my previous IVF and even though I had almost the same amount of eggs (first19, second 21) my eggs were not mature enough and as a result out of 19 I had 3 fertilisation. Which is a ridicoulous rate. Another friend who had 4 IVF's on NHS, her eggs were good and fertilised to produce best quality embies but didn't attach. We had some other contraversial medication regime which obviously helped her not the protein diet. Another girl who had a low egg reserve managed to produce the most amount and quality of eggs she had produced amongst the 5 IVF's she went through on this tx. It is hard to tell particularly which one of us does this diet helps more but the eggs definitely need protein to grow. And there definitely isn't any harm. So your friend may be just fine and she shouldn't worry too much about it. She is actually at the collection stage. I wish her all the best of luck. IVF is a stressful process and I hope she succeeds. It would do her more good than harm to increase her water intake Think of it as like flushing the toilet after use. It flushes the hormone residue in the body :))) Let us know if she gets pregnant. :))
Thanks for that Skye, yes she had a good number of follicles (13) but they kept upping her does to make them mature quicker. Sounds like she has 1 really good one and the rest waiting to catch up so hopefully they will be able to collect a few. Am so hoping it works for her and for sure will let you know how she gets on :hugs: :hugs:
ladies, after my bin diving I did another test this morning to put any doubt out of my mind...... and there was a definite line in the test window!!!!!!! I am feeling disbelief to be honest. I told my husband and he was also disbelieving. I don't "feel" pregnant (although since Ive never been pregnant how would I know??) since the test I used was an amazon cheapie, I will pop out of work lunchtime or after work and buy a branded one. I am trying not to get my hopes up, because I realise at this very early stage anything is possible. I did have some very light spotting last week - I hoping that was implantation bleeding. I wanted so badly to share with you all, now I am worried I am jinxing myself by actually writing this down (I know - daft)

love to you all..... love shockedpurple xx

Puuuuuuurrrrrrrple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG this is so amazing, i just sat down in my chair to come one here and i thought we have not had a bfp on this thread in quite some time and that it was time for one, and what do you know i see your fantastic news!!!!!!!! OMG honey i am so excited for you!!!!! Sending up lots of prayers for a super sticky bean!!!!!
Some women tried hot water bottle before the collection (Strictly before and not at all after the collection or transfer) but I have no idea if it works. She can ask her specialist
ladies, after my bin diving I did another test this morning to put any doubt out of my mind...... and there was a definite line in the test window!!!!!!! I am feeling disbelief to be honest. I told my husband and he was also disbelieving. I don't "feel" pregnant (although since Ive never been pregnant how would I know??) since the test I used was an amazon cheapie, I will pop out of work lunchtime or after work and buy a branded one. I am trying not to get my hopes up, because I realise at this very early stage anything is possible. I did have some very light spotting last week - I hoping that was implantation bleeding. I wanted so badly to share with you all, now I am worried I am jinxing myself by actually writing this down (I know - daft)

love to you all..... love shockedpurple xx

Fabulous!!! Congratulations!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

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