TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Ladies thank you for your kind words :friends:

I've seen the doctor and have an appointment with a counsellor later today so we're going to try a couple of weeks of counselling twice a week initially before trying anti-depressants as they can take 4-6 weeks to show a positive effect anyway.

So I'll be lurking still a bit especially as we're going to NTNP for a couple of months whilst I work on me so won't be much to report apart from when AF arrives.

Sending loads of :hugs::dust: and love to all x

I am glad that your seeking help, i hope that the councellor will be able to help you, but honey there is no need to lurk unless you want to, you have lots of things to report, we are not just about babies you know, i am sure you have lots of fun interesting things that you do besides that. Sometimes i get so sad when i realize that all we do and think about is TTC, when there is so much more to us than that. I think your a wonderful amazing women!!! And you feel free to pop on and give me any and all advice you want!!:hugs:

Thank you OMM :friends:

Well I do care for my 4 dogs and 3 cats so happy to bore people silly about my furbabies and killing myself daily with exercise and healthy eating as I will lose 100lb before the end of 2012 :)
Help - I'm in danger of falling off the wagon - I've got really sore nipples (sorry!) which I've never had before & a tiny weeny bit of me has got my hopes up. Drag me back on quick!!!

You can hang on tight to me as I'm firmly on it :hugs:
Chris best find a clinic that has very firm live birth results and go along with their suggestions. Dye test and laparoscopy does 2 different things but you wouldn't have been pregnant at all if your tubes were blocked (your eggs obviously can travel along the tubes to meet the sperm) So dye test is irrelevant. IVF has a hysterescopy step which scrapes all the scar tissue inside the womb. ???? Also we had a lovely girl here "Hearty" who had adonometrisis. Not sure the exact medical explanation but she had abnormal lumps in her uterus which made her have multiple mcs. She had very painful periods. Maybe that doesn't apply to you. Worth raising the question to your fs if there might be sthg in your uterus causing mc? C what he says...
Going for a very very good clinic is a good idea so you know all their tx is worth your money. Perhaps you end up paying more but at least you don't waste your health money or time. The drs in the UK didn't even count my IVF in Turkey. They said it looked unprofessional.
I gotta run sorry. Will catch up later on today or tomorrow morning. xxxx

Thanks honey, and your right, i know my tubes must be open, but do you think a dye test would show something in the uterus that the saline test did not? I guess it could just be old eggs, with chromosonal problems, i mean i am not the only one that has had multipal m/c you know. See my thing with IVF, is what if with the IUI's i dont release all the eggs that they are showing there, or what if maybe my eggs are a bit tougher for the sperm to get in there, thats where i think IVF could help. Ugh so confusing. Thanks so much for all this info, it really helps me get things ready to see the doctor on friday.

Dwrgi, can i ask how much DHEA did your doctor say to take? I bought some this weekend, and I am going to start taking it in preperation for our next cycle, but i do not have any idea how much i should take. I have 50 mg tablets right now.

Good morning all my other lovely ladies, yeah for a holiday in the US!!! I hope all of you are well, and i am sending big :hugs: to all of you!!

Hi Chris

Good luck on Friday-it sounds like you have lots of interesting questions to ask!

My FS said to take 75mg per day-so 25mg three times a day. I guess you can halve your 50mg tabs and administer them that way.

Hope you're okay? Lots of love to you,
Axxxx :hugs::hugs:
wooley - I would love to hear about your furbabies and whatever else you are up to! :hugs:

Hi ladies, hope you are all well and enjoying monday...I suspect the US ladies are having a better day than us back in the UK, Dwrgi - have you started back at school??

Im having a bit of a crappy day, I feel well in myself but really nothing. I have been fine doing my normal work, but if any of my work colleagues came to see me, and was nice (which they all are) I just wanted to burst into tears.... I feel impatient with myself. I wish I could just explain what has happened but I don't even think I can say the word "miscarriage" out loud. anyway came home and DH had brought chocolate for me and made me a big cup of tea (I had texted him and said I was wobbling a bit) so after letting it all out at home I feel loads better. I wonder if its the remains of hormones that's making feel like this, because in my head I am feeling quite rational and sane....

anyway - Ive gone on long enough. Huge :hugs: to you all - love you ladies xx
Dear Lou

I think it is completely normal to feel like you do. Not only are you emotionally affected by the mc but your body is adapting to the change in hornones, and it causes all sorts of unwanted side effects. Don't forget you need to grieve for your baby and that may take a while, and it really doesn't matter how long it takes. We are all different. It is a very difficult situation and takes a lot of time to adjust to, so take each day as it comes, hun. Don't worry if you're having a bad day-they will happen, and it's a matter of getting through them. It sounds like you have the most amazing DH and he obviously knows what works for you. Be kind to yourself, don't expect to get over it 'just like that' (thanks Tommy Cooper), just one day at a time.

Thinking of you hun, and just want you to know that you will feel better. It just takes time.

Lots of love, and sending you LOTS of virtual chocolates and flowers!!

Damn them hormones Purps... that is what it is chick... so you cry, rant or whatever to us babes! x

Dwrgi - you are so lovely... always thinking of others when you have had a crappy time. Sunshine to you huni!

Skye you yummy Mummy! You take care of yourself as well as your Mum!! Am serious!!! NO overdoing it OK. ((HUGS)).

Everyone else mucho luvs!
Ladies thank you for your kind words :friends:

I've seen the doctor and have an appointment with a counsellor later today so we're going to try a couple of weeks of counselling twice a week initially before trying anti-depressants as they can take 4-6 weeks to show a positive effect anyway.

So I'll be lurking still a bit especially as we're going to NTNP for a couple of months whilst I work on me so won't be much to report apart from when AF arrives.

Sending loads of :hugs::dust: and love to all x

I am glad that your seeking help, i hope that the councellor will be able to help you, but honey there is no need to lurk unless you want to, you have lots of things to report, we are not just about babies you know, i am sure you have lots of fun interesting things that you do besides that. Sometimes i get so sad when i realize that all we do and think about is TTC, when there is so much more to us than that. I think your a wonderful amazing women!!! And you feel free to pop on and give me any and all advice you want!!:hugs:

Thank you OMM :friends:

Well I do care for my 4 dogs and 3 cats so happy to bore people silly about my furbabies and killing myself daily with exercise and healthy eating as I will lose 100lb before the end of 2012 :)

See there you go, and we all love hearing about furbabies!!!! Wow, i am impressed, 100lbs, i think i have managed to lose maybe 10lbs and then went and messed it up today by eating a whole ton of chocolate :blush: I am proud of you honey, now that is an amazing thing, and i would love to hear about it, maybe it will help me from falling off the weight loss wagon lol.
Chris best find a clinic that has very firm live birth results and go along with their suggestions. Dye test and laparoscopy does 2 different things but you wouldn't have been pregnant at all if your tubes were blocked (your eggs obviously can travel along the tubes to meet the sperm) So dye test is irrelevant. IVF has a hysterescopy step which scrapes all the scar tissue inside the womb. ???? Also we had a lovely girl here "Hearty" who had adonometrisis. Not sure the exact medical explanation but she had abnormal lumps in her uterus which made her have multiple mcs. She had very painful periods. Maybe that doesn't apply to you. Worth raising the question to your fs if there might be sthg in your uterus causing mc? C what he says...
Going for a very very good clinic is a good idea so you know all their tx is worth your money. Perhaps you end up paying more but at least you don't waste your health money or time. The drs in the UK didn't even count my IVF in Turkey. They said it looked unprofessional.
I gotta run sorry. Will catch up later on today or tomorrow morning. xxxx

Thanks honey, and your right, i know my tubes must be open, but do you think a dye test would show something in the uterus that the saline test did not? I guess it could just be old eggs, with chromosonal problems, i mean i am not the only one that has had multipal m/c you know. See my thing with IVF, is what if with the IUI's i dont release all the eggs that they are showing there, or what if maybe my eggs are a bit tougher for the sperm to get in there, thats where i think IVF could help. Ugh so confusing. Thanks so much for all this info, it really helps me get things ready to see the doctor on friday.

Dwrgi, can i ask how much DHEA did your doctor say to take? I bought some this weekend, and I am going to start taking it in preperation for our next cycle, but i do not have any idea how much i should take. I have 50 mg tablets right now.

Good morning all my other lovely ladies, yeah for a holiday in the US!!! I hope all of you are well, and i am sending big :hugs: to all of you!!

Hi Chris

Good luck on Friday-it sounds like you have lots of interesting questions to ask!

My FS said to take 75mg per day-so 25mg three times a day. I guess you can halve your 50mg tabs and administer them that way.

Hope you're okay? Lots of love to you,
Axxxx :hugs::hugs:

Thank you so much, i will do that for sure, yea i really need to write down all my questions, i know i will get in there and go duhhhhhhh lol.
wooley - I would love to hear about your furbabies and whatever else you are up to! :hugs:

Hi ladies, hope you are all well and enjoying monday...I suspect the US ladies are having a better day than us back in the UK, Dwrgi - have you started back at school??

Im having a bit of a crappy day, I feel well in myself but really nothing. I have been fine doing my normal work, but if any of my work colleagues came to see me, and was nice (which they all are) I just wanted to burst into tears.... I feel impatient with myself. I wish I could just explain what has happened but I don't even think I can say the word "miscarriage" out loud. anyway came home and DH had brought chocolate for me and made me a big cup of tea (I had texted him and said I was wobbling a bit) so after letting it all out at home I feel loads better. I wonder if its the remains of hormones that's making feel like this, because in my head I am feeling quite rational and sane....

anyway - Ive gone on long enough. Huge :hugs: to you all - love you ladies xx

Awwww honey :hugs: you wobble as much as you need to, and yes some of it is the hormones bouncing all around, and some of it is grief. Do not be hard on yourself, and for goodness sake dont be impatient with yourself, you have just lost a loved one, there is no need to be mad at yourself that your grieving. I can tell you it will come and go at the oddest times too, but eventually the sadness goes away for longer and longer periods of times. Awwww yeah for your wonderful DH, its wonderful to have a good support system at this time. Sending you lots of hugs :hugs:
Purple :hugs:

OMM happy to post weight lose info if that will help :)

Just had my latest weigh in and in 7 weeks I've lost 14lb and a dress size :) A little closer to my target weight which will hopefully help me get my BFP :)
Greetings fellow over thirty-fivers!

A little about me:
I'm 37, as is my husband (married July 9th this year after an almost 5-year courtship).
We've been ttc for just over 2 years. No luck naturally.
All systems go on my side, hubby has mid-low sperm count, motility, and morphology
We had an IUI in April, followed by a :bfn: We wanted to try again but insurance wouldn't cover an IUI, so we've moved on to the IVF. We took a few months off from TTC for the wedding an honeymoon, and picked up this cycle.

I began BCP in August, followed by Menopur and Gonal-F. I had my trigger injection Saturday night and egg retrieval this morning. They were able to get 9 eggs. I will hear from the ED on Wednesday about the date of the transfer (either Thursday or Saturday).

I'd love any suggestions, feedback, and positive thoughts! I realize that I have only been in the trenches for a few years and have had only 2 assisted attempts, but I definitely get the frustration and tears. My thoughts are with you all as we travel this crazy road (hoping to hit a bump!). xoxo

This is my first post but I have been lurking for ages,
this is such a supportive thread and you women are amazing!

I am 38, DH 38 and we've been TTC for about 2 yrs. We had
early MC in 2008 and started IVF in July after what felt like eternity of
temping, using softcups. OPK's, different supplements, no coffee no alcohol etc etc. And every month AF arrives with a vengeance!

I had my EC yesterday and they got 21 eggs. I was told that I am at high risk of OHSS and they've asked me to drink plenty and measure my urine output until the ET.

I'm really worried that in spite of the amount of eggs they retrieved
we will fail this cycle. I am convinced that it is my duff eggs that
are the problem. DHs SA is within normal limits I believe.

I'm also still in a lot of pain which I hope is normal after the EC. I seem
to remember that some of you (Skye & FM???) had OHSS ?
How long did it last for you?

I'm finding it really hard to stay upbeat.
This is such a tough journey.

Sorry I haven't figured out how to do all the icons etc but am sending
Babydust and sunshine to you all !

Xx K
Hi Bearlake and welcome - wow, 21 eggs is a brilliant number, no wonder you are aching :hugs::hugs:

Fingers crossed it all goes well for you and you get some good embryos.
wooly! - you are a weight loss wonder! go you. I am so impressed :happydance: and :hugs: for you too!

Omm, padbrat, dwrgi - thank you soo much, I realise you are all going through your own difficulties and trials and I am so grateful to you. I feel "normal" now. DH is a superstar and I am so lucky to have him! but, I don't really have any close friends I can discuss all this with and my mum is not really much help to be honest, so this thread is a lifeline! big love to you all, and I am listening in return for anyone that needs me :hugs:

Hi Stacy, welcome to the thread :flower: Im sorry that your iui didn't work but I am hopeful you have a bfp from this IVF! oh and congrats on your wedding! sending you :dust: xx
Hi bearlake :hi: and welcome! its sounds like your treatment this time is going well so far, so Ill keep everything crossed for a BFP for you! may your stay on this thread be short :dust:
Sorry Stacy, I missed you :hi: and welcome, sounds like you and bearlake are in the same boat so to speak :hugs:
Hi Butterfly - how are things with you ? that fruit sculpture in your avatar looks so yummy!
Hello to the new ladies :hi:

Purple I'm in your neck of the woods so if you ever fancy a coffee and cake then yell :) NSN can vouch for the cake :)

Lots of :dust: to all x

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