TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Congrats on the weight loss. I am impressed that you haven't starting testing yet. I think I started testing four days before my expected period, but I was always terrible about staying on the whatever wagon during the TTW. I am praying that this will be your BFP and sticky bean! Have a great weekend and keep us posted. :thumbup:

I just had to drop in and give you a bit of encouragement. I know what it is like to be in the grueling TTW after an IUI and you are right, it is different when it is a treatment cycle and you've been taking hormones to grow the follies, trigger shots to force ovulation while being monitored by your doctors. That part you feel like you and your medical team are doing everything y'all can and then after the insemination ... stop, wait, wait some more, and symptom spot, stress, and wonder how you will handle a BFN or AF if she arrives, and what you will do next for Plan B or Plan Z or whatever. And it's stressful for the husbands because they have had their time to "perform" and now they need to sit back and wait to be told how they did on their test. Honey, it sucks! There are no two ways about it. But, I was pretty cynical before I got my BFP. I was planning for donor egg IVF because by the time we could save the money for the protocol, I felt it would be too late for my "old" eggs. But, I had a lot of support from the women on here and from my DH (even though he sometimes drove me a little crazy with his seeming nonchalance about it all - he was just internalizing the stress while I was overflowing with it). Anyway, all this say, that we will be right here with you during the wait. And it doesn't matter how tired or cynical or anxious you are feeling, we will uplift you and you can still get your good result in the end. You know that it will happen for you. Why not this cycle? So, try a little PMA if you can. Once you have your BFP, you will be like me and up at 3 am posting on this thread because you didn't catch your nurse before the office closed with your genetic abnormality screening results and are worried about the babies. :wacko:

Anyway, I love you ladies and I am very excited about all that the good baby dust floating around on here. For those of you still waiting for your sticky beans, it will happen for you. Your time WILL come! Hang in there. :flower: :hugs:

Ok, I'm going to go back to bed and see if I can't catch a few more :sleep:
Happy Auntie - I just wanted to send you all the cyber :hugs: I can :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: If I were closer I would pop round (unannounced!) and give you a huge hug in person.....of course that would be creepy since really I am a stranger. anyway, I just wanted to know that you are occupying my thoughts :hugs2:

I Know I have only been on the site/thread for months, but I feel like you ladies are my friends (I hope that's not too weird)
afm - I tested this am (just to be sure) the line is still there but it seems a little fainter to me..... I'm just keeping hopeful.
HA- The anxiety that comes with ttc is horrible, I know EXACTLY how you are feeling. The tension is the worse and being on edge sucks. I actually made myself physically sick with my last IUI and I promised that I wouldn't do that to myself again. TTC can consume you and I've come to realize that I might as well be hopeful during the 2ww, what will it hurt? You can never prepare yourself for the bfn if it comes. I'm praying that you will be able to jump back on the whatever wagon. Its ok though if you aren't in a positive place right now, I have enough PMA for the both of us. I'm hoping that your cycle end with the bfp that you sooooooo deserve!:hugs:

I had a little cry on DH when he got home, and he admitted he's having anxiety about it, too. I think what I had forgotten was how the tww is exponentially more difficult when you're in treatment than in a natural cycle. :nope: I remember how sick you were last time. I don't think I'm to that point yet... we'll see how the weekend plays out! Thank you for the prayers and PMA, to all of you... it's nice to have friends to lean on who have walked in your shoes. :hugs:
Honey i am sending you big hugs, omg i know exactly how you are feeling and your right, while TTC natually is stressful when your going through a treatment its oh so much worse, i had to laugh when you said your shoulders were up around your ears, i do the exact same thing, and my chiropractor yells at me all the time. I will be laying in bed thinking ok i am relaxed and all of a sudden one of my shoulders drops down, and i think ugh, will you just relax, i actually have bumps of muscle from constantly doing it. All i can do is pray for you honey that this IUI works for you!!!! I have a real good feeling about it, that your going to hop on this wave of bfp's going around!!!:hugs:
Congrats on the weight loss. I am impressed that you haven't starting testing yet. I think I started testing four days before my expected period, but I was always terrible about staying on the whatever wagon during the TTW. I am praying that this will be your BFP and sticky bean! Have a great weekend and keep us posted. :thumbup:

I just had to drop in and give you a bit of encouragement. I know what it is like to be in the grueling TTW after an IUI and you are right, it is different when it is a treatment cycle and you've been taking hormones to grow the follies, trigger shots to force ovulation while being monitored by your doctors. That part you feel like you and your medical team are doing everything y'all can and then after the insemination ... stop, wait, wait some more, and symptom spot, stress, and wonder how you will handle a BFN or AF if she arrives, and what you will do next for Plan B or Plan Z or whatever. And it's stressful for the husbands because they have had their time to "perform" and now they need to sit back and wait to be told how they did on their test. Honey, it sucks! There are no two ways about it. But, I was pretty cynical before I got my BFP. I was planning for donor egg IVF because by the time we could save the money for the protocol, I felt it would be too late for my "old" eggs. But, I had a lot of support from the women on here and from my DH (even though he sometimes drove me a little crazy with his seeming nonchalance about it all - he was just internalizing the stress while I was overflowing with it). Anyway, all this say, that we will be right here with you during the wait. And it doesn't matter how tired or cynical or anxious you are feeling, we will uplift you and you can still get your good result in the end. You know that it will happen for you. Why not this cycle? So, try a little PMA if you can. Once you have your BFP, you will be like me and up at 3 am posting on this thread because you didn't catch your nurse before the office closed with your genetic abnormality screening results and are worried about the babies. :wacko:

Anyway, I love you ladies and I am very excited about all that the good baby dust floating around on here. For those of you still waiting for your sticky beans, it will happen for you. Your time WILL come! Hang in there. :flower: :hugs:

Ok, I'm going to go back to bed and see if I can't catch a few more :sleep:

LOL, thanks honey, i am going to keep working on the weight loss, as for the testing, yea i caved :blush: it was a bfn, i am pretty sure that AF will be here, i took my temp yesterday morning and again this morning, big drop, so i have put the batteries in my new CBFM and i am just waiting to push the M on it. I have also been doing a LOT of thinking about donor eggs, sigh...... I really wish i had the money to try an IVF cycle with my own eggs, but here in the states it would cost me about $12,000 for one cycle, and i just cant afford to throw that money away, it would take me forever to save up for that, plus with my age, i dont even know if they would let me do it, even though my last FSH was only 6.5. Ahhhhhhhhh i am so frustrated right now, i want a baby so badly and i just dont understand why we cant do this on our own!!!! Sorry this turned into a vent, i am just a bit frustrated right now, nothing seems to help!!
Happy Auntie - I just wanted to send you all the cyber :hugs: I can :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: If I were closer I would pop round (unannounced!) and give you a huge hug in person.....of course that would be creepy since really I am a stranger. anyway, I just wanted to know that you are occupying my thoughts :hugs2:

I Know I have only been on the site/thread for months, but I feel like you ladies are my friends (I hope that's not too weird)

LOL, honey its not weird at all, i think we all feel that way about each other, we love you!!!! Now share some of that baby dust will you LOL.:happydance:
afm - I tested this am (just to be sure) the line is still there but it seems a little fainter to me..... I'm just keeping hopeful.

Do not, i repeat DO NOT pay attention to how dark the lines are, they vary from test to test even in the same box of them. I am sure your little one is just fine!!!! Try to relax, stress is not good for the baby, i know easier said than done lol. :hugs:
Congrats on the weight loss. I am impressed that you haven't starting testing yet. I think I started testing four days before my expected period, but I was always terrible about staying on the whatever wagon during the TTW. I am praying that this will be your BFP and sticky bean! Have a great weekend and keep us posted. :thumbup:

I just had to drop in and give you a bit of encouragement. I know what it is like to be in the grueling TTW after an IUI and you are right, it is different when it is a treatment cycle and you've been taking hormones to grow the follies, trigger shots to force ovulation while being monitored by your doctors. That part you feel like you and your medical team are doing everything y'all can and then after the insemination ... stop, wait, wait some more, and symptom spot, stress, and wonder how you will handle a BFN or AF if she arrives, and what you will do next for Plan B or Plan Z or whatever. And it's stressful for the husbands because they have had their time to "perform" and now they need to sit back and wait to be told how they did on their test. Honey, it sucks! There are no two ways about it. But, I was pretty cynical before I got my BFP. I was planning for donor egg IVF because by the time we could save the money for the protocol, I felt it would be too late for my "old" eggs. But, I had a lot of support from the women on here and from my DH (even though he sometimes drove me a little crazy with his seeming nonchalance about it all - he was just internalizing the stress while I was overflowing with it). Anyway, all this say, that we will be right here with you during the wait. And it doesn't matter how tired or cynical or anxious you are feeling, we will uplift you and you can still get your good result in the end. You know that it will happen for you. Why not this cycle? So, try a little PMA if you can. Once you have your BFP, you will be like me and up at 3 am posting on this thread because you didn't catch your nurse before the office closed with your genetic abnormality screening results and are worried about the babies. :wacko:

Anyway, I love you ladies and I am very excited about all that the good baby dust floating around on here. For those of you still waiting for your sticky beans, it will happen for you. Your time WILL come! Hang in there. :flower: :hugs:

Ok, I'm going to go back to bed and see if I can't catch a few more :sleep:

LOL, thanks honey, i am going to keep working on the weight loss, as for the testing, yea i caved :blush: it was a bfn, i am pretty sure that AF will be here, i took my temp yesterday morning and again this morning, big drop, so i have put the batteries in my new CBFM and i am just waiting to push the M on it. I have also been doing a LOT of thinking about donor eggs, sigh...... I really wish i had the money to try an IVF cycle with my own eggs, but here in the states it would cost me about $12,000 for one cycle, and i just cant afford to throw that money away, it would take me forever to save up for that, plus with my age, i dont even know if they would let me do it, even though my last FSH was only 6.5. Ahhhhhhhhh i am so frustrated right now, i want a baby so badly and i just dont understand why we cant do this on our own!!!! Sorry this turned into a vent, i am just a bit frustrated right now, nothing seems to help!!

Hey You! I am sooooo sorry that you had a BFN-our bodies can be so cruel, can't they, sending us positive signs... Grrr. I am so sorry and sending you huge hugs. Could you possibly afford to do IVF with donor eggs?? I suppose it is worth exploring all possibilities, while you still have time. Hey, whatever you decide to do, we will be right with you! Keep the faith, girl, as good old JBJ said, and you'll get there!!!

HUGE :hugs::hugs::hugs: to you hun! You so deserve your own baby-you are one of the kindest, most giving people that I know, and would make THE BEST mummy!!

Try to enjoy your weekend, lots of love,
Amanda xxxx

Hey All,
I am a newbie! my first post, i posted in over 35 ttc also.
Mu story so far is TTC properly 6 months , by that I mean looking at cycles and trying to DTD around ovalating time, still getting used to that.
Anyhow nothing so far so thinking of going to Doc next month as we will be a year without using protection then.

Hugs to all on the journey, I have never found a time when it was so frustrating and hard seeing everyone around me preggers or talking about their 3rd one!!!!!!!!!!

good luck to all
hopefully we will have BFP very soon xxxxx
Agreed... support support support. Every month when the evil :witch: shows her face, I get a little weepy. :sad2: Friends seem to pop out kids left and right. I never thought I'd have trouble conceiving. Figured I'd wait to get married and then just have them. Easy breezy, right? :nope:

Too bad those friends that have over active reproductive systems couldn't rub a little luck to this belly.

I'm here if anyone wants to vent! :hugs:
hey ttc11
I totally agree!
I am happy for all my friends family etc, but I thought the same married nearly a year and wanted to wait until we were married to have kids, taught it would be simple enough! but not the case.

All my pals that have kids tell me it will happen and relax....aghhhhhhhhhh
I know they mean well but sometimes its too much!
Will probably try and avoid some people and am expected to go to all the birthday parties also

sorry for vent!
feel better for it xxxx
hey ttc11
I totally agree!
I am happy for all my friends family etc, but I thought the same married nearly a year and wanted to wait until we were married to have kids, taught it would be simple enough! but not the case.

All my pals that have kids tell me it will happen and relax....aghhhhhhhhhh
I know they mean well but sometimes its too much!
Will probably try and avoid some people and am expected to go to all the birthday parties also

sorry for vent!
feel better for it xxxx

All my friends/family say the same. "It'll happen don't fret." Hard not too when you've been trying for a while and father time is ticking in the back of your head. And it's easy for them to say, when they have kiddos of their own.

vent away...
Hello ladies, just wanted to post some :hug: to those who need it.

Just away for a bit visiting friends, AF due Sun/mon so will be back in the game again for sept :)

Hello everybody! How are you all? Welcome Mammywannabe-I know exactly how frustrating this journey is. The only thing I can say is, that the sooner you go to the doctors and start with the tests, the better! Time marches on, and the health service is sooooooooo slow. Good luck hun, and I hope your TTC journey will come to a swift end soon!

Hi ttc11-just sending big :hugs::hugs::hugs:. We are all in this together.

Hey butterfly-enjoy your weekend! Sounds like the ideal scenario for forgetting AF-how are you so sure she'll arrive???? This could be your lucky month!

Hello and :hugs::hugs: to you all, girls! Have a great weekend!!

I'm still drinking loads of milk and water and eating as much protein as I can get my hands on. Feel that my ovaries are quite full, and quite tender. So tired, but just can't sleep. Next scan on Monday and get EC date then.

Lots of love to you all-have great weekends! :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
Dwrgi am so excited for you, take it easy chicken before hatching those eggs :haha:

Unfortunately BF was away this month so I would be looking at a real immaculate conception! Feels like so long to wait for another month! :hugs:

Meant to say welcome to the newbies :hi:
Just wanted to jump in with some love for u all and hugs for those who need it and lots of :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
Dwrgi am so excited for you, take it easy chicken before hatching those eggs :haha:

Unfortunately BF was away this month so I would be looking at a real immaculate conception! Feels like so long to wait for another month! :hugs:

Meant to say welcome to the newbies :hi:

Hope that month flies in for you Hun,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Just as I suspected, and just as it was on the first two IUIs, bleeding is starting to break through tonight, at 11dpIUI. I'll test in the morning to make it official, but it's just a formality at this point. :nope::nope::nope:

I f*cking hate this.
Just as I suspected, and just as it was on the first two IUIs, bleeding is starting to break through tonight, at 11dpIUI. I'll test in the morning to make it official, but it's just a formality at this point. :nope::nope::nope:

I f*cking hate this.

HA...I'm so sorry :hugs: you so don't deserve this shit :nope:


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