TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Dwrgi...huge :hugs: and I'm sorry that it didn't work out this time. I'm pants with words right now but wanted to comment :hugs:

HA...hope you're holding up a little :hugs:

I'm after a little bit of help...I've been to see my GP this morning and bless him, he cried when I walked in his room. He has offered to research what blood tests to take even though I've only had two losses (it's only normally looked in to after three in the UK)

It might not even be the answer for my losses but I need to explore that avenue...just on case.

So, does anyone know what I should be suggesting to have checked out?

Hugs and :dust: to all

Andrea ,bless your doc,I am going today for more blood tests ,am getting a full hormone profile ,my thyroid checked and a smak analyisis which is all your organs ,I was also tested for sticky blood syndrome and dh and I had a blood chromosomes test ,hope this helps Hun,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Dwrgi- you are so awesome thinking of me and the hurricane when you are going through so much. I don't even have the words to express how sorry I am that you are going thru this, I hope when you go back to see your dr that you get some good suggestions on what the next step is and how next time your reterival will yield more than enough eggs and that they will fertilize. I thinking of you hun.

HA- good for you that the nurse was able to deal with all that foolishness for you. Sending tons of :hugs:
Hi Guys, how are you all??? Hope you've all got fun packed Bank Holiday weekends planned????

Hey HA-how are you feeling today hun? Sounds like a good plan to get your nurse to deal with all the crappy admin stuff for you. That's the last thing you want to get involved with. Also, what a truly sweet man your partner is-he sounds just lovely. Hope you have a relaxing weekend!

Well, I have been doing some research (death by google), and have come up with some interesting information. It is possible that some people are resistant to ovitrell, which is the trigger shot I had, or just need more of it-up to 10,000hcgs. Well, I had ovitrell for my IUI but there was no way of knowing then if it worked or not, so I could have taken the information for future cycles. Some IVF clients actually need two shots to trigger ovulation, or a different brand-pregnyl was mentioned? Another person documented that when she had a lot of follicles and no eggs, her clinic gave her another hcg after egg retrieval to see if they could get more in another 36 hours time, because possibly some of the eggs were too immature to ovulate at the first shot.

It is all food for thought-as I simply cannot get my head around two eggs out of 12 follicles. I know of others with lower amh than I who yielded far better egg results, so I am just at a loss. But I keep remembering what I read once that the first IVF is often about trial and error, seeing what works for each individual, and tweaking it for next time. The only downside is the cost, of course.

I had a HUGE cry last night-just felt so bereft, and it is all so anticlimatic, as I'd anticipated the next two weeks being all about the treatment, and then to have it taken away at the second hurdle. I just felt so fed up of battling-especially after almost four years, trying this and trying that yada yada. I just kept thinking, 'somebody, just give me a break'; that is all that I ask. I can't bear to be in the statistic of 'infertile, no children', but it is just so difficult to carry on trying, and picking yourself up constantly. I know there are a lot of you on here who will identify with this, and I'm sure you know how I feel.

It is completely PANTSVILLE!!! But am eager to have the consult and to discuss further.

I hope you all have a great day!

Lots and lots of big love,

Wow, thats very interesting about the trigger shot not working, and your right with an IUI you never know if it popped out one or all of the eggs. Yea for you doing your research, i too was wondering where the other eggs went for you, i kept thinking did they miss them. It is all as you say "Pantsville" but i am glad to see you hopping right back in that saddle and going for it again. I am sending you huge hugs honey. Hopefully soon i will be right in the middle of this ivf madness with you!!!
Dwrgi...huge :hugs: and I'm sorry that it didn't work out this time. I'm pants with words right now but wanted to comment :hugs:

HA...hope you're holding up a little :hugs:

I'm after a little bit of help...I've been to see my GP this morning and bless him, he cried when I walked in his room. He has offered to research what blood tests to take even though I've only had two losses (it's only normally looked in to after three in the UK)

It might not even be the answer for my losses but I need to explore that avenue...just on case.

So, does anyone know what I should be suggesting to have checked out?

Hugs and :dust: to all


They should be able to run a m/c panel on you they did on me after my third loss, but you also need to have your dh checked out, it could be a genetic issue with him to and not necessarly you. Also they should check out your uterus very well, if they have not already to make sure there is nothing in there to prevent the egg from implanting. Thats about all i can think of, for me the doctor just kept saying it was my old eggs, they did not want to run any tests at all, i had to force them, that was that stupid RE i was seeing.
Good morning ladies, yea for friday, man i so wish we had bank holidays here in the states lol.

FM you stay safe, and any other ladies that are along the east coast, i sure hope Irene does not give you too much problems, man that sure is a monster storm!!

Ha, how are you honey? Sending you huge hugs, you too Dwrgi, i just feel so bad for you ladies, but i also have a good feeling that you should not give up, one day soon you will have your sticky beans!!

Wooly, Despie, Lava, Skye, Butterfly and anybody i am missing i love you all!!

AFM, i am going to call the new RE office today and set up an appointment to talk about doing our IVF. Wish me luck ladies, from what i have seen they seem like a great place, even my OB's office love them, now i am kicking myself for wasting so much time with the other ASS i was dealing with!!
I'm after a little bit of help...I've been to see my GP this morning and bless him, he cried when I walked in his room. He has offered to research what blood tests to take even though I've only had two losses (it's only normally looked in to after three in the UK)

It might not even be the answer for my losses but I need to explore that avenue...just on case.

So, does anyone know what I should be suggesting to have checked out?

It's so nice when you see a dr who really and truly cares... it seems such a rarity nowadays - they are just so pressed for time that it's hard to develop that relationship anymore, and just knowing that he/she cares can make such a difference to us....

Anyway, my recurrent mc tests consisted of about 12 vials of blood from me, 1 from DH, and my HSG. The HSG is the one where they inject dye into your uterus and look at it under x-ray, checking whether your tubes are fully open and looking at the structure of your uterus (is there a septum, polyps, etc). The blood tests included:
- a karyotype on both me and DH - that's where they check our chromosomes to make sure we have a full, normal set of 46 XX and 46 XY and make sure we don't have a translocation (like Padbrat has) or such.
- a full hormone panel on me - checking thyroid function, FSH, LH, prolactin, progesterone, estrogen, etc
- a full thrombosis/coagulation panel on me, checking for blood clotting disorders like Factor V Leiden, anti-phospholipid antibodies, MTHFR, etc
- a lupus test on me (apparently many women have no idea they have lupus until they have fertility problems)
- a celiac test on me - not standard in the US, but my mom has celiac disease and it is linked to infertility and miscarriage

I think that's the basics, but I'm working from memory and might have missed one or two. I can go pull my records and give you more details if you want.

The other blood tests that everyone ttc should have done (not specific to miscarriage) are your rubella (German measles) immunity and to see if you carry the cystic fibrosis gene. If you're no longer immune to German measles you'll need a booster shot before you continue ttc, because if you contract it during pregnancy it can cause severe birth defects and/or pregnancy loss. The cystic fibrosis test is because 1 in 30 people carry the CF gene and have no symptoms and don't know anyone in their family with the disease - they only find out they're carriers when their child is born with the full-blown disease. If it turns out you do carry the gene, then they'll need to test your DH as well. If he's not a carrier, everything's fine (a child can only get CF if it inherits the gene from both parents). If it turns out you're both carriers, they'll want to run prenatal tests on your future babies to check for it, or even do IVF with pre-implantation diagnosis to make sure they only transfer embryos that don't carry the gene.

Dwrgi, I've read the same re Ovidrel. Definitely something to ask about at your consult. Google at times like this is such a mixed blessing - it can make me totally paranoid if I let it, but it also makes me feel like at least I'm doing something. The trial-and-error nature of IVF, especially the first cycle, is why the success rate goes up the more cycles you try. Do you think you'll try again? Or are you waiting to see what the FS says about this cycle? Or is it just too soon to think about it?

FM, are you staying put or have they called for an evacuation of your area? I'm praying for your safety and that everything comes out alright when this weekend is over. It seems like it's been a really long time since NC took a hit (or am I just forgetting?).

AFM, so far so good today. Granted it's only 11a! :haha: I'm skipping yoga today - I'm still bleeding heavily and the thought of worrying about my pad shifting (because you're not supposed to wear tampons in a mc) during downward-facing dog is not something I want to deal with today, let alone having to deal with other people, so I'm staying put. My butt hurts from the rhogam shot but that will pass soon enough. Yesterday's meltdown really helped my mood and I finally slept well last night, but I know enough about this process to know my mood will change a lot over the next few days. So I'm just taking it one day at a time. I need to prepare for our consult with the dr next week, but I can't get my thoughts straight yet. I'm not even sure what I want/need to talk about with him. We initially set this appt up as an IVF consult, but now that IUI has worked for us we aren't sure if he'll recommend we stick with IUI a few more cycles or not, so I'm not even sure what questions to come prepared with. I feel like I need to be prepared for anything to come up at that consult and I can't get my brain going enough to think of such a wide range of possibilities and questions just yet. I guess I have until Thursday to get ready for it, but with my bday next Wed I know my mental distraction is not going to improve much between now and the appt so I'm trying to work on it a little at a time....

Meh. I'll get better. One day at a time. I can't thank you all enough for your love and support - for being excited with me when it was exciting, for holding out hope for this LO when I couldn't, for being a "safe" place to let it out when I need to be sad... you are truly a remarkable group of women, and I'm so thankful to know you all and call you my friends. :hugs: I love you, ladies. xoxo
Despie...thank you for those :hugs:

OMM...thank you too and also can't wait to hear what happens with your next step :hugs:

HA...I have never been a fan of going to the doctors yet Dr T has been nothing but supportive and compassionate since we went and discussed trying and he sent us on our way with a huge amount of hope and knowledge (although nothing compared to what I now know) only today my OH said it has been a completely different experience compared to the first loss. Thank you also for that list, I'll be looking in to those so o can take them as a suggestion too. Would you think that I'd still need a HSG seeing as I had a pelvic scan both external and transvaginal? I really appreciate you answering when your days are dark too :hugs:

HA...I have never been a fan of going to the doctors yet Dr T has been nothing but supportive and compassionate since we went and discussed trying and he sent us on our way with a huge amount of hope and knowledge (although nothing compared to what I now know) only today my OH said it has been a completely different experience compared to the first loss. Thank you also for that list, I'll be looking in to those so o can take them as a suggestion too. Would you think that I'd still need a HSG seeing as I had a pelvic scan both external and transvaginal? I really appreciate you answering when your days are dark too :hugs:


I would assume so - it's one of the most basic and standard tests for infertility/miscarriage. There are advantages to both, but the HSG can diagnose malformations of the uterine cavity that can't be detected with ultrasound.

You're welcome, hun - if we can't talk to each other in here during our dark days, we wouldn't be of much "support" now, would we?! Besides, who better to put up with my mood swings than women who've been in my shoes? :hugs:
HA- you are right NC hasn't had a storm in several years so we are well over due unfortunately! We are staying put since we aren't in a low lying area or beach/river front.

I'm am so sorry that you had to go thur all of that again but so happy that we were here for you and you felt comfy talking to us, that is why I love love our thread. Know that when you get your bfp agin and go on to deliver a happy healthy baby we will be right here to cheer you on!
Chris good luck for today ,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:Happyauntie ,dwrgi still thinking of you both ,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:AFM :af arrived today :cry:,the first since my loss ,I do so miss my angel baby ,:cry::cry::cry:Now that af has arrived it has hit me even more wot I have lost ,but I am determined to carry on and I will and everyone of you will get their lo .:baby::baby::baby:Love u all ,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
HA- you are right NC hasn't had a storm in several years so we are well over due unfortunately! We are staying put since we aren't in a low lying area or beach/river front.

Well stay safe, then! Do you have all your supplies? Canned goods and water and batteries? A shotgun for warding off looters? (Just kidding on that one, but my grandma wasn't - she always had one ready before storms came in! :rofl: She was so tiny I doubt she was even able to lift the thing! :rofl:) We had to evacuate 4 times in my TX years, but we stayed put once for a Cat 1 storm when we were newlyweds - we spent about a week playing card games/board games and eating pop tarts and canned tuna before we got power back again! :haha: Once the storm itself had passed it was kind of fun in a strange way - like camping at home. All the neighbors pitched in to help clean up everyone's yards and we pooled our resources to make sure everyone had enough water etc. Sleeping without the a/c at night was the worst, though - just miserable. Keep posting during the weekend so we all know you're ok. :hugs:
I pray all the ladies who may or will be affected by Hurricane Irene stay safe :hugs:
HA...I have never been a fan of going to the doctors yet Dr T has been nothing but supportive and compassionate since we went and discussed trying and he sent us on our way with a huge amount of hope and knowledge (although nothing compared to what I now know) only today my OH said it has been a completely different experience compared to the first loss. Thank you also for that list, I'll be looking in to those so o can take them as a suggestion too. Would you think that I'd still need a HSG seeing as I had a pelvic scan both external and transvaginal? I really appreciate you answering when your days are dark too :hugs:


I would assume so - it's one of the most basic and standard tests for infertility/miscarriage. There are advantages to both, but the HSG can diagnose malformations of the uterine cavity that can't be detected with ultrasound.

You're welcome, hun - if we can't talk to each other in here during our dark days, we wouldn't be of much "support" now, would we?! Besides, who better to put up with my mood swings than women who've been in my shoes? :hugs:

HA...thank you :hugs: I don't think I'll be able to get the HSG as I angled for one when I was being impatient in between the two pregnancies but I'll certainly be mentioning it next Wednesday...I can only be cheeky at this stage.

Despie...:hugs: it is a horrible reminder and one of those hurdles that we all dread after a loss :hugs:

FM...keep safe

That applies to everyone who is in the line of fire :hugs:

Chris good luck for today ,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:Happyauntie ,dwrgi still thinking of you both ,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:AFM :af arrived today :cry:,the first since my loss ,I do so miss my angel baby ,:cry::cry::cry:Now that af has arrived it has hit me even more wot I have lost ,but I am determined to carry on and I will and everyone of you will get their lo .:baby::baby::baby:Love u all ,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Awww thanks honey!! I am so excited i am going to talk to the doctor on the 9th, DH is taking the day off (Its the day after our anniversary) and he will go with me and then we will celebrate our anniversary. I am very happy with this new place so far, i even asked them if there would be a problem doing IVF with my own eggs being that i am 44 and the lady i was talking to said, well it depends on what your blood tests show, not your age :happydance: oh happy day that i found a place that bases things off of what my body is doing rather than a number!! I so cannot wait for the 9th to get here, i am just praying that everything falls into place. Oh and i told the lady that my old RE said that i did not need IVF because i get pg with IUI's and she said well thats not necessarly true, she said that something could be going on, and IVF could help, and she said that she thinks i was not being monitored well enough, and that could be part of the problem. whoo hoo, i am so excited!!

Awwww honey i am sending you huge :hugs: i know exactly how your feeling, that first AF is horrible, i wish i could take your pain away, all i can do is offer support and love, and prayers that the next bfp will be a sticky bean for you. Funny i always said oh i want a bfp, now i say i want a sticky bean, because what good does it do you to have a bfp that does not stay :hugs:
I am praying that everything falls into place too with you huni ,that all sounds so amazing,am so excited someone is finally listening to you ,such a happy time ,love always :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Ladies, I just wanted to pop in to say "hi" if I am allowed. 708 pages of posts! Wow! Great support. I feel I can relate to much of what I have read here. I am 34. no children. my honey is almost 50. he has two kids from his past marriage. when we started TTC, I felt like if I didn't get pregnant he would think less of me somehow. it is crazy. i also thought he might just give up since he already had kids...and didn't need anymore (he never said that, btw). Well, it did get pregnant (I am very early and i know I am not past the vulnerable period for MC yet). And I am so scared about all the birth defects that are more common in women who are older. But here I am, and I am going to do my best.
awww HA.... your words have made me cry... one day at a time chick... it is all we can do to cope when the worse happens... and when the days feel too long, just a minute at a time xx Rant away hun... I know I sure as hell did and you all stuck with me xx

FM pleased you are doing OK... I have been in a couple of hurricanes and it is a scary time, but if Irene has passed you and all is well then I am happy!

Dwigi... pantsville is a place I frequent too lol... and Google is def a mixed blessing!

Never I think HA has given you all of the main tests... but one other I would ask for is for your OH to have a semen analysis.
Ladies, I just wanted to pop in to say "hi" if I am allowed. 708 pages of posts! Wow! Great support. I feel I can relate to much of what I have read here. I am 34. no children. my honey is almost 50. he has two kids from his past marriage. when we started TTC, I felt like if I didn't get pregnant he would think less of me somehow. it is crazy. i also thought he might just give up since he already had kids...and didn't need anymore (he never said that, btw). Well, it did get pregnant (I am very early and i know I am not past the vulnerable period for MC yet). And I am so scared about all the birth defects that are more common in women who are
[/PHP] older. But here I am, and I am going to do my best.

Congratulations on your pregnancy :flower:

Without sounding rude, this thread is for ladies trying to conceive their first child. The ladies that are pregnant using this thread have been on here for a long time and have been on here since they were trying and are not regularly posting in order to not offend the ladies still trying for the elusive BFP.

Many women on here have also been trying a lot longer than you havenn

There is a "pregnancy over 35" section that would be much more suitable for you at this point.

Good luck and I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy :flower:

Padbrat...thanks hun..although the twazack thinks he has super sperm :dohh:

Feeling a bit I should have been announcing our pregnancy to family :cry:


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