TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Purple, I can't talk from experience but just what others have said on the board that you are more fertile after an mc so personally I would go for it but I guess it is all about how you two feel :hugs::hugs:
I don't feel in a place to offer advice since I have not been where you are at, but I wondered, since your FS mentioned quite aggressive treatment for your poor ovaries with IUI, how different would that be from IVF? would the medication tollbe that different? and is the success rate very much changed between IVF and IUI. it sounds like you have started to formulate a plan and I think Gut instinct is a good place to start, as you know where you are emotionally and physically (not to mention financially) I hope the choice comes to you easily, and does not cause any additional stress or worry (because I think you have had a busload of that) Big :hugs:

p.s. as for M&Ms - Yummy!! Ive been hitting the salty snacks hard the last few days, crips (chips) and peanuts and Im planning on an alcoholic drink or two tonight!

Oh believe me, I've knocked back more than a few drinks in the last week as well! And it's not going to stop any time soon - this weekend is a holiday weekend over here, so we're getting together with our best couple friends who've been there for us through all this and we're all getting sh*t-faced together - at least that's MY plan!! :drunk:

When I asked the RE about what protocol he would likely use on me for IVF, it would be about 4x the stims that I've been on for IUI. For IUI he's had me on 100-150 iu follistim (injectable FSH) once a day; for IVF he said he'd probably prescribe 200-250 iu twice/day. And for my age and our diagnosis/history, the per-cycle success rate of IVF is almost twice what it is for IUI. Our out-of-pocket costs would be about 10x higher for IVF, though, and that's a huge leap. He also said we should be prepared to do 3 IVF cycles, so it's a LOT of money....

I'm trying not to let myself "decide" on a path just yet - I'm trying to live in both possibilities for a while to see how each one feels before we start allowing ourselves to think in more definite terms (if that makes any sense).

Butterfly, good luck this weekend!

Dwrgi, Purple's right about the meds adding lbs - I completely forgot about it by now, but in my first two months on injectables I gained 8 lbs. It was nuts.

And Purple, there have been some recent studies just in the last year finally proving that after an early loss, there is no physical reason to wait to ttc again. Most drs will recommend you wait until after your first post-mc AF so that if you get pregnant again that cycle, the pregnancy is easier to date accurately. But plenty of women haven't even waited that long and everything has turned out fine. For a 2nd or 3rd tri loss you do have to wait significantly longer for physical reasons (the longer you were pregnant, the longer it takes your body to recover), but if you want to start again right away there is no physical reason not to. Emotionally, though, it's a very different story. My counselor likes to remind me that I should wait as long as it takes until I am ok with the possibility of a negative outcome, either a negative HPT or another mc. Otherwise you begin to pile grief upon grief and it becomes harder and harder to find your way out of it. Of course, when you're staring down the biological clock, that's a lot easier said than done. I try to weigh the two options - either the possibility of another negative outcome or the fear of the clock - and choose the lesser of two evils.

Have a great day, ladies. :flow:
Glad you had a positive & productive consult. You have good response to IUI so if you do a couple before moving on to IVF which does seem to be more taxing physically & financially, you can. You have time so do not let anyone panic you into rushing into something you are not ready for.

Many people I know say that it usually takes more than one IVF procedures to work. Do not be afraid to tell them to switch your trigger shot brand. Hang in there.

Hugs to Purple. I say start TTC as soon as you & your DH feel ready. The other girls have good advice.

Hi to Butterfly, Northstar, OMM, FM, Padbrat, Twinkle, etc.

Babies are good. Very excited about the long Labor Day weekend. Atlanta traffic is going to be crazy with college & pro football, baseball, DragonCon all downtown this weekend. Just ladies to know I'm thinking of you.
manuti - how are you? when is your DH home next - I cannot even imagine how hard it is to ttc in your situation :hugs:

Awww, thanks for asking. Sadly I'm feeling rubbish today because the :witch: got me and that's now me out of the game until DH and I are back together in November. :cry: Very frustrating. But when he's next home, we're going to go the Dr and look into freezing his sperm so that we can start doing IUI and hopefully be able to try every cycle, even if he's not physically here. Weird, but I think we're at that point now.

Hope you're doing ok. :hugs:
Butterfly, thank you and big :hugs: and plenty of :dust: back for you!! hoping that you catch that eggy this month xx

wooly - how are you doing with the whatever waggon (no poas/temping etc) I admire your willpower!! and hope you catch the eggy! xx

OMM - when is your appt with the FS, I hope he is a good one who treats you right and you results!!

Padbrat - how long till you go for your treatment, Im sending you :dust: :dust: :dust: in advance so you have plenty for when the time comes!

Dwrgi - I just wanted to send you ginormous :hugs: are you feeling ok after your appt yesterday? don't worry about the 10lbs - you are entitled and Im guessing the meds have caused it! big lovesxx

manuti - how are you? when is your DH home next - I cannot even imagine how hard it is to ttc in your situation :hugs:

hi Norstar :hi: how are you doing??

Never - how are you sweetie?? I hope you are doing ok and healing. big :hugs: and loves.

Hi Lava, skye, MA - hope you ladies and your babies are doing good :hugs:

I am sure I am missing someone- sorry, it's been a long week, if it's you, then :hugs: and Im sorry xx

afm - we have decided that as age is against a bit that we will try again, I have to do a PT after 2/52 and ring the clinic to make it's negative and then they suggested waiting a few months, but after reading a lot of posts on the site generally it seems that advice ranges a lot from not waiting to waiting 6 months or more...... I don't think we have 6 months to wait to be honest. Im not sure what you ladies think about this or what your experience has been. this has been so hard, but I honestly think I have drawn (and will continue to draw) strength (and wisdom) from you all here! thank you. would be interested in any advice thou'. xxx

Hi honey, my appt is on the 9th so next friday. I got a peak on my fertility monitor this morning and i have to say i was shocked, i figured i would ovulate next tuesday or so and now i am wondering if we have been missing it, today is cycle day 11 for me, funny i just never thought i was ovulating that early lol.

As for your situation, honey the only thing i can say is you know in your heart when its time to do it again, do not rush into it, if your body and mind are not in to it, it may not work. For me it really depended, usually we would take at least one cycle off. Lets see the first one was Aug 09 that we got pg with IUI's, when i m/c with that one, we did not do the next one until Oct 09, that was the one that i went 9 weeks, after we lost that one (D&C on Christmas Eve) i wanted NOTHING to do with babies, or TTC or anything until May 2010, that one was another chemical, and we gave up until November 2010. So you really need to do what works for you, dont let anybody push you into it, you will know when your ready to try, a couple of months is not going to make a difference. :hugs: Thats just my opinion hun :hugs:
HA, am glad you had a good consult with your RE and things are looking more positive. I hear what Chris is saying about going straight for IVF and I see the logic in that particularly after what she has been through but also I see that it could be worth doing the IUI again for you maybe a couple of times this year. I think one advantage you might have is your age (you still have a good few years!) so you maybe have the time to do the IUIs without having to rush into the IVF. Yes, there is probably more of a chance with IVF but like you say the cost could be high and if you have time to set some aside that would help.

Anyway, am pleased there are lots of options for you and am sure you will get your BFP :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Dwrgi I think I missed your post as have been offline quite a bit recently but wanted to send :hug: and although I don't know what it is like to be in your shoes, from reading the posts of the ladies on here it seems that after what you have gone through there is a lot of disappointment and sadness in the immediate aftermath and the feeling that you can't go through this anymore but I hope that given a bit of time and consultation with doctors you will come up with a plan that will give you a little one soon. I agree with the other ladies about donor eggs - in fact what padbrat said made so much sense about your blood and fluids plus placenta and everything being part of that baby and making it yours, makes total sense and I had not thought about that before although I am not averse to using donor eggs myself if I need to anyway. So :hugs::hugs::hugs: to you too and to anyone else who needs it, especially Purple :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Butterfly, your so right, see thats where i was at 2 years ago. I guess you could do a couple more IUI's HA, but dont keep going forever like me lol.
Thanks ladies, I appreciate all the advice and help :hugs:

I realised I forgot Twinkle and FM - ladies I am soo sorry - big :hugs: to you both I hope you're good!

Manuti - I am sorry the dread :witch: came! :hugs:
Morning guys! How are you all?? I hope that you all have good plans for the weekend? Isn't it a Labour Day weekend in the US? Hope all you US girls have a great one-HA, way to go on those beers, and good to have supportive friends around you!

I also wanted to say HA, that I'm glad you had a productive consult with your RE, and you have a lot of things to think about. My advice to you, after being through it myself, go straight to IVF. It may be more expensive, but it might only need one. Yes, there are more meds involved, but more supervision too and far more monitoring of what is going on. I think that IVF is a HUGE mental leap from IUI, and I know this as I struggled with it too, but once that leap is made, you wondered why you ever farted around with the IUI, as that is the small boy to the IVF's BIG BOY. Go for it-if I knew then what I know now, I would have gone for IVF two years ago, and perhaps had a better chance of success as amh levels would be higher. The longer you leave IVF, the more slim your chances of success. Go for it! :thumbup:

Purple, hun, how are you??? You seem so strong and so sorted. I so admire you. It is interesting that Amanda Holden announced she was three months pregnant recently, which would mean she conceived in May, three months after losing her baby at 8 months. Wow. You've got to give that girl some credit, although she said she is terrified. I guess the point of my long ramble, is that everybody is different, and you do what is right for you. I think there is good sense in the advice to leave it until you feel stronger but if you feel strong enough to go for it, then just do it. My friend did exactly the same, she conceived about three months after an mc and gave birth to baby Thomas nine months later. So, do what feels right, but don't feel you have to wait. Good luck girl!! :flower:

Butterfly-hope you catch the egg. So you're having a Bonk Holiday!!!! Ha ha ha! Sorry, that joke would have worked if it was last weekend but I couldn't resist! Good luck with DTD!! Fingers crossed for you! :hugs:

Manuiti-so sorry that stupid evil hag AF arrived. And so frustrating for you? Did anybody on here say anything about freezing sperm? Completely unromantic, but it will still end up in a much loved baby..... Hope you're okay and hang on in there. :hugs:

OMM-same as for Butterfly, catch the egg, Chris! It is so typical of the body to catch us out like this, but at least you've caught your peak. Remember the egg will hang around for up to twelve hours so no time to waste! Good luck hun!! Incidentally, what is the monitor like? is it much better than the conventional ovulation sticks? Would you recommend it?? Am intrigued! Thanks! :hugs:

Macwooly-how are you doing hun? Hope you're feeling okay? Thinking of you.:hugs:

Hello NorthStar, Twinkle, Desperado, Pad, Lava, Skye, FM and Never and anybody that I may have missed. Have a great weekend! Thinking of you all,

AFM-I have ordered DHEA. The question is, with my low amh, why didn't they tell me to start taking them back in April, in advance of my treatment??? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: Oh dear, I'm becoming aggresive and I haven't started taking them yet!! It's the hairiness that I'm more concerned about!
Love, Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
P.S. Anybody know how MA is getting along?
Hi Girls :)))
Sorry I still don't have time to do a full catch up reading session so I will just comment on a few posts.

I'm so sorry that this thread have experienced so many lows after a good few highs 2-3 weeks ago. :cry::hugs::hugs::hugs: But this also shows that BFP's are not so scarce and impossible.

Ha, I'm really glad you had a good consultation with your fs. He seems to be very attentive and on the ball with your tx. About ICSI vs IVF issue ICSI has higher fertilisation rates and yet IVF embies tend to be stronger. Yet there was a good few girls who had their ICSI BFP's after many trials. My IVF to ICSI fertilisation rate was a lot more lower. OUT of 10 IVF had 3 fertilised one went to perfect blasto was put back. Out of 14 ICSI I had 7 blasto. 1 perfect ICSI blasto was put back along with the IVF. Dunno which one attached. Rest of my blastos that was frozen was ICSI (All very good quality) and the IVF's declined. The explanation I got for the IVF fertilisation was that it was hard to tell which eggs were better quality before actually doing the fertilisation so pure luck but my lesser quality eggs went to the IVF dish.
Hon I believe your dr that you have had bad luck and you will finally have your healthy bb if you keep trying. You have been through a lot of hard time and emotional rollercoaster. Many many hugs to you. Whatever you decide (IVF-IUI) I hope it is the best decision for you and you would have your bb very very soon rather than after many other trials. Cause all the txs needs a firm bank account and steely nerves which is very rare. I almost completely lost it after my first IVF. I couldn't stomach IUI at all from the start. Perhaps it would have been easier if I did try IUI since it's so much more gentle for the body but I couldn't bring myself to face possibilty of trying for a few times. All the decision making is so unnerving cause you never know which one will actually work. Many good lucks, hugs and fairy dust xx

Dwrgi sweetie I don't know what caused all this disappointment on your tx. I think our Eastrogen levels were the indication to how close the eggs were about t surface. And I think the limit was 1200 before trigger. But somehow all these levels can vary in every country. ?????? Really confusing isn't it. Did you have your follow up with you clinic yet? As to trigger I was told to use 1,5 doses of it. Can't remember the name of the med but it was a cold chain injection (needed to be kept in the fridge) . Some girls were given up to 3 doses. I'm guessing my dr used a lower dose syringe and tuned it to personal need.
Have u ever tried to check your clinics sucess rates onthe HFEA website just to confirm your trust on their decisions?

This is a government vessel that inspects, controls and compares all the clinics in the UK (NHS and private) The results on the website is from 2009 but it gives a good indication.
Sweetie I can not think of anything else for you. I really hope you could figure out how to progress further and have your healthy pregnancy very very soon. Many many hugs and fairy dust xxxxxxxxx

Debs, where r u at sweets??? R u on tx. Hope everything will go perfect this time and you get your little girl to keep. xxxx:kiss::kiss::kiss:

Purple I am so so sorry to find out about your bad news. :cry::cry::cry: I was so happy when u announced your BFP. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: I hope you and DH could heal very sooon. One good thing to hang on to is that now you know you can get pregnant and let's hope that your next BFP will be speedy and sustain a healthy pregnancy for 9 months. :hugs::hugs:

Nevernever sweetie :hugs::hugs::hugs: How r u? I hope you are a little better. I don't know if u r prepared to talk about it yet but did you find out why you have experienced this lost? Did u get any lab work done at all? I'm sorry if this question isn't sthg you wanna talk about and just ignore it in that case. Many many hugs and kisses to you and your DH.

All other lovely girls in here lot's of kisses and baby dust to all xxxxx

AFM I had an odd week. I went to have a holiday with a friend for a few days and came home to find my mum quite ill. Her rheumotiod condition has progressed massively and all the heavy medication she is on doesn't seem to control it. It's very hot in Turkey during summer period and I'm almost sure that this is what causes her ilness to progress every year along with her lack of self care. She runs around in the sun gardening, shopping house work etc which she should not be doing in even in Spring time. Stubborn mum:dohh::dohh: I stayed with her a few days and came to a seaside with DH as planned. She will have a heavy dose of meds on 7th and needs sone to look after her. I'm tempted to go back but I started getting more and more tired recently. + DH doesn't want me to go since this is our last holiday before bb. If she had more sense and took good care of herself her health wouldn't have been this bad now.:shrug::shrug::shrug: I have an anamoly scan on 11th back in UK. I also need to sort out birth and school arrangements for bb etc etc... But mum needs me. I'm in a dilemma if I should cut my holiday halfway and go back for a few days or go back to the UK on 11th and come back a few days later. Both very tiring for me... :wacko:
Really girls pls don't misunderstand me but my mum needs a slap sometimes. Her health gives her more than a slap but she just ignores it. Siiiigh, siiiiiighhhhh....... On the good side mum's on antidepressants finally, seems a little more calm and reasonable. Also seemed to realise that she was wrong last time (although she doesn't admit it) when she was in Turkey and she showed more interest in my bb.

Right now I'm resting in a lovely small hotel in Bodrum. Hanging out by the pool with ducks and sort of worrying about my mum. :shrug:

That's all for now xxx
Hello lovely ladies - I've been MIA for a while. I've just caught up the last few pages -

HA, Never, Purple and Dwrgi - sending you lots of love and hugs - I've been thinking about you so much over the last few days.

Skye, I'm sorry your Mum's not well - hope she sees sense and starts taking more care of herself.

Lava - glad the babies are good.

Hey Padbrat, Wooly, OMM, Butterfly, FM and anyone else I've missed.

AFM - DH went for his SA on Thursday - his 31st birthday (just what every birthday needs - jizz in a cup!) Bless him he was so nervous - I had to wait in the waiting room, they took him through a door with a big sign on that read Biohazard - always helpful - and then apparently it was just a bare room with an examining couch & a toilet in - not very condusive to the job in hand!
I took him out & bought him a suit for his birthday afterwards & then we went to the seaside for fish & chips which cheered him up!
Hello ladies - I'm just popping by to advise I will be MIA for a while. My depression has got worse to the point I'm back to the doctors on Monday to discuss anti-depressants and I just need to step away from TTC for a while and get myself right but we will be NTNP as long as I can get some anti-depressants which will allow for that.

Sending lots of :hugs::dust: and love to all and hoping to read some BFPs and sticky beans when I feel well enough to come back.

Take care all xxxx
AFM-I have ordered DHEA. The question is, with my low amh, why didn't they tell me to start taking them back in April, in advance of my treatment??? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: Oh dear, I'm becoming aggresive and I haven't started taking them yet!! It's the hairiness that I'm more concerned about!
Love, Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
P.S. Anybody know how MA is getting along?

Dwrgi, there's always waxing for that extra hair!! :haha: I'm glad you seem to be feeling a little better. As for MA, she's having family problems with her parents being a general pain in the rump, but she's only about 40 days from her EDD so getting along very well, all things considered. She posts pretty frequently over on the graduates thread: 35+ TTC 1st Graduates.

Hello ladies - I'm just popping by to advise I will be MIA for a while. My depression has got worse to the point I'm back to the doctors on Monday to discuss anti-depressants and I just need to step away from TTC for a while and get myself right but we will be NTNP as long as I can get some anti-depressants which will allow for that.

Sending lots of :hugs::dust: and love to all and hoping to read some BFPs and sticky beans when I feel well enough to come back.

Take care all xxxx

Wooly, this business takes such an incredible toll on everyone - it's really smart to take the time you need to get yourself well. I go to counseling once/week and I'm on bupropion and buspirone myself, for depression and anxiety respectively. The counseling and meds have made a big difference in my state of mind, and my ability to withstand all the grief and disappointment of feeling like a failure every month. Just know we'll be here anytime you need a hug - please pop in whenever you feel up to it. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thanks to all of you who've shared your opinions on my IUI vs IVF debate - I really appreciate your input and value the shared knowledge of your experiences. I go back and forth every day. Yesterday I was firmly in an IVF now state of mind but today I'm more ambivalent. We have at least two more weeks to decide what we want to do next month, and I'm sure I'll continue to flip-flop right up until the point we start a tx of any kind. My list of pros and cons keeps getting longer....

Have a good weekend, everyone. :hugs:
Hello ladies - I'm just popping by to advise I will be MIA for a while. My depression has got worse to the point I'm back to the doctors on Monday to discuss anti-depressants and I just need to step away from TTC for a while and get myself right but we will be NTNP as long as I can get some anti-depressants which will allow for that.

Sending lots of :hugs::dust: and love to all and hoping to read some BFPs and sticky beans when I feel well enough to come back.

Take care all xxxx

Wooly, I think you need some extra big :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: You take all the time you need and just focus on feeling better. It sounds like your doctor is very understanding, so I hope you get the help you need. I've had two bad bouts of depression in my life (I think hubby has been keeping an eye on me since we had our test results, as it never really 'goes', does it?), so if you need to talk anytime, I'm always here.. we all are :hugs:

I know your lovely husband will take good care of you, but go easy on yourself and get well soon.

Much love,

C xx

OMM-same as for Butterfly, catch the egg, Chris! It is so typical of the body to catch us out like this, but at least you've caught your peak. Remember the egg will hang around for up to twelve hours so no time to waste! Good luck hun!! Incidentally, what is the monitor like? is it much better than the conventional ovulation sticks? Would you recommend it?? Am intrigued! Thanks! :hugs:

AFM-I have ordered DHEA. The question is, with my low amh, why didn't they tell me to start taking them back in April, in advance of my treatment??? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: Oh dear, I'm becoming aggresive and I haven't started taking them yet!! It's the hairiness that I'm more concerned about!
Love, Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
P.S. Anybody know how MA is getting along?

So far i have to say i love the monitor, its so easy to use, the hardest thing is to remember to pee in a cup first thing in the morning. I used the OPK's for a long time, and i always struggled to tell if they were or were not positive, this thing takes all the worry out of it, and i like that it tests estrogen and LH, i think this is important, because for me i tested with the OPK's too, and they are still showing i have not gotten a positive yet, which means if i was following them i would have missed the egg. So yea, i think they are way more accurate than just an OPK. Now i have heard about another monitor, called the Ovucue, i guess it goes by saliva, i was torn between which one to go with.

As for the DHEA, dont worry about it too much, i was on it for months, and i never had a problem with it, either for being agressive, or for hair. I think when we are older, our bodies need it, so it does not affect us in a bad way. I agree, i dont know why your doctor did not tell you to use it before, but i guess at least now you know, and so do i lol. I am going to pick some up for me in preperation for my hopeful IVF lol.
Hello ladies - I'm just popping by to advise I will be MIA for a while. My depression has got worse to the point I'm back to the doctors on Monday to discuss anti-depressants and I just need to step away from TTC for a while and get myself right but we will be NTNP as long as I can get some anti-depressants which will allow for that.

Sending lots of :hugs::dust: and love to all and hoping to read some BFPs and sticky beans when I feel well enough to come back.

Take care all xxxx

I'm sending you super big hugs honey you take as much time as you need for you, we will miss you, but we will be sending you all kinds of love to you. Take care of yourself honey, depression is nothing to play around with. :hugs:
dear Wooly, sending you a ton of super big :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: please rest and take it easy and let everyone spoil you and look after you. I really hope you feel well soon, big loves, Lou xx
skye I am sorry to hear bout your mum being poorly. Its such a worry isn't it when they are far away! I hope now she is on the meds, maybe she will realise she needs to take better care of herself. please make sure you get the rest you need! :hugs:
Thanks to all of you who've shared your opinions on my IUI vs IVF debate - I really appreciate your input and value the shared knowledge of your experiences. I go back and forth every day. Yesterday I was firmly in an IVF now state of mind but today I'm more ambivalent. We have at least two more weeks to decide what we want to do next month, and I'm sure I'll continue to flip-flop right up until the point we start a tx of any kind. My list of pros and cons keeps getting longer....

Have a good weekend, everyone. :hugs:

Honey even i am doing the back and forth thing, as much as i am excited about doing the IVF, i keep thinking, hmmmmm maybe we should do the IUI again, its way cheaper and i can get more of them in, but for me, i am not going to do it, i am going with IVF, and weather i use my own eggs or donor eggs, one way or another i will have a baby!!! Its so hard to decided, IVF is a LOT of money, and there are no guarantees, but did you think about looking into places that have a refund policy, i know we have a few here in IL, if you buy a package, which i think is 3 IVF's and you dont have a baby they refund your money. It could be something to think about, this way, you win either way, you either have a baby, or you get your money back. Its funny because i keep thinking about you and i am like yeah she should do the IVF, then i am like well she is young enough and has the time why not a couple more IUI's then i think no why not go for "The Big boy" and Dwrgi said lol. Such a tough decision, but i know you will make the right one for you and your DH. Sending you massive hugs, and i am so excited for you to try again, i admire your strength!!
Skye, i am sorry your mom is not doing well. I had to laugh when you said she needed a slap, i was reading what you wrote, and i thought geeze she is a big girl, why cant she take care of herself, does her future grandchild not matter to her, but i also understand what she is dealing with is not easy, i have an uncle with RA, and its not pretty. Sending you tons of hugs, that she will be better and you wont have to make a decision on weather to stay or go to her. Just make sure you take care of yourself ok honey!! :hugs:
Twinkle, tahnks for thinking about me xx bless your poor DH - what a way to spend a birthday, although i guess the mans part of testing is not much compared to what the women have to go through.

Dwrgi - I am glad I give the impression of being strong and together - I have done my fair share of crying (more than my fair share probably) I think I was sort of prepared for it to be honest, as bad as that might seem (I think Im a pessamist) I felt terrified and convinced myself that something would go wrong and really couldn't believe that I would be so 'lucky' to have everything go right, iykwim??! we are sort of thinking that if it took 5 months before to happen, it's likely to take at least that to happen again (see Im definitely a pessamist) so maybe all that helps.
so do you think you'll be going with another cycle soon?? and what is DHEA (pardon my ignorance) as for any hairyness - is it all over?? you could be warm for winter if you could grow your own little coat :D

OMM - I also Ovulate around day 10/11 (according to FF) I have got a cbfm - not used it yet, but might do for next cycle I think, need to read the instructions etc first.

huge :hugs: to everyone xxx

afm - Im doing ok, had a small wobble on friday afternoon when my GP called, he was telling me that the heamatolgist at the hospital had made an appointment for me for next week, because of some weird blood test result and chest pain I had several years ago. I had to explain that I'd had a MC..... after I managed to regain my composurer we discussed it and decided that I should still go to the appointment as it may have a bearing on future pregnancies. it's really bad on my part but I am struggling to remember the details of what I was told way back when all this happened, so at least the new Doc may be able to help me out with that. I hoping it will be a very quick "everything's fine" type appointment, anyway that's my wednesday morning planned. Luckily I am doing home visits all day on wednesday so I can sneak off to the hospital without it affecting work etc.

ladies, enjoy the rest of the weekend, especially you US ladies who have a holiday I think! xxx

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